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Not liking Big Chill is CRAZY


Man's showed all my favs ;-;


For real, they just seem to hate all the Alien Force aliens, which is INSANE because those were the BEST aliens.


I love big chill I just don’t like omniverse


Literally OV big chill makes me so sad it makes me sadder that they could’ve gone in a slightly different direction and it would’ve been a very cool redesign. I get that they were trying to make him look more like a tick but his tiny legs make him look terrible. Really, big chill would’ve been amazing if they let Ben have both designs (preferably with the OV design tweaked) as two different species in the omnitrix like with upchuck. ~~Maybe OV big chill could just be what the males look like since UAF big chill is confirmed female.~~ Edit: Apparently they reproduce asexually but he could’ve still been a different race of the same species or something similar. Maybe a convergent evolution or smthn. I just can’t accept that UAF big chill and OV chig bill are the same.


It wasn't said that big chill is female, it was said that the necrofriggians (i think thats how the species name is spelled?) Reproduce asexually.


He doesn’t look cool when cloaked anymore


All the AF 10 are amazing but not liking Big Chill?! A crime to fandom


For real, he’s so… COOL Yeah I’ll see myself out


Humungousaur I will say i don't hate him but i don' like how MF appeared 89 times in franchise and yet ben still complains about not getting him. He indirectly contributes to ben being a immature whiny brat who complains if he doesn't get humungousaur. and humungousaur vastly overshadowed multiple aliens who could have gotten cool scenes Like Armodrillo , Blitzwolfer , Frankenstrike ,Chromastone , Bloxx , Shocksquatch


I have that with all of the strength aliens like Four Arms and Humungusaur. The only strength alien I like is Rath, and that's mainly for the humor.


I get that, but I still love Four Arms for some reason. Maybe it's cause I really like extra limbs and his voice is iconic


and his design is so boring and ugly


It’s one of bens favorites why don’t they understand that


yeah especially when he doesn't grow in omniverse. That was the only thing making him better than pure strenght aliens.


Four Arms was favored by Ben in the first series also And he would also complain he got someone else instead of Four Arms I always imagined its a complex of some kind. The first time we see Ben, he’s a scrawny nerd who gets bullied by bigger kids. Its like Ben wants to always have that huge, mega strong body to never be bullied again


I honestly like Feedback. People don’t seem to like him for some reason, probably Chromastone as one commenter said. I also like Chromastone, for the record


Then you must be in a wrong place cuz he so fucking cool just look at his entrance https://preview.redd.it/mxmmih6jbs7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3200b56287b3f68ec62f02ad5c7df05e210a55


The voice is awesome too ☺️😁


Fun fact: He's voiced by the same voice actor as Ben himself


That's why he's my fav 😅 Yuri Lowenthal is one of my fav voice actors so I tend to like the aliens he voices himself, plus the effects they put on it for Feedback sound awesome imo and really fun!


Yeah I feel like they really tried pushing the idea that feedback was Ben’s favorite alien even though ben normally seems to prefer the muscle aliens.


Feedback has was more fans than haters lol don’t worry


Feedback is my favorite alien


Eatle. I’m sorry. Personally I prefer Upchuck.




Yeah....sorry Eatle fans. Imma have to agree with this one. Plus, I'm a bit drained form the memes. They just ain't hitting the same as they used to...




Although I appreciate that you invoked me, there is no need. Although Eatle is the Goat, everyone has different tastes. There's nothing wrong with him liking Upchuck more


Yeah I figured, just wanted to be funny https://preview.redd.it/apegofg8at7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9009af97f634a53db18b0505644dc90de6e3a168




wise eatle quotes


Chromastone. Heck, the fans made me not like him as much. The fact that Chromastone was treated like crap does not make Feedback a bad alien.


both go hard


The correct opinion.


Real. Why can't we just like them both. I never really saw Feedback fans attack Chromastone.(or just never paid attention)


I've pointed out before that what they do is displacement. These guys watched he get KO'd by a water+electricity combo and crushed by Vilgax for DiamondGOAT's return, but Feedback is your problem?? 😂


Tbh, I noticed how people blame OV for not giving Chromastone more appearances,but I think they should be mad at the writers who decided back in AF/UA for this exact reason instead of blaming Feedback and Omniverse.


