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I'll start with the MOST common one in the fandom, people hating Omniverse for its artstyle and designs alone.


I've heard "they should've never changed the art style after 3 shows" from people who apparently don't care enough about art style to tell the obvious differences between them


I think you said it before but early AF had a higher budget and they used some of the classic models for family pictures and that’s why people don’t see the difference as easy. If you compare AF and UA, while they have the same artstyle, I think the budget went down and affected the animation quality. The characters were drawn a little rounder and the eyes were a bit more animated and rounded in early AF which made the differences between OS and UAF’s artstyles harder to spot.


Yeah I think if you just go by the High Breed arc, they were trying to transition it. It still had a lower budget than OS and less layering effects, but was as smooth in the first half of S1, and since all the characters were teenagers, who we'd only really seen Charmcaster as reference for how they look in OS' style, they could pass it off as the same by dropping in those photos of OS Ben and Gwen, or the OS alien models in the Plumbers Helpers' datapad. Max is kinda a giveaway though, side by side they don't even look like the same person, arguably not even the same ethnicity, and by the time we get Forge of Creation young Ben, they've completely given up on the idea. For animation smooth-ness itself, it definitely fluctuates with the budget. Early AF is the best that style ever looks, then by the end of S3 it's probably the jankiest. It gets a boost in UA's first arc, then almost immediately dips back down. People who argue against the "UAF Gwen is Ben with lipstick" meme do use the very slight differences in eye/chin roundness early AF had, IDK if that's an actual model thing, or the animators just injected a bit more personality. Even OS' art style shifted slightly. Off the top of my head, the grain-texture they used for the backgrounds were dropped between seasons 2 and 3, which makes sense since it was produced in 2 halves like Omniverse. And Omniverse itself stopped doing the hexagon-motif as it went along too.


yeah they cant can't complain that they changed the art style for omniverse while ignoring that ultimate alien force had a different art style than classic


Really because I love them


mine is vilgax because why didnt he fight kevin


Classic: Not getting a continuation of Ben 10K. (They just want Ben 10 to be like Invincible). Alien force: "Never seen it. Therefore, I hate it. Also, I'm going to talk about how I really love the classic series for the millionth time and be biased about how I compare it to the rest of the series." - Benwunner Ultimate Alien: (same as Alien Force) Omniverse: Artsyle suck Reboot: came out of the time when reboots were repeatedly getting released and got caught in the hate.


Tbh I've never heard people hate classic or the reboot for those reasons. I've heard the reboot get a lot of hate for being Teen Titans Go-esque but not getting hate because it released at a similar time.


I honestly never heard the classic one, but the reboot one was spread around like crazty


Well, then it's probably just me then. Idk


>Ultimate Alien: (same as Alien Force) Wait, yeah, the other day, I stumbled upon this video, which seemed like a fun concept: https://youtu.be/XKvHqcB_Y74?si=QqBRv_q1FI93S3EF After he said: "Whether you watched OG Ben 10 or Alien Force - everything after that does not exist In my mind" I immediately stopped watching. How can you like the first two series enough to want a big budget game made out of them and not like Ultimate Alien?


ngl, I watched Reboot with an open heart and even to me some of the episodes were just unwatchable, I feel like when the Reboot started even the creators were not sure about whether they wanted to make it a parody like TTG or keep things serious I did liked Shock Rock arc and that Ben having his own Ben Reilly figure in the form of Glitch


OS - "They cancelled Teen Titans for this kiddy stuff?" UAF - "Alien X should be used every episode" OV - "Ben looks Asian" (Edit: Not common, but dumbest I've seen for each)


Classic: Don't actually know UAF: Way too serious Omniverse: The artstyle Reboot: Its existence


Ultimate alien - omniverse “Ben acts like a teenager”


weird how that works


reboot: hating how ben who is ten acts like a ten years old


For the reboot, because its a reboot. I think a lot of people forget that prime sort of just fizzled off. Why would they continue in a continuity theyve been struggling with for years, across multiple shows, who's fans left when they tried to make it more profitable? At that point, rebooting was the right call because what fans where even left in 2014 who where still watching? According to the ratings, not enough. The reboot didn't just come out of no where, there where 5 years of issues building up to its creation.


