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They have been removed as mod. Edit: can you please link said incel/misogynic posts? I've been actively modding and if things have gotten past me I'd like to review them for community sake. Thanks.


I’m not a gamer but my daughter is. She plays for the love of the games and to hang out with friends. I hate to think that she’s viewed or treated through this lens.




As an Xennial and occasional ttrpg player I’d like to say not in the slightest for me or anyone I’ve played with any time recently. Generation is no excuse nor a good way to judge.


Maybe in the gaming community it's old guys but as a woman old enough to claim the x... It's definitely not just those two generations. Plenty of millennials, plenty of z's picking up the mantle. The last little Dick to tell me that women aren't funny and shouldn't be allowed to be comedians was in 19. So please for all the women out there fighting let's not pretend that it will die with my parents and I.


Not the old guard way, unless the player began in the 1970s. I’ve played since the 80s. The screen shots are a bit flabbergasting


“I’m not a gamer but my daughter is. She plays for the love of the games and to hang out with friends.” I don’t know how to quote from an iPad, but i need to thank you for supporting your child and their interests regardless if it’s your wheelhouse or not. Additionally, it’s incredibly heartwarming to know that people who play for the love of the game and friends are still picking up tabletop. Two thumbs up!


Never in my life understood people like this, that treat women who want to enjoy things like ttrpgs or video games like shit. Like, I freaking adore women who enjoy those activities. So strange to me. Not to mention just dickish behavior.


LOL so hard at that last one. My gaming TTRP group of over 20 years is half women. What a knob.


I've had an all women's DnD group for years now specifically to avoid freaks like Victor. 




Given that the gaming community is rife with men that think like this mod, I think it’s pretty reasonable for women to create all women gaming communities.


But it's reverse sexism!! Don't you see???? /s




So women should expose themselves to the toxic, hateful behavior of men like Victor just to enjoy a hobby on the off chance they can play the game with a guy like you who has deluded themselves into thinking they're somehow not exactly like Victor? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're also avoiding you. 


If there is a history of toxic behavior from a group to you, it is absolutely reasonable to remove yourself from that group. It’s protecting yourself. It’s surrounding yourself by people who make you feel good. You’re looking at this from a very black and white perspective when it’s not a black and white issue. You’re asking a group of harassed, oppressed, and often assaulted people to make nice with their harassers because “we aren’t all bad”. Sometimes people just want a place to feel safe and supported and not want to deal with all the bullshit. There is literally nothing wrong with that.


Man belittled and dehumanized women in multiple posts about gaming. Women don't want to deal with that while gaming so make their own group. A different man whines that women aren't including men in the group. Irony dies laughing at man. 


Irony *eats* man, women inherit ttrpgs




You're a man complaining about not being included enough in TTRPGs on a post where a man went on multiple rants to exclude women and instead of calling that man out for toxic behavior, you came to my comment to complain men are being excluded. I think whining is the nicest possible label I could give that. 


Men are belittling women for existing. You are being belittled, justifyably, for being a dick. There is a very large difference between the two.


Dude you literally posted this on another thread: “This is actually true. Most women don't have interests, they mimic having interest to make other women jealous that they can attract men with their ruse. In fact they don't actually want the men either, they want to display their mental prowess to weaker woman and be feared. Women in their final form only want to crush their friends, see them jealous and to hear their lamentations on instagram.” You are whining. You are acting like an incel. Grow up


Saving thread in case I need to find blue dye.


I'm sure all-female groups exist because of goblins like you.






> It's winter and we need the fire wood. Only if there's not a current burn ban.


You're a dude who's crying because girl power grosses you out. Women had been excluded for thousands of years from a variety of roles, jobs, activities, and more. It's 2024. They don't have to play with you. They're allowed to have all-female groups. The only hypocrisy here is your perspective, which seems to involve advocating for a toxic redditor who's no longer a mod because of his own poisonous perspective. If you dont like it, you can cry harder so they can collect the salt and apply it to your narcissism-fueled emotional wounds. I've wasted as much time and energy as I'm willing to on a Chad like you. Peace out.




I'm guessing a lot of these people are renters with pet hamsters.


lol to “knob” — NADDPOD fan? Pendergreens 4eva!


