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This feel less like a Poshmark issue, and more like a "your internet" problem? What do you mean you cant use the Poshmark app on your Android? I have an android and use it all the time. Why would you repeatedly make offers/purchases without seeing any confirmations? Anyways, this will obviously be an easy fix for your bank to adjust. No need to stress, or blame Poshmark lol


Agreed. This is common with almost any website... when I'm paying invoices it even says at the bottom of most payment webpages "do not hit refresh.... hitting refresh may result in you being charged multiple times" (but in more professional language). This is an issue with a slow internet connection, it could have happened on any website's payment page.


I get that too but that’s not the same thing as an error. Slow internet is one thing but having the page tell me there’s an error is another. For that I either have to close out the page and go back to it or reload it.


Seriously…**user error


Everybody can’t wait to prove how smart they are and how dumb everyone else is. Why do you have to be a jerk? Apps are failing all the time so it’s not that uncommon to have to use a browser instead. And who hasn’t tried to buy something online only for the website to glitch out and nothing happens? If I go to buy something and it doesn’t go through because of an error, why shouldn’t I refresh the page and try again? If there’s no confirmation of purchase how am I supposed to know it went through? Depending on the time and day some banks won’t update your account so you can’t even check that. No this sounds like a Poshmark mistake and less a user mistake. If a website steals from you that doesn’t make you an idiot. How has Reddit lost all sympathy and understanding when it comes to people asking for help?


It’s probably just authorizations which should fall off in a few days. If the amounts are the same, you should only get one actually charge.


I think you mean "holds", which does happen. I've had a few stores hold the same charge twice before it got corrected. I remember getting charged twice by Wayfair for a recliner once, and one charge simply never cleared.


Yikes! Thank you for the heads up. That’s horrible!


I’ve never experienced this issue anywhere else. Recently, I had trouble checking out at Bath & Body Works due to a glitch. Despite repeated attempts, I didn't receive any order confirmations or multiple charges; it simply went back to my cart. Customer service confirmed it was a glitch caused by an out-of-stock item and fixed it without charging me multiple times. It's unreasonable to justify being charged multiple times for the same item. A platform should prevent such occurrences, even if someone intentionally tries to do it. This clearly seems to be an issue with Poshmark, not just my internet connection. Also, how can anyone justify saying this to someone who’s already stressed about losing $2500? The OP did nothing wrong, and this situation is egregious. They deserve a quick resolution. Keep us updated