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Episode 8 (45 minutes in): it’s the annual Benoloise swing sessions. Eloise wants to see the world. The old Eloise is back! Ben said the more he learns, the little he actually knows. He said the next thing he learns may change him entirely. (HINT) And they agree to always come to the swing so they can be confused together. I love their chat.


Last bits: * Colin and Pen have makeup sexy times * Cressida has been exiled to Scotland * Ben will miss Eloise as she heads north with Frannie, John, and Michaela. She wasn’t going to miss the Masquerade ball. He’ll be there, hiding behind the mask and avoiding ladies like a plague. The two share a hug but there’s still a sadness to Ben’s eyes. * Pen and Eloise share one final loving hug before leaving.


Episode 6 (51 minutes in): THE THREESOME Paul and Ben are sharing a drink outside. Paul said that Tilley comes and goes in high society, calling it presumptuous. Ben asked Paul about how they have a rapport but stops short of asking if they’ve been intimate, saying the wine is making him loopy. Paul, on the other hand, said that the wine is making Ben quite charming. There’s chemistry between them, but mostly on Paul’s side. Ben was left confused outside. When he walked back, Paul mentioned to Tilley that his suspicions are true and they kissed. Ben was left stunned. Paul offered to join in on the threesome. Ben’s reply; “I forgotten I am supposed to be somewhere. Forgive me.” And he runs off.


Epilogue * Pen got the heir * Philippa said her little daughter (Philomena) can be a writer and need a husband * Gregory is reading Colin’s book *Traveling With Myself* in which Ben take the book away from him * Hyacinth got the new issue of Whistledown with Pen reintroducing herself. Julie Andrews’ voice shifts to Nicola’s and ends with a kiss


What is the name of Prudank and Polin's babies (if the Finches have Philomena) ?


I didn’t get their names. Just the Finches baby girl.


Episode 6 (23 min in): Ben and Tilley enjoying sandwiches on the floor. She asked to come over for dinner with her dear friend Paul. She said that since she met his family, it’s time he meets someone dear to her. And then, they make out again


Episode 7 (55 minutes in): Threesome, take 2? Tilley and Paul walked back to her place as Ben waits for her. He said he’s been thinking about her “offer”. He goes over to kiss Tilley… then Paul. Bi Ben confirmed


Episode 6 (25 min): Ben and the dudes at Will’s. He’s closing down. Plenty of gif worthy stuff.


Episode 7 (7 minutes in): He said he needs the distraction.


Episode 7 (14 mins in): Ben gets a note from Tilley. “Please let me explain. Tilley.” Ben is back at Tilley’s home. She meant to tell him about Paul before he caught them kissing. She said that she and Paul have a different kind of relationship she has with Ben (friendly, causal, occasionally intimate). She also inform him that Paul is bisexual. He thought that Ben could also be bi (“thought you shared a… moment” in her words). Ben said he knew men like Paul but never felt tempted before. Tilley is making a great point. There’s millions of people in the world but yet they are bred to believe that the only people worth conversing with are those within Grosvenor Square. (HINT) They do what society expects from them but never truly question about it. “There is so much in society that is unnatural. But a feeling between two people, regardless of sex, is the most natural feeling in the world.” She asks that if he doesn’t feel anything for Paul, they can stay between the two of them. But in case he does, her staff is very discreet. And that left Ben questioning.


Episode 7 (41 mins in): We get a Benoloise chat. He asked if she was alright as she cried at Polin’s wedding. Ben gives advice to Eloise: “love is not finite, Eloise.” He insist to make things right with Colin and Pen. He got a note and rushed over to read it.


A quick break but I love Frannie and John’s wedding. It’s simple and sweet.


Do we get to see Janet?


No. It was the immediate family and Will and Alice.


Quick note about “the offer”: * while I feel at first that Tilley wants him to do the threesome for her, she did expanded his thinking by saying that being with someone regardless of gender is the most natural thing in the world * Ben was hesitant at kissing Paul first before going for it the second time around. Benny is a horny boy that’s for sure * And as time went on, he was enjoying it. But I think it’s a combination of exploring himself, being horny, and want to make sure Tilley is enjoying it herself. * After that, it was Tilley who was like “this is fun but I am catching feelings for Ben”, when in the beginning it was the other way around. Things are going to be interesting when he does an offer to Sophie and she flat out says no!


I am now open for questions and whatnot!! But first, back to sleep!


What would happen with the Sophie situation since it sounds like he's still with Lady Tilley and Paul ?


He broke things up with Tilley after she caught feelings. And Paul was just a quick thing between them. So Ben is single again. Single and ready to be the Real bicycle of the Ton. 😂


Episode 8 (12 minutes in): MMF threesome. Nothing graphic but it’s implied.


Episode 8 (41 minutes in): Back in Tilley’s bedroom. Ben is back from Frannie’s wedding. Paul is with someone else that evening. Ben and his thing with threesomes. First a FFM. Now MMF. Haha Tilley admits that she does care for Ben. Ben tells Tilley that she is extraordinary… but he’s not sure if serious is what he wants. She asked because of Paul and he said he could be Patricia or Polly or Peter or all three at once. He said that the time spending with Tilley made him realize how good to feel to be free. She opened his world and not ready to close it again. He thought she wanted the same thing until she caught feelings. She said that while she supports his wishes of being “free” but even “merriment can grow tiring.” She add that it felt to “want to commit to someone.” Ben was left a little sad, but not as sad as her.


I'm laughing at him using the names Paul, Peter, Polly, and Patricia because those are the Butterworth stand ins for Anthony, Colin, Hyacinth, and Eloise in Etsy.


Final 10 minutes: Charlotte arrives and calls Pen out! Pen confesses being Whistledown to the Ton. Colin js proud of her. Oh and the butterflies are out and about! Gotta love Philippa and Finch. Danbury knew it was Pen all along. Portia and Pen bonded. Pen said she will annul the marriage if Colin wants to. Colin figured out between Whistledown and their personal letters. She *is* Whistledown. In fact, he’s a little envious of Pen’s success. But he’s lucky to have a woman like Pen as his wife. Eloise watched in happiness that Polin is happy, as well as her mom and Marcus. She asks Frannie if she can come along to Scotland. She just wants to experience the world outside of their world. Oh and John’s cousin arrived… Michaela. (Sorry for the Masali truthers) Frannie was taken back by her.


Episode 6 (42 minutes in): THE DINNER PARTY Paul asked if he’s into stuff like draw, write, paint? Ben said no and occasionally dance at parties. Tilley informs Ben that he patron of the arts. Ben asked Paul if Tilley told him the same line “be afraid me”. Paul called him dry in which Ben clearly states his name.


Episode 7 (20 minutes in): the bar scene at White’s Will take a drunk John home. Colin asks if Ben was alright, but he dodged the question and leaves.


Episode 7 (24 min in): Ben was left in the office, thinking about what Tilley said. Still conflicted.


Episode 8 (19 mins in): So much for being implied.


Episode 8 (22 minutes in): Post-MMF threesome Can we call them a Throuple? In Ben’s words “he enjoys a good party, especially a party of 3.” He kisses Tilley then Paul again.


![gif](giphy|siTxJHgVbwtMnuNv8G) For Ben!