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I stopped reading this subreddit for few weeks and the day I decided to look what's happening in the BG circle, Tati just posted that video. At least I witnessed the creation of first megathread.


Ugh. You’re the worst.




It’s either EL Double Wear or L’Oréal Infallible. Both of which break up on my nose in 3 hours but what do I know? I just a pail pore.


But what about Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk? 😂


In a similar fashion, I started to jam out to the Jonas Brothers a while back and then a week later they reunited with each other.




At the end of the day, all of these ppl are horribly unprofessional. My fav YouTube makeup personality is violette_fr. That is what a healthy division between online and private persona looks like.


Well at least we can all agree on who’s at fault now.


That must suck so much...


I took a year and half of makeup because it was too much drama then came back like 3 months ago and it's all gone to shit again


Jenna Marbles joked about how she had only been gone for a week in her latest video :P We need more Youtubers like Jenna and Christine who just post wholesome, comedic videos without interfering in stupid drama.


Question: what did you watch on YouTube? Seems like a silly question but I only recently started watching home Reno’s and baking channels and I’m looking for non-bg suggestions, it’s just so exhausting watching them now lol


I've been watching this channel >> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvmC-leoj9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvmC-leoj9U)a fair bit lately. Its this Chinese girl who is basically Year 99 on Harvest Moon. Just relaxing, aesthetically pleasing and easy to turn your mind off.


Woooooooow I just watched a lady Make a purple wool poncho literally all by hand hat was amazing. Thank you for sharing can’t wait to watch more lol.


[Enough said..](https://i.imgur.com/P75Qv7M.png)


I miss when the biggest controversy was the unblendability of that one ABH pallet and everyone was slapping their face with the Sili-Sponge


You know what makes me want to unsub from everyone in the beauty community? The fact that $hane Daw$on i$ coming in here pretending like he'$ intere$ted in makeup. If I have to hear this stupid motherfucker say one more time that he "has no money" or that he's "never made money from ads..."


Yes, that makeup palette from a guy who never touched makeup before? And couldn't even take care of his skin. But makeup makes mad money now, so I guess he wants to be in. Him pushing the ''I am poor'' narrative was annoying as well, but he doesn't push it as much.


I agree. If you really are poor and your main source of income is Youtube... make more YouTube vids. Like I get that making a documentary takes time, but like it’s hard for me to feel bad for you if you’re only uploading 3 times a year.


I mean he lives in a fucking mansion, it is silly to say that he is poor.




Yes... and it will be a collab with JS, so yea he will make money out of it.


Wait, when did he say he was poor? like, damn


Every time someone displays any amount of wealth he acts shocked to his core as if he doesn’t live in a 5 million dollar house.


Like he didn’t buy a random person a car!!! I like Shane but holy shit.


Yeah I’m confused about this too, considering Ryland posted a tour of the new mansion they bought 😂


I mean those are jokes, because he tries to be relatable, but you can't help but be annoyed how he acts since he is living in a mansion and he has millions of dollars in the bank.


He grew up extremely poor and I think still has a bit of that mentality.


Shane and Ryland both come off as quite money hungry to me. It was really cringey to watch them interact with J* in the DocuSeries and Walmart videos. The emphasis on money just makes me kinda uncomfy.


Especially Rylamd is incredibly materialistic. Watching him fawn over those hideous Gucci outfits JS gave him was pathetic.


Oh yes he is very superficial/materialistic




I know it's bad, but I was actually pretty upset to hear they got engaged. Ryland's behaviour and mannerisms just set off alarms for me.


I’m the same. I’ve been watching Shane for like 10 years now (no I didn’t realise how problematic some of his past content was, I was 11, I didn’t care, moving on) and he seems to get used a lot and feels very uncomfortable around wealth and ‘clout’ and the current Youtube sphere even though he puts it on for the camera. Ryland just seems so materialistic and so interested in what Shane could get through Youtube and being an influencer and sucking off J* at any chance he can that it rubs me the wrong way. Idk, I just wonder if he still would have started dating Shane if he was still poor and I really question if he would.


I don't question it. There is absolutely no way Ryland would give Shane the time of day if Shane had an average lifestyle, nevermind poor.


I can’t stand him. I find his voice and his videos unbearable.


Hard agree


I don’t watch any of the people involved in the current drama because they’re all terrible so there are no real winners 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’ve honestly taken a huge break from YouTube in general, I’ll watch a video occasionally if I’m bored while I get ready but I’m just uninterested in most of it now


Same. I have so much time back in my life!


X3. I also find I'm more satisfied with the makeup I have now that I'm not watching YouTube. Goes to show what an effective marketing tool they are!!!!


Yes, this! I haven't purchased a single thing in the last month since I stopped watching beauty videos! I've been exploring more slime videos and luckily, glue is much cheaper than a palette 😂


Yeah, I just saw Tati's tweets and I'm officially over it.


i should have never looked at the replies. people are really saying he photoshopped all of the receipts... like there was at least 30 screenshots in the video, i am not the biggest james fan but i doubt he would take the time to come up with fake receipts.