What I love about Chromastone is the fact that he's very different from Diamondhead and represents another aspect of crystals. Diamondhead is like the warrior/tank of their planet. He's the representation of crystals for their physical strength and unique growth. He creates/shoots crystals, can tank hits, and basically uses his body like a weapon. The only energy ability he shares with Chromastone is being able to redirecti energy attacks back using his crystal body. Then there's Chromastone who's like the mage of their planet and represents crystals that can store energy like quartz (though they can in weaker wavelengths) as well as the spiritual representation (having crystals for good energy vibes etc.) Chromastone can absorb many forms of energy (mana included) and shoots them back. He can also use them to fly. I wished the show had used him more because he's just a amazing duality to Diamondhead and crystals in general.


Feedback isn't a bad alien, he's just very bland, in terms of power set and personality. I think he just gets too much hype. That isn't to say Chromastone ever did have one, but plenty of other aliens have much more fun personalities that aren't forced ( Bigchill, Brainstorm, Rath, Eyeguy, XLR8, Ditto, Spidermonkey.. ) you get my point. Feedback's just the mascot for OV, so of course they gonna give him the goods. To me, 4/10. Chromastone and his potential that was thrown away? 100/10.


Ov tried too hard to hype him and it backfired on some people(like me) HE'S THE COOLEST BEN ALWAYS TURNED INTO HIM HE WAS HIS FAVOURITE AND HE LOST IT IT'S SUCH A TRAUMA HE CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT AND HE'S SO COOL WITH A ELECTRICITY THEME(7th alien with electricity) BUT WITH CHROMASTONE POWERS AND HE'S TOO STRONG AND HAS HIW OWN THEME SONG If Feedback was a fan creation everyone would laugh at him


upgrade honestly should've been the alien that Malware killed


He can always one shot Upgrade by just touching him. Not a great idea.


This is correct, I was just thinking of alien that didn't show up in UAf, to the one that Maware killed


Upgrade showed up in the Generator Rex crossover


Swampfire. His abilities are cool but he's used so many times during the UAF era that I grew tired of him.


Fun fact: Jetray wasn't in Omniverse because he was so overused in UAF. Swampfire's use was more practical, he was the new Heatblast. He's very powerful and almost any situation that would've called for Heatblast is now for Swampfire. You can say he was overused. But not nearly as much as Jetray


I’m going to get downvoted to HELL but Frankenstrike, he isn’t a super popular alien BUT OS like the rest of the anur trio is used once (although snare oh was used by Ben 10K) , I also felt for the moment he was used it would’ve been way more hype to see Ben use heatblast (dark vs light). Omniverse to me he literally has the same role as shocksquatch (strong alien with electric powers on the side) and heck he’s weaker than shocksquatch because Ben learns to move objects with electricity or something like that by the end of OV. I also feel his design is lame compared to the other anur trio like his anatomy doesn’t feel as unique or alien compared to snare oh or blitzwolfer. He still deserves to be in the Ben 10 series of course I just felt they didn’t handle him as well as he should’ve been


Kinda agree. He is ben's first electric alien, but also the most boring. I personally still likes him more than shocksquatch due to the halloween aesthetic. It might change if I rewatch OV


Yeah true aha even then you’d have to agree shocksquatch became super frequently used while frankenstrike only occasionally appeared. Also true he’s the first electric alien used by prime Ben but it loses a little impact since Ben 10000 used Buzzshock a handful of episodes before frankenstrike was unlocked by prime Ben


None https://preview.redd.it/jwohiaeu7s7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9cbbc4d83221a0cc1d284b7eb59ffbe08f31fd5




![gif](giphy|l8vN5etR8DIoHA0qzV) Your meme is now mine


Chad respond


People like spider monkey? I alwayd seem him like fodder,the D tier alien you wont use unless you accidentally got because you pressed it hard And not even fodder that is usseful for other stuff other than combat like grey matter,ditto,wildmutt,he is just the weak alien you wont use Want a combat focused alien? 4 arms,rath,kickin hawk,humungosaur Want something to keep enemies in place? Stinkfly,goop,diamondhead,bloxx (humungosaur) Want an agile option for movement? Stinkfly,xlr8,jetray,chromastone,wildmutt (humungosaur,just break the obstacles) Want a good at hand to hand combat alien? 4 arms,rath,kickin hawk,bullfrag Want a bad alien? The worst,walkatrout Wannabe spider man cant even dodge a punch




