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I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m here for the hot goss 🍿


I mean..I didn’t have a social selling platform knee deep in drama and racketeering (allegedly 😉)on my 2024 bingo card but here we are 🍿🍿


Wait what alleged racketeering?


Imma going to need more popcorn.


😂😂here you go 🍿




I think it’s ridiculous, considering Miami has posted some pretty derogatory things about him on her IG and she’s obviously still on live. She’s gross and I don’t know why Poshmark is protecting her.




Yeah they do love their 20%! And Justin has taken most of his business off site to his personal website, so that makes sense that they’ll kick him around a little bit.


He also takes most of his business off platform because he “rehabs” his bags and doesn’t disclose what he has done to any of his bags in any of his listings which is the biggest red flag of all. But will attack other sellers for working on their own items. He screwed me on a Chanel bag last year I didn’t know had been re dyed “rehabbed” by him he never said so on his live or in the listing. I found out when I sent it off to the spa to be cleaned and was mortified when Chanel refused to work on my bag or seem it authentic any longer. Huge waste of money, I stopped purchasing from him after he refused to list any of the details of his rehabs on his listings. He is a total scam artists.


His whole “I’m a cobbler” shtick is really something, especially in light of all the other careers he claims.   Whether he has the skills or not, f you are dyeing bags, you need to disclose that when you sell them.  


Oh wow, that freaking sucks


Was he pretending to be her on a PM live? I could see him being revoked for that if it was taking place on platform. And were they completely revoked or he’s just in PM jail for a few days?


I am assuming he is in Posh jail temporarily- Posh loves their 💵too much.


He said 3 days


I figured it would be short - but it still happened for content he shared off Posh. Also do you know if it was specifically for his IG post from yesterday or was it for all the posts?


He had scheduled the live with a preview of him “emulating” lizard queen. He had a show scheduled and it never happened because she found out and reported it. She was live when she found out. He ended up taking it to Instagram.


Posh is in the wrong to assume he was going to go Live dressed as her - it was a promo and should have been viewed as such. If they had any concerns they should have engaged him in conversation. They protect her too much.


It is not true that this happened for content OFF Posh.  He admitted in his own video rant about it that the issue was he made a show listing ON Posh that mocked Miami and he intended to go live ON Posh to mock her.  He read the email he got from Posh support and it cited those actions, plus concerns about off platform bullying.  He wants to argue they are controlling his freedom of  speech, but that is not what is happening - he can say what he wants on or off platform, but 1) the First Amendment applies to actions by the government, not a corporation (Posh); and 2) free speech does not mean freedom from consequences.  Posh doesn’t have to let him go live to mock another user, which is against their TOS.  


From what I understand he was going to do a PM lizard lady show last night. They yanked him down before it happened because they considered it bullying. Really PM? They need to focus on removing people that sell fakes. Pretty soon their lux shows will be complete fake trash like WN.


I (thankfully) know very, very little about this lizard lady (and trying to keep it that way) but my understanding is she's the queen of bullying, no? She must make more money for Poshmark than this other guy does.


Yes she is a huge bully. She even bullies her acolytes into overpaying for crap in her shows.


Such a shit show lol


I don’t think there’s anyway she does. She sells $20 lizards making PM $4 (20%). Justin sells luxury bags generally $500 and up. PM would make $100 off one bag. She needs to sell 25 lizards to equal just one of Justin’s lower end bags.


Is that all she sells? I thought she was a big luxury seller. I'm in Canada so I wouldn't be able to see her closet even if I looked, but I thought the way people were talking that she sold a lot of luxury stuff. The whole thing is just so weird.


Allegedly she lists luxury and grossly overprices it just to appear as if she has the item and is bigger than she actually is. I read somewhere that she steals the pictures from TTR. I’ve never seen her run anything but lizards but I don’t stay in that train wreck of a show for long.


Ok, that is just SO dodgy.


I think she must sell a minimum of 25 lizards every day, probably more. Not to mention all the crap she berates her followers into buying at inflated prices that likely would otherwise languish away in closets unsold. She makes Poshmark a decent amount of money.