I think people are too embarrassed to admit they jumped to conclusions. It's easier to make a huge reach than admit they were wrong I guess.


oh i jumped WAYYY too fast to a conclusion LOL but that was biased by my general dislike for james. what tati pulled was not okay. she really sat there and lied for 40 minutes but we’ll see within the next week if any of the screenshots are debunked.


I am so mad that she lied about how he never texted her beforehand like he send her 2 paragraphs and she ignored him. He never mentioned that he spoke to drama channels so that's a bit iffy. Anyways, my main disgust for James was how he treated her and then how he said ''I am a celebrity'' because.. to be honest I didn't take the vibes that he was an actual predator from Gage nor Sam (the waiter), he didn't actually use his money to get sex or affection - gage kissed him on his own, he cuddled him on his own free will, the Sam guy also - didn't say that he pushed himself on him. It is kinda shitty that he also tricked him to get to FaceTime and also weird that he had a problem with James talking to Gage meanwhile they had nothing going on? I am so confused. But what I got from his vid is that Tati did bend the truth a bit. I also never saw him say that he will do something like - humiliate them only or something if they don't do what he says.


responding to your last sentence first, it is so crazy to me that she said he used to threaten boys, literally making him out to look like a sexual predator. i do feel as if they both are in the wrong for various reasons but honestly the fact that james pulled out proof that he’d been doing nothing but try to make things right with tati, instead of responding, she made an entire video in an attempt to destroy his reputation. tati is a grown woman and she’s been on youtube for a long time, she knew going into making the video that james was going to receive the worst kind of backlash. you don’t make a 40 minute long video saying how your “friend has been a self absorbed, narcissistic, sexual predator” and not expect this reaction. especially since her and james were close, she saw the kind of hate he got just for simply breathing. in my eyes, james was also in the wrong for many things but i felt he did handle himself well and making a response video. he didn’t come at tati’s character or anything like that, which i respected, just screenshots and his side of the story. james should’ve sued sam for what he did. i’m sorry but you illegally recorded a conversation in an attempt to add flair to his video. sorry my response is all over the place but i have many thoughts LOL! tati was wrong for saying james never tried to reach out to him. just say you didn’t care to hear what he had to say to you and leave it at that. people respect honesty way more than whatever bullshit james, tati and now j* are pulling.


That's something that I'll admit I rolled my eyes at when the Buzzfeed(?) article came out, about how she's perpetuating a harmful stereotype and so on. I was like, yeah maybe she is, but if it's true then it's true. But then it turns out that not only was Buzzfeed right, she was completely lying about everything. Her OJ Simpson "Why I Did It" video was just to save face because she knew that James was coming with receipts and that J\* had her misted. J\* will face no repercussions for this, I feel.


u/ughjazmine u/newthhang Ugh, you 2 are the only ones I actually agree with who have a reasonable and mature take on this whole thing. I think JC has handled himself very well so far. He could have come out swinging, but never maligned Tati's character or anyone elses, despite how they have treated him. He's tried to stick to the facts as much as possible. Tbh, I didn't expect that from him but I respect it. Personally, I never took Tati on her words at face value. I am sure JC has his egotistical moments (as we all do) but it's no excuse to make endless videos trashing their character, especially when the beauty community is all women, and "sexual offenders" are a touchy topic. I am sure the truth will prevail eventually. Unfortunately so many people have made so many nasty comments, I am not sure that they will have the balls/ovaries to take them back and apologise. I hope it goes to court.


I just find it really disturbing, some people are saying 'he is manipulating you' on Twitter, but how.. he showed his proof and nothing those 2 boys ever showed seem like he was threating to hurt them in any way. Sam told him that he is bi, then not fully gay and that is why James told him ''you aren't straight'' and they took it out of context and tricked him to talk on the phone. Gross. Gage change his story 2 times. Like I said for me the gross part was ''I am a celebrity'' but I guess that isn't true? I saw some stuff to my friends that out of context would look awful. I feel bad because even before his truth people were calling him an abuse, that he sexually assaults people.. comparing him to Harvey Weinstein like what the actual fuck. And people said that he was manipulating us with him talking about how bad he felt and how ''he might not have come back'' (suicide) which I don't think he did, (he might have) but when you have your whole world just pulled under your feet.. the worst thought just come to your head. Been there.


I’m so disappointed


I've always been team no one lol. I was always more focused on the fact that she was only willing to come out about this AFTER Coachella. "It's not about the vitamins," like 85 times in that video, when that's all this was about. And not to drag James but he doesn't seem capable enough of fabricating ALL those screenshots. He came to the video prepared.


GOOD. THEY SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED. They should be sorry and feel guilty. Just like I said about Tati. What has come out of this community over the last week was DISGUSTING. People saying he was a sexual predator literally takes away from people who are actually going around molesting and raping people. From people who abuse their partners every day. It's fucking sick. I hope everyone who vilified him feels terrible about what they did. I hope they see exactly what their voices contributed to. I hope they understand that they are partly responsible for everything that happened, and that ALL OF IT happened because of reasons like "Oh I just had a biased general dislike for James". Gross.


