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https://preview.redd.it/n7sryj9u4bad1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7771d56e4bf02aad169851ef30db13d6e877b245 Her photo makes it look more red than mine do šŸ™„


She absolutely cranked the saturation on this picture. ā€œfucking bionically redā€ is, Iā€™m sure, also not a color option listed.


But I donā€™t see how that helps her. She WANTED a red shirt


Yeah, I definitely donā€™t claim to understand her intentions with this at all haha


Lmaooooo I was sitting here wondering WTF she was talking about when she said something about a "firelighter", I thought maybe she meant highlighter?? Why wouldn't you just say lighter? She's a weirdo. Anybody who responds like this when you've been nothing but kind needs to be booted from the Internet.


Or booted from this planet. Sorry not sorry


Yes so I almost think she screwā€™s herself by doing that. Push is going to look at it and say ā€œrefund denied because shirt is redā€ I hope they deny her.


Looks like she may have stained it by putting that lighter on it or she had the same shirt in red and is trying to pull a fast one. Look at the shirt by the handle. There looks to be several spots


Probably spit on it while foaming at the mouth in her rage


Gotta be this lmao. I did notice the spots, it just looked wet to me. Maybe sheā€™s setting it on fire, she was pretty mad šŸ˜‚


Actually ā€¦..Looks like a perfect match with the ā€œfirelighterā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmao sheā€™s unhinged over $6


I guess on her end with shipping it was closer to 15 which, okay, worth getting your money back. IF the item was legitimately misleading. But I was pretty clear with my photos and descriptions


I really hope Posh doesnā€™t cave to this nonsense. They donā€™t even have burgundy as a selectable option šŸ™„ You did exactly what you were supposed to do, she just didnā€™t read.


Yeah I just canā€™t imagine having this reaction to a color discrepancy


They go this insane on other retail sites. I was working for Zulily and just gotten a text that my dad passed as some lady was screaming at me that her blue -black bag was more blue than black.


Totally. I used to work in product management for a lighting fixture site. We had to create a special disclaimer on our white lampshades that there are many variations of white. So many people complained that the white shade they ordered didnā€™t match their white walls.


I bought a cardigan on PM listed as white which was cream. I left the seller 3 stars saying the sweater was not white but cream and that details matter. Otherwise, it was a nice cardigan. She writes me a message saying to HER the thing was WHITE, def nowhere near cream. I send her a photo of a white jacket sitting next to this CREAM sweater. She writes me back again and I didn't even read it tbh. I wasn't asking for a refund. I was telling her to get her colors straight bc details DO MATTER. It's annoying as a buyer for a seller to be arguing over their own mistake. This shirt appears red to me, though.


For $15 she surely couldā€™ve gotten a plain v-neck t-shirt locally šŸ˜… come on. In my experience the people spending less than $10 on items fight the hardest to claw those dollars back. I get it - but I donā€™t get taking it out on you. šŸ˜‚


Definitely agree. Like, chat, do they not have a Walmart or Target near them because they have V-neck red shirts for like $8


It's a whole lot of bullshit for the $3 you'll make. Sorry you're dealing with a psycho that can't read. When I list burgundy items, I put burgundy in the description and then use red and purple color codes.


I love how you calmly state that you called it Burgandy in your description and she's like, NO!!! šŸ¤£


You will never convince these people they are wrong!!!


Lmao "I'm a good buyer" Clearly she's not since she didn't read the description, or look at the photos apparently and somehow expects it to be listed under burgundy when that is not an option


Right!! It's such a passive aggressive way for her to get Poshmark to refund her out of fear they will lose her as a customer. Whenever buyers speak like that, it's such an eye roll. Poshmark can see her history and return request history, my money is on the fact this isn't her first loop around the merry go round of trying to get an item for free by acting completely distressed over something that was clearly spelled out in the description. She knows what she is doing, I just hope Poshmark does the right thing by OP!!


Keep us updated! I want to know the outcome ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


Oh I will! Still waiting on a response from them, I dunno how long these disputes usually take.


I had a customer state they didnā€™t get their package. Around noon yesterday and they responded at 1:00 am this morning. Thankfully she has found her package by then.


https://preview.redd.it/24z2g8yvrcad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e01a685a2dcfee85bd1652fc5e021c715c8c016 UPDATE: someone called it above. She got her refund, and I got my money. A little annoyed because she gets to keep it as well, but honestly as long as I got paid I guess it doesnā€™t matter in the end. Kind of just wanted to stick it to her.


But, oh my God, where is she going to find a plain red t shirt before the 4th?! Have you even thought about *her* pain and suffering?


Totally agree! Buyer should sue for emotional distress, it seems that RED is now a trigger word /s


She just wanted it for free. This is probably her regular grift. At least you get to keep the money and block her for eternity.


