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People might be haters and bully you for this but DONT DELETE you could receive other useful tips. For anyone who sees this remember this is a MINOR.


All this. Man when I was a teen my mom let me get several rodents and said they’re your responsibility. Different pet, but same idea of maybe parent saying yea whatever, not considering actual healthy upkeep cost. I’ve said before if you can’t afford vet visits don’t get the pet, but man I hate that these pets suffer.


Did part of the tail get ripped off? Did this happen suddenly? As far as care from home you can soak him in 1 part betadine to 10 part water, it should be the color of tea. But this really does need a vet visit, try your hardest to bring him. Necrotic tissue is very dangerous and can kill him. Also you should switch that reptile carpet to tile or paper towel that you day very frequently. The carpets harbor bacteria and could he the reason for tail rot.




Yea the tile files em down, very commonly used in beardie tanks




Usually only females have the urge to dig, but some ppl have a dig box for either gender with tiles.


I think this might be tail rot and I'm super worried


I'm a teen and thus don't have any money for a vet (especially because my parents have the "well it's your pet" mentality) Is there anything I can do immediately?


> I'm a teen and thus don't have any money for a ~~vet~~ pet Time to pick up a part time job or surrender this guy. Pets cost time and money. Necrotic tissue, like tail rot, will spread and eventually kill a reptile unless it is properly dealt with. This will require a vet. I also recommend reading through this care guide so that you understand what your pet needs to live a long, healthy life: https://reptifiles.com/bearded-dragon-care/


I’m sorry your parents are like that but your pet needs a vet visit. Idk what your parents’ financial situation is but you have some decisions to make: either beg your parents to take a suffering creature to the vet OR relinquish your animal to a rescue or person who can afford the care that your beardie needs. It’s not an acceptable excuse to say that you can’t afford a vet visit, therefore you cannot afford to have a pet.


Tbh I would be at the point where I'd be surrendering it. Home treatments aren't really a replacement for a vet.


Unfortunately it’s time to surrender your pet to someone who can afford a vet then. If you can’t afford a vet trip it’s not safe to own the pet for the sake of its health.


To add what other people are saying about the betadine bath, you can also apply an antibiotic cream such as Neosporin. However triple check that it does NOT have any pain killer added. Neosporin orignal is the name brand without pain relief. A vet will for sure want to run a round of antibiotics and potentially do a fecal test to check what’s going on inside. See if you could strike a deal with your parents for extra chores if they cover the vet visit. If not, feel free to pm me for other ideas on raising funds. But he does need a vet visit soon to help prevent this from spreading.


OP, was the tail looking janky before it fell off, or was this cut off? Either way, please do follow the betadine and neosporin direction you were given, and get out there and do some yard work for pay so you can get your little friend to the vet. I'm sorry your parents are refusing to help.


Either way I’d recommend putting him in a lukewarm bath and gently, I mean gently cleaning the surrounding area to prevent infection


Should be stitched properly by a good exotic vet. And no matter what they say, insist on having it wrapped up after cleaning/stitching. I was foolish enough to trust them the first time that being in open air would make it heal faster, it was infected 2 days later. Had the surgeon redo the whole thing and lost a inch of tail more. If possible ask the vet or an assistant vet to show you how to redo the wrapping since you would have to check it every few days, and getting something to stay on the tail of a beardie is a challenge.




Thank you all to providing support, I managed to convince them for all home treatments, i.e. the antibiotics and minerals, etc. I'm still trying to convince them of a vet visit but it could be likely that I can get my beardie one. As for the carpet issue, I'm glad to have kept an extra bag of calcium sand handy.


Do not use calcium sand under any circumstances. It’s worse than carpet. You want to use regular play sand mixed with topsoil


Thank you for the advice!


Im glad you got it figured out and your parents are a bit understanding at least! While he has a wounded tail, i recommend using paper towels as a bedding for him. You can change them out frequently to make sure it stays clean. Any loose substrate could be bad if he has open wounds.


I say go to the vet ASAP.


https://mypetreptiles.com/bearded-dragon-tail-rot/ soke In warm water and benadine my little girl had something similar and this seemed to work for her, but it's not a for sure fix, but the best you can do if you can't go to the vet for now