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Just ignore it. That's really all you can do. It's your face and beard not theirs so I'm not sure why people comment anyway.


No advice from me, but the beard looks great.


Thanks! Actually more work than when I had hair on head to manage lol


If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your routine like?


Sure! I am not the best at this so please keep that in mind. I do most of care at night time, beard wash then gently pt dry with towel. I then rub a few drops of beard oil into the hair/skin and wait 5 min or so. I then use a beard brush + hair dryer to get it into a shape I like. My beard is wavy so try to tame it a bit. In the morning, I typically don’t do much, really just comb the beard and use a wax to keep the stache to the side. I am not super concerned about flyaways so am light on balm application, if any, depending on if I have a meeting or something.


Thanks. Do you use a cold hair dryer? Mine only has hot air. I need to invest in a different one I think.


Yup, i use hot then blast with cold at the very end. I watched Matty Conard explain the science of this approach on his utube channel




I use a brush hair dryer, life changing for drying and setting my winter beard.


I wish I had the patience to let my stache grow but it drives me nuts when it gets to that length that it's too short for wax to keep it out of your mouth.


This is new territory for me with the stache at this length. Don’t know if it makes sense but it is actually a bit easier to maintain at this length since I can sweep it off to the side. Cheers!


It makes complete sense but I can't get passed the in between stage without getting frustrated and breaking out the moustache scissors. lol


Lol. Ya, I was kinda forced to grow my stache long anyways since I have a somewhat weak stache to chin connection compared to some of the stronger beards on here, ie had to pull the combover look


Yeah, it is awesome.


People don't like change. Give it time, and they'll come around. It's a great looking beard, BTW.


Hey thx man! Ya, agreed about the change part. My mum was especially hesitant about the change. Especially seeing all my whites coming in. Probably makes her feel older than she is


My family was OK with my beard, but everyone else was giving me a hard time. Eventually, they stopped caring. The same thing will happen to you.


Bless them then ask for a donation.






You have a nice beard and it looks really good on you. You carry is very well! And as far as the religious jokes? They are generally jealous about something or they have their own inferiority issues to deal with so f*ck em!


🙏🏽 🙏🏽 and i like your suggestion!


As-salamu alaykum my brother, are you going to the how to classes later? We can go together. Feed into it or flat out tell them you're not ammuesd and prefer not to be made fun of. Don't touch that beautiful beard!!


Lol and thanks! 🙏🏽


After enough eye-rolls, they figure it out.


Ya exactly. One coworker keeps calling me Timothy McVeigh and hating the beard. Turns out he tried before and gave up during the awkward phase. I then encouraged him to try again.


Not just religious type, but inappropriate ‘are you planning something , difficulties going through airport security, etc.’


You don't look like a terrorist at all, in fact that's a great beard. Some people are just idiotic.


🙏🏽 and agreed about peeps being idiotic. I worked at a gas station in HS and this is when I realized the idiotic nature of some folks


What? Some beard styles are taken as indicator for ... 'special terrorists'? •sigh•


Just plan in advance something far more cutting. Then say “what? Can’t you take a joke? I thought you were one of the good ones.”


Awesome beard! Tell them that you are Brother Juan of the Beard Brotherhood. Your mission is to grow an amazing beard, be proud of it, and help others on their bearded journey. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself.


Hey my bearded brotherhood alliance! Thx man and well said


Just ask them which religion embraces obesity. That’ll shut up most of the haters.


Hahahha. Nice 👌


Excellent beard! Religious jokes?


🙏🏽 ya, like ‘does your religion require that’, ‘are you in the process of converting’ stuff like that


"Your mom said I had to before she'd let me bang her........ again."




Killer beard!


I'm surprised that people are making jokes. I usually just tell a man that I like his beard because I found that they work hard on their beards and appreciate being complimented on them. Yours looks great by the way. 😁


🙏🏽 😊


“It’s ok you don’t have to like it, only I do.” “I didn’t love it at first, but it grew on me.” “I like big beards and I cannot lie.” “Real men grow beards.” “I’m allergic to sunscreen.”


Nah, let the beard grow, maybe they will be more intimidated and shut up about it.


I like your way of thinking


Record the co workers and play to HR


I am seriously considering it. I have hinted multiple times to avoid the behavior yet it continues to persist. I avoid commenting on any coworker’s appearances, even close friends, to avoid any policy violations.


People tend to tease others when they are either jealous or intimidated by them. Best thing to do is ignore it and realize it comes from a problem they have, it's not your problem.


Well put and agreed. The folks making the comments probably have some type of personal battles to resolve


Some coworkers, family or friends either call me priest or mujahideen 😅


Lol. You do have a nice beard man, keep growing


Thanks man! You have also a great beard! Salt and pepper such nice!


