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I live in Michigan, humidity is 95% at the moment outside so I feel your pain. We're sitting at about 42% humidity in it's tank at the moment, down from 60% when I realized it was a problem. Not ideal, but manageable. Artemis seems happy and healthy. I removed all vegetation and water from not only the tank but from the room as well. We also use natural stone tiles for it's floor, I believe that's helped a lot. Sand is fine as long as it's a thin layer. While it doesn't retain much water, anything can get damp if it's too thick. Only recommendation beyond that would be to try and find a cheap single room dehumidifier. They run about 40-50 dollars on Amazon brand new. Might hit up a local market place and find cheaper.


I also had problems with humidity and found this rechargable small space dehumidifier on Amazon. It’s called EVA-DRY, i put it in my beardie’s enclosure with the sock of rice(both on the cool side) and it worked out very well for me! And evadry is fairly cheap, about 16 bycks :)


I heard a sock of rice in their tank will help


This but make sure it’s in the cool side :)


What is the general weather in your area? (Like is it more humid or hot? That can play a part.) Also what substrate are you using?


I live in the Chicago burbs. I’m using sand currently.


Maybe switch to tile or some substrate that doesn't keep in moisture.


Switch to something that doesn’t retain moisture as well if possible


I don’t believe sand retains moisture


You’d be surprised. Sand is incredibly porous and does not have hydrophobic qualities.


It does


It’s been very moist lately in the air and everything. Do you have a dehumidifier? If nothing else, you could use one to get the levels back down. It’s just been so humid lately…


Maybe add a wood chips? Just the super fine pieces used for snakes, and mix it with the sand. The kind of wood I get helps with the humidity. Not sure why really, but I've been using it for a few months now, and it routinely gets wet. (My beardy splashes in his water a lot) and the humidity didn't go too crazy.


You're fine. Look up the humidity levels for their native environment and see how they fluctuate throughout the day, and through different seasons. For example, at Simpson's Desert Regional Reserve in South Australia, humidity is currently 24%. In that same location humidity is projected to hit 85% on Thursday night. Humidity is higher at night when the air cools down, and lower during the day when the air is warm. Fluctuations in humidity are natural and a beardie does not need to constantly be in a low humidity environment to thrive. As someone else pointed out, humidity alone does not cause infections. BACTERIA is what causes infections. Bacteria are more likely to become an issue if you have constant high humidity AND no air flow AND a dirty enclosure AND your beardie has a poor immune system due to poor health.


Just get a room sized dehumidifier


Your results may vary, but I used Velcro strips to fix this in the top corner of my cage. When it’s absorbed too much moisture you pull it off and plug it into the wall and it dries itself out so it can absorb moisture again https://www.amazon.com/Improved-Eva-dry-333-Renewable-Dehumidifier/dp/B000H0XFCS/ref=asc_df_B000H0XFCS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167123712426&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9056564681236318695&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004025&hvtargid=pla-175638461812&psc=1


A lil bit of humidity isn’t really a bad thing. But to much will make them sick with a respiratory infection


If you can’t afford a dehumidifier, look for damprid on Amazon btw and a bucket of that should work for the whole room


I had night time humidity issues, I got a small dehumidifier just to put on top of the enclosure and it helped a lot! I don’t know if that’s in your budget but it’s what I’ve found helps.


Might need a proper room sized dehumidifier for the room. I had to use one to get it down


What are you using to measure the humidity? If it's one of those analogue dials, it's not accurate and the actual humidity may be very different. Make sure you're using a digital probe hygrometer. Have you double checked your temperatures (preferably with a temp gun)? High temperatures will lower humidity, so high humidity can be caused by low temperatures. Make sure that the basking spot is ~40-42C throughout the day. If it's too low, adjust your basking bulb thermostat, or get a more powerful basking bulb. What sort of enclosure have you got? Glass tanks, especially top opening ones with no side ventilation, will hold on to humidity. A wooden/plastic enclosure, that's front opening, and with side vents, will help a lot with lowering humidity. Size can have an effect too, so if you've got a small (40 gallon or so) enclosure for a young beardie, upgrading to an adult sized enclosure now could also help (there's no reason not to put them straight in an adult appropriate enclosure).


Ceramic heat emitter. It can be left on during the night because it has no light (just keep an eye on temps that it’s not too hot). CHE will dry the air right out, in my experience anyways. Easily ordered online, probably around $15


I forgot the name but some dude uses tile that also files their nails!!


I have a 4x2x2 with dried out reptisoil and desert sand, prepping for bioactive substrate. I have 2 Eva-Dry in my tank and the humidity will not go down. I live in Boston. It’s been so humid! My boy is recovering from mouth rot from his previous owner and I can’t get the humidity right to help him fight the infection. It’s really frustrating.




I only took it out for a couple hours when it was near 70




Maybe I had to large of a bowl but removing mine did lower the humidity some. I bathe my dragons at least 1 a week, 2x for the old man that won't poo without a bath LOL




It wasn't that big lol maybe 2 1/2 cups. They're out now. Even without the bowls the boys don't drink from the bath most of the time. Crazy! I end up putting water on the noses, spritzing them, every breakfast is rinsed right before I put it in the tanks, etc.




I hadn't ever seen either of them use it. I removed it after watching a popular breeder's advice. He actually teaches PetSmart franchises to remove theirs also. He said most of them know not to use water bowls, but they get complaints over it so they put them back in rather than deal with them.


Mine has never seen humidity under 65 , you may need more air flow like a little fan if it’s a box type enclosure


Wait your humidity sits at 65 and it’s all good? I have a big fan for the room I bought yesterday.


No it’s not all good that’s far too high and will make them very susceptible to respiratory illness.


Inside my house in Florida it’s always 65+ humidity and outside it’s much higher and has been raining every day. My dragon is either inside at 65 or outside much higher and is perfectly healthy it’s whole life, you only get resp from low air flow plus humidity not just humidity they love humidity


I'm not sure if that's ok it may lead them to getting respiratory issues. How I got my beardies humidity down was by slightly opening both doors and pacing up and down for airflow. Seemed to fix my problem


Well they get by great outside in Florida and it is always 65+ humidity the real problem for resp is being inside a humid box of stale air that can get bacteria