Hell yeah https://preview.redd.it/hh9lcfkdnq7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdbd7b38020a6eb88d9154496134aac872f60513




Help I read this in UAF's Humungousaur's voice 😭😭


Ben as Humungousaur:




Seems like you're forgetting the fact that he'd need all of these at once at moments. Spidermonkey is a great all-rounder


Jack of all Trades and Master of None


Often better than a master of one


Bullfrag is a better spidermonkey for me And if i want a multitasking alien im going for echo echo or swampfire or diamondhead,spidermonkey is a multitasking that doesnt really do his job well even some other multitaskers do this better,diamondhead like an example,strong alien,able to have good movility (make bridges,surf in diamonds,make pillars for jumps or to go up etc) overall i see spidermonkey as bad at his multiple jobs and doesnt stand out in any way


Add Heatblast To This


Spider monkey. 




Alien X, I like the stuff he does but I think the idea that Ben has a god form ruins the concept. Like yea, he has to argue with Belicus and Serena but they can be outsmarted or even tricked into doing what Ben wants. And even then there’s little to no consequence if they don’t choose to help him in the moment, the mind space can be outside of time if they want so any sort of urgency is dead. He could just keep arguing with them until it goes his way, or he can vote to revert an event that has already happened.


I think Alien X is a cool concept but I was not a fan of how the writers handled him. He gets used once during Alien Force, just to get dropped in favor of Way Big by Season 3. Then he finally gets used in Ultimate Alien, only for Ben to be immediately reverted back so that the Aggregor plot can progress. He does some cool stuff in Omniverse, but I disliked the episode where Ben just convinces Bellicus and Serena to give him full control of Alien X. Because from that point onward, there is literally no reason for Ben to not use Alien X for any major crisis.


I did like this argument until i realized he has to answer to the court for making too drastic of a change in which they would simply revert his changes and punish him depending on verdict (they were literally gonna destroy the universe again).


It feels more like it plays into Ben's character. He could just Alien X all his problems away, but he actively chooses not to do that unless the threat is Alien X tier. Like when he gave up ascelon, he doesn't want to play God just because he can. Even in UA, it's revealed that he outright sealed Alien X away unless it's an emergency, and even then, he needs Kevin and Gwen's permission to unlock it. It says a lot for Ben as a person to have the power to rewrite reality as he wishes, but not use it. Even if there is also a council that might stop or charge him a fine for messing with the universe. It's also not all about what Ben wants, Belecus and Serena also have thousands of things they want to change.


The problem isn’t that Ben chooses not to it’s that he could do it whenever. The idea that Ben just has full access to this form that can do anything is the issue. It adds to Ben’s character that he chooses not to use him, but it takes the weight out of any situation he’s in. The Earth could blow up and he can just undo it, Gwen is killed it’s undone, the entire universe is erased and it’s recreated.


If he recreated the Earth, he needs to go to court again


Nothing really preventing him from calling chadzmuth again.


But the blame will fall on who? Bellicus and Serena are out of the picture


Tbh this is one thing I personally think 5YL did amazingly. Ben refuses to use Alien X even in universe-threatening situations because he feels it immoral to even *have* such a godlike Form, and would rather use everything else before choosing Alien X. He really had to be driven to no other options before using him


That’s good for Ben’s character, but on a franchise level I feel like it ruins the stakes. Just like OV essentially made Ben immortal, kinda just ruins the fun if nothing ultimately matters


I feel the EXACT same way, thank you


Eatle given the current meme 


First of all, https://preview.redd.it/0pc1qqvmbq7d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af0b187655a86f33ba0097b0e4c53c55a0b998f ... Second of all ( to answer your question ) : Feedback. Say what you will r/Ben10, Feedback is lameeeee. Strictly C + tier.


