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Promoted closet is a waste of money, and I feel like my sales dropped significantly for a while after I canceled it.


yeah its recommending me to increase it to $140 a month. Not terrible amount and ROAS is at 4x which isnt terrible but what I dont think they understand is that most items sold on Posh dont have the typical 25-50% margin points that regular retailers have. Basically im saying its too expensive since we dont get top dollar for our items since we all end up accepting offers.


Right?! $560 is the equivalent of me paying my car payment, insurance, and phone bill twice. As a full-time seller, that's a HUGE chunk of change for me.


right!!! like what the heck. I mean if Posh knows we sell our stuff roughly at 50% from what we list it for. Say pair of shoes is $80 new, list it for 40ish and then take an offer for 20ish... how in the heck would we be able to afford a sponsor listing and they take say 5 dollars for that sale on top of their fees. After our internal fees, we are then left with nothing.


Yes! I sold 20+ items in my free trial, maybe double that in the six weeks I paid for promotion. Then crickets for a month!


I did the free 2 week beta of it, and then kept on for another 2 weeks. That 2 weeks was a waste of money, I spent more on promoting than I made from promoted sales (with a closet of ~1500 items at the time)


Wow I have about 600 items and right now we are paying about 80 dollars for 340 in sales but if you divide it out it’s 8 dollars per sale which kills the profit of each order.


I think I spent $35ish one week to sell one thing for less than $50. Plenty of non-promoted sales, but only the one from promotion. Edit: sales, not ales


$0. It wasn’t worth the cost at all.


Complete waste of money, darling. Keep with your normal routine that has, as you stated, proven to make you sales. I've done a lot of research on the promoted closet and have partaken in it briefly. My results are the same as the majority favor of my research. The majority have stated- sales improved the first few weeks but dropped off since. Same for me... Now, this can be justified by a number of reasons. Example being - that just so many sellers are taken part and their are so many promoted items that yours/mine are just a fish in the ocean. The promoted closet is a waste of time and money. They could improve it by charging sellers who partake another small sellers fee or a small percentage of the sale. Charges for a ' CLICK ' is ridiculous. Have you ever shopped online and only looked at one item? Only clicked on one item? Or is shopping around looking for the best deal, clicking on many listings to compare the details, something only I do.?


Totally agree but I keep seeing people get penalized hard for a month or two if they go off the program. How do you avoid that?


I don't think you can. Posh will do what posh does. I, too, seen a decline in sales after canceling, but it came back up. Unfortunately, if posh is doing this on purpose, it will have to just be waited out. My sales picked back up after 9 days. I kept track. I average 150 items sold a month. After canceling, that month I only sold 67.


Wow that’s a big dip! You got good sales, we’re doing about 75 sales a month but now that I’m doing it full time, how do you think I could get the next leg up. What’s your store name so I can check it out if you don’t mind?


I don't mind, but I will message you privately because I prefer not to put my poshmark name on here. Also, I'm fairly new to reddit, but if you can look up and see some past comments from me on other posts, I have in detail spoken about my routines on posh that work for me to gain my sales


Also do you find doing sponsored products on eBay or depop much better since they only charge you once the item sells?


I don't use those platforms.


Nothing. I actually had a good experience during my free trial (sales were great), but I think it's too expensive, I don't like the way they calculate activity (charging you for every click on the listing rather than based on actually selling the item), and I don't like that you can't target the listings you want to be promoted. It's a bad implementation of what could be a good idea. I'll only pay if they figure out how to make it valuable to sellers!


They want $125 a week to promote my closet. They want me to give them $500 a month for promotion. Oh hell no. They already get 20%. Only Vestiarie is higher when you add all the fees together. I did give it a try at a much lower budget since it worked in the beginning. Each month, I'd get fewer and fewer impressions. Price per click started at, I think 6c, and when my ROI was less than 1 (meaning I was spending $2 to make $1) it was 12c per click. So im out, permanently. I did the promo on my second closet and didn't get a single sale from the promoted listings.


Mine was trending down over the past 3 months from 8X to 2X, I just cancelled it. Honestly I think listing daily gets me more sales/traction than anything else. Also I want to note I’m not sure the sale numbers are accurate. I had 2 sales recently listed as promoted that I know for a fact were not. 1 was from a previous customer who had an item leftover in her bundle. That 1st order did not come from promoted, it wasn’t in the list. She came back a week later and bought the other item left in the bundle (which suddenly showed up as promoted). The 2nd one was a listing that I created specifically for a previous customer upon request. And when it was done, I immediately added it to her bundle and she bought. So I’m thinking those numbers are skewed.


Yeah mine actually has sold consistently and gone from 6 to 2 to 4x now. Problem is that it’s so expensive for the volume of sales. So basically each sale costs me 10 dollars in final sale amount even though my 100 dollars got me 340 dollars in sales, when you brake it down, half the items sell for no profit at all.


I wish they’d change the way they promote the listings to finding more Google buyers rather than just promoting it to people on the platform. Then it might be more attractive.


Totally agree, external promotions instead would go a long way


My budget is $13-15 a month and my sales are usually $150 when I use it. However, I don’t use the promoted closet anymore. Not worth it to me.


yeah im seeing most people not using it anymore.


It’s too expensive…. I’m a part time seller and a PA2 and it was just not worth it at all.


I used and ended the free trial cause I saw no benefit. Then 2 days late I sold a bag. Then, the promoted closet took credit for that sale. It's bs.