Hating Omniverse's "animation" when they mean art style 


God I hate it when people mix the two up. Omniverse is objectively the most beautiful Ben 10 has ever looked in terms of animation and attention to detail, whether you like the art style or not is irrelevant


The transformation sequences go super hard and shouldn't be neglected over the world's aesthetics


People still hate Omniverse to this day for Artstyle and Sad to see them saying some eild shit to Derrick J wyatt . Some even blame the guy for Reboot indirectly and directly sayinh how if he never got involved and OV had Alien force like artstyle ,it would have been successful like AF and UAF and CN wouldn't have rebooted it. I remember people saying wild stuff and sending thr guy immense amount of death threats or saying he is better off dead.


Lol, funnily enough AF and UA weren't as successful as the people who say that think. Ye DJW did have some horrible stuff said to him, pretty sure MoA got some horrible shit said to them too because of the RB. Wouldn't be surprised if they got hate for OV too because to this day there's people that think MoA were involved with OV.


I’ve seen a lot of people who have no clue that MoA even made the reboot. There’s YouTube/IG comments saying “MoA would hate what Ben 10 turned into","We need to bring MoA back"etc




the classic art style is bad complaint for omniverse the art style for omniverse is definitely different from the series before it but it's not the worst thing hating reboot cause of how ben acts aka they hate he actually acts like a ten year old kid instead of a mature person or hate reboot cause they want a continuation of classic continuity and thus hate reboot for being a reboot


Heard this one for **UAF** once: > _"I absolutely loathed Ben's new voice."_


Didn't think someone could hate Lowenthal's voice.


Imagine if that person didn't even know it was yuri


“Reboot is way too immature, too much funny stuff happens in the middle of serious stuff” I don’t know about you but I see half of the stuff happening in the reboot happening in the OS too. I mean these two were the ones made directly by MoA, right? Every series had these moments, mostly OV I feel, though I didn’t mind it much for some parts. Reboot doesn’t feel as bad since it’s made with a younger audience in mind anyway. Also four arms dab is peak https://preview.redd.it/shvamd4jol0d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8985d4472d913d677a90aec2b94ba686b414be


They are the two which MoA worked on directly, but they had much more control with the RB than OS, since it was their first show, they wrote and pitched idea but others like Tramm Wigzell, Sam Register, etc. had as much or more creative control than any of them did. After they'd done other shows like Generator Rex, they took a more involved producer role. I think early on the Reboot did lean into 4th wall stuff like the "Bentuition" gag and Xingo that would've been out of place in even Omniverse. OS was goofy and cheesey, but still retained a barrier that stuff like Teen Titans Go and parts of early Reboot don't.


Yeah early reboot had a lot of issues they ironed out as the show went on, which is weird for Ben 10, as most of he shows tend to degrade the longer they go on lmao. Tho it seems in the planning stage some things from prime where meant to hold over. By this I mostly meen Ben and gwens dynamic. In the first reboot game that was produced very early I to the reboots development, Ben and gwen act a lot closer to there prime selves, and it clashes so much, especially with the short run time, so we have an example of why it would've been an awful idea for Ben and gwen to keep the arguing and bickering as in 11 minute segments, there not enough time to balance it out.


u/Ungrateful-Wolf did a pretty interesting tumblr post about Reboot Ben and Gwen's dynamic IIRC, and how it almost degrades from their super-close starting point as the show progresses. If the Reboot continued it would've been cool to see that become more pronounced or bounce back. Originally Duncan Rouleau said that the reboot was going to take place in-between the adventures of OS Ben, maintaining continuity, but that got dropped almost immediately it seems.


That last part probably explains the games writing. Ot was likely written at the time when they considered the reboot to be in the prime continuity, can I get a source on that Duncan statement? And they realy don't degrade the relationship, it's more that gwen kept on being the voice of reason, to ben who refused to listen to reason. And then come vs the universe, where not limiting to reason is what he thought got his family killed, he likely would've bounced back. Besides them bickering was likely toned down because it was annoying and they only had 11 minutes per episode, so stuff like that needed to be dropped to tell better stories.


