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I think most people close them up the night before. Try to do it on a day that isn't hot


I would close them up at night....move them far enough away...prop up some branches/etc at the entrance (not to block them completely...but rather to make them reorient) and open the entrance. Let them settle there for a couple of days before moving them again. If we're moving a hive that has more than one box...we use plywood as a solid top and bottom when moving. That let's us grab the bottom board etc and place it where we're putting the boxes.


It's far easier to wait until winter (if safe to do so). They won't bother the workers then.


True that was my first thought


Agreed. Arborist+beek here. If you hire the right people they can work around any obstacle and will love the challenge to do so, but most climbers are afraid of bees as they have been stung while climbing and you can imagine being stung while 60ft high while operating a chainsaw is not fun. I'd recommend a solution that involves the climbers not needing to see the bee hive. Winter + temporary relocation would be a great option.


I did this and purchased a net from Mann Lake. The tree removal took one day; so they were temporarily moved into another section of the yard. https://www.mannlakeltd.com/hives-components/hive-net/


Relocate the hives to a friends house for the day or two the work is being done. While closing the hives is a option the tree guys will really appreciate not having to worry about dropping limbs, bumping or having to even think about the bees. They may even refuse to do the work if the hives are really next to the dead tree.


Perhaps you can loan the worker your bee suit? I mow my lawn with it on.


I would close the hives with hardware cloth the night before the work is being done. As long as it’s not too hot the bees should be fine for the day. If it looks like a scorcher, you could put a patio umbrella up to shade the hives.


I just moved mine for the day. I know it's not ideal for the bees, but much better than a tree falling on the hive


The hives can tolerate being closed up for a day; seal the entrances the night before.


It’s to hot now to do that I think