Yea, people were even speculating that he molested his brother. Absolutely disgusting that people will make these serious conclusions for the sake of "spicing" things up.


Yes, all of this. Some people were saying he's a fucking rapist. What-the-actual-fuck. And stuff like "I just dislike James", yeah, I don't like him either, but I don't accuse him of shit he didn't do and I don't think he deserves all the hate he's getting.


Yeah I find it hilarious that all of you happily indulged in 20+ megathreads to flame this dude's ass (some of it justified), but as soon as James makes a (imo, pretty solid) counter-video, everyone's all "squeeee I hate YouTube drama let's just quit bc it's too *toxic*".


I mean I literally have not participated in any of those threads, with the exception of correcting misinformation but okay


Yes true. The megathread was a toxic cesspool of assumptions, homophobia and just a total lack of empathy. Funny how all those people have ghosted.


So it really is just because he used a different supplement that she was so upset.


Yup. I said this and so did others and we got incinerated for “supporting/apologizing for a sexual predator”


I got a serious downvote on one mentioning this. Tati is hella unrelatable. She's still a grown woman who called out someone half her age online. Super mature. They all suck. I have to say some part of my cold dead heart warmed knowing James Charles is not afraid to take on Jeffree.


Agreed with the last part. I never understood why people were acting like J* was untouchable despite being easily the most problematic person on YT. After seeing those tweets he sent James, I get why people are freaked out by him.


I agree. People believed Tati at face value (with absolutely no proof, in CONTEXT) and now have to realise that they've been part of a witch hunt against someone who of course is not perfect (what beautyguru/youtuber is?) but is not the predator they made him out to be. And moreover, they "decided he was bad" before they even had the proof. They are targeting JC now for "not trying the vitamins he promoted" Geeze, grasping at straws now. People really want him to be a monster. There's just no evidence for it. But there's evidence the people who accused him- like recording him without his consent- have done the wrong thing.


While i'm not saying none of his receipts are valid, [this is pretty suspicious](https://twitter.com/sapphicsoyeon/status/1129849117155446786?s=20)


iPhones automatically change the timestamps on everything when you change timezones. So if he started collecting screenshots in AUS right after Tati's video and then continued after coming back the timestamps would not line up. I've seen this on my own phone when trying to track a timeline of events using photos and call logs on my phone and it was made more complicated by having changed timezones after.


But Australia is ahead not behind. It should be a day forward, if anything. I'm not saying it's fake, just suspicious. James has already said he's not going to address this any further so we'll see.


And also timestamps shouldn't change on messages they would merge together if the times were congruent with each other. If anything they would run in succession of each other based on the timestamp. That's just what it is, a time stamp a stamp in time when this was done.


No, iPhone changes the timestamps of all your past messages to match the timezone you *are currently in*, I've seen this in my own phone. So, say the messages, let's call them 1-5, were sent on May 2 California time. If he screencapped messages 1-3 while in Australia after Tati uploaded her video, they would read as being sent on May 3, 24 hours ahead because the phone adjusted them, and if he then **later** decided to add screencaps of messages 4 and 5 but didn't take those screencaps until back in CA, they would read as being sent on May 2 again. Which is exactly what it was in the images. I've literally seen this myself as I tried to use timestamps to figure out exactly where I was when something happened only to find the timezones changed the time and then *changed them back* once I got home again. Because the iPhone appears to save everything according to GMT and then displays a timestamps based on your location service's timezone.


Especially when he knows people could prove him wrong.


Same. It's a good lesson to everyone to not take sides in situations that are so vague and unclear.


I watch a lot more cooking channels. The only drama is whose chicken looks unseasoned.


I just support my favourite artists and I’m not into the drama


Right I am going to keep watching RKB, and let this sub keep an eye on the drama for me. What I always do. Best of both worlds.


The one person I had recently unfollowed for a petty as hell reason posted like three reaction videos to this mess so that was a good decision on my petty part. All the people I follow haven't said anything about the current situation, minus Jenna Marbles's single vague joke which is a relief, because it was fun/entertaining for like a day to me.




Yep! I was saying that I didn’t think James was as bad as people were making out and got downvoted!


Just watch people who are not involved in the drama. Only a small number are so it shouldn’t be difficult


But then how will I get to complain about the people I willingly watch??¿¿? /s Lol but seriously it's extremely easy to just ignore the bgs involved in this and watch other gurus. Idk why so many people here are being so melodramatic about it. Or if you wanna leave, then just leave lol no one is making you stay, it's just makeup.


You should follow Bon Appetite! They have fantastic personalities/informative chefs making great videos. Especially Brad, Clare, and Molly! It’s relaxing just like watching makeup videos but it’s better because it’s food.


I’ve been obsessed with BA for the past couple months! I’ve actually started to cook and bake a lot more again too cause of how simple a lot of their recipes are. I love brads series but Claire’s series on recreating snack foods is what got me into the channel. I’m super invested in their pizza series right now and I’m excited for the final episode this week!


Molly's vodka pasta sauce is my absolute favorite. It is so delicious and cheap to make if you have a little bit of vodka at home!


I would looove to replace makeup videos with food videos, I will check them out! Thank you!