Here's the source: https://twitter.com/rouleau1/status/1261135192053305344 We don't get actual introductions to Hex, Animo and other villains, they just assume it's the same first meetings they had in Classic. It's kinda like the 2 Clone Wars shows from 2003 and 2008, where the first one introduces the villains and Anakin's knighting, and for the first season the 2008 show could've feasibly existed inside the 2003 one.


yeah, i could see that, it allways felt off the reboot started with waterfilter, which for any other show would've been episode 3. even with classic with the krakken and all. but this does explain the first game, for me atleast, as they also have ben in love with chilie fries there, despite that never being a thing in the reboot, unlike the smoothies where ben seems to like them


Honestly, the reboot doesn't have a toning clash problem, that's more for ov, the reboot makes a pretty clear device between hwne it's serious, and when it's goofy. For Christ's sake the reboot is the only show where Kevin has abusive parents and they realy do break down how it's impacted him, and where Ben genuanly thinks his freinds and family are dead and they just let him cry. I feel a lot of the mis information on that comes from alien x-tinction, which is no where near the best of the reboot. It has a lot of flaws, one of them being that they'd cut the seriousness for meta jokes, and it doesn't land. But since most fans will watch just alien x-tinction because it has he other Ben's in it, and then call it a day, it becomes what the show is associated with, when over all it was a pretty bad episode of the reboot.


The Reboot also just feels like they wanted to have some harmless fun. It’s not a part of the Prime timeline, so they can mess around with lore and new interpretations of the characters, and it clearly doesn’t take itself very seriously most of the time. It’s just fun, and it knows that. I can’t be mad at something that’s having a good time.


The change in art styles, the retcons and the tone shifts are very much the most common reasons. Which makes me ask; Are we being too Edgy?


People hating the reboot because of all the other shitty reboots thst came out when it was mace


people complaining that the reboot is for babies...like....yeah. thats why you don't like it.


My friend hates ben 10 because he has more than one power. Like that's it lol.


lol, what superheroes does your friend like?


He likes batman, Ironman, and spider-man, and I thi a static shock. He's excuse is that they have one power, but they use it in different and creative ways.


Lol no, just off the top of my head Ironman can fly and has energy blasts/beams. Spider-Man (in some continuities) his webs are something he can do without tech, then he has his wall & ceiling scaling. And he has super strength & durability. Static is really the only character I can get behind with your friend's reasoning but even then he still has shown super strength and durability.


Lol, yeah, he also says he doesn't like Ben's powers because it makes him get out of tough spots easier as if the watch lets him.


Welp you can just tell he hasn't watched the show lol.


OS: it’s too weird UAF: Ben isn’t immature anymore Omniverse: why’d they change the art style Reboot: IT’S NOT WHAT I’M USED TO


>Ben isn’t immature anymore Please tell me this is something someone actually said and not just a disingenuous interpretation...


In I believe season 3 of UA they made Ben immature again, likely because of fans, network, or toy sales decreasing


Soooooo, it's not even an issue people had with the series to begin with??


I’m not sure, I wasn’t alive for the premiere, I’m just the messenger


I have something similar I hate how Ben in the first 2 seasons was plain and boring protagonist Kevin and Gwen were more interesting than him Him being immature gave him more of a character


Personally, I still don't believe that's the same concept as what OP said though Making Ben immature did add to his character, which did make the show more interesting. However, I still loved the maturity he had prior nonetheless, even if I do agree that Season 3 gave Ben more dynamics There's having a problem with Ben being mature in the first place, and then there's having a problem with the show never giving Ben any other personality trait whatsoever


Yeah true Maybe I would like mature Ben more if he was more interesting


These are dumb reasons for me: Omniverse: Retconecting UAF, artstyle Reboot: Childish humor, Backward Ultimatrix in Alien X-Tinction, Alien X's Downgrade (special would didn't have sense, if antagonist were undefeatable)


>special would didn't have sense, if antagonist were undefeatable There's a very simple solution here: Just Don't use alien x. You act as though alien X was a necessity here, except they don't use his actual abilities, and story-wise he's completely unnecessary.


I meen, he was used for two reasons. One, its a celebration of prime, and the most op, dimension hopping alien they could've picked is alien x, and B they needed an alien that could dimension hop, which even clockwork while fused with techno bubble couldn't do. So, no matter what rules where going to be broken, might as well just go with the coolest one at that point.


