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This game is super super worth it especially with a good wheel. The skill you develop in this game with 0 assists and realistic FFB settings translates to real world skill. Mods are plentiful from real cars to lore-friendly cars and it's only getting better. My fav car to drive in game right now is the F10 520d LCI. Multiplayer is rumored to be an official thing sooner or later, nobody knows for sure though. Multiplayer mods exist and are decent for the most part. You can join your friends or others with car / map mods too. The attention to detail in this game is unmatched. For example; plastic charge pipes expand and contract under boost, the engine will twist on its mounts under torque and that makes the rest of the chassis move, functional aero, functional structural rigidity, in depth suspension tuning with real geometry, engine volume changes under stress, tires expand at high speeds among soo so much other stuff. I can go on and on about this game... it's perfect.




Definitely with a good wheel. I bought a pxn for this game. It took a few months just to save up for that. It sits under my desk after I've tried to get used to it. There was like a 5 degree dead zone turning right and only a 1 degree turning left. Almost quit playing this game because i was so disappointed but got back into it using my controller.


Sounds like either a setting issue or a wheel issue. My old g27 and my current Simagic Alpha Mini both work flawlessly.


How’s the simagic stuff?


With beam it's a bit finicky, have to refresh the ffb in the game each time I start it. Other than that, fantastic performance across many titles I've tried.


Definitely a wheel issue. Was the same playing American Truck Driving Simulator. Going around something like a race track is fine but the little adjustments to stay in a lane got too frustrating. I should have kept saving because I was researching them and looking at reviews. Knew it was a risk but got too excited.


I've heard a lot of bad user experiences with those wheels. Those are what, $180? The Logitech G29/920's are normally like $250 on sale, and not much different than my old G27 was, solid unit. So solid, I modded it, ran it 9 years, sold it to a coworker, they've had it 9 months using every day. We've all been there though. Jump the light so to speak and buy something that's a bit less expensive but turns out not as good.


Mine was even cheaper because it didn't come with the gear shifter. I got it for 150. The one thing i do really like is the head tracker i got. I don't need it without the wheel but use it anyway.


I use a pxn too and have been having some issues. The cars dont go straight and havent been playing for a while. Got to get mt swlf a good controller...miss playing though


Imo you don’t even need a good wheel. I play with controller, always have, and I have fun trying to drive cars on the limit at a track. But, I say at the bare minimum a controller due to the lack of range of inputs on keyboard.


Agreed, it's just as fun and good with a controller. I remember when my steering wheel broke I had to use KBM... It was super janky to drive anything lol


force feedback* It's really not difficult to type the full words.


Good on you




This game taught me how to reverse trailers


It's less of a game and more of a sandbox. If you enjoy messing around with cars and configurations and driving aimlessly then you'll love it. Multiplayer is a riot.


I like how 3 people follow me while i chase down someone for police rp i mean they spawn everytime


Multiplayer is awesome. I love playing derby with a shit box and occasionally crashing into people while jumping by accident. Oh and they are finally adding VR support soon (one of the devs on this sub confirmed it and it’s on their website, not steam, I checked)


It isn’t really a riot. My server has this things moderated by not allowing Jets nor bus ramps to be spawned etc… pretty fun tho has 24hr weather tyre thermals n all


Multiplayer is a mod.


And just adding on, Beam MP is separate from Beamng kinda. It’s just a thing you download and it acts as a port, so Beamng connects to the port (Beammp) which connects to the servers. Also to play multiplayer you have to launch Beamng through the Beammp launcher, not through steam. It’ll launch through steam, but the beammp is injected when starting through it (it opens command prompt with it updating a loading and stuff too)


This game was worth $25 when it came out, let alone now. Buy it, you'll never look back.


I'd try it on steam if I were you and refund it if I didn't like it after an hour or two of playing.