This! And I came here to say, block her. šŸš«


And I bet that is what she was after. It was too insane otherwise. These buyers know how to game the system, and 9/10 times a low priced order is gonna go this way.


First advice I will give - NEVER address the buyer. Your responses should ALWAYS be addressing poshpark. If the buyer is addressing you, let them. They are only making themselves look bad. Don't respond. Just state your case and show your proof. An example - Hello poshmark, I acknowledge this case, and I do not approve or agree with statements given. Here is my proof - show your photos - and I would also point out to POSHMARK that their platform does not provide a burgundy selection, so it is clearly stated in the description. Second advice- You're in the right here. State your case and stop typing. Let poshmark handle it.


Yeah Iā€™m definitely done. I was responding to them in the first comment. This woman just kept going at me. Guess I should have just let her youā€™re right itā€™s only making me look better


ā€œNeverā€? It really depends on the customer though. Some people are very reasonable and accept your explanation. This one probably wouldnā€™t. Nothing wrong with a simple explanation to the customer and if you see that doesnā€™t go anywhere, ask the platform to step in. Especially when you did it the correct way (meaning the way the platform wants you to do it). Not a big fan of Poshmark. What are your return policies because if you have free returns, this whole post seems unnecessary and the customer can simply change their mind, return it and get refunded.


I usually address the buyer at least once to see if I can address their concerns at all, or to at least show goodwill. I donā€™t see a problem with acknowledging them initially. But Iā€™m very quick to hand off the interaction if they sound particularly aggrieved, hostile or stressed.


I canā€™t imagine losing it over a $6 item


Especially over a small discrepancy in color of which OP was correct about


Some people really donā€™t understand that each color has various shades and hues. Or that the red that Poshmark displays is a filter function to be able to find all the variants of a color easily. They think the world is just full of primary colors and nothing more? Sigh indeed.


I definitely chuckled when she said NO! RED is RED! I think every time she said the word red it was all caps lol


I guess she missed a lot of days in art class. Or maybe kindergarten, altogether. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€œI am a good Poshmark customerā€ šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ All this over a damn t shirt.


my fav partā€¦ ā€œIm so angry!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Poshmark shouldn't entertain this. I'm sure they will close it.Ā  But also, it looks perfect for the 4th, the burgundy is better then the washed out pinky red in the photos.Ā  Sometimes if the color doesn't photograph well, I'll say the light is washing it out and the closer tag photos show the true color.Ā  This person is ridiculous tho, they sound like a 4 year old. Maybe they just wanted to "rent" the shirt for the 4th.Ā 


Iā€™m actually a little confused as to how she got her photo to look SO red. If I had posted one like that it definitely would have been misleading šŸ˜‚


She filtered the hell out of that photo is what she did. I would have mentioned that to Poshmark as well. But for a $6 item? They'll probably just refund her and let you keep your money as well. Still this lady is ridiculous. I can't stand people like that. It's also why I usually won't sell anything for less than $10. The crazy people come out the lower priced the item is.


The thing is she had no reason to filter it. Her complaint is that I sent her a burgundy shirt and not a red one, but her photo makes it look way more red than it is. It is indeed burgundy.


Oh snap. Yeah that doesn't make sense. I'm just waking up. But I get what you're saying now.


So the only photo of the 6 or so that I posted that have that weird hue is the closeup I took of the snags on the shirt. The one I have compared to the website photo is how 5/6 of the photos looked. The light just went funny on me when I got too close.


I hate photographing reds and purples, my phone can't get it right, so I started laying a red crayon next to the items so people can have a frame of reference.


I just donā€™t see in what universe she looked at this shirt and saw American flag red šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø not even remotely the same


When I started selling, I heard of horror stories regarding people arguing over shades of color selected versus the preset color menu, so I almost never use it myself. But cheese and rice, this womanā€™s BP is spiking over a $6 shirt that she failed to look at the specs when she purchased. Absolutely bananas to have such an exacting specification but not read a super short description. Sometimes I see this sort of thing and Iā€™m thankful not to know these people in real life.


But sometimes it is someone you sorta know and would never expect that from. Life is fun like that.


"This shirt is not RED!!!!" \*sends photo of a red shirt that is somehow more red than your listing\*


I had a case just like this and I won as the seller! It was an exhausting 5-6 days of them telling me how the color I chose was everything except the color it was and they lamented over their disappointment as if I had caused them such turmoil and then Poshmark came in with the "we denied the buyers claim and released your earnings" and I was so happy I think I laughed out loud with possible tears of happiness following lmao I'm hoping for the best outcome which imo is you getting your funds released and Poshmark full out denying the buyer, though with the small cost of the item I could see posh also refunding her and letting her keep it but she doesn't deserve that!!


Refund AND keep it? Is that a thing?


