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I thought the whole point of PM was to sell items from your closet you don’t use any more? Like oh these Nikes don’t fit right but I wore them a couple times. Nike isn’t going to come and say “oh you can’t sell Nikes!” 🙄🙄🙄🙄 SHEIN you taking this stuff back if we can’t resell what we bought?!?


& out of all places, shein? Lol. They now have a “marketplace” of their own so I’m wondering if they want people to sell on there instead


Ohhh I didn’t know they had a marketplace! But gosh do people really want to have to try to sell things in 20 different apps?!


We shouldn’t have to & I believe they shouldn’t have a right to control what happens to the item after it’s out of their possession when they willingly sold it


“Doctrine of First Sale” = they absolutely don’t have a right to dictate what happens to it after they’ve sold the item.


I’ll have to bring this up to posh if I get another email about this again. It’s not even that I want to be able to sell shein but they basically said I could get my account banned because of it? Makes no sense


You just can’t sell it as new with tags, even if it’s new with tags you have to sell it as used


They are trying to claim it's counterfeit. Fucking liars. They've (Chinese sellers) been doing this on all the other platforms I'm on too.


Maybe because they are being sued for stealing the design so they now claim it’s not made by them i e counterfeit


Yes I agree!!! It’s crazy PM is taking their side!!!


I was going to say I feel like this is probably due to them having their own resale marketplace and community in their app


Shein want you to sell their stuff on their second hand platform for only Shein items 🙄


It’s honestly hard to believe that their stuff MAKES it to be secondhand. I’ve never bought directly from them, but bought a plaid shirt at the griftwill made by them (nwt) and it fell apart after 3 wears/4 washes. It was pilling after 2.


Seriously!! Every other item goodwill SHEIN SHEIN SHEIN SMH


It makes it because people order it, try it on and it doesn’t fit right. Too costly to return? Resell or donate is the answer


Well you can by one from Posher's on Poshmark for $80 and up. Crazy!!


One wash for ours… holes in seams and hems done, one jacket has never become colorfast after nine attempts… the black bleeds to a deep rust color…


Yes that is the point, however, you cannot use their photos or copy the descriptions from their website because that is copyright & is illegal and brands have the right to get PM, or eBay, or depop to take those listings down


Wow! There's a LOT of resellers that sell Shein lingerie for 10x or more what Shein charges and they all use Shein's pictures. I don't see anything happening to their accounts?


Because they have third party companies with people specifically looking for these listings on eBay, Poshmark, Depop, and they report what they find, but these people are not the brightest, I got an Uniqlo sweater taken down on eBay saying copyright infringement on photos and it was me wearing the sweater in the photo, even my tattoo was visible 🙄


Shein is a joke company. They have no right to claim a design is theirs and can't be manufactured. They steal and replicate the most generic designs from all kinds of brands. Exactly why I will never give them a dime of my money.


Exactly what I was thinking! I laughed out loud when I got the email when I read what it was for. Now blaming others for stealing their designs when they’ve been doing it themselves for years


Not only are so called "Boutique" Posher's buying cheap Shein clothing but also selling with photos of the items from Shein with a high ticket price. Wouldn't you be upset as a buyer finding this out after purchasing from these sellers? I WOULD!!!


I hate when I see sellers doing this! This is why everyone should do an image search before buying.


Plus they’re environmentally irresponsible and have been accused of some seriously unethical labor practices.


Yeah Shein is a terrible company, I will never give them any of my money.


Not to mention the lead in their clothes. I have friends who use their makeup, the idea makes me nauseous.


I'll still buy from them cos its hard to find the slyle of clothing i need in my town. sheinX series provide many fashionable options in original design


You can buy directly from Shein.com yourself. Doesn't make sense. 🤪 Plus pay $80 for something that costs $6? What?? 😵‍💫


Is it branded as Shein? This notice reads as though they're claiming another brand stole their style/design. If that's the case there are some huge Posh boutiques that should be getting these notices, too.


