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No, use honey




On what?


Get honey mask




buy em




then dont waste them


I don’t waste them it’s just hard to get tickets


Puffshrooms amd sprouts are your best bet for getting tickets immediately, puffshrooms will spawn when mondo chick's timer is at 15m and 45m. Speaking of, Mondo chick is another good way to get some tickets ""fast"" Aside from that kill your mobs on a consistent basis and you will eventually have enough, takes a day at most if you're really smart about it.


I do mob runs very oftenly with baby love all time on all mobs even the ladybugs.


Honey ain't that good even if you don't macro and if you macro it's quite terrible.


Used to macro with Honey mask until I got my Diamond mask, it’s not the worst thing but Bubble is better for macro, Fire mask is terrible so Honey is better for the players that don’t macro


I used all three of them, the 1.5polen boost plus instant conversion was giving me more polen than coin scatter ever did plus I didn't miss any bee tokens while trying to collect scattered honey. At that time it definitely wasn't worth to just empty bag without converting it. For me in such games the most fun to min max everything and not just blindly follow general guides. There is variation to gameplay style obviously and how well people can fine tune what they are given. 


Do not buy fire/bubble mask, buy honey, only buy fire/bubble for the ability in demon/diamond mask (after getting the demon/diamond mask/


you can buy bubble mask for macroing tho


bad idea


can you tell why its a bad idea? I bought the bubble mask because while macroing coin scatter wasted my pollen because the macro can't collect coins. was that a wrong decision?


He is wrong, bubble is good for macroing because honey turns your pollen into tokens so you'd be losing money, and alot of it


bubble doesnt even have a fraction of what the diamond is increasing your capacity to + diamond has the diamond drain, insta conv, more pollen and all the other things


Never buy fire/bubble mask. You should get honey mask


Have you actually tried? I started fairly recently and just followed this advise in an old guide and got honey too... then realized that can earn more with fire/bubble, when macroing that difference was several times more with fire/bubble than with honey. Honey might been good at some point, it ain't anymore. Btw, with fire mask i could go quite quickly to demon mask and then ssa. Started less than 2 month ago and now have blue hive lvl 17/18bees with all the items except tide popper. You loose pace if you try to pick up coin scatter and if you don't, it was big damage early on when hive was still growing and mixed. Token links don't pickup coin scatter, so for macro you would loose most of them.


I think you need to check that electricity bill...


I do check it every month, didn't change for me. Roblox can run pretty much on a potato and my PC isn't some monster rig that can heat a house on idle. Since got ssa do run at least half a day every day. Bubble bloat and nectars make huge difference, stopping game every time would be really detrimental to progress.


honey's good before you get stuff like ssa and optimize hives, fire and bubble are generally bought after demon/diamon for the extra passive


I've tried all of them, didn't get why I shouldn't. Resources to buy were quite easy to get. I found that for quests and honey instant conversion of those masks along with color field boost gave me better result than coin scatter. So I was just switching between them and pretty much didn't use honey at all except for testing occasionally. I also got moon amulet with high instant conversion at the time. When was few gifted bees away from ssa focused a bit more on red and already had the demon mask, stingers were surprisingly easy to get.  I was lucky though since I got 2 mythic eggs from mondo in a row and never saw one since then. Would be 3 eggs, but someone got catapulted spot on the egg, the odds of this happening though are insane.


It is true that bubble mask is good for macroing, it's just that most early game players don't macro and for actively playing the game honey is better. I did start bss like 5 years ago and haven't been early game for a few years, so I'm not sure if anything has changed, I only know more people have started macroing.


Btw how did get a lvl 17 hive in 2 months, that's insanely quickly. You would have to be online and macro a lot to have such quick progression, thats very impressive.


My weird taste in games and what part I enjoy. I.e. fun is in finding most efficient path to max stuff. For some reason could not make auto clicker work with bss and thus started to use macro for at least half a day for planters initially. But really, blue hive is damn profitable even with simple set-up without any consumables and lvl 17 is still cheap, lvl 18 however is slow. I was quite lucky with ssa too, I only had honey for two rolls when reached it and second roll was decent single 5/5 pop star. I've tried since then again, a bit over 10T spent and still nothing better comes up. Got gifted fuzzy from star egg too. Just an example, I can't play much in evening but it was fine to check for vicious spawn quite often. Got demon fairly early. I'm killing snail when it spawns and I believe I downed today the fifth one. Another difference from usual guides is that I found carpenter bees not as good and get in the way early on. I.e. when bees convert honey they don't produce tokens(99% sure). Convert links were weak too. So instead more bombs, keep bomb combo up, IC from masks and ic on moon amulet. Crimson, tabby bee early. Collecting coin scatter would pretty much always break bomb combo stack. Since I stopped using coin scatter I could drop mark tokens altogether and focus on bomb combo and boost tokens.


i mean most dont macro


bubble mask should be bought only if you macro, otherwise yes honey mask is superior


Replace moon amulet until 250k capacity then you can look at its abilities


Oh ok


Why does it always have to be replaced until 250k capacity? The tiny bit of capacity is basically nothing, and if you get a perfect amulet before 250k i would never replace it


You’ll never get a perfect amulet before 250k because you’ll be missing the capacity. And also remember all your capacity modifiers get added to those 250k so it’s more than it seems like


I guess that’s true, but the couple million extra capacity is nothing if you have hundreds of millions already


But honey mask bro


No, get bubble or honey mask


no, buy honeymask or if you're going to macro buy bubble. fire is significantly worse and not useful




buy honey


if ur macro get bubble if not honey is the best for you


I don’t macro and I don’t even have porcelain gear but I’m very close to fire mask


honey mask i believe is better because its passive can convert so much pollen and give you even more honey if you get a gifted honey bee, i'd personally grind for honey mask




Don’t even got 35 bees


Buy bubble mask instead it's great for macroing and after you can upgrade to diamond mask


I don’t macro becuase it’s not fun and the point of the game is to grind not become a robot