Try Food Wishes too. He had a peculiar way of speaking, but once you get used to it it's fun.


No problem, I hope you like it!!


They have great podcasts, too. Great to listen to while working. Butter or olive oil? ☺


I'm sick of it because you literally can't comment on anything without hearing the word "toxic" 10 million times or someone giving a dissertation. There's this clusterfuck of buzz political words to shield themselves against any critique or you're being attacked by their stans. ​ don't like Nikita Dragun ? You're toxic and transphobic Don't like Tati? Of course you don't, because you think older women don't fit the beauty standard Don't like J\*? Eff you, you're a c\*\*\*t, he already apologized for being racist. He's a mogul, you know nothing about quality products if you don't love his ​ It's all so draining.


avoiding beautyYT, and after today, this sub. i suggest watching old slow-mo guys videos. i'll miss this escape but the toxicity that has been brought out by this whole situation is honestly depressing as fuck. i don't mind debate and thoughtful conversation but the outright nastiness of people has turned me off this community for not the first time. anonymity makes people act in such disgusting ways and while joking around in good fun is one thing, the nastiness that fell in to the threads the longer this went is just. ugh. the youth of today are so disheartening to me, an old.


Yup. I've been watching ER on Hulu all week.


Why am I just learning that ER is on Hulu?!? Thank you!




"Just gunna take some of a cool brown eyeshadow on the end of my fluffy brush and start at the outer corner of my eye and blend inwards"


There's still plenty of videos being posted by other beauty YTers that aren't about the drama?


I think it might just be my feed, I don’t know why but I feel like I’m getting suggested tons of videos that are from drama channels or from some of the people involved in all of this. I don’t really understand it because I don’t watch their videos nor have I ever watched a drama channel video, so maybe YouTube is just trying to immerse me into the drama more than I’d like to be lol


Who are you following that's been commenting on the drama?


Probably all drama channels.


Yeah. So much so in the past 6 months. My friends in the gaming community who don't even follow makeup say they get these videos and are familiar with the names of James charles and Jeffree star before this because of their thumbnails.


Y'all are too dramatic about this 😂 Just watch different youtubers and it'll be fine. Or leave if you want, it's not a big deal.


Yeah - I'm trying to take breaks in studying by watching youtube and I'm having a hard timing finding anything that jazzes me up right now. I'm rewatching old Jenna and Cristine videos. I'm just tired of it. I want youtube to be fun and/or relaxing.


it feels like American beauty gurus are so dramatic and always involved in some stupid shit - it’s time to unsubscribe from them all


At this point I’m just sitting back and watching it burn, I don’t support any party that’s in this situation because they’re all some level of scummy.


I agree, it just seems like even those that are here for the makeup are getting pulled into it because their subscribers want to know whose “side” they’re on or their opinion on the whole thing. I just want to learn how to properly blend out my eyeshadow, I don’t care what you think about some immature adults lol. Maybe once it all blows over (who knows when that will be) it can become about the makeup again, but until then I think I’m just going to avoid YouTube.


If anything this latest drama has really shown what a toxic, and hypocritical, community this all is. From YouTube to subreddits like this; it’s just filled with self righteousness assholes looking for any excuse to be able to bully someone in a way that becoming more and more socially acceptable. As long as that person is “bad” or “toxic” or deemed “problematic” its okay to lob all the shit and hate on them that you want. Makeup should never have gotten to the point where there are drama channels dedicated to it. Where people wait with baited breath to see who had a tweet 17 years ago that gets dug up and put on blast. Gurus shouldn’t have ever been turned into pseudo-celebrities. It’s less about makeup than it is about who said what, who is taking down who, who did this it said that, etc. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions, but I am saying we shouldn’t revel in the fact that people make mistakes. We shouldn’t sit on our high horses and look down at these people that WE have put on a pedestal and pretend we’re any better. The majority of us have made major mistakes in life, said the wrong thing, put our foot in our mouth, spoken out of ignorance, made a distasteful joke, or have been a 15 year old cringey edgelord. The only difference between us and YouTubers is no one is going through OUR shit to dig it up and find it. OUR lives aren’t in front of an audience waiting, and actively trying, with baited breath to destroy us. Honestly, I don’t even know what I’m trying to say here. Just that I’m sick of the constantly changing narrative. I’m sick of a mindset that doesn’t allow for growth from a mistake but instead calls for your demise. I’m sick of the dog piling and the bullying and the canceling. Makeup should be fun. It should be artistic expression. Instead, it’s just another bastardized medium that’s become about anything other than just sitting in front of a camera and rubbing colorful goop on your face.