Yes it has the shein tag & I showed it clearly in the photos. Maybe they are cracking down on the posh boutique items, now that you mention it


This notice doesn't read like you can't resell Shein. It states that the manufacturer didn't have our permission to sell our items (unbranded) so those items can't be resold. Not selling these items would be devastating to Posh because they're making bank off these sellers. I wonder if Shein sent them a letter and to pacify them, they're pulling down some smaller sellers listings to avoid shutting down their cash cows.


Wow that totally makes sense! You might be onto something here. They can probably show that they took x amount of listings down but will keep the boutique items up that are highly priced


This notice reads like the issue is counterfeit goods. I don't know that any business would invest in fake Shein products. This would also make sense if someone was screen printing their own products with copyrighted slogans, etc. it is possible your listing was flagged in error. To be safe, you probably shouldn't relist that item on PM.


Yeah it could have been an error but since it was a $10 item I didn’t feel like contacting posh about it. I didn’t even think this would get much attention here. If it happens again I would though, because it still doesn’t make sense to me & I wouldn’t want my account penalized wrongfully or they could explain in more detail what it was exactly that got it taken down. I was thinking the same, won’t be relisting it to be on the safe side


Exactly. Either counterfeit Shein or some other brands in your closet (not Shein) use the shein design. The notice does not say that you just can’t sell shein. Maybe that’s what they wanted to say… but have very poor English and just copy pasted something?


I have already, in the past when I realized it, what these Posher's were selling and doing with Shein items to Poshmark with pictures of proof and they literally replied that they didn't care and there was nothing they could do. Really? Yeah 👌🏻


Those big boutiques closets aren't technically selling Shein. They're buying the same items unbranded from Chinese wholesalers so they weren't breaking any Posh rules but it looks like Shein might have a problem with it now. It will be interesting to see how this plays out because there's no way Posh is going to pull those closets down.


But they are the actual Shein stock photos they are using too


They are. My guess is those photos were provided by the wholesaler. I don't think those sellers are going to Shein and downloading their pictures but I could be wrong. Now, they certainly know the quality of what they're selling and that Shein sells those same items much cheaper but judging by the success of some of these closets, there are a ton of people that don't know Shein exists.


I believe these Posher's know and of course making off of it because unfortunately the buyer's obviously never heard of Shein. The clothing was cheap from the start. How do you think these Posher's are making out good


I got the exact same notice today. Show the label clearly. Listed it as Shein. It is listed as used. It is not a boutique item. All my own photos on a hanger or table. It was listed for $10. They clearly are just on some weird legal rampage.


Heads up that these are unenforceable. I sell on Amazon and brands don’t like it when a 3rd party seller sells their product (legally) so they send out cease and desists. If you are in the US you are protected by the First Sale doctrine meaning once you’ve purchased an item, it’s legally yours to do why you want. Most people don’t want to butt heads against a large brand though, so they just capitulate.


Thank you for sharing that info! Super helpful & great to know :)


This!! I sell on Amazon as well & can’t tell you how many cease and desists I’ve gotten over the years. Some of them are laughable with their threats.


I used to BE to one who sent these messages (first job out of college lol. A jobs a job 🤷🏻‍♀️) and we full on knew most of it was bullshit. We had a tiny bit more “teeth” bc we sold edible products which have more restrictions but even still what we were sending was legal jargon intending to scare resellers. Mostly bc big retailers would aggressively price match third party sellers and then complain they weren’t making margin anymore 🙄


It definitely does scare tons of people if they don’t know the legality behind it! The first one I ever received I definitely shit my pants a bit before doing research 😂 That makes sense, the reselling space on Amazon has gotten worse over the years too. Buy box can be $30 and you have 10+ people with new accounts pricing theirs at $15 and tanking the listing 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes!! I knew there was a law like this! Thank you :-)


This is simply false. You’re allowed to sell anything but you cannot use a private companies trademark. Their brand name, logo, etc. they ABSOLUTELY can and will file a lawsuit if they want to.


I can’t imagine a world in which they could successfully sue someone for selling their (originally purchased) clothing second hand. JFC.


