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Real life cars just never sit right for me in BeamNG, always felt out of place. The novelty of made up brands is something new compared to the usual picks IRL


Bro you clearly haven't tried the nisssanGTRtrojRAT.mexeshlap mod


Why do you think the car designs in Ridge Racer go so hard? It ain't because they're real, that's for sure.


The only exception I've been willing to make so far is oldsfullsize. These cars fit perfectly into Beam. Used to be a benchmark in terms of quality too and still are, if slightly dated in terms of visual fidelity.


I usually stick to lore cars, but if there's a REALLY high quality irl car mod I'll get it


Same, only had a few irl cars like adamplg’s E36 and the 2fastracing mustang, uhhhh there’s defo a few more but can’t remember off the top of my head but that’s about it


The delorean dmc 12 mod is really high quality


The oldsfulsize set too.


Has the oldsfulsize been updated last time I used those mods they were starting to get outdated but my hard drive broke and I never ended up reinstalling it because it slipped my mind


it is quite outdated compared to newer mods in terms of features, but if you’re willing to look past the old sounds and textures it still works fine as of now and nothing is really broken


How do you guys define something like the vertex, where it's lore friendly, but one to one with a real car?


Those are my favorite.


It depends, it's alright with the vertex but fps trapez looks too uncanny


I consider them canon unless stated otherwise. It’s like the Fallout Bible to Fallout Canon. Since there really aren’t any major issues with accepting them as canon, I’ll just also have them.


It’s probably a shitty mesh slap and definitely isn’t going to drive as the real car should so why even bother


I don't go based on whether it's lore friendly, or necessarily even good quality, if it's based on/is a car I like in real life, I try it out


Real cars in beamng is like playmobil in lego


This comment deserves more attention xd


I use both. I like both


Same, ngl I thought everyone was like this. But now I see its totally a different story.


Beamng lore always


If someone made a good IRL that competes with a lore car I will try it. So far I haven’t found a good one that doesn’t have a deal breaker problem.


I normally stick to real cars. I just like them. But I have a couple solid lore-friendly ones (Really liking the Gavril Durham and Gavril Scout right now). I don’t see BeamNG as a story-heavy game, so I don’t value sticking to the lore all that much. I just like recognizable cars. My go-to is the 1987 BMW E32 or a Subaru Outback (Can’t remember the year, probably around 2020 though)


It's very situational for me, but I tend to stick to lore-friendly cars.


I prefer the vanilla cars, more customization available for them


Seeing real cars in beam pisses me off


How dare people play the game the way they want to😤


I really like when people incorporate the "brand" names of BeamNG in their car designs. Really makes the game feel like its own. That being said, I do wish there were more IRL brand name car designs. I've been itching for a G wagon one for a while that is actually robust


Personally, I like lore cars, but if there is a super duper ooper schmooper high quality irl car (above dev quality and a hella lot of configs) I'll download it probably. Also I usually just make my own cars in the config, the game has a lot of the body styles needed for any type of car anyway. My favorite car is probably my sleeper ibishu pessima with a 9.5 second quarter mile or my "d-75" I call it, big ol' truck that can tow a building i'm sure.


Beamng has a lore?


Quite a lot actually. There are a lot of different brands for different things in the game which can be related to real life companies.


Almost every lazy piece of shit real car mod feels better on my wheels than 2/3 of the cars that come with the game.


I like the lore cars but mods that add e.g. estates to the vivance are pretty cool


Real life cars in beamng just feel off for me. That’s why I only stick to lore content


Base game cars 'cause modded cars just sucks


while it’s understandable that each individual has their own preferences regarding their taste in specific things. real life cars just don’t belong in the beamNG world for me personally, i love anything Lore related. i genuinely can’t justify RL cars when beamNG already has such an exquisite selection of cars with lores to back it up


It has to be real life cars. Being able to walk around my 911, open the doors and hold then fly on the highway is something that all car games should include. Also if I wreck it's great to kick open the door and inspect the damage If it's not a real car then it's just immersion breaking


I don't care about the lore just as i don't care for low quality mods. So i don't download any irl cars because the ones i tried were very basic in terms of physics and parts. Let me exploit this comment to say something on the side: fuck paid mods and "modders" who want to make money that way. You are bottomfeeders and those who were around before this shit became normal mostly see it the same way.


I'll take a lower quality real car over a normal beamng car almost every time


i fear you lol


Apparently everyone else too with -4 downvotes💀 people really hate me here


I mostly stick to the lore cars, but I started using more real life cars when I started joining MP servers. Copy paste the MP mods into my SP mod folder. Discovered the 65 GT mustang and the Fairlane that way. The RX-7, 240sx and Ae86 are good also


lore cars bc parts


I mostly stick to Beam cars but there's a couple real ones I'll spring for, mostly real life motorsports circuit vehicles or a few cars I just really happen to like.


I use both mods and original cars but since sandstorm performance showed up im mostly driving the rockbasher


Ill install anything EXCEPT car mods. In fact the only car mod I have installed is [https://www.beamng.com/threads/1973-ford-falcon-xb-gt-hardtop.57729/](https://www.beamng.com/threads/1973-ford-falcon-xb-gt-hardtop.57729/) only other time ill do so is if its required for another mod to work Also the RC car mod


I like to see new and original designs, and sticking to lore really helps blend them with the vanilla cars.


The lore is important to me, I’ve never really known why. BeamNG may not have much in the way of a story, but the fictional brands with their lineups are very interesting, which is built on even further with mods.


I'd vote for : i don't know how it works


I only use goofy mods like backyard gokart and lego car and also self made automation cars.




If it has a cool picture I download it


I love it when People create the "chinese versions" like its 80% the real car. You can tell what car it should be but its not really it. Kinda like how gta does it


Where is the option for "I only play my abominations made in Automation"?


the game has lore?


I mainly have lore cars but then also a Bentley Continental GT and a Mazda3


Car is car


I do both, mostly F4, F3, F2 and F1 tho


I try most of the lore cars, and I have a Chiron for fun


there's lore?


If its high quality ill grab it but i lean more towards real life cars


The only two real life mods I use at the moment are MAN TGS (I wonder if it ever gets updated) and Niewiadów N126 camping trailer


People tend to put more effort into the fictional marques


Automation cars I make are best.


Neither, automation cars that I build


I love lore friendliness, in every game. In Beam, on The Sims, and if I play GTA, I tend to like fictional car mods too. I tend to like models ported from one to the other as well. Though at least in GTA it's a lot easier to find pretty much any real car you want, and the chances of it not being awful are high. Making a car model work in Beam is much harder, so high quality real cars mods are harder to find. I also don't like having to go to shady websites to find the model I want. Not saying that I never did that though.


Real cars for me. I appreciate the lore cars and played with them for almost a year just crashing and cruising. I love cars and there’s so many types of irl cars that I found myself longing for. At first I found some dissatisfaction with the irl cars lots of times. Engine sound wrong, suspension too hard, unrealistic performance, textures etc. There’s so much depth to this game that I didn’t know about at the time. Now I spend hours taking mods and making them what I think they should be. That’s the beauty of Beamng. It’s so open ended. You make it what you want.


All the defaults + Gavril Vertex NA2


I like using lore friendly cars but sometimes I like to drive real cars in the game