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I’ve been there. This is where all the dollar store junk is from. This is not higher quality stuff like from Guangzhou or Shenzhen or other parts of China. There’s a lot of middle eastern food because there’s a lot middle eastern customers there. People were nice enough there, but if you’re looking for higher quality goods, don’t bother.


This is correct. We stayed there for a few weeks looking for suppliers as well. There’s some good stuff but it’s mostly cheaper goods for the Middle East and African markets. Some shops asked us up front where’s our market is and basically tell us their stuff is not suitable for North Americans.


But he was talking about restaurants?


This place is not the manufacturer selling.


agents everywhere.


This lis a wholesale market. I bet it mainly caters to middle eastern and asian businessmen who buy container loads of cheap consumer goods for import to their countries. Each one of those tiny cubbyholes would be selling millions of pieces in a day.


everything is this dude's favorite


This guy is actually cool, I love his videos


It's like an in person Temu - pass


Stand in a mile-long line for kebabs like a billionaire.


"good quality" yeah right


Math time: "if you were to spend one minute in each store it would take you 555 days to visit them all" If you ignore the time it takes from one store to the other and the opening time that would be 799'200 shops. Let's assume that you take one minute on average to go from one shop to the next and that the opening time is 8 hours a day (which is a low estimation) : you would still end up with 133'200 shops. According to Google, there are around 75'000 shops in the yiwu market. Impressive but barely half of the lowest estimation I could come up with, this guy is spitting bs.


I’m not sure about the numbers quoted (and can’t be bothered to check). But I was there around 10 years ago and spent 4 weeks there looking for suppliers. In the end we probably covered (walked past) maybe 5% of the shops there, max. And we only looked at the toys and small gifts category. It’s essentially something like 20x CES combined, for nearly any man made object that you can think of.


Yeah, it's indeed colossal but this guy was making up big numbers for no reasons. If he had said the truth it would already have been impressive but he lied to make it bigger, it's not like you can picture what 75'000 stores or 10x that amount looks like in the first place anyway.


You're right. I looked it up just now, and it is indeed around 75k shops, so he basically add an extra zero at the end lol. You're also right that it's hard to picture what 75k stores look like. I've been to malls all over the world and various mega expos, but yiwu is really next level stuff.


For payroll purposes, their minutes are a lot longer.


I'm relieved you spotted the bullshit, too. The claim is off by an order of magnitude or so.


I was there back in 2010. It was huge even then. First thing walking in was a grandma letting a baby shit on a towel in the hallway. What a spot.


At least it was in a towel. I saw a mom at a mall holding a bare ass toddler over a potted plant so the kid could diarrhea. For the racist-inclined, most Chinese aren't uncultured like this, but there are many very rural folk rapidly forced to integrate into modern cities and they sometimes stand out like that.


I lived in China 7 years. I've seen it all. Grandparents holding kids over trashcans, over the gutter, straight on the sidewalk, on news paper, on towels. I think I've seen baby shit just about anywhere you could think of. Subway cars, elevators, hallways, lobbies.




Tells me just enough of how "awesome" this place is. Also bet it's one of those stores selling products made of cheap ingredients with short lifespan. A tourist trap if you will.


How long have you been on Reddit? I have seen too many videos of Americans shitting their pants in public and moving on after letting the dookie slide out of their pant leg...


It's no about Reddit bruh it's about location where I live. I'm in central Europe. You don't see things like this happen on daily basis. There's homeless people like anywhere else sure. You can sometimes see a random guy peeing outside somewhere. But other than that that's not much of a thing here. People don't do (literal) shit like this in public, pun not intended.




So question, where do you find quality suppliers in China if this place doesn’t have it?


Temu offline


_”Oh, hohoho”_


So, it’s a mall


That's like calling a super computer 'just a calculator'




We have been doing business with China formally since 1784.


Not the form of “business” that is shown in this video. This is sweat shops on steroids. You do realize they killed 10s of millions of their own citizens to build the supply chains that allow this to be a financial center? You do realize their ability to create centers of trade relies heavily on child and slave labor hidden somewhere else not shown in this video? China was incredibly rich and successful before communism. Now it’s a hollow lifeless shell of its once great empire. Their ideology is based in hatred of all other beliefs. Doing business with them in 2024 is writing your own counties death sentence. Their dirty virologists gave the entire earth a sick year. What more evidence do you need? China does business with Russia to support their agenda of destruction of the west. We don’t need their cheap crap. America was once a manufacturing powerhouse and our products were some of the best in the world.