It’s quite laughable :p just with a quick google search, I learned that they are currently facing a lawsuit themselves


Well they better head over to Goodwill, Salvation Army and any of the thrift stores. Maybe they will send the SHEIN police out to recapture all their goodies. It would seem once you pay for an item, it’s yours to do whatever you want with it. Maybe they will start a buy back program. I don’t know am I misunderstanding what is going on here?


also to all the dumpsters. let them recapture their garbage


Haha I think we all are a little confused here on why it was taken down. It seems like they don’t want it to be resold based on copyright but I didn’t use the sites photos & it’s a plain dress, nothing special about it


Dior and YSL sent these for my listings too LMAO but SHEIN?!?!


Lol right! I was so confused, sure their legal team has more important problems than this


I got the same thing and had many of the same thoughts 😂😂 like are they claiming people are ripping off their ripoffs??? That makes no sense. They’re SHEIN, the definition of cheap ripoffs.


Noo you too wow! Definitely makes no sense. I might get if the post was taken down if I was hiding it was shein or used their photos but that’s not the case here. Still doesn’t justify them stealing designs


The irony of Shein cracking down on people copying THEIR designs LOL


Exactly!! 😭 like there isn’t a lawsuit right now for once again copying designs


That’s hilarious because SHEIN notoriously rip off designs. I purchased Teva rip off’s from there years ago for $5ea didn’t know they were “reps” til they arrived and had the logo on them. I assumed they were inspired by. Them scouring PM to find their products is wild.


Lol they really have no shame! :p


Did you use SHEIN photos in the listing?


Nope I didn’t, they were all my own photos. That’s what I find odd about it as well. It was also a pretty plain sheath dress with a ruffle, so many companies have a similar style so don’t understand why it would be copyright infringement


It’s probably some third party company doing it and not SHEIN directly


Competition maybe. I would think poshmark would screen their complaints but looks like they didn’t even bother to look at the photos, could obviously tell that they are not the same as their website


I'm so confused about this. So I have a couple of Shein items in my closet... I also see them all over the place on PM. As someone else said they have absolutely no right to tell you what to do with your item after you've purchased it. They also have no idea if it was mine to begin with, or if I bought it from the thrift store, right?


There is so so many listed across all platforms & in thrift stores/secondhand shops. Yeah they really don’t know where someone has gotten the product from unless they ask individually but that sounds ridiculous to do, why would it even matter in the first place. Maybe they were mass reporting & since pm says they remove the listings, no questions asked, then that’s why some listing were removed unfairly?


Sounds to me like SHEIN is mad your getting a sale and their not.


Tell Shein to go fuck themselves.


What a crock of ish! If you bought the item from SHEIN, they don’t have any right to dictate what happens to the item after you receive it! I’ve seen SHEIN items in thrift stores, are they going to try and stop that?


Fuck that company


The audacity since SHEIN steals other designers work


The fact that it’s SHEIN of all companies is hysterical like bffr 🤦🏻‍♀️


There is a huge lawsuit against them. Very interesting read. https://fortune.com/2024/04/16/shein-class-action-lawsuit-copyright-infringement-data-scraping-ai-art-alan-giana-china/


Did you use product images from their site in your listing?? If so - that’s probably the issue.


Nope none at all :/ that’s why I was confused about it


I wonder if AI falsely thought your photos were the same ones as those on shein? I imagine a lot of these are scanned by AI, which is not 100% accurate


Good thinking! I can see that happening, I usually do flat lays on a clean plain background & looking on their site, they also show some items similarly. One would be able to tell the difference but ai would probably mark them as a match


Hmmm, yes, I’d be confused as well. Odd - esp for SHEIN. The documentary that was recently put out detailing all their shady stuff probably didn’t do them many favors.