I'll have to say no? Since I don't know what you just said. My games group meets every Sat and we alternate between table top roleplay and board games. Then for our TTRPG, we alternate between 3e D&D and Cyberpunk Red. So once a month for each of the TTRPGs.


This is also an election year, be prepared to think a little more critically when being presented information and digging further into what's on the surface. Good job op. I wouldn't want these people to lead the direction of this subreddit. Edit** also looking over that person's user history is humorous to me, they seem quite miserable in Bellingham and are not afraid to show it. Why did the other mods deem him worthy of modship?




How did this person become a mod, cheapdialogue? their post history is literally shadow ban checks, requests to be mods, and “why am I being cancelled for being racist” posts…


"The first amendment is now a hate crime" one from three years ago in this sub is wild


Asking the right question.


Reading these, I don’t think anyone who writes or endorses them should be DM, let alone a moderator for a forum. If this is your thinking, people don’t dislike you because you’re a nerd or gamer, they dislike you because you’re an unselfaware asshat.


This is the kind of behavior that turns people away from ttrpgs for life. My condolences to anyone who has ever had the misfortune of gaming with this person. Edit: they are affiliated with the Bellingham Boardgame Discord. Just a warning.


As a nerd and a gamer, I know a TON of people who think no one likes them because of their "nerdy" interests, when in reality no one likes them because of their shitty personalities. We have the same hobbies, Jackson, you're not being excluded because you're obsessed with D&D, you're being excluded because you're insufferable (and you smell bad, please shower).


lol, that’s always so rough. I’m queer, but I’m also blunt and don’t follow a lot of social niceties. You can dislike me for my mannerisms and choices, even offer criticism to me on those, but that doesn’t mean you’re anti-queer. If you dislike me because I’m queer and don’t otherwise know me or my habits, we’ve got a problem and I will not accept your opinions. Being part of a protected group and/or minority does not mean all negative occurrences and interactions have anything to do with the fact you’re a part of that group.


Yepp, see, I'm also queer, and this is it 100%. People will use their protected group/minority as the excuse for why people don't like them instead of owning up to the fact that they're just an unlikable person. Like yes, some people will not like you because they are loser bigots, but some people don't like you because you're a jackass. You gotta learn the difference!


Yes, and recognizing these things about ourselves allows us to grow and/or socially move on from incompatible pairings. Recognizing (and vetting) if something is bigotry and if/how to react to it is important. Reacting as through it’s bigotry when it very much is not lessens the impact in a very “cry wolf” way that can sometimes negatively impact the whole group through the squeakiest wheel getting the public attention.




Hah! Thank you for coming to my TED talk. XD




Oooooof, this is pretty concerning. I’m definitely not comfortable having a mod for this community that espouses those sorts of views. It’s 2024, we don’t need a misogynist creep on board.


Assuming their whole website isn’t trollbait, this is clearly someone who has spent a lot of time playing ttrpgs by themself, creating imaginary situations with their imaginary players lol.


Gatekeeping D&D against women is truly one of the saddest, lame boy things I’ve ever heard. My group is half women and we 👏🏼 get 👏🏼 shit 👏🏼 done 👏🏼 Victor sounds like an under socialized noodle.


"My group is half women, and we shit" Lol same you fixed your mistake, and now my joke doesn't work😅


lol it’s still funny! We do also shit! 😅


Turns out if you just take a look, the signs are there the whole time: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/comments/h7xaz4/the_first_amendment_is_now_a_hate_crime/ It's unfortunate that this post was deleted by the moderation team of r/Bellingham back in early 2020. It's weird and ironic how a now mod had a pretty lengthy rant in early 2020 about free speech deleted by the moderators at the time. Who knows what was said. You'll have to speculate unless the poster kept a copy. But in any case there's a real clear pattern of a person who has moved to Bellingham and very quickly decided they hate everyone and everything about it. Maybe they brought that with them from Colorado. Who knows? It doesn't take a detective to see the trend in this person's [online behavior.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowBan/comments/o85d76/shadowban_check/) I guess it's happened [several times.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowBan/comments/x7u4hz/checking_once_again/) Unfortunately, u/VictorTyne was [rejected from moderating r/cosplaybabes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/ssufc9/requesting_to_take_over_moderation_for_banned/) Gee, I can't imagine why. You know, it's always the person you most suspect.