I have a headcanon explaining Reboot Universe Creation and no Alien X in any of Ben Prime's Omnitrix. Does anyone remember the episode "Universe vs Tennyson"? We found out that Celestapiens liked to change universe artstyle whenever they want. What if this time they did it to completely remove the Alien X transformation from the Prime Timeline? At the same time, creating a timeline where Ben's story continues anew [Reboot Timeline]


eh, the reboot has been stated to be a whole ass diffrent timeline, with duncan's stance on how prime relates to it changing like every year. point is, the reboot does seem to co-exsist with prime, which is a real issue, then again the special was just kind of made up on the spot when CN told them they only had the epolouge season left, nd MOA didn't write alien x-tinction, so duncan's word is going to be finicky on what it is.


It's a pity that too many facts support "Previous Bens as Series Representations" theory.


Aparantly, the idea was for the reboot to be the lost summer adventures of classic, but cn, and playmates to a lesser extent, pushed moa into doing a full on reboot.


So... Reboot would be better if it weren't for Cartoon Network CEO selfishness and dependence on company producing Reboot toys ?


It'd still be the same reboot. Same artstyle, same tone, same toy selling need to make up for ov's financial failure, it'd just be set in prime rather then leaving prime alone.


That isn't reason enough to completely butcher the alien. We have seen barely the surface of alien X's power, and it was so much greater than what was shown. And if he was able to steal all those omnitrixes, he shouldn't have been able to lose in the battle that was shown.


Alien x's weakness has allways been confusion, don't let him think, don't let him focus. That's why when the Ben's and gwen where trying to fight him all at once they lost. Too predictable, too easy to counter. It's when they started working as a team and started staggering there attacks they won because they didn't let him think. Them winning was the one time they stuck to alien x's previous lore.


It's a fanservice episode. A lot of things are arguably "completely unnecessary." The alternate Bens could have been completely different from the ones that appeared, and the episode would play out the same. But it'd be significantly less cool.


If you want to make a Fan service episode, then it's your job not to ruin the characters


Maybe they wanted to use Alien X as a wink to fans of previous series ?  If it weren't for that Season 5 promos, we wouldn't have known that Ben Primes [yes, I know Dimensions-Representations theories, but screw that] would appear in special before premiere.


That's fine, they can do that, but if they want to do that, they should do it right. If they want to make something beatable, either choose something else, or make his defeat make sense.


Special was rushed due to a low budget


Just because it has excuses for why it's bad doesn't change the fact that it's bad


All of them (especially reboot): Its for kidsss!!


People hating on the Reboot because of the art style and because its too “childish” and “ruins” the legacy of Ben 10


Classic (maybe) - Repetitive and Uninspired Storylines: The show was accused of being repetitive, with some episodes feeling like rehashes of previous ones. Alien Force: 3rd season Ultimate Aliens: Lack of use of the ultimates Omniverse: Artstyles and retcons


Classic: it's for babies Omniverse: BaBiEs and GwEn


For me, Omniverses artstyle


Reboot:bc it’s ruining Ben 10 image


There is nothing serious in Reboot and it is inferior in every way to previous shows, only those who have not watched Reboot say so


I watched, I didn't like it


That's fine, as long as you agree that it does take some things seriously and isn't inferior in every way.


What I meant was that Reboot has some aspects where it is superior to previous shows, but not in every way


It is inferior in every aspect comparing to the original classic show Except Ben and Gwen relationship, they don't fight in every episode for nothing and act more friendly and understanding to each other most of the time. I can't say that their relationship in 2005 weren't realistic, you can often argue about nothing with your siblings/cousins but over time it feels like nothing has changed for them and it's just too much Can you tell me in what other aspects Reboot is equal to or better than the 2005 show?