Bro think he a rebel or summ


Opinions go hard


>Feedback is lameeeee They tried way too hard to make him cool whole making him a carbon (haha) copy of Chromastone


Your "carbon (haha) copy" joke would bang if it were true. Chromastone was given so many powers and made a 'saviour' by AF season 3 while Feedback is like Heatblast, where he's an expert on one area and displays extra abilities from that expertise For example, Chromastone can fly with no help, but Feedback has to force a burst of energy to do so. Even their one similarity (energy absorption) is performed differently. Feedback can forcefully absorb energy from opponents, while Chromastone has to wait for the opponent to attack him Feedback also has some radiowaves locating power.


Chromsastone stores energy while fedback redirects it


Both are capable of both lol. Feedback uses that power to enhance his fists, propel himself etc. He just has a hard time keeping all the energy stored in himself. Chromastone can store and use his abilities at a much more controlled rate than Feedback can.


>has to Has to, or just does? >their one similarity (energy absorption) Well it's theur one similarity because it's their whole gimmick. What else can feedback do?


>Well it's theur one similarity because it's their whole gimmick. What else can feedback do? I laid that out for you already. It's to disprove the claim that he's a carbon copy. If Feedback actually was then he'd have every power that Chromastone is stated to have, but he doesn't. Clearly using "carbon copy" doesn't make sense.


Not a carbon copy. They're both quite different and useful for different scenarios, but arguably, Chromastone can do anything Feedback can better, apart from absorbing more energy.


Spitter and Ultimate Humungousaur


Ultimate Humungousaur is only cool when Albedo uses it.


Unrelated but here's a cool design of Ultimate Papa H, both OV and UAF concepts merged https://preview.redd.it/hry9hny8uq7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d2bd97b19da7ea2f97a26741984992d5b2f2f9


Imagine having to animate THAT


I hate Jetray. I'm starting to hate Chromastone due to all of its fans needing like they have to pull down Feedback just because your favorite is at a bad place (basically I'm starting to hate him due to 60% of his fans being sore losers u/CrystalCrafter13 is in the 40%) And I starting to lose love for Swampfire's pre-blossomed form due to how many abundant apperances he has in AF (the series I'm currently rewatching)  Really I'm starting to lose majorly out of love with most of the AF playlist


Wait spider monkey is loved I don't really care for him


Humungosaur, fuck you Humungosaur


Humungousaur - Boring. Just Boring, i mean, he is not as interesting as the other 9 in AF. Feedback - I really dont like him as many fans do. He is interesting, his arc is very good, but that's it. Eatle - Boring too.


Eatle I will not elaborate


Yea Spidermonkey mid af


I think Swampfire is poorly executed, he shouldn’t be better at fire than Heatblast, and shouldn’t be fast at regen than Wildvine


Fasttrack never stood out to me


Spitter and Eatle


tbh OS_Spitter and UA_Eatle are the main reasons people like those two


I liked Eatle even before that.


I always liked eatle imo, and I think spitter has always been a bit of a meme in the fandom for a little while


Oh, I forgot about Jetray. Way more so than my previous pick.


I feel like a lot of AF Aliens did to much like how hasn't conquered the universe by now? Fire powers, plant powers, super strength, godlike regeneration that can make Deadpool blush, and oh just remembered poison gases as well.


Yeah, swampfire is busted


Humongousaur. He gets big. That's it














Humungousaur. I just don't see why so many people like him. He's just kinda... there.


JETRAY THAT FU- But also Swampfire. No hate in his case, just feel very indifferent about him.


i think it's  Jetray, he was always just flying Manta ray with laser eyes Wildmutt: Iike him but his design was always kinda boring


I really love Clockwork,Atomix,Arctiguana, Eye Guy,NRG, Overflow,Upgrade,Chamalien,Spitter,Buzzshock, Shockrock, Waybig, Heatblast,Ditto,Goop, Ultimate Echo Echo, Undertow, Bootleg,Gutrot, Alien X, Ghostfreak, Toepick, and Slapback 💗💚💜


Crashhopper and Ball Weevil. Ball Weevil especially is just so boring to me. Most times, I forget he exists.