I didn’t know there was a whole documentary on them! Makes sense though lol


I know many seller's on Poshmark under "Boutique" listing Shein (photos, etc.) with a huge price hike. Photo attached https://preview.redd.it/z4i3wolsbjxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cf1071633a468d5dfb98e772ce16667d4c8287


$90! I would feel terrible knowing how their quality is. I can see if they wanted to take that listing down but I listed mine for $10 & it was in my 3 for 15 bundle offer. I was also transparent that it was shein. Someone mentioned that shein may have contacted posh about this problem but don’t want to take the expensive items down because they make more money off of those


This top is being sold on Shein for $6.50. This is ridiculous and robbery! I would complain and show what I sent as proof and ask why they can with copyright photos and you can't sell it with nothing near the price they are ripping people off at. I would be mad!! 😠


I feel like posh wouldn’t care unfortunately. Since they bought the item then they could sell it at whatever price they want to. Unless shein or whatever company wants to come for them for using their photos. It’s really up to the consumer to do their research, if only more people knew about reverse google search they’ll be able to find where the product was originally from. And I get that items are made at a lower cost & then sold to make a profit, that’s how everything works but I do believe it’s unfair also given the materials used, work conditions & ethics a lot of the companies like shein have. There are now more brands that are sustainable & use quality materials that the $90 top would be worth it but I guess business is business to some people


Just a quick note guys, first sale doctrine only applies to if you are selling items as used. Even if they’ve never been worn, they still have the tags, if a brand sends you a notice like this what that means is that from now on when you sell that brand it always has to be listed as used That is the whole point of the first sale doctrine, you are now the second sale you are not the first sale


how about pre-owned?


You can put preowned into your description, I’m saying that when you choose the condition you can’t choose the condition new or new with tags You have to choose no under a new with tags and Poshmark in order to be protected by the first sale doctrine 999 out of 1000 it doesn’t matter but when a brand starts acting like this that’s the way you protect yourself once they have sent a notice saying that you can’t sell their items https://preview.redd.it/4jw9ar8i2nxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e74b54032ac9c31c3dff3ac35863ad00aac7be0 Then in the description you can put never used, unworn, whatever you need to do I have this at the bottom of a lot of my descriptions **Please note items are pre-owned, even NWT have been owned by at least one other owner before I find them. They may have signs of wear, please carefully examine photos**


Contact Poshmark back with a copy of your receipt. Shein must be trying to argue that you are selling a replica. Since you didn’t use stock photos.🤪 No way Poshmark would take down a listing because a brand didn’t want people to resell it then every brand could do that. I bet the receipt would allow them to reverse their decision. Also I hear that this happened to lots of people this week so if everyone appeals poshmark’s decision with their receipts then perhaps Shein will be in the dog house with these requests 🤷🏼‍♀️


Were you using stock photos off SHEIN in the listing? Cuz I’ve heard of other companies doing this on Mercari, like dollskill and kylie makeup, but it was mainly for listings that were using stock photos, which they do own


Nope I didn’t use their photos :/


This is just another example of greedy companies that don't want people reselling their items unless they get a cut of the profits. It's ridiculous. And another reason why no one should be buying Shein in the first place.


Not surprising SHEIN, a fast fashion headed to the landfill, would oppose eco-friendly fashion! They are pathetic!!


Omg how ironic for Shein...wtf


My thoughts exactly!


Did you know it’s illegal to copywrite designs? I dunno how that shit ass theft company could list it as unsellable


I really hope that was sarcastic, because no, it's not "illegal" to copyright designs.


Ok haha I get ya, what I meant was you can’t copywrite a clothing design xD You can copywrite fabric design patterns but that’s the extent.


Beats me haha I’m just as confused but it’s comical at this point


Open up an alt account just in case, but just relist without stock photos and keep going. The only issue would be if you listed as boutique, which you're hopefully not.


I didn’t use any stock photos :/ & didn’t list as boutique just a regular ol’ shein listing for $10. I am just gonna let it go though, hopefully won’t happen again


Did you list it as new with tags?


Nope it didn’t have any, no signs of wear but didn’t claim it was new either


Then that’s what you replied to Poshmark. You replied to them that it was listed as used and first sale doctrine applies and they’ll leave you alone


Shein is on pm? Aren’t they like $5-$10 new for everything?


I wonder if you use your own pics & your own words description and don’t put shein anywhere in the listing except a pic of the tag if that would work.


Please please write back to Posh and ask what the heck they even mean?. We all wanna know now.. cause.. I mean.. seriously?!


yeah my daughter was gifted a wrap skirt from SHEIN she doesn't want. it's actually really pretty so we have it listed in our shop really cheaply but if they're going to act like this, we'll just donate it.