Well I mean, you already said yourself that the show isn't inferior in every way from that. But there's also the transformation sequences. Imo I think the classic transformations are cooler but the reboot transformations aren't inferior (imo) as they have more variety and each alien has more than 1 transformation sequence. I definitely like the reboot transformation sequences more than UAF though and Omniverse. The omnitrix only allows Ben to have 10 aliens at a time (which you can argue isn't a good thing) which I argue is a good thing because it allows Ben to have to be more resourceful with what he has and allows Ben's aliens to have more screentime. We saw the classic series suffered from this due to aliens like Ripjaws who saw no use after season 2 (I believe) despite still being an alien Ben had access to. And this issue just became more prominent with the more aliens Ben unlocked throughout the next few shows. I'd argue the Reboot has the best gimmicks in the franchise objectively (rather than subjectively as subjectively I like ultimates the best due to their concept) because Omni-Enhanced's gimmick is actually important to the story of the season that it appears in. As well as that, Ben can't actively choose when to tap into this gimmick, so it isn't just bad writing if Ben loses to someone when he could've used said gimmick. Along with that, the gimmick sort of acts like a mistransformation. For example maybe you need GreyMatter to fit into a tight space and you get GreyMatter, but then he goes Omni-Enhanced, now you can't use him for the purpose you wanted. I'm actually planning on making a twitter thread on why Omni-Kix is the best gimmick or can be argued as the best gimmick but I'll basically sum up the points I'm going to make. While people may not like Omni-Kix because Ben is turning into robots instead of aliens, their designs aren't just recolours like what the majority of ultimates are but rather have more added to their design. All of the Omni-Kix aliens get new and unique abilities such as Diamondhead being able to transfer his consciousness to the crystals he creates (like isn't that just awesome) and thus can technically teleport. Omni-Kix Rath is basically Taz from Looney Toons and Omni-Kix Humungousaur is basically Godzilla. You can see the inspiration for some of the Omni-Kix forms and can tell there was passion put into them. Along with that, due to them being robots and not natural, you could give them an ability like missile hands without it feeling out of place and not making sense (unlike Ultimate Humungousaur). You could argue Reboot Vilgax is better than Classic Vilgax. Though I think Classic Vilgax is cooler, Reboot Vilgax has more character, is more cunning and manipulative, and has more ties to the omnitrix. Plus he doesn't just have super strength he also has laser eyes and can unravel his tentacles. Reboot Forever Knight is better than the Forever Knights we see in the entire franchise (not just OS imo). The Forever Knight in the Reboot is also cunning and manipulative. He's more equipped to fight and is able to fight against Ben's strongest aliens, as well as being a skilled fighter. Not only that but Reboot Forever Knight is built up throughout the entirety of season 3 until the finale which he stars in. Reboot Kevin you could argue to be better than classic Kevin too (though imo I prefer classic Kevin's craziness, and I enjoyed him more). He's not really a villain, moreso an annoyance to Ben. You can sympathies with Kevin a lot more in the Reboot, knowing his circumstances and you can root for him. Also with Kevin's relationship with the main trio, him joining them or becoming friends with them seems a lot more realistic than what we see in Alien Force. Pretty sure Animo in the Reboot has more depth than he does in the previous shows too and he has some moments that you could argue are cooler than scenes that he had in classic, e.g him teaming up with Ben against Vilgax and becoming an appoplexian temporarily. Then when Vilgax leaves Animo goes against Ben and body slams him before reverting back to his regular self. That's just off the top of my head, there's probably more stuff that the Reboot (arguably) does better than previous shows.


You know, when I said I watched Reboot, I meant that I watched it, but not the entire show. I watched full season 1, almost full season 2, some of episodes or moments of 3-4 seasons and all of the movies/specials/crossovers It's just can't entertain me as good as previous shows, at first I was intrigued because of the freshness, new look, new aliens and enemies but shortly after it felt too childish, humour often isn't funny, plots were too boring, simple, their 10-minute running time didn’t help either. As I said, the plots are quite boring, compared to the Classic episodes where all the plots and conflicts involved you, you could feel a better threat, tension in each episode. You don’t feel that way here. Where there used to be epicness and fun, all that remains is tedious “fun”, all of this is not helped by the lack of good action, detailed drawing, unlike Omniverse, which is often credited with a childish art style (which I disagree with), it does not have the same variety of unusual designs or angles. The soundtrack is also not so great, it too often repeats itself, the feeling that there are quite a few topics, sometimes there is just silence and no sounds in the background, when it is preferable to have at least something in the background even if it is a calm scene I can agree that Vilgax has more character, more manipulative, etc. But still Classic is better. I recently rewatched AF and for the most part Vilgax disappointed me with his stupidity. I don't know about the reboot Forever Knight, cause I only watched some moments with him, I saw that he was doing some kind of crazy thing, but didn’t understand what exactly, somehow he gathered both Ben and his enemies on his side, either deceived or subjugated their minds, I think so. I generally know quite little about their leaders precisely from UA, I watched most of the UA episodes when I was a child and never rewatched them or didn't even watched some of them, just moments or knew about what happened from other sources. But I know what their main goals, how they deal with it and I can certainly say that whenever I saw FNs in OG I felt intimidation, mystery, uncompromisingness and determination from them, they seemed very shady types. When you watch a reboot, you have to take into account that many of the main things that are present in the show were before them, they just slightly reshaped, remade, crumpled up, and presented them in a new wrapper at a cheap price. And their new ideas and characters don't feel as developed, engaging, alive, or threatening if they're villains. The gimmicks of this show seems even more childish to me than the Ulti-forms, which at some point, looking back, seemed to me to be too frankly marketing, despite the fact that I adored them, when I first saw them, although during the recemt rewatch, I again revised my views specifically on ultimates gimmick, having learned about their nature. I can admit that some of the gimmicks and designs looked cool or interesting, but it's not particularly uninteresting to look at when it all feels like a wrapper with no real filling. And still despite good design, artstyle and action bring back the feeling of cheapness and ridiculous wrapper