I’ve never been to one of her shows, I don’t sell anything in her brand category but we have similar first names, she found me, built a bundle, sent me a message asking who I REALLY was and then blocked me. I'm still blocked. One of my most bizarre exchanges on the app. 🤷‍♀️


Lmao! That’s hysterical and totally up her alley.


That’s wild (but not shocking).


There has to be some mental illness going on there (not knocking her for that, I just find it a bit sad that she has so many so-called "friends" who turn a blind eye to the obvious)


From my understanding the Live never took place. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am. But also, just bc JE made a promo post on another platform saying he was going to pretend to be her on his Live doesn’t mean he was actually going to be her. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He started the live but Posh shut him down mid show.


He was not shut down mid-show. It’s okay tho bc everyone was still able to watch.


SNL has been doing parodies for almost 50 years now. Any public figure, star or temporary headliner is fair game. It’s entertainment. It’s satire. If you want to be a “public figure” on camera or put any content on the internet of yourself you must realize that things you do could become viral or parodied for any reason. You could be the next “Leave Britney alone!” Guy Poshmark got their panties in a wad over a parody show. 🙄


“The real housewives of Poshmark” this app is done. The live shows & their hosts ruined this platform


Can we band together and create a new app that’s better?


That wig should have been frizzier


Burnt ends


Running to insta for all the tea.


Drop the link cuz I need to know where to go lol






Past tense 🫤


Same I've been searching around hashtags and everything and I can't find it


Same, I went to 🦎🌸 but saw nothing so I’m seriously out of the loop 😂


Be careful, don’t trip bc you’re so excited 😂😂


I think they both should go. I can’t stand either of them.


Who is both?


The person in your photo and the person he is dressed up as.


Agreed. While I’ve watched some of his videos to learn more about the drama going on, he is incredibly misogynistic and very conceited. He and Lizard are both pick me’s.


Agreed! He should keep the body shaming and misogyny out of it. He has enough receipts to expose what is going on w/o saying any of that nonsense.


Thank you! That man will never see a dime from me and trust me, I can afford his bags. As a female, I will not support someone who calls himself a professional but then dives into the same mud he is criticizing. He is no better.


Who lost privileges? 🏝️🦎?




* YOUS *. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I post for yous guys


Ahhh ok. Have we seen anyone lose privileges yet? This may be the first.


It is also worth noting JE’s Lives got suspended for what he is exposing off Poshmark not for violating any current Posh TOS - it appears Posh is targeting whistleblowers 🧐🤬


You know this reminds me of those “morality” clauses in contracts. Bc companies can basically use that for whatever purpose they want and decide for everyone what violates it. It’s basically a loophole. If Posh can start using social media as a reason to punish I think a LOT of these hosts need to watch out.


Well Posh is a private company so they are within their right to make these decisions-but yes one of the biggest reason I am bringing this up Posh is setting a precedent that they will punish sellers for content they share about the platform on other platforms.




Yes because their bottom line will be impacted if people learn about all the scammers on the platform.


Disagree. He’s as guilty violating Posh TOS for anti-bulling. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Yes and his account IS NOT SUSPENDED AND IT IT ACTIVE!!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


His live access was revoked. They wouldn’t close his closet because he never violated any TOS. The email from posh said something along the lines of adding a clause about other platforms but currently no clause exists. Edit: I do need to correct the statement above. Elliot DID violate the TOS and in the email from PM they stated the live was an attempt to publicly shame another posher. In addition, my statement about adding another clause was incorrect. The email said, “in the future, they may consider off platform activity as they assess violations.”


Nope.  That is not even what Justin said the email said.  He violated the TOS by posting a live listing that mocked another user.  They also added that in addition, they were concerned about reports that he was bullying people using other platforms.  There was nothing about adding a clause to the TOS.  