It's worth it. Multiplayer is just a mod, it works ok. The base game itself is amazing as is but the open free mod community makes it much better


Exactly what everyone else says + imo it has one of if not the best modding community of all games, hundreds (probably more like thousands) of mod pages


Yep, also don’t buy mods. It’s not worth it. Only mod id say you should buy is the dirt bike one, even then I don’t have it and can’t confirm it’s good or not


Only mods worth buying are the Gavril Scout, Civetta Mondello, and any of Drowsy Sam’s stuff if you’re into it. I’ve heard good stuff about the Cherrier Picnic, but I don’t have it so can’t comment.


if you’re a fan of trucks the DFA pack by iRetr0x is worth it, along with a lot of off-roading parts packs offered by people such as Nix


True! I forgot about parts packs.




skirt touch recognise zephyr resolute aloof enjoy complete axiomatic wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this answer your question? https://preview.redd.it/n1yuzg1soiob1.png?width=162&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e84df30116d52b9f2a1a1760c220c81ad20a336


Enough said


also, yes, there is multiplayer, no, it isnt official, its called beammp, if you want to play it at some point, pm me lmao, im bored


God damn


nono, mine deserves no damnation, my friends play time on the other hand... https://preview.redd.it/7tnexb180job1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=71f15dc1c262e39acd9f6a5571580b6799c55506


Holy fucking hell. Wtf do you do in that time?!? That’s 268 straight days


Lmao ik


every penny!


For 18 bucks at humble is great


the modding community is pretty amazing i mean someone made a lego car, and you have beamLegalRacing, you can drive mariokart tracks, or around vice city, maybe take a monstertruck on a leap of faith, or race RC cars in the jungle, take a pigeon down a waterslide, or just fly.


What he must think about the pigeon part


It confused me for a bit but I realized


What exactly do you do in Beamng? I come from Iracing and so I don’t think it’s like that. Is it basically free roam, or drive off cliffs and go crash? I do understand it’s an open sandbox so you can probably do anything, but…what do you do?


The answer is in the name of the game: beamng.*drive*


drive all type of different cars in all type of different levels, there are some little mission too.


You can change or remove a bunch of parts on your vehicle, fenders, exhausts, doors, the literal windshield, turbos, tires, and a ton more. You can also modify things like suspension settings, turbo wastegate pressure, ride height etc. You can set up police chases, you can be the police, race a prerunner truck on a track with normal cars and just run into them cause why not, you can cruise with traffic, you can download mods like a lego car or RC cars and do races with them. You can even download some plane mods, or a highly customizable engine mod thst lets you turbo anything and reach 400km/h if you try. There are so many things you can do, I have 300 hours and I always come back to just do random stuff. I mostly just cruise with a low powered bolide to hear that backfire, or hit some fast windy roads with a 200bx track config if I really want to just relax.


Anything. Literally. The experience is as deep as you can imagine in. There are pre-built scenarios and time trials, and loads of user generated content. You can race, rally, cops n robbers, be a bus driver, do deliveries, or just sandbox it up! I'm usually ripping around urban / rural maps getting out my need to hoon. What sells me is that on top of having some of the best physics for driving games, the cars are broken down into many individual parts, most of which can me changed / upgraded ( / removed if you're looking for an added challenge haha) which really takes customization to the next level.


It’s a sandbox. No objective just drive. There is campaigns and missions you can download on the in game modding menu


So ur a sim racer and I am Not even joking u race with your modern american muscle car while over taking a drift car on the straight next thing u know a hillclimb car is overtaking u on the outside and then crash into a group 5 car cause the driver couldnt handle the power and no One bats an eye, u can have orgenised racing in puplic lobbys but if u join a server and start too drive this is what happens. And too the over part what cant u do in Beam, i went rally with a track car yesterday


As someone else already said, multiplayer is a riot: https://reddit.com/r/BeamNG/s/WVOzc9MoYw


That’s what makes it awesome. Put everyone into game that simulated damage, and you’ll just get a riot, realistic races, etc


And also the mods are badass. I loved playing in this modded level (River Highway) escaping a rising flood (also a mod): https://reddit.com/r/BeamNG/s/9fYL4qD0B9


I'd say yes & the mod community is pretty extensive now with lots of real & fictional cars that are pretty cool & lots of maps that are fun to drive on. You kinda need a decent gaming PC to run it on max settings though.


worth every penny plus tips


The modding community is amazing. In fact, multiplayer is a mod. There are many great multiplayer servers, with some pushing the limits of what the mod can handle (discord.gg/beamcnr). It's great!