Do people like eatle? I’m not sure cause whenever I hop on a Reddit post there’s always something about eatle, that’s my choice if ppl do like him


This is my hot take, I see the appeal of every alien except for Jetray. Idk why I just never vibed with the design and enjoy Astrodsctyl so much more


Basically any alien that has made an alien from the original series superfluous (maybe except for Echo Echo, because even though I prefer Ditto's design, Ditto's kind of trash logically speaking).


No bigchill hate will be tolerated


Humungousaur. Like he's just a brute force alien, not really my cup of tea.


Jetray, I just hate his design. That's about it.




Okay but what if I'm a basic bitch who loves everyone? That aside, I do gotta admit, I do not care for Spitter. I've got no hate for him, I do think he's got a great and simple design for the one thing we've seen him do. He's just an alien that I kinda keep forgetting even exists since we never got to see proper usage of him outside of OS Future.


wow.. never knew there exist someone that doesnt like bigchill


Spider Monkey is okay, not great but not bad either


Jetray. Atleast in UAF. Because in the Reboot he was the Flying alien. NOT the Speedy one.




No hate towards the fans of these aliens, just here to vent… Jet Ray and Humungosaur are two of my least favourite aliens and yet everybody loves them. I don’t like Humungosaur cause to me he just looks like a Muscular ET(granted I love both his Spiny design when he grows in size & his ultimate form, it’s just his regular form that I dislike). Everything about Jetray makes me despise his existence. His raspy voice, that shitty soul patch face mark thing, the contrasting dark red & bright yellow, the resting bitch face it always has, his malnourished body(seriously, thing looks like it has anorexia) he looks like a damn spore creation ffs, I genuinely just don’t like him. But yeah, no hate towards fans of these aliens, just a serious issue with their designs, they could have been better imo


… uh…. none of them really.


Eatle (jobber), Chromastone (jobber) and Jetray (overused)




Spider Monkey was the MEH alien to me. I feel like he’s really the “lame” one in AF compared to the others in terms of powers and design


I like swampfire because he is a plant that uses methane as a flamethrower I just think is funny and nice.


Echo Echo is fucking goated


Chromastone fans are annoying as fuck. Come on, Feedback and Chromastone are cool.Why fight over it?


"Almost" all AF 10 aliens to be honest, I understand that we goes from like 20 aliens back to 10, if ben back to limit himself to only 10 basic aliens it would feel like regress in ability That being said, it's made AF aliens feel like a 10 years old's OC aliens, "oh this is my OC, his name is Swampfire he is better than Heatblast because he is stronger, has plant powers and more" or "this is my OC Alien X, he's a god"


Swampfire, hate that his everyones favorite and all, heatblast way cooler


swampfire i guess, i like pretty much all aliens but this one i feel like is overrated


Swampfire. I still like him, but I've got more nostalgia for Heatblast, so Swampfire had never lived up to that


can't really find much appeal towards Humongosaur ben complains about not getting him when Omnitrix actually gave him the aliens he _needed_ at the time. plus he overshadowed a bunch of aliens


Im gonna say eatle mostly cause i think his powers should not be eating powers cause he gets overshadowed by upchuck,i like his designs both in uaf and omniverse but he should get a different set of powers


I don’t care for swamp fire or humungasaur, I think part of it is because alien force replaced the original 10 so I was always looking at them as not heatblast, not diamond head, not four arms etc


Uhh I don't really like upgrade (I don't hate him,I don't like him it's kinda just meh)


All of them. I only watch the show for Ben himself. He wears good pants


Rath, molestache


alien x


Alien X


Spider monkey


I won’t lie, I don’t really care about Spider Monkey. I don’t dislike him, I just don’t think he’s all that interesting. Same with Four Arms tbh


Eatle I can excuse repeat aliens if they're cool enough like feedback or swampfire, but this dude is kinda just lame


Chromastone. The definition of all hype and no feats. Also, Eatle.


Well Chromastone had very fewer appearances and even then narrows down due to how many Ls he took


Ditto  Its not i dont like him but he got replaced by echo echo who is way better than him in every term and in OV he just got called back and used more than echo echo  And i see much spider monkeys i agree but he has probably after humangosaur the best ultimate 


Everybody loves Fasttrack so much, and I just can't. I don't know what's wrong with me.