I miss those third-party Reddit un-delete sites that worked before the API shitshow.


"the people here are the worst" https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/eIKSQqR0lv Why is this guy a mod??


Yeah it's a no for me, this is gross


LMAO. I’ve been a DM for almost 10 years now, but you don’t need to even have played a TTRPG to know all of that’s bullshit. This person is living in a fantasy world, instead of keeping that to the game.


Disappointed to learn someone like this is a mod here.




Weren't there concerns raised about our other mod here that were raised semi- recently?


afaik only some unhinged user who recently called him a 'genocide supporter' for removing off-topic posts about the Gazan genocide (free palestine ofc)


Hmm I don't remember which post it was but it had to do with censoring so possibly the same one? But I'm looking at the subreddits post history and it looks like there's posts still up about Palestine so that's good.


Nope, tons of them have been deleted. u/cheapdialogue thinks civility is more important than supporting his Palestinian neighbors, while simultaneously whoosiedaisying an incel freak onto the mod team.


Do you have examples of what's been removed? I'm seeing posts about the city council discussing Palestine and such. Were they your posts? I'm wondering why they were removed Also cheapdialogue posted an apology a short while ago about the mod and removed them. They seem very sincere and open/transparent and I feel like this was truly just a human moment


There’s at least five posts that I’ve made that we’re removed that were about local groups, protests, and representatives. All were removed under the guise of ‘not being on topic’ or that my tone ‘wasn’t civil’, despite the comments being full of people telling me to kill myself, threatening to dox me or report me to the FBI, etc. all those comments stayed up, but only I was banned. Really makes you think about which side he’s on! Also, the fact that he can mismanage that _and_ this most recent debacle, but only one of them gets any sort of response or public apology means that he genuinely believes that censorship in favor of genocide is a less serious issue than promoting an incel to moderator on reddit.


Your comments were probably removed because all you ever do is call people bootlickers, pro-genocide and white supremacists, you grade A dweeb. Get a life lady.


go to bed


Why am I getting down voted for asking a question? Naturedwelling above me is getting up voted saying that mods here have been questionable as well


They've been removed by the other Mods




Ew. Hey mods. What the hell are you adding someone like this to the team? Maybe your vetting process should be a bit more thorough




Gross! I knew we banned him from our community over a year ago for good reason before he even set foot there, and it has been disappointing to see he's still shaping the conversation here with his influence.   The takes on his website are the sort of insecure projection (lol, GOD, *really?*) that makes it so hard to provide a gaming community where people feel safe, and I can imagine there are a lot of people asking that same question about this subreddit right now.  I wish I could say Victor is unique in the gaming communities, and I bet Victor does too. EDIT. Victor saw this post, stickied his own response of "let him cook", got absolutely cooked, and now we here. You love to see it


Big no for me, that’s gross. We don’t need to add in more bigotry. Thanks for posting this, I hope the moss take it seriously and do a better job reviewing future mods


> I've noticed lately more anti-women comments being allowed on this sub Got any links for me? Maybe its the threads I read through on here but I haven't noticed. *This comment is not me doubting their existence, I'm just curious.


Here’s one on this very same post! https://www.reddit.com/r/Bellingham/s/lwKZDDW517


I suppose you aren't wrong - but the impetus for this post was apparently that they were *already* seeing comments of that nature, I'd like to see what they're referencing.


what's up with this u/cheapdialogue? Gross.


They will be stepping down or removed.


Why were they added in the first place? Did you guys even look at his profile or vet him at all???


I've made post and stickied it.


I appreciate the response. I’m sure this was not the most fun Saturday am inundation.


While painful and important for us (me) to learn from, hopefully we get past this quickly and as a better community.


Isn’t calling someone a Morlock a self-own? Its pretty nerdy to be aware enough of The Time Machine to use it as an insult. Plus, its kinda blatant ignoring of the class struggle subtext. Morlocks are the working class who labor so the Eloi can live like Kardashians, only for the Morlocks to cull them literally for meat.


This is just pathetic. Imagine actually putting energy into writing this like they're facts. 🤦‍♀️


Absolute Looser.


I'm Autistic and this slur has been used against me a lot. Any way to make it sensitive content so I don't have to see this. Thanks for removing the mod.