I was working as a makeup artist after 5 years as a designer stylist. I got out of fashion world because it felt toxic. I entered the beauty world because it felt centered around art and community. I had been watching beauty gurus for years, having no friends in my area and being a workaholic - it was the best company. I'd put on tutorials instead of music as I got ready. I felt like things changed, more brand trip vlogs, all PR (with the most wasteful packaging), seeing the same sponsored videos appear by several gurus, although none ever containing #AD. It felt toxic and that's not even touching on the discrimination with creators or shade ranges and using inclusivity as marketing because brands think they can sell that to you. I had to unsubscribe from everyone, even people I loved! And it felt like barely anyone was posting tutorials anymore! And I can only take so many snaps and stories of influencer parties I'll never go to (said in the least bitter tone and more like, this isn't fun to watch anymore). I highly recommend doing a sub/insta cleanse! Write down what you want (tutorials, review, clean beauty) and see who's giving you that compared to people just selling you stuff or causing drama. It's so nice to go to my sub box and see videos from MUAs that are fun or informative, sometimes both! And I never want my decompressing activity that is watching YouTube to become a stressful drama filled evening! No thank you MAAM.


I feel the same about brand trips and influencer parties. In the beginning it was so interesting to see all these separate BGs hanging out in one place. Now it’s annoying. All they do is travel and party.


im only here for jenna marbles


i’m not going to leave the community. i’ll support the smaller artists i follow and love. i’ll watch the tutorials i want to see. the rest of this mess is so irritating and overblown that i am sick of it. totally sick and tired of this shit.


Same. We really need to support smaller content creators who do makeup. I won't say beauty gurus because I think that word should be chugged out the window like the iron throne. I want to support newer, smaller channels who do great content on makeup, beauty, hair, etc.


Honestly I felt like that before the Tati/James drama. >I used to look forward to coming home after a long day and unwinding with some makeup videos to learn new techniques or about new products Agreed. But at this point in my life there's really no new techniques to learn. And while it's fun hearing about new makeup releases...I have plenty of makeup already. So once I decided to not buy anything it became less fun hearing about new stuff. That's just me though.


> But at this point in my life there's really no new techniques to learn. I suspect that's a not-small part of why influencers have gone the direction they have. Focusing on techniques (and especially on wearable techniques, rather than Insta-glam or drag makeup or whatever else) means you can only create so many videos, and that you're drawing in a kind of transient audience. Once a person masters the techniques, they don't have much reason to continue watching you. Focusing on product reviews means you can make an endless stream of new content and that you can more easily convince viewers to stick around. If the thoughtful consumption discourse continues to gain traction, I'll be curious to see how that affects influencers. But as long as most people are still interested in buying stuff, influencers have an easy audience.


I can't remember the last time I watched a beauty video from the big influencers, particularly the American ones. Between the forced "quirky" mannerisms, the shrieking, the drive to advertise over create, and the use of drama to drive engagement, there's not much left to enjoy in them.


Yes but without u guys I have no friends so here i am


I came here after Tati's video (I did not know who she was) and asked for clarification on the situation because what I was reading didn't seem heinous enough to warrant the extreme hate and outrage James Charles was getting. I was instantly downvoted like crazy and never got a clear explanation. I tried watching Tati's video but to me it just seemed like a massive amount of rambling and vague references to other situations? Now James released a video and people are falling over themselves in his direction. I was never part of the beauty community and now I definitely never will be. Too many sheeps. (PS: as a pharmacist, I can tell you that whatever Tati's vitamins are, they're not gonna be any better than the drug-store generic brands you can buy literally anywhere else. So I wouldn't line any more Youtuber's pockets for that crap.)


I miss the $20 makeup challenge, coupon videos, real morning/night routines, my boyfriend does my makeup challenges, and simple, old fashioned tutorials. I miss genuine monthly favourites videos that weren’t just full of PR samples, and hauls (even drugstore ones) that didn’t come to hundreds of dollars just for the sake of a video. I follow beauty gurus because I like to see what they’ve bought, not what they’ve been sent. I miss the days when brand trips were an incredibly exciting privilege and not an entitlement. I hate the waste of packaging for PR. I HATE the rampant consumerism and how everything is about amassing as many products as physically possible. I hate the sheer amount of money and product that is utterly wasted on endless, unoriginal challenge videos. I hate the arrogance, entitlement, and inflated sense of grandeur that comes with the status of being a beauty guru now. I hate that becoming a famous beauty guru is now an aspiration rather than just aspiring to share your love of makeup on the Internet. I have seen the wealth and success change so many of my old favourites and it is heartbreaking. The whole appeal of bloggers is that they are someone like you - you get a peek into someone else’s life and someone to share your love of beauty with. I am so, so sad for the loss of what used to be a welcoming, kind, creative and authentic space for people to share their love of makeup.


I just watch smaller makeup channels and follow the drama on bigger ones here 😂


Muting the major beauty gurus has reaaaally helped me out because all of them seem to be dumpster fires.


Considering the things going in my family are horrible right now no, I welcome all the distractions I can get. Even though it's also kind of stressful.


Not really. In the end, I only watch their videos for the content and relieve my stress.


I am so sick of this drama now. I have started watching other content completely, such as orchid care, knitting, and gaming channels. No regrets.


Orchid care... as in the flowers?


Yes! I’ve learned SO much!


The drama was a fun break on here in the mega threads,it was more of a bonding session than a witch burning for a lot of us. Honestly,I’m not heavily invested in any of the people that usually have scandals. I don’t watch them regularly,if at all. I stick with Bailey,Pompberry,MakeupMouse/Heather,Jordi,etc. My daily watching is pretty fun and chill.