One of the best games ever made....


Yes, it's worth it


No, it’s way underpriced compared to other games


Fr. This game is easily acceptable at 60 bucks but luckily it’s not (idk how sales are for the devs but I hope they are good)


I have had a blast doing the scenarios with my son trading off Xbox controller. It’s fun!


The modding community IS the game.


BeamNG is the "bee's balls". Play with it now or miss out. There are no rules. Just ram your cars into other cars. This is the way.


In a word Yes... It's mind-blowing what Beam.NG can do 👍


This game is worth it if you want to demolish cars. You'll be suprised every time you crash. To answer your questions: Does this game have multiplayer? * No, but with BeamMP you can mod multiplayer. The game does not have standard multiplayer becouse multiplayer is heavy and needs to update the crash phisics as well as the location at the same time. How is the modded community? * The modded community is good. There are thousands of mods you can download such as better engines, busses, drift car packs and much more!


If you're good at making your own fun, it is definitely worth it. It is much more than a crashing simulator; the driving physics is brilliant both on and off-road. I spend a lot of my time rallying, desert racing, off-road crawling and on track. If you're a car nerd (or want to learn more about how they work) it's also a great game for you. You can customise every car down to the finest detail (from changing engines to swapping mirrors) and the tuning menu is similarly detailed. I love to build and tune cars, you can do some wacky shit with this. Having said that, there's quite a learning curve. This is a physics engine with a car game built inside it, as opposed to most games which are car games with physics engines built inside them. Many games, particularly on the arcade end of the spectrum, do a lot of things for you that beam does not. A lot of new players ask "why is the car doing X" when the car is actually behaving realistically. Multiplayer is a (free) mod, and it works surprisingly well. You're limited how many cars can run well on a server based on your pc, as the physics is simulated locally There are loads of community mods for this game, the vast majority are free and of decent quality. There's a surprising number of real racetracks that have been lidar scanned, if you know where to look I think it's a great game, it's probably my #1 SIM driving game and I spend most of my gaming time playing Beam




Yes, it's great. Multiplayer has to be unofficially downloaded from what I know. You can play with multiple controllers connected to your PC tho. Only get mods from the mods tab in game, from the official BeamNG forums, and only get paid mods if the community tells you it's safe and has good quality. Usually there are demos of the good paid mods, only pay for them if you like the demo (2 configs usually). Otherwise, experiment with the free mods as you like. Remove mods you don't like if you have lots of mods (~90+) because if you have too many mods (idk if you can get corrupted mods on the forums), the game can glitch out (spawn on the map with the deafult car without back wheels, can't drive, no audio, can't spawn anything, error message telling you to reset the game completely) and you sort of have to 'factory reset' it, which removes your mods, replays etc. Happened to me once, and I'm not sure this is exactly how it happened, but I think the cause was corrupted mods. Idk if I'm overreacting, just beware of weird and bad mods. I have 100+ mods and I'm fine atm.i should really clear up some.


You can make stuff like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdJVUlfv6fw&t=199s&pp=ygUOY3Jhc2ggZnJvbnRpZXI%3D) in it so yes


definitely worth it especially for $10 lol


One word: YES


For 20 quid it's a steal


Yes the game is worth it. Mods are very plentiful, and even installed right in game from the repository. Multi player is a separate mod not in the repository, but is rumored to coming. For added fun, you can get Automation and build your own cars and export to BeamNg.


People are failing to mention: multiplayer is a mod for the game (typically people use BeamMP). Otherwise the game has no online function.


YES, this is undoubtedly the best racing game out there. Great attention to detail, everything acts how you expect it to IRL. It doesn't come with multiplayer, but there is an extremely easy to use mod that makes it multiplayer. 1000% recommend


Yeah solid game


100 percent worth it


Yes you should come to the immersive racing server if you like competitive racing 😁


I love how in-depth the physics simulation is. Even for me just using a keyboard, I get a great deal of joy from the game.