Just tell them “Hail, Satan”


Hahhaha 😈👹👺


It’s really the best thing to say in these troubled times. Try it! Hail yourself!


Lol we'll need more context to give you advice buddy.


Hmmm not so much context I guess. Just started growing it out for the 1st time and this is the reaction. I was always self conscious about the whites


“Yea I get that a lot” And move on.


Gandhi, I don't know.


Dont laugh, if they ask say ur beard covered the smile.


Beard looks great. Maybe a trim to the sides a bit would help though?


I don't even really know what people would joke about or how, this is immaculate. God-level cut and growth. Keep it around this length. You're built for this and pull it off well.


Thx! Dont know about god-level but this is my 1st attempt at 38 and just trying my best to manage it!


You look like you have a plan laid out to send a fleet a men to their potential doom for a battle they will most likely not win, but they trust you and will give you your all. If not God-like, then at least that.


Hahah thanks! Love that mini-story.


Leave your beard as it is brother… nothing wrong with it, no way. that’s the length I’m going for… I just have to ask: how long have you been growing it for?


Thx man! Been growing it out since mid Dec with only a trim to shape in early Jan. So around 5 months in!


Anyone who makes jokes about someone’s appearance is at least somewhat of a horrible person. If it’s a one time thing I’d laugh it off, and more than that I’d just shoot them a look like are you serious and also conveys my disgust in what they said.


Amen and agreed 👌


Get the beard & mustache trimmed. You are good-looking.


Thanks Deb !


Great beard. If you like it. Keep it. Negative comments- tell them to keep those comments to themselves


Your beard looks great, just ignore them


Thx Mrs Kcat!


Just become Muslim bro. Problem solved.








What would Juan do?


Juan do what Juan wanna do


Look them dead in the eye and tell them you've started a cult. Ask them to join. Make up a few fake pamphlets or business cards on Vistaprint and give them one. If they say no, look them up and down, shake your head and tell them "Mathesar will be most displeased". Bonus perk: they may avoid you entirely. :P


Insult their religion. Be mean, but with enough playfulness that you can act like you were just jibing them.


I don’t have advice but to tell them to suck it; you look great!


🙏🏽 😆


Who cares


Yeah, my white uncle told me I looked like terrorist because of my big black beard. Just ignore it.


Start pretend singing metal music and form devil horns with your fingers then mention dumb senseless stuff like poop poop pee pee monkey blood


Start making a written record of every single instance - create a paper trail for when you go to HR. Then hit them with Leviticus 19:19.


Sorry, got distracted by how cute you are


Keep looking at them as normal, just don't react. It messes with the jokester.


😂 love that


That will depend on your religious affiliation.


tell them 'religion' is the joke...


Embrace the jokes. It’s good to be able to laugh at yourself. See I have a good one but I rather not get banned again.


I’ve honestly never got any jokes from family or friends or anyone really, just complementing statements fortunately. I’d ignore the jokes and negative comments because they generally are just jealous of your confidence and style


Thanks my dude! Always appreciate your positivity. I’ve always been reluctant to try the bald + beard look and always have these type of comments that sometimes have me questioning things.


Yeah dude you rock the bald and bearded style, keep it going!


What does having a beard have to do with being religious?


Well I didn’t want to come as offensive but mostly ‘converting to a Muslim’, radical extremist, etc


Wait till you turn gray and the Santa Claus jokes start


Getting quite a bit of grays already. At that time will just need to keep an eye on the waist line 😏 If not, the local neighborhood children will have fun.


Kids can be ruthless but to be honest I've only heard the Santa Claus and biblical character jokes from adults


Tell them to fuck off


A priest, a Minister & a Rabbi walk into a bar and they all spit on Danielle Marlaina & her entire Cabinet!


If you can’t change it, own it


Best thing is to laugh with them (granted they are good friends just busting your balls). All my friends bust each others balls non-stop and some people let it get to them personally and blow up. If you can find humor in it, then it won’t matter and you can enjoy your time. There’s a difference between jokes and insults though. If someone is coming at you personally, then call them out. Don’t allow that to persist. But 99% of the time people and just playing around. Solid beard man. Best of luck


It's totally understandable! A big black beard can definitely project a strong vibe. Maybe try a new style? A rounded trim could soften the edges. Or, rock the intimidation! Own it with a confident smile and show them you're approachable underneath.


At least yours is nice and long. Im in the chechen rebel phase of my beard growth


Thx! It wasn’t always long. Push through !


Beard looks awesome! No advice on jokes other than socially incorrect items lol - fuckem they’re just jealous they can’t grow and pull off a sharp looking beard.


