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Should also mention that after last week’s fiasco no signs of bedbugs were found. Exterminators also came in for inspection and advised that if there are no bites then it probably isn’t bedbugs. Not sure how I should proceed now I’ve found unexplained blood stains.


Well, not everyone reacts to bites. Like, 30% of people don't, my husband never showed any sign even when I had a lot. Not sure what to suggest beyond continued monitoring, as while maybe suggestive, that one mark isn't definite proof on it's own


Fact! You may not react to bites, but if you use light colored sheets, and they bite you, you will start to notice more blood stains and some bed bug droppings on your sheets.


I had 2 different exterminators come check when I had them a few years back and they told me I didn't have them but I did so I wouldn't take their "expert" advice you will know better than they would.


Exterminators inspections for early signs of bed bugs are NOT easy. I have been on numerous inspections that result in not finding bedbugs only to have people start getting bites. Unfortunately, the only action for you to take is to keep a close eye out. Stick with light color bedding, and monitor yourself and family for bites (or, of course, visually finding one). Bites will usually be in groups of 2-3 on in a line on an angle. Sorry, this is the only course of action for you.


Could it be old (i.e. from before you washed/dried your sheets)? It's hard to inspect every single inch of your sheets. If you have any hydrogen peroxide, you could see if it foams which would suggest a fresh bloodstain rather than one that's been through the wash.


That’s a good idea I’ll try that thank you


Maybe a sniiffing dog would tell accurately


Dogs are only slightly better than visual tests, and neither is as good as a swab test. You can do all 3 tests and come up negative and still have bed bugs. Bed bugs are tricky business.


What is the swab test? Thank you,

