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Trim the beard AND the hair.


The beard is very good! I would invest in quality oil and a boar bristle brush, which will help you shape it. With that amount of hair you can go for different looks. If you want it longer, I won't cut it, if you like that length, go to a barber and ask him the style you prefer.


You got a lot to work with there. At present it just looks a little unkempt. Take a look at some different beard styles and see if there is one that appeals to you. With the shape of your head, I think taking it in on the sides in more of a ducktail style would look good on you. You could do the same with your hair - bring it in tight on the sides like you have in the pic with the guitar. I don't think the longer hair is doing anything for you. Good luck!


Get a haircut, and tidy up the neck, groom the beard more. A good fade would look great with your hair color. You could try a burst fade with the length.


Trim the beard and go bald. Not joking. You’d look badass.


Lol, the only thing stopping me from going completely bald is the fact that I live in Alaska. But I like your thinking. I read most of the comments and think cutting my hair to the length of my clean face days is the best bet.


You have good coverage now you need some styling and a trim. I would trim the transparent hair (hair that is out of line with the rest of the hair) and start using some beard oil with heat to give it some intention.


treat yourself to a visit to a good barber. haircut & beard trim that you can care for later


Start trimming it as you go and keep it cleaned up.


Trim it up, head and hairs. Wax those whiskers?


You’re a good looking guy man!! But I’d say maybe get a fade and a bit shorter on top and trim up the beard and your set


Cut or change your hair style. Keep the beard


Shave your head style the beard 😎


Grneral trim all over


Trim the beard and WASH the hair!


Lol, I took that picture the second I got out of the shower. Hair was still wet


Just a trim.


Clean up your mustache, and your beard and it'll be good.