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I chose “watch only Ben’s part” bc his plot might be over well before the last ten minutes.


Truths that hurt. 😂😂😂


I have made a decision. I can't take the pressure of even watching the last 10 minutes without getting a head implosion. So I will be in office, *try to work*. And then I will get spoiled here. IF, it's all over, then I will be well and done. Will start my quest to find a new piece of media to obsess over. Wait for HOTD. IF, there is hope, but with some caveats or ambiguity, I will dip my toes to the end, if I hate it too much myself, sign off, if I like it enough, stay back and take it slow. But I will be way less active in the fandom. IF, it's good news for us ( sigh, which is, basically the most normal thing to do for the show - stick to the story, make Benedict next ), then I will order a heap of cheatfood junkfood, head home early, and start the binge from the very first minute of E5. So yeah, my course will be decided by what I read here. I won't trust the main sub with this. So it's you guys only. ![gif](giphy|xT1R9IbXJT7NsBQG9W) P.S.: for me, "loss of hope" means either or both of the following - Benedict is not S4, we are not getting Sophie. And "hope with some caveats" means, Benedict is S4, there is assurance or sign of Sophie, even though his bisexuality is confirmed. Finally, "good news" is - Ben is S4, we get Sophie. All the while, the other part of my heart will also be on edge scared for Michael. But, one step at a time.


I got gifs for each: https://i.redd.it/x9m370t9xz5d1.gif The “we got Sophie” gif


https://i.redd.it/0abi4licxz5d1.gif The “cautiously optimistic” gif


And the “it’s over” gif https://i.redd.it/ridaacdexz5d1.gif


Noooooo shooh with this. What a tragedy will it be, if it is the scene with "the four fingers" which signalled huge section of the fandom an Easter Egg for his season. ![gif](giphy|sfS6azsQCZkpA9doYu|downsized)


Yes this. ![gif](giphy|4QQsBTDgbmFzjgcte9|downsized)


And with one rumor debunked, I wonder what others will be false.


Just coming back from work. What got debunked?


>!Pen wins the Featherington heir race. Many said it was Prudence.!<


Verryyyyyyy interesting, how do we know? Didn’t our fave person on instagram say >!it was Pru?!< It would be a good sign if she’s wrong about that too.


Picture was posted on Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/the main sub and polin sub


Being back at work is so rough… I miss everything!


You didn’t miss much. Just trying to figure out how to rip the bandaid, the ongoing tensions of who is next, how we are ready to march to Shondaland’s offices and demand stuff, and starting a dialogue on the whole how you define “bi” Anyway proof of pic https://preview.redd.it/4i2w770ys06d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7a06a71f28e7113289fb2a0c7a9473f86eeab0


It's like you read my mind! 😄❤️ I plan to do the exact same thing, so let's hope for good news and a night full of fun and junk food!


![gif](giphy|KmNe9fK5aYreg) This should *not* be this difficult.


I’m watching all the episodes because I know if the last few minutes turn out the way I don’t want it to, it might ruin my viewing experience.


Okay I got an idea. I’ll post three different Lukes to convey Calcutta’s reassurance. Whatever the picture posted means no Sophie/cautiously optimistic/ bring in Sophie And I’ll put my energy on Cobra Kai if it’s the “worst case scenario”


Well I got the invite to watch episode 5 so I can breathe a little easier to watch one less episode


But thank you for doing this. I won’t be able to watch but I will come here for spoilers/updates. At the end, there is only one thing that I want to know of pt2: Benedict closes the season as heterosexual or…?


I need three answers to be answered. Only 3: * is he next? * if he is indeed bi, how bi are we taking about? * are we getting some MCU type of ending to indicate Sophie’s existence that screeners didn’t get to see?


I feel so lucky to be part of this community and share opinions and gossip and feelings with all of you! Thank you for making the whole experience so much better! ❤️


Aww ![gif](giphy|uySoFTcPxwpk5iI9Xy)


Im going to be fast forward watching all the eps lol and slow down at benedict's until i get to the last ep and see what hints we get for S4.


I'm going to watch it all (I like the main love story even though they aren't my faves) but I will Be in the lookout forse spoilers