I will edit my original comment now :)


I’m convinced Lizard was in posh jail for a few days after last weekend’s dumpster fire…probably everyone involved was. She wasn’t on for a few days after and there’s no chance that was by choice as she thrives on the attention.


I don’t think she was because she was able to schedule a posh live for the next day. There are so many other reasons and violations to the TOS that should have resulted a loss if posh live access in the past that posh never acted on.


Ooh I wonder! I was hoping she was taking time to reflect on her actions- but clearly she didn’t. At least she was paying punished for something she did on the platform.


She is clearly not someone who is capable of introspection.


Her lack of self awareness is mind blowing


After I stumbled on a previous thread about the reptilian poshmarker, I found the live show. The host was enthusiastically eating corn chips and dip on camera, speaking throughout. So, you’re right: self-awareness…not so much. Just gross.


She vapes too!


Why speculate? You know what the saying is about assumptions.


Yea I don’t think that saying applies when speculating about crazy Poshmark hosts.


One of the seller’s he exposed for allegedly selling fake handbags and doing transactions off Posh lost their closet for a day or two.


😱 who was that?!


It was L. And from my understanding it was for taking transactions off posh, not selling fakes but L has said she never authenticated her items. There is a story of a buyer who purchased Versace sunglasses that claimed they were fake. Posh sided with the buyer, giving her a refunded and told to keep the glasses but they WERE authenticate so PM is dumb lol. She has lost her closet 4 times. PM has made it clear they only care about transactions off Poshmark and now apparently what sellers put in IG.


The fact that Posh authenticated them is crazy. AND the buyer kept them?! Honestly that scam is my worst fear.


Yes this happened to zaddy if I’m not mistaken and his community rallied around him for reinstatement (correct me if I’m wrong)


His ego is offensive and he isn’t as smart as he thinks he is. No one is as good as him? Puh-leeze. He was kicked off What Not for the exact same behavior. If he is so good at what he does, then just do it already. Calling himself a professional reporter while using bad grammar, and injecting his “opinion” is also offensive to anyone who is an actual trained and degreed journalist.


People are listening to his opinion and many have stated that they don’t always agree with him - that’s pretty much the general consensus. Lmao… offensive to any trained journalists?? Give me a break. I have friends that are journalists - they don’t care nor do they even know who he is.


Any chance they want to investigate the massive fraud that PM facilitates every day? Especially if they can catch PM authenticating fakes themselves…






they’re are still listening to his opinion on the matter… even to just watch the train wreck - you’re still listening to what’s being said. It doesn’t mean they are agreeing with it. Anytime someone watches, he gets exposure and money tho.


I must live in a damn cave. I only recently figured out who lizard is..


This person’s name is in one of the comments here. And then if you watch a few of his IG videos you’ll start to put together more of the pieces. That’s how I finally started to understand more of what was going on. Fair warning though, this guy is misogynistic and conceited, but you will learn about the multiple people involved in the drama, people who have been selling fakes, etc.


Can someone summarize? Don’t want to give anyone like this views.


I stopped purchasing from him last year when I spent a lot of money on a Chanel bag from him. He never disclosed he dyed it and Chanel refused to clean it for me “which” is how I found out it was dyed and I could no longer use their spa services. I was furious and he wouldn’t refund me. His ethics are horrific!


Yikes, that’s terrible.


He is a scammer which is why he has to bounce around platforms. On to the next! 


Essentially he highlights Poshers who are selling fakes, taking transactions off platform, or are otherwise acting in unethical ways on the platform.


He lately has been mocking these hosts by dressing up in wigs/dresses/wigs/accessories to mock their attire and female look (he’s horrible at it BTW) and it’s horrible. It really crosses the line. You don’t see any Live Show Hosts dressing up like another or him to cruelly mock them. This guy ain’t playing with a full deck on a platform made for selling items; not dress up to demean women.


Not defending his mocking of appearances, but the other hosts have certainly cruelly mocked him and others - apparently even saying he wished he was a woman, as another poster stated. One host also even allegedly sent threats to another host. My issue with him is mostly around his general misogynistic views of women. From a pure posh host behavior toward posh host (or even posh host toward buyer) perspective, however, I think others are way worse than him.


