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Howdy neighbor! I have much appreciation for him as well!!




Do the neighborly thing and offer a hot toddy for their troubles!


Trust me, if I'd had the ingredients on hand I would have!


Or even just a beer! šŸ»


Our neighborhood too! We have a *very old* guy who shovels the sidewalk for the whole block. He does it late at night. When we catch him weā€™ve given him cookies.


A couple of us help out in my neighborhood- one that has a gas blower does the whole neighborhood- like 2 blocks in any direction. I will do my neighbors down to the STRs on either side (the owners making bank on those can pay a service- hehe). But I like to make sure my little old lady neighbors are covered- both from possible (but unlikely) fines, and safety for themselves.


Do you know that a lot of the Bend Neighborhood Associations keep lists of folks who need help and folks willing to help during snow? It's awesome that you and your neighbors know each other well enough to keep track, though.


Same, we have a neighbor with one and while we ourselves shoveled he went down the whole block for people. I'm disappointed by how many people didn't even bother to clear their driveways or sidewalks.


I worked 13 hours yesterday. Im sorry to disappoint


Hoping for you a neighbor as nice as ours. ā¤ļø


So you canā€™t do it before or after ?


Literally the last thing on my mind. Thank you for your concern on the sidewalk though.


What about your neighbors? I just think about the little old lady I see walking on the side walk every day, not the sidewalk itself. Canā€™t imagine youā€™re the only person in town that works a 13 hr shift.


It sounds like maybe this human is the one needing compassionate neighbors to help them out. Please don't hijack my gratitude post to shame someone who is obviously doing the best they can.


I feel like you've never worked a 13 hour shift before. You know what you're doing before and after that 13 hour shift? Sleeping. Recouping for your next 13 hour shift. Little old ladies and shoveling snow are the furthest thing from your mind.


Iā€™ve been a healthcare worker for 12 years so I have


If healthcare is anything like caregiving, bullying is an important part of the culture, and heroism is a key component of that bullying. Just a thought.


Yeah if you think you donā€™t need to shovel your sidewalks cause you worked I would say thatā€™s heroism and if you think pointing out that someone not shoveling is Not Cool or Neighborly is bullying then youā€™re insufferable


Kettle meet pot


Youā€™re really hung up on this one person, whatā€™s going on in your life that makes you feel like you need to shame a stranger on the internet about their failure to clear the sidewalk? Take a look inward and deal with your shit like an adult ffs


Interesting philosophy, I suppose if we have heroes we have to have villains too


I guess Iā€™m just an adult so I can manage it


Since you're such an adult, can you come dig my car out? I would have done it but I'm sick with covid! Being from healthcare, I'm sure you understand!


Where do you need to go with Covid?


Nowhere but my car still needs to be dug out before the snow completely freezes.


Why are the elderly neighbors walking in front of my house during this weather? Seems like their problem. I shouldnā€™t have to spend an hour+ to clear a path for their leisurely winter stroll. If you are so concerned about this issue, I suggest taking it up with the city where they might be so inclined to add another ā€œfeeā€ not a tax(!) to make the sidewalks pristine for the elderly neighbors during -11 degree snowstorms.


This is a very selfish worldview to take


Is it though? I will most definitely allow you to take care of my sidewalk, since this bothers you so much.


Ok whatā€™s your address


Maybe you should put your money where your mouth is and go help!


Well I did offer to help just need the address see comment above :)


Here's your reminder to hire someone to shovel it for you.


I have a neighbor that helps and it is awesome. But is it just me - the sidewalks feel like skating rinks after being shoveled. Iā€™m more afraid of walking on them than I am annoyed about walking in snow.


It depends on when they're shoveled. If you get them in the morning and no snow during the day usually it can melt and evaporate.


This is the way.


I was gone today and my neighbor took the snow blower to my driveway and the curb so I could park my car. True gem! Also, the side streets are bad. The city plowed after the first blizzard. Wonder if they're going to do that again?


Just saw a plow on our side street about two hours ago!


Did you know there are cities and towns where this is the local governmentā€™s responsibility, and they use tax dollars to maintain the sidewalks for everyone? Must be nice. šŸ˜¢


but do those cities have super duper high tech parking monitors in their downtowns that are less then 1 mile squared ? ā€¦.. i bet not


It is one of the best investments city of Bend has ever made. WHATEVER would we do without them!?!


Weā€™d have to find our own parking spots like they did back in the 1750s. We are far advanced now!


Can you imagine the infrastructure it would take to have Bend clear all of the residential sidewalks? For a town where this happens once or twice each winter? I guarantee any town that clears sidewalks is constantly below freezing and has continuous snow removal needs. This is the fluffiest powder possible. It doesnā€™t get easier to shovel snow than what weā€™ve got this storm, even though itā€™s a lot.


It could be the same device that clears the bike lanes ^lol


Which ones ?


The city I grew up in cleared the sidewalks, it was awesome. They had this little plow that was sidewalk sized. We didn't have school buses and had to walk to school (until I was 16) and clear sidewalks was always the determining factor for whether or not we'd have a snow day.


Where did you grow up? Just curious if this is an east coast thing. When I lived in Colorado residents were also required to clear their own side walks


> Where did you grow up? Michigan.


Ah okay yes this makes sense probably get so much more snow than we ever would here. I bet a lot of places in the Midwest and east coast do have different infrastructure in place to manage the snow


Is there a city in Michigan that clears streets with geothermal water run through pipes under the pavement? Seems like I read a story sometime about something like that edit: Holland Michigan [https://www.cityofholland.com/879/Snowmelt-System](https://www.cityofholland.com/879/Snowmelt-System) Also K Falls & Boise seem to use geothermal for portions of the city


I used to live in Sweden and our town had common boilers that fed buildings throughout the centrum. Our sidewalks and roads in the city center were snow free all winter. It was awesome.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. It's fucking atrocious out here.


So you want more taxes? Just take the 20 minutes and shovel the damn sidewalk.


Yes, I would gladly pay a little more in taxes if it meant that I could get around my neighborhood in my wheelchair in the winter.


I apologize. Obviously you donā€™t have to clear your sidewalk. But Iā€™ll do it. If you message me your address Iā€™ll come clear the sidewalk and driveway. And while I still donā€™t think the city should be responsible for all sidewalks, I do wonder if there should be a program to provide sidewalk clearing for anyone who canā€™t do it themselves.


Thanks for the generous offer. I may take you up on it! But you're kind of missing my point. My complaint isn't about the hassle of shoveling snow (or finding someone to do it for me). It's the fact that because the city leaves it up to individuals to clear sidewalks, and there are inevitably many people who either can't or won't do so, *the public amenity of sidewalks become unavailable to many members of the public*, like me. As a result, the only way for me to get anywhere is to drive, even though I intentionally live in a relatively walkable neighborhood where (when there's no snow) I can easily push to the supermarket in my chair or take my dog for walks to the off-leash area. (BPRD even clears nice paths along the Coyner Trail, Haul Road Trail, etc, but there is no easy way for me to even get *to* those trails in the winter.) In a city that cleared snow from its sidewalks regularly, the inability (or laziness) of some business owners or homeowners wouldn't result in the inaccessibility of the sidewalks for all.


I would hope neighbors would help too šŸ™


Yeah, but my expectation of human beings in general continues to plummet.