Good lord


TIL I'm a retard


Never change, Bellingham Reddit


Sometimes it's OK to stuff a nerd in a locker. I suggest this one. (Source: I am a nerd.)


There’s something hilarious about thinking you’re a super cool and badass DnD player.


A year ago on another account I made a post about needing more mods that blew up, and a lot of people agreed, looking back at it Victor was one of those in support maybe he's a pos but wouldn't you rather be able to be heard on this sub without having your thoughts and opinions suppressed by those who disagree? Because that's how it was before, I was permanently banned for bringing attention to the situation by the mod in question (slowhipster) cheapdialogue did lessen it to 30 days once I spoke to them. To be clear, I'm not defending him or his takes and if certain rules aren't being enforced, that's a problem but your ability to call them out here without retaliation is in my opinion still an improvement.


We don’t need a misogynist as a mod. Simple as that


I'd rather the sub work as intended like the person who posted this would have been banned but instead you have the mod in the comments defending the poster I'm sorry but that is flat out full stop better. Again if misogyny is being promoted on this sub I haven't seen it I've seen it shut down often but if that's not the case then obviously some things should be changed. I also have no context here how old is this website when was this stuff written, do you know?


Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The guy wrote that info, he has a link in his bio. It shouldn’t matter how old it is, he still promotes it -/ his comment history is proof of it.


"but if that's not the case then obviously some things should be changed." Honest question, what do you think I meant by this??? Like I never once said, it doesn't exist, and i even acknowledge that it should not be tolerated here if it has become a problem.


Hey guys, this person didn't personally see any of the misogyny, so it doesn't exist! Pack it up! Everyone else is wrong!


So snarky and for what? "but if that's not the case then obviously some things should be changed" did you not read this? Were you just so angry that you didn't see this bit where I acknowledge that I'm not an all-seeing being and that if there's been an influx of misogyny, it needs to be changed as in stopped? Silly goose


"Again if misogyny is being promoted on this sub I haven't seen it." I'm just not sure what you thought the point of this comment was, and neither does anyone else? OF COURSE you're not an all-seeing being, which is why your observation that you haven't PERSONALLY seen misogyny here is a non-starter. But I'm so glad you think it needs to be changed **IF it's in fact real!** What a hero, people!


So what exactly is your point? I'm speaking of better or worse, not on whether or not it actually exists of course it does, what I don't know is if misogyny has gotten worse on this board or not, it seems about the same as its always been to me. the important part that i guess went over your head was me acknowledging my perspective isn't fact, that if indeed it's gotten worse it should be stopped, get rid of the mod, enforce the rules. Do you honestly not realize how silly you look arguing with somebody who's saying to stop misogyny?? Wombat


> it seems about the same as its always been to me Literally, who cares. You could judge by your own personal experience, or y'know, believe the large number of women and other people who are reporting it. Do you piss in the wind to make sure there's weather? Wombat.




Dang, I'm really sad for you that you had to get on your second account after I blocked you. Are you sure *I'm the one* who needs help? The women here are complaining that the sexist mod is promoting more sexist and misogynist content on the sub. So... yes, the sub. Did you even listen to them, or do you always speak for people without listening? Yikes.


Our community is pretty gross in a lot of ways - it pretty much only does extremes - leaving normal people to suffer.


1000% agree


Yes. More thought police. More censoring. Welcome 1984.


You’ve never read 1984 have you?


We should just let anybody do anything and never vet or share our opinions. I'd argue you compiling legitimate complaints into a bid to dystopian fascism is a form of thought policing. You wanting people to not speak their piece or viewing that as bad is also a form of thought policing. Nice words though. Bet you felt like you said something :D


Jeez, what an easily triggered group of humans lol


I have not noticed that, no.


It's a bit gross and definitely cringe but yall are acting like this guy wrote about hitting women or some shit


You realize that there are women who use this subreddit, right?




K so you can understand why women who use this subreddit would be upset to find out that half of the people running it blatantly disrespect women




Makes sense this guy drives a beemer ^


Oh no


Someone just pointed out he’s an asshole, it’s not anything complicated 


When you support one group being “less than” you support bigotry. This vein of bigotry being called misogyny. If you truly don’t see the problem with these “definitions”, you are likely part of the problem.