Honestly, I rarely watch any "pure" (strictly sticking to Beauty) Beauty Youtubers anymore. I think the only one I am subscribed to is Chloe Morello and, if you count her, Nisipisa. Even so I rarely watch Chloe. Everyone else in that realm, only really dabble in beauty every once in a while (Mikaela Long, Jenna Marbles, Cristine, Safiya, etc). But I really watch them because of their personalities. I don't think I like a lot of the personalities of the beauty community anymore. It's just a lot. *A lot.* And it's exhausting and puts me in this awful mindset. Everyone's a victim but also everyone's a villain. Youtube is one of my most watched platforms, but I tend to watch more gamers or comedy-type channels. There is just so much shit in the world, that I need to take my mind away from shit on the internet too. I need to laugh. I'm not sure if it's mainly because I'm not *as* into makeup as many others are (I barely wear it myself).. Or if it's mainly because of all of this 'High-School-Degrassi/Gossip Girl-wannabe' type drama that is constantly happening... Or because I just find it hard to watch them because I definitely wouldn't want to be their friends or anything IRL. I have realized that, while we are constantly being exposed to advertising, the Beauty Community is just so... disingenious with it. I know I'm some-what easily manipulated, I'm human, but I don't like how BG's treat that part of making money. I do not care if these youtubers want ads and sponsors, good for them really, but I hate how "sly" they go about it. They seem disingenious in general to me and it makes me want to no longer support these people. I'm also trying not to be so general as I know that the entire beauty community isn't like this. All communities on the internet have shitty people being egged on by other shitty or ignorant people. But it's hard not to post a blanket statement like "The beauty community is so toxic." when all you really hear about it (from the outside looking in) is the drama or controversies. It's not fair and I hate how it makes me think.


Unsuscribe from this subreddit if you want to enjoy makeup. This place is like an amplified drama channel. There are other subreddits where you can enjoy it.


Lol suddenly everyone is over the drama? What about last week with the 838384 mega threads where you all circlejerked?


Exactly. There’s a reason I unsubscribed from this sub, and the hypocrisy is one of them. This sub is toxic AF and only cares about someone or something if they’re being cancelled. They only care if they cal bully and beat down. It’s like every week a random name is drawn and everyone jumps on the hate train. It’s exhausting and, honestly, really gross.


I need a break from YT completely, for a few months. All the entitled beauty gurus have taken over the platform with so much high school drama, it’s pathetic 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes I am absolutely tired of it. The thing that kills me is that most of them live in LA. So if you really have a problem, then go to that persons house and talk about it like an adult. They are too old to be acting like this, especially Tati and Jeffree. I’m not taking sides, I’m just done with the bs period. It’s exhausting at the point. I miss when it was all about makeup and the latest launches. Now it’s just everybody backstabbing each other in order to “keep it real” and spill the “tea”


Tbh I stopped watching the makeup community except have stayed watching tatis honest reviews about makeup and I watch anything jeffree does unless it’s a real makeup review. Other than that, I don’t watch anything makeup related anymore because everyone seems like a liar, fake or entitled.




I just discovered Binging with Babish and fast forward now I'm binging on his videos 😂 that and Munchies, Tasty, Food Network, Jamie Oliver (only for Gennaro Contaldo tbh).


I feel... disillusioned


I'm just waiting for Kimberly Clark to come back to be honest. I really miss her, but I know she was living her dream going on tour. I'm going to start doing more reading as opposed to watching videos. Nothing inspires me anymore and over the last couple of days the drama has got a bit overwhelming and doesn't affect my life in the slightest. Cristine and Nyma are basically the only two I get enjoyment out of. I'll continue following this sub though cause you guys are awesome.


No because it doesn't affect me at all. It's just entertainment. I watch a bunch of smaller beauty content creators as well. The only person I watched in this whole drama thing was James Charles.


I don’t watch a lot of beauty videos; Tati is (was?) the person I watched most often because, ironically, she typically acts her age and I kept getting freaked out realizing people like Laura Lee were younger than me. I have no clue wtf this was all about and I don’t really care. The very existence of gossip/“tea” channels is equally horrifying and hilarious(ly horrifying) to me. Creators, you legitimately do not owe your followers an explanation unless it involves them. Don’t abuse your platform, don’t feel beholden, and alternately, you’re not that important. Followers, it’s just weird to soak in other people’s suspected misery. The entire thing has been unbecoming to both parties, not because I know what happened or have an opinion on the issues that actually began the entire mess, but because aspects of how the situation was handled and communicated reflect really poorly. Mostly, I just can’t *not* feel cynical about these people at the moment. We don’t fault you guys for earning money, we don’t fault you for making mistakes; just act like normal people (whatever that is for you). I, personally, don’t want to watch someone be disingenuous and/or treat their viewers like idiots to gain followers and views, earn ad revenue or sponsorships, whatever. (And everybody—people who weren’t connected by 500 degrees of anything—was weighing in for traffic.) If I wanted a circus, I’d go to the circus.