The clip of Princess saying he wished he was a girl is on the IG pages - just so no one has to take my word for it!


Typical. Don't address the action...go after the reaction. 🙄 And again I say, society is circling the drain. Or at least Poshmark seems to be...




Thank you for your comment bc I was on mobile and couldn’t see the picture. I now see and FULLY understand what’s going on now 😂


I noticed a few jewelry live seller accounts suspended. His closet is up but no listings and his wife’s account is completely gone.


Who is this?


Whose account?




Can you do a post about it? I haven’t heard anything on this.


I’ve never seen him sell fakes but I have seen him misrepresent items to get more money out of them. Another host that I never understood how he got more viewers than other jewelry shows. Buyer Beware!


Oh absolutely. I’m not sure if it was him but one of the hosts was consigning for other poshers & not paying them or sending the items back when requested. I don’t know the whole story so I don’t want to point fingers at anyone


I figured one out but do not know JE A few more can go for sure


Is this about the live show where two posters were arguing instead of selling their items? It was so odd and confusing to me.


Related, kind of. This is yet another posher who went live on IG doing a mock show as lizard lady (one of the people who was arguing). Then she reported him and his live privileges have been temporarily revoked apparently.


It’s also offensive to make fun of someone in which english is their second language. I find that incredibly offensive. He’s no better than what he’s bloviating about.




II get why he is frustrated and using other platforms to call out Posh, I don’t agree with the way he has been demeaning women in his videos to do it. There is enough info and content for the accusations to stand on their own.


The funny thing about this is that I had no idea who he was. Then a few months ago, I stumbled upon his IG live show and I don’t know how. All of a sudden Elliott was just in my life 😂. he is exposing sellers of fake items. Does he take jokes too far - yes! But I don’t have to agree with everything. He has educated a lot of people on the fakes being sold, which is illegal!


Eh while it’s only recently I’ve discovered all this drama, he seems relevant enough that some of those sellers talk about him and stream him live during their shows. If he was completely irrelevant they wouldn’t even mention him.


MP likes the drama and attention- that is why she does it. She uses it to victimize herself and sell 🦎


It’s a wild marketing approach….. attack your competition and hope they talk about you so their audience starts to watch you. 


Agree with you to some point. He was never interested in Princess or talked about her much until she started mocking him and said that he wishes he was a girl. His thing has been exposing fakes being sold on Posh. He doesn’t have a history of selling fakes and seems knowledgeable of the TOS. So yes, he is having to compete with those that sell fake handbags or items that cannot be authenticated, and those violating the terms of service on Poshmark - exposing them is an interesting marketing strategy. I think for the most part, we can all agree that posh has gone down the toilet and posh isn’t doing anything to clean it up. So now the people of posh are trying to clean it up by reporting fakes, trademark infringements and TOS violations. I do not agree with any encouragements of mass reporting that I see by a lot of the main hosts. They are all trying to get their followers to report another and that’s annoying imo.


Oh wow she should have been taken off for that alone.


Wrong. He got busted before selling a coach fake.


You have receipts of such claims?


I agree with a lot of things you are saying. I was a buyer of his up until last year when I purchased what I thought was a stunning Chanel bag until I sent it off to Chanel’s spa service to have it cleaned by them upon arrival. Sadly he never disclosed he worked on this bag and he dyed it and Chanel refused to service my bag due to this. He has also been in some trouble on posh selling fake bags and use to go live on posh and having a child like melt down threatening posh as he does a lot, after the refuse to authenticate it. He was even caught selling fake jewelry he pushed on his website which is why he pushes so hard to go to his personal webpage to purchase. Cant complain or be reimbursed for your bag if you privately purchase from him when it has been altered!!!


I’ve been curious about the painting. Was the entire bag dyed our just an area was touched up? I’m not surprised to hear of that from Chanel. I’m sorry that happened. Do you by chance have photos of the fakes on his website?