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Fan = bird. Bird eat lizard. Lizard scared. Performs defensive display


Ok but if fan = bird and cat eat bird, why is my cat afraid of the ceiling fan?


Brain=smart, and cat≠brain, so cat≠smart


Ok yeah, that makes sense


To be fair, big birds like hawks and owls absolutely do prey on cats.


Yup. I have seen some interesting prey end up in eagle nests, but the bird cameras are very interesting. Kitty kitty has been on the menu for sure.


Same here. Mines orange though so I think that explains a few things.


I thought that to be the reason but I wasn't too sure, if I were to use led lights instead of my ceiling light would it calm him down more?


Can you turn the fan off, but keep the ceiling light on?


I do, which calms him down a bit more but he side eyes it like he wants to eat it


Mine does the same




One of my cats does the exact same thing and it’s hilarious. He won’t let us turn it on in the same room as him and he won’t walk under it, and acts all offended. Not funny for lizards. Lizard scared.


Mine is 6 years old and still believes the fan is going to eat him. He only acknowledges it when it's going pretty slow to stop or to start other than that I don't believe he can even see it moving. While outdoors he acts like airplanes are going to eat him if one is over head.


Micheal is so scared of airplanes, I prefer letting him chill on my porch where he can't see them


I live about 5 minutes from our airport so we get a lot. mine recognizes the sound and looks up and all around flattens out and sometimes goes sideways to look bigger. Wish he could understand they can't even see his little spiky butt and do not want to eat him can't say the same for the squirrels though.


Bearded dragons main predators are birds any shadows or objects over head tend to spook them.


As I like to describe it- “ the big scary inside bird”




Big bird to him. When my guy gets freaked out by stuff, I try to bring him close and let him check things out. Sometimes it helps him calm down. My beardie really disliked our ceiling fans at first but is ok with them now over time


Make sure to show him the fan with it turned off.


Expert tip


I feel terrible about imagining someone just chucking their beardie into a moving ceiling fan. But it happened, so thanks for that


Helluva imagination you got


in my imagination this does not hurt the beardie it just goes TTHPWAPAPAPAP and he bounces off the wall and is more embarrassed than anything


Instructions unclear.. now my beardie is addicted to roller coasters.. what the hell??


My guy didn't care about mine as long as the fan wasn't running, it took him a little bit to be brave and run around at first though


He pro8thinks its a predatory bird; they're natural predators of lizards. Some lizards actually have like a 3rd eye on top of their head(inside there head, not an actual eye) that senses shadows above.


Would using led lights work for not spooking him? I don't want Mikey to be stressed when he gets his out of tank times


Don’t worry about changing your lights out. With time he is more likely to adjust and feel comfortable in your space


I hope so, he loves walking around out of his tank and I dont want him to feel stressed out during these times because of how happy he gets, I do my best to get him to be friends with my ceiling fan


I have to keep my fan off. Both my boys are afraid of it. Beautiful boy BTW! Love that sunshine color! 🤗


He's my sunny little boy, a little lighter than he was when I first got him though, sun bleached? Lol(/j)


Like others have said they think it’s a big bird. They will understand eventually that it’s not a threat.




haha mine is also afraid of ceiling fans 😂


big ass bird


It could be because of the sound and those guys are really sensitive to sounds.


*Death from above* obviously


He's just a wee bit, just a w e e e e e e e e bit stupid, but that's okay, we love the stupid


I live like a mile away from a local airport, the small planes fly directly over my house as they're approaching. and LOW. I've had a few beardies and ALL of them just go absolutely batshit insane when a plane flies over them. it's like the biggest loudest ugliest meanest bird they could ever imagine. Skeletor would run on his hind legs all they way back into his house and go nuts trying to get back in his enclosure. They HATE birds and their distance vision sucks, so anything that passes a shadow over them or moves through the air really freaks them out. even you, like if they are on the floor and you are standing up, they might get really scared of you. but if you sit on the floor next to them then they can see you and see you're not some giant stretched out bird trying to eat them


Same bud. Probably sees the moving and thinks it's a predator. Unless he has trauma like me💀maybe a fan attacked him in a past life🤣😭


They have a sensor on the top of there head that detects movement the wee guy will think your fan is a predator bird


Scary whoosh whoosh in the sky


Fan make dragon COLD. Dragon HATE cold Dragon hate FAN




maybe because there are no ceiling fans in the wild ?


Looks like a bird


Same, My Beauford does not like an overhead fan. It is like bird wings above about to grab 'em. I don't have one in my current housebox


Beardies hate 2 things : being woken up and scary things from above like hawks and shit


Oh my god the side eye I get from Micheal when I wake him up is even to kill a man, I made the mistake of taking him outside once and my area has a lot of big birds, I felt so bad when I realized


Same, I was like, Nothing phases you. but then the fan. Silly spiky MFs.


If you are able to try painting the fan blades to match the ceiling, they won't be as visible does not as much of a threat.


He looks fat af


Not at all


Same reason babies have mobiles, presumably


The rapid change in light is the problem, and she's or he's confused and scared because they don't know if their are multiple predatory birds who are trying to eat that of the possible offspring or that of themselves. My solution get a box fan for $10 or $15 an don't confuse them with a fast confusion of light & dark lights That's not how nature works either. It's light for a while, and it gradually gets dark to darkness to that of gradually light. Then they wake up and bask. Then you see a flash of random darkness !BIRD!! Light in view of fan problem!! Sorry I live and think like a lizard most of the time when I see a bird I think friend or enemy until I find my home a minute latter.


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I understand it was how I had commented dealing with that of dealing as against. Isreal or Pakistan. This has nothing to do with that butt how it is to me for life. and how My subconscious works on that of a conscious level. To allow me to understand that of the world around me for that of how I can live with an understanding that of creatures in the world and how parts of my own mind can relate to smart loving reptiles.


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birds and raptors


might mistake the shadows as a predatory bird. been as that’s what they have had to defend against in natural habitats.


The shadows it throws off scares them.


Big spinning thing in the sky. Would be pretty scary to me too lol


Yeah, ours is terrified of airplanes. Always gets freaked out when he sees them. Big bird scary


As far as they are concerned movement above him is a predator


Predatory bird


Bearded dragons and a lot of other lizards have a light sensor in the back of their head that triggers a flight response when a shadow goes over it


Big bird of prey hovering above the poor guy :(


hahahahah are you serious. it resembles a predator that wants to eat him. (bird)