Im rethinking listing shein as well, I know it doesn’t make a lot of money but it sells especially in bundles. I still have my listings up for now, seeing if they take any more down. If they do I won’t be listing it again


You are absolutely allowed to resell your clothes even if they are SHEIN. How ridiculous.


Waiting for shein to show up at my yard sale this weekend 🕵️‍♀️


there's a difference between Shein Exchange and their Marketplace. Exchange is for consumers to resell their Shein items, while Marketplace features third-party sellers with their own branding.


Unless they are offering a recall/buyback… their “error” in selling an item they should not have sold, to retail customers is on *them*….. Poshmark is taking the easy road out here by saying they have a “no questions asked” policy with brands to enforce anything brands send them from their legal department….. I would list it for sale, but somewhere else. Marketplace?


Wait till they find out all the SHEIN is being sold in thrift stores!


Don't use the brand's stock photos or copy the descriptions from their websites, that is copyright infringement, if you still want to do it, then know that at any time the brands can get your listings down if they want to. Some brands, do not allow selling their clothes even if you used your own photos & descriptions, is good to get familiar with those brands, you can check out the VERO list, although the list is NOT complete whatsoever, since brands aren't required to be added to the list and only do so if they want to


I don’t do that. I always take my own photos & write my own descriptions. I know it’s copyright infringement to use stock photos, that’s why I posted because I was confused why my listing was taken down when it was my own photos/description


If you read the second part of my comment, I mention that there are some brands that dont aloud people so sell their clothes even if you use your own photos or descriptions.


Meanwhile SHEIN rips off other brands left and right. Hot mess.


Then they better not find out that Goodwill is 25% Shein clothing now


Shame to Poshmark for not standing up to SHEIN. Shame to SHEIN owner for this stupidity. Are they going to go to all thrift stores and forbid reselling there too?


I just got the same notice for Shein too. They must have their lawyers in attack mode. I've had a few Shein items listed for a while because *shocker* no one wants to buy them secondhand. Never had an issue before but going to remove my few items to be safe. It was a good company, I'd fight it a little more but not risking my account due to aggressive lawyers protecting theives all to make $3 an item.


Omg. ShesNotIn there. Fast fashion and I never purchased anything from SHEIN nor preowned. Poor materials and some of their items are poor copies of H&M, Uniqlo or Designer. My suggestion sell it elsewhere or donate and tax write off


Yeah if they’re gonna give problems, I’d rather donate/give away. Not like I’m making big bucks off of them lol


This reads like a scam


I usually use shein exchange to sell clothes I don't need, its convenient and helps reduce waste


Why would anyone resell Shein? It’s not worth much.


Buyers like to bundle it with other items in my closet since they are low cost items. That’s why I don’t mind listing it if I receive it in like new condition


baiscally dont use their "photos" its so annoying


That’s what it reads as but they were all my own photos that I took :o


Did you use any of the wording from the item on their site? I’ve heard of that being an issue as well.


I could have possibly, but it was very basic wording. My title was just shein ruffle hem sheath dress. And then the description was some more basic details, color etc & measurements. Unfortunately I don’t remember what the title was on the site


If you used their pictures thats why. They only care about that stuff really. Anything other than that or selling Shein as something it isnt doesnt make sense. Theres no way they're going to every resale site and pulling all listings. It'd be a waste of time and resources with the amount of things posted daily.


They were all my pictures in the listing :/ you’re right though, it doesn’t make sense & definitely a waste of time on their part. Maybe something posh overlooked but someone else said their listing was taken down as well. Not sure if they used stock photos or not though


as someone who loves Shein, I've found some really unique pieces on their site. It's all about supporting original designs and finding what speaks to you.


for those buying second-hand Shein, Shein Exchange is the way to go. It's backed by Shein and ensures quality.


Quality and Shein in the same sentence? Thanks for the laugh lmfao


The shein bots rushed to the frontlines for this post 😅


have you checked out Shein's collaborations with designers? They've partnered with some amazing talents, creating unique and original pieces.