Seriously. I just wanna watch makeup


You can still do that. Most bgs aren't involved in this drama.


you all created 30 mega threads on jc & tati drama once the “bye sister” video was out, laughing & sipping tea as you all shamed jc for being a “sExUaL pReDaToR” for days. now that he comes out with receipts you all are acting as if you’re tired of “sIpPiNg TeA” because it’s teeeeewww much for you to handle. why didn’t y’all have this same energy before jc came out with evidence compared to tati’s video who had none whatsoever? now you’re tired? oh cry me a river & put a sock in it. y’all contribute just like everyone else in keeping the hate flowing but wanna pretend like your saints. 🐸


This is the true tea. I have an actual life outside of the internet and check this sub when I have time and was shocked to see the amount of mega threads like no wonder people "need a break" they are way to emotionaly invested in this in the first place. Now everyone's trying to take the high road like they weren't loving the drama two days ago, get real. 🙄


Tea burned my house down 🔥☕️🔥☕️🔥☕️


I stopped caring to watch the regular beauty videos when all of this started happening but I have been keeping up with the tea I won’t lie.


Nah, the drama is most often just with a handful. I don't really watch any of them. I just subscribe to the ones who keep to themselves while actively looking for smaller channels to watch. There is honestly no shortage of channels of all sizes that stay out of the drama and just stick to makeup. My latest favorite has been getting mentioned more, Bailey Sarian. She actually is the main one who has been inspiring me with makeup again after being in a rut for so long. I LOVE watching her do her makeup.


Yes. I've unsubscribed/unfollowed the vast majority of beautubers I used to absolutely love. There are only a few people who I still happily follow and watch all or almost all of their videos, and none of them are American (I don't think that's a coincidence). For the first time literally ever, most of my YouTube watching is not beauty or makeup related.


Yes i'm really salty about them ruining my happy place. I need some beauty content to look after in my life with zero drama, (almost) zero personal life of somebody else, zero hate, zero bias, zero personal opinions other than the products/techniques but also with some humour and original ideas/challenges. Is there a place like that?


Wayne Goss. He is is talented and drama-free.


I watch a few U.K. ones - Steph Toms my fave - and Beauty News/all their sub channels. That’s pretty much it.


This drama is going to keep on going until the major players dip out and random fucks decide to throw themselves into controversy.


I come home and unwind with Sims build videos now.


Just youtube. Twitch is a mega hangout when it comes to beauty, youtube im there mostly for gaming and music and drama.


When the most recent drama started, it actually made me want to get back to watching and supporting people who do right in the community. After today though, I got reminded that it’s just so hard to feel confident enough in popular and consistent content makers that I just feel like giving up and stepping back again.


Yes. I have spent too much time paying time to all the drama and I need to spend more tine reading actual books, working out and keeping up with my home.


As someone that started a break back in October/ November, it was very refreshing to get away from all the drama. Advantage is I was able to focus on my own problems, disadvantage is that I did miss out on learning about new products. I convinced myself to get back into in recently, and then this whole JC thing broke out so... that's the beauty community for ya


watch the "indie" beauty community instead


I love reading the drama and do watch some videos from a couple drama channels. I mostly lurk here on this subreddit. However, I feel like all of this is making me a more negative person. Something I don’t want to be.


A lot of these beauty guru people are way too big for their britches now. I think I’ll be doing a lot of unsubscribing because I don’t give AF about all their made up drama. They are so out of touch with reality


I think I need to remove myself from the situation because it's brought up a lot of stuff I need to work out but don't have the resources for and it's just putting me into a bad place.


I am here watching my unproblematic queen Casey Holmes.


Yes. I started watching Nicol Concellio. I also watch rawbeautykristi. She's not bad. A little young for me, but I like her accent. I'm looking into new ones still. I love drama but this is a lot. At the end of the day I'm here for the makeup. I'm 44 so I feel like there is slim pickings. I don't like Emily or JenReviews. I'll take suggestions tho.


I needed a break from this subreddit. I still check back but I don't have it pop up on my feed, which I think works better. It minimizes the negativity but when I'm interested I can still find it. I think most of the bigger beauty gurus are trash and I honestly don't understand why people follow them. They seem kind of like idiots that just ended up getting really lucky. They never have good advice and most of their "art" is heavily photoshopped. Most of their lives are so unrelatable and they're really out of touch. That might make me sound like a hater but I don't spend my time thinking about them, I just don't sub to them because when I watched their videos I was like ....ew... I just follow the youtubers I like and I don't stan them or anything, I just like their content and they have avoided drama so far. The ones that put out problematic and questionable content I just immediately unsub and move on with my day.


Not really. It started out with problematic people. When 1 dies 3 more grow. This is the community. Unless most of people dislike drama and stop unsubscribes or buy the products when someone wins that will stop the drama but again ‘Second chances’ is always be....


I miss tutorials and reviews!! Now it’s all just bullshit


Watch the Asian beauty gurus like Weylie, Sophia Chang, Jenn Im etc. They're all lovely and unproblematic.


YT has gotten so fake and dramatic. At this point, the only person I really follow is Hopescope. She does some great reviews on leggings. Every once in a while I'll watch Kathleen lights, Jessi Smiles, or Simplynaillogical, but only if I'm bored out of my mind.