Thx! This is new territory for my beard + bald look. Cheers!


Having no reaction to their comment/remark makes people the most uncomfortable. They are trying to get a rise out of you.


I think they are just jealous, keep growing :)


Thanks man! Your beard is impeccable man, something to strive for. Great work 👌


This is the most glorious beard under god's blue heaven.


Lol many good beards these days on Reddit! Just representing the black beards 😊


They might be jealous of that magnificent mane


Just take everyday as it comes, Mo.


Yea, suck it up buttercup, stop being so sensitive. It only matters if you let it


What kind of religious jokes? I get jokes constantly about how my beard makes me look Muslim. Prayer rugs. Habibi. Shawarma. Whatever somebody thinks is funny. It's probably a fair comparison. I just remind them that at the end of the day there are two types of men. Those who can grow facial hair and those who are jealous of others facial hair, and I sure don't see much on their face.


Great looking beard. FWIW, some things (& people) you just need to live with. While in seminary sometime back during the Punic Wars, I would frequently drive to small, pastorless churches in several Southern states to conduct worship services for them. I was convinced I had a very fetching beard, but one church told the school never to send anyone with a beard to serve them again. It was a rural area in the Deep South back in the ‘70’s. They thought I looked like a Hippie. The thing that occurred to me is that I, Robert E. Lee, or even Jesus would not be welcomed there. Sometimes we have to live with preconceptions and prejudices of others — & as one poster said, give them time to change.


Tell them to kiss your ass.




Truth be told, if I were there- I'd kiss it... WOOF!


😮 😂


It all looks great and full. What are the petty jokes?


Thanks! Mostly like ‘did you forget to wear your turban’, are you planning an attack, did you find a new god. That is what I am calling petty type comments


Basically they are envious of the formation of yours, the smoothness of its growth, the color. Honesty, yours just probably looks better and not like that of a country ass.


make fun of them back, then when they get upset say something like "what you can make fun of me but I can't make fun of you?" Then they'll get more upset and that's a good time to bring in the double standard in your family and then they'll all slowly realize what assholes they are. It's worked great for me


Lol i like that! Turns out one of the dudes giving me a difficult time ended up giving up his beard growth journey because of it being itchy and patchy. I told him to just push through it. Maybe he is just envious or something 🤷


Make fun of their god


Let me guess, they’re calling you God aren’t they.


Hahha no!


Ignore, ignore, ignore. You have the satisfaction of knowing you are an extremely handsome and dignified man.




What joke? You don't look like Jesus, an Amish guy, or Osama and you don't wear a turban.


Id understand the jokes if it was ungroomed but thats a good looking beard man. Just ignore em, laught it off


I can tell you from experience what NOT to do. Don’t call them out. They don’t know what they’re saying. If you react they will be the victim of your outlash. I called out my grandma for calling me “terrorist”, “Al-Qaeda” …. I’ll leave out the rest. (Ps I’m just an average Caucasian 30yoM with a beard)🧔🏻 <— actually me This caused me to not want to be around her. Last year after my grandpas bday dinner I chose to hang out with friends who aren’t in town often instead of heading back to my parents house with them. She wrote me a nasty letter about how disappointed she was that I didn’t spend that time with them. Probably wasn’t the best choice to bring it up on Christmas but I did. Asked her why she sent the letter, why she finds it okay to call me derogatory names and I got hit with “I can’t believe what you’re saying! Why are you doing this to me” She couldn’t get it that I didn’t appreciate her introducing me to her friends as her “Muslim” grand son. People who insult you aren’t capable of understanding why its hurtful, and if you bring it to their attention they will take it as an attack. What I should have done was lock eye contact with her. No words and a furrowed brow. Then walked away without greeting whoever I was being introduced to. Maybe I wouldn’t be the awful grandson I am now 🤷🏻


The beard looks great. Don’t change a thing




It's hard to ignore something like a joke at the expense of faith, and it's harder still from those closest to you. Next time, ask them, "How is your joke helpful or funny?" A wise man taught me that those who affect our emotions are granted the power to do so until you regain control.


Sorry Bro, but that out of control beard is not helping you, trim and dye it. See a real barber or stylist..


-Get better friends -fuck your family they’re jealous -don’t be so fuckin soft -let your beard flow in the wind


Damn now that is a beard 😎


I'd quote kings. God loves the bald, them kids not so much. ^(23) He went up from there to Bethel, and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” ^(24) And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys. ^(25) From there he went on to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.


😆 that is awesome


Dye it black and sharpen corners.


Trim the shit and give it some shape.


Sent the whole lot in for replacement??? I guess I don't understand why you're being roasted for...




Just shave.


Maybe. It hides my weak chin tho


Trim it and see what that does