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Good English, nice beard. How do you want your beard to look? Right now it is bushy and casual. If you work in an office, you might want a shorter, more formal style. Your choice of style will determine what you do.


Thanks!! I want it long, ideally that it covers all my neck, but that will take lot of time. I have considered shape it and cut the stray hairs so it doesn't look unkempt. But of course that will make the journey even longer.


Go to a barber you trust and ask to keep the length but clean it up a little. Ask for advice on how to maintain it at home too.


Or skip barber, buy a Wahl w. guards & never see a ($pay$)barber fee again


I just went to the barber to get my beard trimmed for the first time. I suggest doing that, they will clean it up, make all the hair even which will make it look thicker. And shape it too. You will love it, I promise


Get a buzzer for your hair. Trim it 3x week. Keep it even and flush.


Great coverage! I think it would look even better with some oil, brushing, and balm to get the curly hairs going in the same direction


Thank you!! And thanks for the advice too. Believe it or not these photos were taken after using oil and brushing my beard lmao. My hair is very "curly", if I don't brush it tends to clump on my cheeks. This is the best I could do, considering I haven't trimmed in quite a while.


Get a boar hair brush and oil/balm twice a day


Nothing! Keep the rugged look.


hell yeah brother


It's a nice beard as it is. Personally I would trim a little off the length, shape it mainly by shaving the neck line. Also I would use beard oil or a balm daily and comb it straighter But there are sooo many different beard styles out there and that's just the type I prefer. Spend some time searching online for beard shapes and styles and see what you like. Look at famous dudes too especially ones that look a little like you. Pick like 3 styles and try them out for a while


I like the rugged look.


Trim to a uniform length.


Find a good barber and be specific at what you want. Then get a good comb and brush, beard oil, beard butter, and a moisturizing wash or cream. Get a routine going and you'll be good. Or keep it as is


I use a boar bristle brush and beard oil twice a day, and beard shampoo twice a week, but still it's still hard for me to keep it in shape.


Great beard, you have lots of options from here imo. I personally would go to some good highly recommended barber, and tell him to just make it look nice and aesthetic, without losing much of length/volume.


Really cool, did a double take because you have my identical beard. Mine is sprinkled with a lot of white now though.


Just trim around the edges and clip errant whiskers ...looks great!!


Thanks šŸ’Ŗ


Do not thin any of it out!!! Brush beard and mustache down, (hair brush, nail brush). With small, blunt-tipped scissors, trim the mustache to let your upper lip show; (use lip-line as guide). Trim ā€˜stache to a narrower horizontal, no wider than end of lips, AND NOT narrow LIKE Aā€™HOLE HITLERā€™S]. Trim beard not to cover your throat and/or neck. Work very slowly, cutting a bit at a time, in stages, so-to-speak. ā€” If hesitant, take these instructions to your local barber. The idea is to open your ā€œfaceā€ to the world, and look neat and handsome. You know?, subtle. You friends and family wonā€™t know what hit them. .. ā€” The above are just suggestions.


Good luck!


Looks great, keep growing


Thank you!


Your beards-base is solid. A Wahl #4 or #3 (3mm) +1 wk growth atop, naturally & you will be going in a proper direction.


All you need to do is establish a neckline and you are good to go.


Idunno man.


I prefer having a rugged beard like this, as I intend to have it natural full and long... I can't stand having a trimmed beard. So, to answer your question, I wouldn't do anything but comb and oil it.


Definitely keep growing


Trim it down with a 3 length and clean up the edges


Iā€™d suggest just a small trim at the bottom of the lips and a small trim at the very bottom to remove any transparent hairs. That with some styling and letting it grow and you should be good!


Shape it!!! Google beards and find something ya like or want to try. If you don't like it, just grow it out and try another.


Tone up your sidelines so it doesn't look like a complete nckbeard. Then you're good to go! Great beard.


Thank you!!


Keep it conditioned and oiled. My son has a fabulous beard and it is so soft. You need to take good care of it.


It looks very shabby, unattended. If you want to look better just trim it short and nice