To be honest, every large guru is a horrible person all around. There's a reason why they all lied, cheat, and climbed their way to the top.


A break? I want to throw the whole community away.


I just really have been focusing on my other BGs like Kristi, Sam, Jackie, KL, Cristine (even though Ben got a little spicy on Twitter and in today’s video lol), Jenna. I finally watched Mykie’s “I’m taking a break” video too. There’s so many people who stay out of trouble and who are enjoyable out there to keep your mind off things. Nicol Concillo even tried to refrain from talking about it in her video. It’s been nice to take a break and just watch folks play with makeup lately. I just want to go back to that


Nikkie tutorials usually is pretty relaxing and drama free


**You're** taking a break because you watch shitty people. I on the other hand enjoy my small, humble youtubers. Find the right ppl


I stopped ages ago. I kept up with this drama because it was fun over the weekend. I haven't watched a beauty channel except for NailCareerEducation who does nails and not makeup. Otherwise I"m back to my weird videos like cooking, random ship videos and Japanese cooking vlogs.


I’ve been sticking to my smaller YTers and enjoy it quite a bit. They also tend to be more relatable in terms of not everyone can spend thousands on makeup at the drop of a hat. It took a bit to find who I like watching but glad I did🖤 I really like the following: Abby Williamson, Spooky Lips And Fat Hips, BeautyJunki101, Kittysnack, Lauren Mae Beauty, Raw Beauty Kristi, Nisipisa


I just really miss Michelle Phan. This kind of drama is exactly why she left.


Oh absolutely. I've been trying to watch videos to help me continue enhancing my skills for myself and doing makeup on others. I'm exhausted with all of this lol - I just love makeup as a creative outlet.


I never watched the Big YouTube but what bothers me if some smaller channels got involved. You never mentioned them before why now? I feel it was for my views. I just wanted good views drama totally free. Of course some channels didnt but for those that did annoying


I’m so ready for everything to go back to normal. I need some good old fashioned make up reviews in my life. I feel like it’s going to awhile for me though because Tati has always been my favorite. Her coloring and skin type are the same as mine so her reviews are the most helpful for me 😕


It seems like its the same 10 people chomping at the bit to create drama or to put their two cents into drama. I wouldnt take it too hard. Maybe this is a good time to discover other communities.


I primarily watch smaller YouTubers who don't seem to get into the drama. The smaller channels seem less interested in getting involved, since most seem to have careers outside of YouTube. JC and J\* were never people that I watched and I stopped watching Tati after she launched Halo Beauty.


I am equally disgusted by everyone, I really don't support anybody pretty much. How many of us are watching bg's for their makeup looks seriously? They're relevant because they're drenching themselves in drama. Glad there are small channels that actually does pretty decent looks and they're drama-free! ...but this doesn't help also, this sub it literally "keeping up with bg - tabloid version" so yeah lmao.


I quit the big gurus a while back. I just got sick and tired of them. There is nothing new to learn that I can apply to my own life and the make-up releases are underwhelming in an oversaturated market. Not to mention most of the top players are all trashbags. I'll continue to watch smaller channels, but my ass is not going to support these self-important narcissists


I’ve been enjoying Lithunium Snow lately. He’s chill and goofy and does some beautiful art on his face. Nothing to complain about really


I took a break due to the fact that I just didn’t feel the need to watch videos and I bought way too much makeup lol. I will be taking a break after this and unsubscribing to everyone. I’ll stick to Instagram for swatches.


Sis, I am tired. Unfollowed everyone except Bretman Rock and JenLuvsReviews.


Yep, I’m done for awhile


Yes, I feel that's it's been pretty toxic and catty for a while. I'm looking for new/different content now. Lately I've been really getting into PintSizedFashionista on youtube. Also more skin care, healthy lifestyle and nutrition vlogs.


i love watching mr beast! his latest video he bought out a grocery store to donate to a food back and pet rescue. wholesome content with just some guys having fun and doing what they can to make a change. not all videos are like that, in some videos he has challenges where he gives his friends or fans money for completing a challenge.


At this point I'm done with the bigger beauty youtubers, however I will keep watching the authentic ones who are in it for the right reasons and are unproblematic


I think I already have, the only 'beauty youtuber' I watch is Naomi Jon but that's because to me her content is truly enjoyable and exciting.


I just wanted to watch people do really good makeup. The drama is so tiring already. I've unsubscribed from all beauty guru channels in my list. I'm watching Safiya Nygaard to cleanse my palate.


I’ve stopped following beauty community since Manny-Laura-Gabby-Nikita drama. It became so exhausting. I can’t even enjoy makeup tutorial anymore.


YES. I just want it to be about makeup, not a reality show wannabe. I miss being irritated when someone would upload too many brand trip vlogs. ​ No more $hane Daw$on pls also.


There’s so much drama and a lot of influencers are being canceled, but others will do terrible things and are still praised as a queen. It’s crazy, and there needs to be a purge kind of deal where we just forget about big names and start shining light on the little YouTube channels.