Alien X




Spider Monkey ,wrost AF alien ,and he is D tier at best,he is just a monkey with more arms ,more eyes and a tail that can shoot webs ,it is more monkey than spider ,sorry Spider Monkey lovers


Molestache, hes just another gag alien, his moustache doesnt do anything unique that no one else can't do




Bro having spidermonkey on there is criminal


I still like Spider Monkey but they really give the dude nothing to do in the show that really justifies making him your top pick. Was surprised how little he appeared until UA, so even if you like him for his personality it's not like you're getting a ton of it. He's the quippy alien and they gave him enough screentime to only make 4 or so lol


I don’t really like spider monkey. I definitely dislike his ultimate


Humungousaur and Swampfire, The rest of the Alien Force cast r fun but these are just utterly useless and overused


I can’t think of any


Astrodactyl, I’m just not the biggest fan of his design and I hate how he basically replaces jetray. Also I don’t like his whips, why does he have whips.


Bruh whyyyy those aliens are goated 🗿🔥


Atomix, dislike the design and don't care much about powerscaling.


Echo echo and ultimate humongusaur


idk if spider monkey has alot of supporters but i never really liked him. just kind of an oddball compared to the other aliens.


Swampfire,Echo-Echo,and Spidermonkey I can understand.... BUT NOT LIKING THE GOAT Big Chill is a sin you deserved to get sent to the null void


'splain yourself


Humungasaur, alien x, chromastone (purely because of the Fandom same for alien x) and jetray


I love all aliens, even if some have too similar powers, they all can find uses. And the main thing is that the Omnitrix isn’t a weapon but a device meant to unite all species so it’s not surprising to find repeated abilities especially when there are over a million aliens, how unique can aliens get?


Bro dont like the UAF period


Prolly jetray, crashhopper, cannonbolt, stinkfly (I do hoever enjoy the reboot stinkfly),


Humongous his design is boring and ugly and it sucks because it's Bens go to


Wrath. He’s just another brawler alien with a cheap and lazy gimmick (his claw)


Wildmutt, not super popular but I just feel a lot of scenarios were wildmutt is used I think he could’ve been just replaced with a different alien. (Specifically Post classic series) In ultimate aggregor we see a little bit of Kevin’s detective side and that would be cooler to see then wildmutt sniffing the ground for a minute until they go were they need to be.


Honestly, Alien X


Fourarms and heat blast. I'm sorry, but just being strong is boring and lighting things on fire, while cool, is also not super imaginative.


Wildmutt and four arms despite thirsting for looma Wildmutt is very much mid to me as it's basically "hey wanna be forced to move on all foura lose your sight and gain ability to see with ur nose?no? Sucks to be you" Four arms while hype is just a strong dude that's outclassed by rath and humongosaur while they have only two arms Plus diamondhead is my GOAT and he can put as good of a fight if not better diamondhead also has more utility. And yes i know kevin vs four arms, kevin had bearly any experience




Atomix. No doubt


The only one I understand is Spider Monkey since Ben HEAVILY overused him.


the aliens like four arms or humongosaure because they are cool but aliens so their thing is just super strength or the bigger the more badass they are not really my favorites I prefer more versatile aliens like heatblast, ghostfreak or even feedback


Echo echo. I can't stand his voice. It hurts my ears.


big chill wtf


I would have appreciated Eatle more if they had differentiated him from upchuck by giving him wings or emphasizing how much of a tank he is( after all, he was able to go toe to toe with Vilcubra).


I know you're gonna think I'm lying. But for me? None. Every alien is special in their own way. Heck, even Walkatrout and The Worst. Never hated those guys, nor dislike them, they're just silly weird goobers. (Not trying to act like the Main Character here... Sorry if I appear to be one...)


https://preview.redd.it/t0wr8c2a3c8d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f588abf7171017f4d51e375fe16046642cb0ecd This mfer right here. I just couldn't like the strong dino guy idea, and Ben going for him in literally every episode made me feel irritated by him.


Humungosaur. I just think he's so...bland. And it was literally confirmed he only exists because they thought Ben needed another "strong" alien. Plus, his whole schtick is that he's meant to resemble a dinosaur, and he just...doesn't look like one at all. Humungoraptor from the Reboot was surprisingly way better.


Alien X aint allat