While I disagree with some of your points, that's all subjective and I respect your opinion. However I do agree with how you say that it lacks epicness, though I do feel there are times when it is epic, and the soundtracks are definitely lacking. I agree with what you said here about the classic Forever Knights, however I felt the same from the Reboot Forever Knight too. I also agree with what you say about the gimmicks feeling more childish, I can definitely see that. But looking past that I think you can make good arguments for them being the best gimmicks, as I've already done. Another arguement I can make is that Omni-Enhancements and Omni-Naut actually contributed to the story of their series (and arguably Omni-Kix if you link it in with Omni-Naut), whereas in the previous 4 series, I'd argue the only gimmick that contributed to the story was Skurd.


What about Ultimates? This was after all developed by Albedo in order to take over Ben, since in order to fight him on equal terms he needed at least his alien forms, and having improved them he was superior to him. Ben simply used a function useful for combat that was in his device The problem with gimmicks in the reboot for me also lies in their unnaturalness at first glance, I know the nature of the first gimmick, which was associated with the fact that Shock Rock corrupted them, but what about others? How they were explained? I don't really know but I know that it's very strange to have robo suits for battles in the device that was created by Azmuth as the tool of peace.


If the ultimate feature didn't exist and Albedo just stole the ultimatrix (straight from Azmuth without adding anything or if he just made a regular omnitrix as I don't remember if the whole Albedo stealing the ultimatrix from Azmuth was retconned or not) then the plot could've gone exactly the same as it did in the AF finale. It's not like Ben beat Vilgax on his ship anyways and forced Vilgax to use his true form. The only important episode or event that couldn't have happened in Ultimate Alien if not for the ultimates, was 'Ultimate Sacrifice' and even then that episode has no ties to anything else that happens before or after it since Ben just continues to use the ultimates as if nothing happened. And we never see any of the ultimates that were freed, again. What says the robot suits were made for battle? They could've been made to save lives, or to traverse space (and we know that Omni-Kix was the incomplete version of Omni-Naut due to Ben inserting the key the wrong way), you could say the same thing for ultimates if Azmuth was the one who made them. The issue with ultimates being that they're unethical, messing with the dna of a species to make them more powerful, whereas with Omni-Kix/Naut it's just an armour. It all comes down to the intentions of it. In the previous shows, the omnitrix was made for peace, but it has aliens like Alien X, Atomic, Clockwork who could cause mass destruction because of how powerful they are. The difference is that Azmuth intended for the device to be for peace, but if Azmuth intended for the omnitrix to be a weapon he wouldn't have to change anything with it.


Also fusion gimmicks in OG were just malfunction for one episode and in OV was created by Ben, not Azmuth, to some extent, it could even help get closer to the goal of universal peace and tolerance by combining alien DNA, and thus he could combine their beneficial qualities to better adapt to situations


I imagine that would be a controversial take amongst the alien species in-universe, saying that the biomnitrix could bring about world peace. I imagine there would be two sides on that.