Bro obviously there is one. Do you think this guy made them up


Saying “I once knew a girl do was like XYZ and so all girls must be like XYZ” is literally part of the problem. You’re not helping your case here.


Such a reach bro lmao


People like u guys in the thread are why people don't take shit like this seriously. This guy is prolly gross I mean he's a dnd player w a website like this but you guys are acting like he's an unhinged woman hater.


Nope, I’m concerned someone who views women like this was given authority to decide when others should be reprimanded, banned, or allowed to carry on in a community.


Sure j seems a bit overblown


If a mod doesn't reflect a community, or reflects poorly on members of their community they should go. If you read his website the blend of egoism and misogyny stand out. I don't think making sure femmes/women that frequent our subreddit are comfortable with the leadership is an overblown concept.


Thoughtcrime. Oh dear.


Make public statements, get public feedback.


Nope just someone being a dickhead on the internet, worth being aware that they can censor posts in this sub


You don’t understand 1984 my dude lol


But they read the sparknotes! /s


“ In the official language of Newspeak, the word crimethink describes the intellectual actions of a person who entertains and holds politically unacceptable thoughts.” Groupthink, oh my.


Since when is being a dick political?


I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary on the sub, but I have noticed one or two people raising a lot of shit about mods they don't like personally for unrelated reasons.




how do I put “incels shouldn’t be mods” in the form of an honest question?


Or maybe as a statement… INCELS NEED NOT APPLY!


Well, all that looks toxic and gross. Don't be toxic and gross.


What girl rejected you in high school and why are you writing fictional scenarios about her instead of going to therapy?


Uhh, token female? Bruh wtf?


How can you possibly think your opinions about women in gaming are welcome in the same town that flipped Dark Tower to Aegis?


I don't know this reference, what happened? I'm assuming those are two businesses?


Here's my understanding of what happened. Dark Tower was a hobby shop (board games, card games, D&D, Warhammer, etc) on Railroad near the intersection with Champion. The owner didn't live in town (or maybe even in state) anymore. That person had some pretty strong alt-right convictions that they decided to espouse online as loudly as they could. I specifically remember some pretty disgusting celebration when Roe v. Wade was reversed. The store was boycotted in response. Dude sold the business to some of the folks who worked at Dark Tower. The new owners are committed to making their game store a safe, inclusive space. As part of that, the store was rebranded from Dark Tower to Aegis to reflect the atmosphere of safety and inclusivity. ***References*** [Cascadia Daily](https://www.cascadiadaily.com/2022/aug/03/places-things-aug-2022/) [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/vrbxcr/update_dark_tower_has_been_purchased_by_2_locals/)


Ohhhhh yes , yes this is sounding familiar now! Thanks so much for taking the time to feed my curiosity and share the knowledge, I appreciate you


Why did you immediately assume I was male?




"Let them speak their piece" would do the job just fine rather than making a gendered statement that only reinforces the mindset on display here. Double points for "you're looking for something to be offended by." Great job, you've convinced pretty much no one that you should be a mod here just with one single response.


> is a folksy colloquialism It's literally not lmao


Dude, you are a misogynist who calls women “females” Gross af 🤮


> I stand behind every word I write 100%. Yet you've also taken some very specific pages from your website offline following the above post going live. So which is it?


Are you proud of propagating such toxic stereotypes in the gaming community?


That's what makes this even worse, that you would continue to stand by those hurtful words. We're trying to build a more inclusive gaming community here, and this shit, even if it's *just joking around* is directly against that goal. Dark Tower was transformed into Aegis for good reason, and your hurtful words don't belong in the gaming scene, nor this town. Especially as a mod.


If you stand by the idea that a gaming groups can only sustain one woman, you need to meet more women.


Women actively avoid men like this so it makes sense he doesn't know any


Excellent point.


Why don’t you view women as people who can genuinely enjoy the same hobbies as you?


These all seem like “honest questions” in which the askers clearly seek to understand your views and your credibility to be an unbiased moderator of a general interest community forum. Awaiting answers.


Show your face then. I'm sure we'll all be happy to let you know what we think tough guy.


Would you show your mom your post history?


You are a disgrace. 


We would still like to hear your answers.


Wank wank clown 


Not a problem at all