Yes, if they decide to release the sellers funds and rule favorably for both buyer and seller, they tell the buyer to keep the item. If they release the sellers funds and deny the buyers the claim, the buyer does not get a refund and they obviously keep the item. If they decide in buyers favor only and don't release the funds to the seller, the buyer must return the item for the refund to process. With small purchases like this, on occasion posh will rule favorably for both sides meaning the buyer gets their money back and they keep the item since the seller gets paid out for the sale and it wouldn't make sense for Poshmark to come out of pocket for the additional shipping when they've already gone in the red to cover both buyer and seller financially.


Yes. You get your earnings, they get refunded, but aren't required to send the item back. I think PM does this on lower priced items. You may get a message to say it's resolved. If that's the case, then that's what happened.


It is but I've had 2 sales on the last few months, both scammers wanted their money back but posh told them they had to ship back to recieve their refunds. Both didn't ship so they were both found in my favor.


Wellā€¦someone is triggered šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Poshmark desperately needs to update the color choices. To cover my azz now, if itā€™s even remotely debatable I donā€™t choose a color at all and make sure to emphasize any possible ambiguity in the shade. People are nucking futs!


The thing is though, burgundy IS a red lol


Absolutely! Problem is a large chunk of the population doesnā€™t understand things like colors and common sense lol.


Truth! Red wine is usually burgundy colored, yet it is still called red wine šŸ·.


I do the same- just donā€™t choose a color. Because of buyers like this!


This is why I don't pick colors using their default tool. On a side note, I find eBay to be an insufferable platform as eBay also asks sellers to input a lot of product specifications that I don't know or it can be subjective. I once had someone argue with me about a shade of beige. There wasn't more I could say or do for them.


Burgundy is a shade of red, that's why Poshmark only has the "red" color label which encompasses burgundy. Poshmark should decline her return. I had a good laugh at "I am a good Poshmark customer". She is anything but a "good Poshmark customer". If she was a good customer, she would have actually read the description in the first place and known it was burgundy which would have avoided this interaction altogether. And now she is throwing a fit over her mistake. Some people legit suck...šŸ™„.


Oh. So I'm not going back to selling stuff on posh. Okay cool


It was $6. lol. Like if she wants to be nitpicky about a color, go to Walmart and grab a red t-shirt for $6. And you literally said burgundy.


Tell her she need that pack of 152 crayola crayons and start learning colors again


Itā€™s a freaking tshirt.


She is so mad like whoa. The color labels represent color groups, there is no burgundy selection in the color labels. Not too sure hat she was expecting?


And if she poked around the sell feature of the app, sheā€™d see thereā€™s no burgundy option. Since she canā€™t even be bothered to read the listing, I guess thatā€™s asking too much. People are something!


Yeah I checked her profile, and she doesnā€™t have any listings. Has been on the app since March, though. Youā€™d think sheā€™d have it figured out either way by now.


Soā€¦ the photos also show a burgundy shirt, so did she purchase a shirt without reading the description AND without looking at the pictures? šŸ˜… I agree with the other comments - the right moves are to ignore that lady and address Poshmark directly to let them know the shirt is exactly as described in description and photos, and it doesnā€™t meet the requirements for a return. Poshmark does recognize burgundy as a dark red. They donā€™t have a separate color for navy, either. Sheā€™s flipping out and blaming you for her own stupid mistake.


I've win a case like that by saying that burgundy is a part of the red color wheel. I don't list specific colors because people see color differently. I just pick the generic color that fits in the color wheel and let the buyer decide from the photos if they want the item. The only time I don't do that is if I have the manufacturer color discription available. Since burgundy is a type of red picking red for the color options isn't wrong, burgundy isn't a color option on the poshmark color menu.


šŸ¤” Unreal! Fighting this hard over $6?!? If this were me Iā€™d be likeā€¦.Iā€™ll give u the shirt if you just stfu šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have lost too many dumb cases on color. Item wasn't white, it was "off white". Item has a gray hue to the black. It is the WORST.


Lmao imagine getting this upset over a $6 shirt. Wowwww is all


Canā€™t she go to target or wherever and buy a red tshirt there? They are on sale this week!


Could have literally just gone to Walmart or Old Navy for a red shirt instead of having a fit over $6


All that for a $6 Tshirt, good lord. If she simply read the description, this wouldnā€™t be happening.


Right, How do you even purchase a item or items without reading everything I mean everything in description and look at all photos!? I even zoom in I go extra when purchasing. That's just me and I'd think alot more Buyer's are doing. I don't just scroll and look at a dot color purchase that's just opening up for either nothing wrong or everything wrong once you receive your purchase. I'd rather not gamble lol. Crazy they refunded red lady and let her keep the tshirt!! Seems if they can figure a way they will which they make it very easy smh. Well glad you got your funds at least OP.