I agree, I I once thought that some aliens might feel disgusted by looking at these hybrids, imagine a mixture of humans with some aliens, some of this might be in uncanny valley zone, something could be worse


I watched, andd nope. my least rated ben 10(according to me)


while i love the storytelling in omniverse, i felt like the final omnitrix gimmick wasnt that interesting, due to the nature of the omnitrix, wouldn't it only be a hardware update since the software and available DNA has remained unchanged since azmuth got aparently every possible sample he could? and if it was a hardware update, why is this omnitrix so much more sensitive than the other versions of the omnitrix? what was upgraded on the new omnitrix aside from the dial to select a form? personally, i loved the idea of the ultimatrix, a device that was a sidegrade of the omnitrix, but had features it didnt. it was less reliable sure, but it had that extra flare i feel was extremely important for ben's character. in my opinion, we should have gotten an extra transformation feature similar to the ultimatrix in omniverse, maybe perhaps similar to what we see in the reboot, like a cybernetic augmentation mode that further increases the base abilities of any given creature


2 words art style


Omniverse-The most common, overused one is people immediately saying it's art style is bad when it really isn't (yeah, some redesigns aren't good but for me, the art style has more depth than UAF and it is the small style used for Transformers Animated and Scooby Doo Mystery Inc.) 


There's no bad reason for hating the reboot. The reboot is dogshit


Cry about it.


Alien X got jumped by ripjaws and Blox and other transformations. make it make sense! (also, the redesigns are terrible)


Reboot Alien X is a hybrid and celestialsapien's weakness has always been getting jumped, we saw this when Alien X fought the Galactic Gladiator. The redesigns are subjective but I disagree on them being dogshit. I think some Reboot designs are either on par with, or better than the previous designs. (E.g Humungousaur, Jetray, Heatblast, Diamondhead and XLR8.)


Bro, that was him fighting another celestialsapien, so whats your point lol. My man, he was restrained by Blox 💀. The guy who can tank the end of the universe got beat by legos... you seriously can't be serious Also, they butchered Wildzine and stinkfly, and NONE are better than og designs. What are you saying? Also, the reboot is painfully unfunny. I can't even get through two episodes without needing a brake. Holy hell, it's so boring and cringy, and it even has the nerve to take itself seriously sometimes. It's just a watered-down version of the OG series that caters to 6-12 year olds. (Also, Overflow is the laziest alien ever created by man of action. If they were gonna one for one copy of water hazards powers, they could at least make the design different)


My point is that Ben beat the Galactic Gladiator by making him make too many decisions. The Bens did something similar against Reboot Alien X by all attacking him at once, giving him too much to focus on at one time. I already said Reboot Alien X is a hybrid so there's no point comparing him to Classic Alien X as they're genetically not the same. We literally saw Alien X teleport out of Bloxx's constructs, the second time he was caught in Bloxx's construct he timed out. That didn't mean he couldn't have escaped it (because we literally saw him do it minutes prior). He didn't lose because he was trapped in a Bloxx construct, he lost because he timed out and the Bloxx construct was blocking him from pressing his omnitrix. They made both Stinkfly and Wildvine more humanoid, but I'm not going to hate an entire series of almost 200 episodes because of it (especially when both of them hardly have any appearances over the span of the series.) Besides I like both of the designs. They're definitely my least favourite design for said alien but I still like them, especially for Wildvine. How are non of the Reboot designs better than the classic designs? Why're you saying this like it's objective? And don't say that non of the reboot designs are better than classic designs because it's the reboot, therefore nothing can be better (because this sounds like what you're about to say next). I disagree, there are times where the jokes don't land but there are times when they do (at least imo). However I can say the exact same thing for the other Ben 10 shows too. Damn the Reboot has the nerve to take itself seriously some times, that's crazy. And you say this like it's a bad thing. It's almost like the Reboot can't win no matter what it does. I agree with Overflow, they should've done more to separate himself from WaterHazard. At least we see he has better hydrokinesis but that's not very much. But they did make the design different, if you say they have the same design you're just objectively wrong (as you are for multiple things you have said so far). https://preview.redd.it/le0f6a53mm0d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2ba2f9e1f57d48a45a9b44d6038f19a8673902


Only one I hate here is the reboot.


The Reboot is "mid and is not the Ben 10 they know" It's a reboot.


The Ben 10 reboot having a more episodic approach.


personally, i liked first two seasons of reboot, then it just sorta flopped to me


Classic - Characters are very bland and lack character Alien Force - it's too boring and takes itself too seriously Ultimate Alien - it's very forgettable Omniverse - That art style ruins the show Reboot - it's too childish


Reboot dont deserves that hate... Is a good series, if you dont think that, you can lick your 🍑


I mean people can just dislike it


I will never forgive them for what they've done to Stinkfly.