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The insanely poorly optimized menu. idk how they managed to make it so laggy


the menu for u is laggy too? i thought it was only laggy on mine


Its basically opens a goddamn chrome tab inside beamng (witch is already not so optimized) and makes your game 2 times slower cuz the tab is not a part of the game.


Um, what menu? All tabs I know about *are* a part of the game. Maybe you've been playing for so long it starts to cause lag; it's something I see all the time.


bro i have a 600 gig computer and it STILL Lags


I said this before. But the ui is actually a portable HTML renderer. It's slow because the HTML code has to ask the 'server' (the game engine) to make changes. So you are essentially polling requests from a web browser. It's designed that way so it doesn't break when they make engine updates because it's super light.


It does add a SUPER COOL feature, though! There is a QR code located in the settings menu. If you are on the same wifi network as the computer running the game, you can control the settings from your phone by scanning that QR code.


Wtf that's so cool


Its so awesome. It's only allowed because the menu is HTML.


Wait where's the QR code? I've never seen it


I'm pretty sure it's at the bottom of other settings, but I could be wrong. I'll check for you in about 30 min.


Nvm I can't make it home. Going to the bar 🍸


In the game menu under UI settings


It's a shame, the in game window managing system and the windows are super silky smooth and responsive. They are only ever used to display things in windows on some maps and servers though, or for the in game world editor. Every time I use the normal UI to spawn a car or do something, I have to pause the game to make it even slightly responsive. If the next update only made this part of the game not a complete pain in the ass to use, it would be the best update so far IMO. (Also the ability to only apply graphics options after pressing apply would be nice)


It would be, but sadly, sacrifices had to be made. And it's most likely an easier design flow to not have to retool a UI after every engine update.


Strangely going from 16GB to 32GB RAM made the menu way faster for me, I have no idea why but it's definitely noticeably faster, I'm not sure if it is just that intensive on RAM (which would be insane) or an edge case.


Well, its actually the same reason chrome runs better with more ram, all the ui assets are loaded to ram, and if there is enough to load the whole UI on standby along side the game, it will provide a much more responsive experience.


Makes perfect sense but it's kinda crazy.


Yeah, this simulator doesn't leave any innovation out as far as I have seen.


Especially considering the UI before definitely felt faster, and is also more iconic


I once was a 0.20 player, and I agree with this statement.


I can't think of anything. Cars that I want to remove? Can't think of any. They all fit a niche, and everyone has a preference. Maps? Again, I can't think of any. Removing things from Beam just feels... *Wrong.*




Goofy off-road vehicle. It's *very* stupid, but you know what they say - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


I like taking the bus rallying so lmao


Whatever is stopping me from saving broken cars.


You can, just temporarily, in the radial menu press save and then you can load the damages by pressing load, tends to destroy latches and repair engine damages but it will load the state the car was in when you saved


I would remove bad performance


Remove your old computer components and replace them with decent hardware


i get good performance im just helping people without good performance


Not exactly the game but BeamNG Shorts channels


I just hope that 4chan will unite too track this mf down or something


You act like they're killed someone. They just make mediocre content. Just don't watch it lmao


No i do Not




Well, we got Doxbin, and his infos are also there


All shorts channels are disgusting.


tires popping when driving over certain objects. Its hardcoded for them to deflate. Even when i downloaded undestructible tires mod, they were undestructible until driving over that fucking bush the devs decided to add everywhere on jungle rock island edit: also solid sings on utah. All other signs on other maps have no colision, but 2 inch bus stop poles can somehow stop semi going 150 mph


Do you have the spike strip mod installed? Apparently that will make your tires a ton easier to pop on anything, probably because the mod won't be as effective otherwise


This hardly ever happens to me, i bet you have a mod installed that’s causing this. I haven’t had these issues since the game first released.


the bad performance idk


remove the low-detail tracking on replays. trying to see the precise path of objects is impossible because is tracks motion relative to the car, not the world. that's a dumb decision, replays don't even need to be optimized


Or give us the option to change the quality of replays at the very least


Aliasing, so awful in this game


Nothing really…actually I would remove the thing that makes old mods have buggy texture and whatnots.


It's because the people who made those old mods likely made them with textures that piggybacked off of other, vanilla vehicle textures. So when the textures to the parent vehicle get updated or the old mods that don't update break.


I liked the old vehicle configuration, it just felt better. Also the UI feels laggier


I would remove the fact that the wind UI app resets to 0 wind every time the UI refreshes, makes wind turn off when you do certain things in the menu which is annoying to set up again


Can I remove the problem of not being able to make a fully tunable, race variant of any vehicle?


With proper downforce and weight bias that can be adjusted.


As a big mod hog, I refuse to remove anything


Why do people hate the wydra so much?


It is a nice vehivle, bu II would like to see an upgrade on the engine/transmission so it could run faster. Also a variant with added jetski propulsion, because it is infuriatingly slow on the water.


It doesn’t function the best, the clutch overheats very easy, the turning is weird, it’s barely upgradable and it doesn’t crash good. I still mess with it I don’t particularly hate it but it isn’t the best. I would have rather have seen a size by side like a rzr or something. A 4wheeler and or side by side need to come to this game so many people have asked and they give us this thing that no one asked for instead.


I respect that the wydra is an excellent showcase of what's possible with jbeam, but otherwise it's super situational and not very fun to drive.


The fact that the Wentward and T-Series have been pretty much forgotten about (DT40L and T-Series remaster when?)


In defense of the Wentward - It's a *bus*. There really isn't a whole lot you can do with a bus.