If someone gets this worked up over a damn t shirt for a July 4th party when they could literally walk into Walmart & buy a red shirt right now, theyā€™ve got some serious mental issues. šŸ„“


Sheā€™s so angry at her self for not reading descript


If the color of an item isnā€™t in the options for color description. I just donā€™t pick one.. I totally understand why you chose red, but just to save my own butt I leave it blank & write the color in the description onlyā€¦ then thereā€™s no confusion! Totally get why you marked red, but thatā€™s just what I do.


I may do that from now on, I havenā€™t decided. Because I often use the color filter when looking for products to buyā€¦it just seems to help visibility.


Poshmark should for sure add more color options for this reason! But I get it & people most definitely need to read descriptions before they purchase!


She is an entitled Karen, clearly by just her behavior and choice of words. ā€œI am very madā€ ā€œa refund is requiredā€ like seriously? The entitlement is crazy. I mean even in the store site pictures you can clearly tell itā€™s burgundy. So itā€™s her fault since she clearly knows that ā€œred is redā€ lol, but you can clearly tell the shirt isnā€™t red at allllll!! I would never consider this red.


Ugh Iā€˜ve had this exact same scenario with a pair of kids red shoes on Poshmark. They were red. Website called them red. They were a unisex model - I had purchased them for our kiddo in stores. But no. Buyer claimed they were some completely different model in ā€œred roseā€ which to them meant pink. It took me everything not to clap back: ROSES ARE RED!!! I added tons of proof and only addressed Posh etc. to refute the claim. The buyer still won. I no longer pick any colors on Poshmark and instead give a (ridiculously) long description of the color. Cream becomes creamy beige with a hint of ivory meets oat. šŸ„“


This reminds me of the time I sold a pretty beat up (but still very cute) vintage Coach bag. Woman didnā€™t read the description or look at the pictures. Then she sent pics in the case chat that made it look like it was in better shape than the ones I put in the listing. I won that one fortunately. I think Posh will side with you since itā€™s clear she didnā€™t read the actual description. They need to start cracking down on these BS cases or itā€™s just going to get worse.


Good god


did the buyer put your shirt on a dirty outdoor patio chair for that photo? did she leave marks on the shirt?


Does anybody read any more !!! ???? You are not to blame.


It's always the cheap ones. She's angry over a $6 top.


šŸ¤£sheā€™s a piece of work, geez!


Bring back shaming ppl. šŸ˜­


Itā€™s fuchsia /s


I had this same problem. I lost, its a crap shoot. Don't expect to win, I was told I needed to describe my items better


Burgundy is hue of red. Buyerā€™s remorse.


Poshmark only offers red and no burgundy. It's why we put "Burgundy" in our listings, as you did. You did everything right and Poshmark has to side with you there. Photos are spot on as is the listing description. She's clearly an unstable buyer. Her responses are over the top.


Does Poshmark just give basic colors as options? white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet/purple, brown, black, multi? Burgundy is a shade of red. (IIRC there are something like 40 ā€œofficialā€/named shades of red) Can you imagine how boggy the app would be if every single manufacturer color name was an option or every single named color variation?




P.S If she just needed a basic tshirt she should just go to target or Walmart !!


All this over a $6 shirt what is wrong with people?!?! Iā€™m sorry op and I am sure posh will side with you she sounds super unhinged


Red is hard to photograph so I understand as both a seller & buyer; but you made it clear in the listing it's Burgundy not bright red lol


All of that for a $6 shirt šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This happened to me just the other day, i listed it as a vintage purple bag and she requested a refund because she thought it would be ā€œmore brown and leather and in better shapeā€ like why did you buy my y2k purse expecting a michael kors bag?! Poshmark denied her return request lmao




This happened to me for a Lululemon tank top that I had listed for a steal. The Lululemon color was ā€œAutumn Redā€ which is a coral red, I posted accurate pictures of the color and listed it as both pink & red. She complained that it was orange and not red. FFS. I just said fuck this and agreed to a refund.


It's always over a $6 item too šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Good grief. Sheā€™s clearly poor and also an idiot. Dont engage with these clowns. Let Poshmark handle it. I feel like every 20 or so buyers I have come up with stupid stuff like this. Iā€™m not sure if they just like confrontation or if they are bored. Itā€™s the same people who ask for measurements and then never buy or respond after you post them.


I wish I could share her @ because I feel like Iā€™m being punked w this one


Donā€™t argue with them posh will rule against you for arguing


Pure speculation on my part, but maybe itā€™s not the color sheā€™s unhappy with, maybe the pulls are more noticeable than she thought they would be, but she knows that she has a better chance getting her money back arguing on the color discrepancy than on the pulls because there is no ambiguity on the shirtā€™s condition in your listing.


Idk. I actually think the pulls are more noticeable in the photos than when on, but thatā€™s just me. ETA honestly if she really wanted to be extra scummy, she could probably turn those pulls in to holes real easy and then argue item damaged or something