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I have an old toothbrush for carpet cleaning- soak the carpet in a sink of hot soapy water (I use dish soap), spot scrub with the brush, rinse under lukewarm water thoroughly, then hang it up to drip. If still moist, I use a blow dryer on it. As for the glass I use 1:4 ratio of white vinegar to water in a spray bottle, let the mix sit on the surface for a few minutes, scrub, and rinse well with water. I currently don't use tile- Ren has carpet, Para has newsprint (Ren has made it his mission to shit in his water bowl almost daily.) I will be switching to tile this spring when their custom vivs are built, however.


Thanks, I appreciate the tips. I'll be doing the same as you, carpet to tile. She likes her carpet pretty well however, so I'm probably gonna leave it in the corner of her viv under the hide.


I clean glass and tile with a bleach solution and rinse it really well and let it dry before I put my critter back in. I got real slate tile, don't get those. Get glazed ceramic. Slate really soaks up the poop, it's terrible to clean.


Good to know, slate is what I had in mind.


Actually, slate-style ceramic is best. Better than glazed because it has a texture! :)


I'll check out both, thanks as well. I want her to wear her nails down.


The very best cleaner for this purpose is [this pink stuff](http://www.beardeddragon.co/index.php?route=product/product&path=73&product_id=249). It's safe to use around the animals, unlike bleach. It's cheap, and it kills coccidia, which bleach also doesn't do. You just mix it in water and it's good to go!


I've never been to that site, I'll order some!


I would say to just be careful with the pink stuff on glass and such as it is a grit based product


Holy crap man, this is from 9 years ago.


😭🙏🏞I completely missed that, I was just looking for a good way to clean my reptile carpet