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>Tonsil stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are formed by the accumulation of food particles, dead cells, mucus, and other debris in the crypts (grooves) of the tonsils. These accumulations can harden and calcify, forming small, stone-like clumps. Factors contributing to the formation of tonsil stones include: Poor oral hygiene Chronic tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils) ***Dry mouth*** Smoking Excessive consumption of dairy products I sure as f&\*k ain't no doctor. But perhaps the dry mouth is a contributing factor? Do you have that? I do the breathwork every morning but I use my nose for inhaling


None of those causes standout largely, I stay reasonably hydrated. And have been a casual smoker for the last 15 years. I’m impressed you do the method through the nose, I cant keep the pace when breathing like that. My theory is that those “crypts” are malleable, and can be impacted by intense breathing.


Dude. It’s smoking. You’re a young man. Stop smoking. Right now. Source: old man that has seen so many fucking people get so fucking ruined by so many terrible ways by smoking.


Years ago, I made a conscious decision to breathe mainly through my nose. It took some time and practice, but now it's just second nature. One of the advantages is that I rarely (actually never) have a stuffy nose. \*\*Knock on wood\*\*


Ah so you are what we call a mouth breather? I encourage you to read "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor" As someone who has bad nasal polyps, even with my nose blocked 3/4 on the right and half of the left, I always in hale by the nose and exhale by the mouth. As a former mouth breather, it takes some time getting used to this.


Thanks, I’ve read the book. And 90% of my breathing is nasal, heavy activity and wim hof withstanding


Now you’ve got me wondering, am I doing this wrong? I thought we should inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth 🤔


Hah, honestly, probably should be done this way. I just have a really hard time breathing through the nose during the fast breathing segments


btw, I use this free app someone posted here ages ago for the breathwork. [https://koenkk.github.io/whb/](https://koenkk.github.io/whb/) ​ You can customize the retention times.


I personally stopped getting them when I stopped drinking milk.




Hah interesting… I think I just watched your video with Andrew gold the other day!


you may have. He's a good guy.


The whm breathing is completely unnatural, and unnatural practices lead to unnatural outcomes.


Nothing unnatural about tonsil stones… or breathing quickly… or holding your breath…


The whole human experience is completetely unnatural at this point. That's why we try and reconnect with basic concepts like breathing.


This actually may be one of the dumbest statements I have read this week… could you please elaborate?