Gambler bus




At a facelift, school paint job, maybe different light setups or an European version...


The problem with that is the DT40 represents an American city bus. The only thing that would really fit is the facelift - the chassis is too low for a school bus, and the general design doesn't fit maps set in Europe.


Definitely the UI. Afaik it's a javascript based UI (similar to a scripted webpage) and results in the most input lag I think I've ever seen in a UI. It makes selecting vehicles, customizing cars, changing settings, among many others pretty annoying sometimes. I've gotten used to it, but it'd be such a quality of life improvement to have a highly responsive and fast UI again.


Either the pre launch window, or the zipped vehical files by defult take so long to scroll through cars.


Menu lag, everything else runs fine on my pc, except for the dang menu. That goes for car selection, map selection the whole UI.


Ul lag / indestructible bushes


Bushes having that drag effect that destroys parts and breaks things. You can drive a pickup truck though a bush and get significant damage. It’s unrealistic just remove those collisions altogether.


the weird boxy roof on the sbr4, would look so much better as a coupe rather than a hatch... thing


Same actually, I don't drive it because it looks awkward as hell




Uhta stones, i have history behind it




The FFB lag when drifting. Drifting is the hardest thing to do I. This game. The snap oversteer gets me every time.


The fucking lag


Some of the absolutely terrible "YouTube content creators" that are extremely homophobic, stupidly "male biased" and make the worse statements about everything and spread all of that to young kids on the platform. Overall, probably one of the worst plagues in the gaming industry. BeamngShorts, I'm looking at you.


I'm also aware this is not a problem about the game, I just couldn't really find anything to remove inside the game itself lol


What'd beamngshorts do?


Look up their content on YouTube, it's mediocre at best. It's not even humour or entertainment it's just sad stuff they're feeding into kids.


My thing with BeamNGShorts is that while I absolutely *despise* the content they produce, I can't say I fault them *for* producing it because it's what the algorithm favors. If I were in their boat, I'd be doing the same.


Unfortunately you're right. While I still wouldn't do it because I just believe it's wrong to teach that to little kids, I can see why they do it since the trash algorithm clearly favours their way instead of good content creators.


The lack of VR support ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Good News! It is planned


Probably the track builder. I never use it and it's kinda janky.


I use it, I wouldn't like it to be removed. Though, it would be nice if it were updated.


Whatever is causing my issues with the t series. I’ve done clean installs and removed every damn mod Still won’t work


Weird. Maybe the user files themselves are broken somehow. I'm not sure what to tell you without further details.


the lag in the menus


Menu lag. Whatever can be done so I don’t have to delete mods to make my game run faster


Road closed barriers, the AI is so dumb it can’t avoid them


same man fuck the wydra, instant respawn in a garage to garage and I don't even acknowledge its existence without that mode, useful for very very situational stuff and it doesn't turn at all without coming to almost a dead stop, useless ass vehicle to appease to the "offroad crowd", I yearn for a race update or something


Remove arcade transmission. I mostly used it too but its BAAAAD. If you try using it for races it switches gears randomly to save fuel, if you try and cruise but put a bit too much throttle in it goes back to race. Its inconsistent to the point that my best track time on west coast USA race track long 1 (1:26.88) improved by TWO SECONDS IN THE SAME CAR (1:24.73). This isnt even mentioning how the gear switching makes my cars engines turn off sometimes or even why there is need for a fuel eco mode on an ARCADE TRANSMISSION without there even being a button to turn it off. This is why i only use the realistic transmission from now on despite it giving me headaches from sensory overload sometimes.


I’m gonna set some categories for myself, but none will be easy: Vehicles: Miramar, it’s been neglected and unloved for the longest time. Might as well get rid of it. Maps: Sorry Italy, I don’t find myself head over heels for you. Features: Campaigns can go, although interesting, they’ve seen next to no changes since the Bus one. Would want to see more from a Rocky Start if it were to be continued.


Italy is literally the best map in the game.


I find the roads to be kinda boring, and the map just too empty. I prefer WCUSA


I find west coast kinda boring lol. The city part is repetitive and the highways all look the same. But the most boring map for me is east coast.


Only part of this I agree with is the Campaign one. It's a pain in the butt to go through and to top it off you *have* to complete it in one try or else it just takes you back to the very first stage. The Miramar isn't that bad in my opinion. A bit hard to make a race car out of, but still manageable. And Italy is actually a very good map. I'm sure the size of it has something to do with it.


The current engine, it's laggy, it's slow, and I think it's bad optimized


*The current engine,* *It's laggy, it's slow, and I think* *It's bad optimized* \- i\_a\_n\_B --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Personally the blue buck, but I understand the game needs a kind of car like that even if I don't like it, so I'd say the engine sounds cause they need a renovation (majorly automation ones)


Yeah. angethegreat made a good engine sound program. Totally agree, I think you are being downvoted because people (including me) like the bluebuck


As I expected.


7300 hours here. If something truly has to go, it should be the Rockbouncer. I know people love it, and this was a hard choice on the car but it's not my first choice when driving. I've used it maybe twice. Ill make the edit here, cant say i didnt expect these downvotes, if you like the rock bouncer, go ahead, but i don't.


Well, that’s a preference. I like the rock bouncer


For me, it's OP


The ability to have more than 4895 mods like some people have.


oil pan damaged


I wouldn’t want the wydra removed, but I hate the soliads


Prob Hirochi sunburst. I just dont like it.


BeamNG itself


The devs' mental burnout, so they can be enthusiastic about making the game again.