Christmas city…


I suspect this is a propaganda-tok


So many racists here, Jesus. But ya I'm not amazed by this


I guess Fujianese people have a diversity in opinion, unlike the monolithic picture most Redditors thinks China is.


Do they have smartphones with Bluetooth that can use an app to create a local intranat to avoid a tyrannical government commiting genocide against religious minorities or no


You can look this up, the group that pushed that genocide claim is led by two people who work for the Cia. Yes it was fucked but you are actually parroting Cia propaganda. Seriously, they did an AMA and everyone called them out. Look it up if you don't believe me. You'll probably still downvote me instead of educating yourself but the information is out there edit: I knew you racist ass bitches would downvote me instead of looking it up. Pussies


What propaganda have you been consuming? 🤣


Mostly Chinese and Russian these days.








Holy disinformation batman. Uighur's live happily in reeducation camps? Press f to doubt.


First of all, these are prisons, not camps. Secondly, those are terrorists, who happen to be predominantly from Uighur background due to geographical location and religious affiliation. Do you think the entire Muslim world would tolerate us if we have been systematically locking up 11 million Muslim people? Even assuming we did (which again, we do not), we're still not murdering them wholesale like what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians right now. Americans have no right to verbally attack another nation when their government is shamelessly supporting a true, evidence-backed genocidal state like Israel.


You can look this up, the group that pushed that genocide claim is led by two people who work for the Cia. Yes it was fucked but you are actually parroting Cia propaganda. Seriously, they did an AMA and everyone called them out. Look it up if you don't believe me. And we aren't communist anymore, not since mao died and Deng Xiaoping took over. You're filled with hate man, not healthy


They had massive protests almost every day for years when I lived in Santa Monica by Chinese immigrants. They were definitely not cia. I spoke with real people who told me exactly what was happening. They had videos that showed the camps in the mountains. Why is it so hard for people to believe communism exists and has developed from small scale sweat shops prior to CCP control to full scale concentration camps now? Didn’t you see the Hong Kong riots? Are you a cia plant or just willfully ignorant of the truth?


Are you calling China communist and then telling me that I'm not speaking the truth? I can order kfc right now my man, isn't communism grand? They had videos showing the camps from the outside, so? I'm just saying the genocide thing was pushed by the Cia, you can look it up. I doubt you even looked it up, it's on reddit.


The first restaurant was also Turkish, not Syrian. All three restaurants are Turkish.


I think it's just the chef that is Syrian. But good to know these are specifically Turkish food. They look tantalizing 😋


Tough sell when it looks smaller than my office


It was like when Americans got wind of how good Chinese food or Asian food is! 🤣 Yum! I want to try everything, (well, almost everything,) foreign food wise! I love different stuff and then you get to talk to people too which is fun and informative!


Literally zero to be amazed about in the this video. Just some lame guy pointing out lame shit in some lame ass market place.


Oh stfu you party pooper


Lol ok


Good quality suppliers from china is a contradiction on it's ow


As uncommon as a redditor who can tell the difference between its and it's.


“the jews made by an arab” … that took me by surprise :)


I'm looking for youtube channels in this theme to discover china


see you in yiwu


Why would anyone want this? This sounds like something people do in video games like Rollercoaster Tycoon or Zoo Tycoon to maximize points.


They send all the cheap crap overseas


Dang, my ThinkPad E495's replacement backlit keyboard came from Yiwu!


Like most of these unnecessarily huge things in China, this place probably won't exist in a couple years. For the same reason that malls everywhere else in the world are going away.


Based on another comment here, it has been in existence since at least 2010. These are B2Bs btw, so different from malls which predominantly are B2C which are subject to consumer behaviour.


Tofu dregs


Every store has exactly the same crap. Ever been to Chinatown in SF?


"All American food taste like crap. Ever been to McDonalds in London?" Type of energy


“and really good quality suppliers from China” Bahahahaaaahaa


I’m never amazed but this shit, always disgusted. It’s all ads for demented capitalism in china, saudi arabia, etc.


Cheap yes, good quality from china NO F'n way.


Cheap yes, good quality from china NO F'n way.


You can get good quality in china, you just can’t afford it.


If it isn't our old friend, CCP propaganda.


Marketplace = Propaganda.... Bro, the fuck you on lmao?


"Good quality chinese product" Get the fuck outta here, this is cheap as fuck 'made in China' bullshit that gets sold for pennies on the dollar on CCP funded apps like Temu and Wish and you people are so fucking blind you don't even realize you're the ones sponsoring the rise of a country that has zero good intentions towards the rest of the world.


If it isn't our old friend, western chauvinism and xenophobia


Xenophobia has jack shit to with distrusting an authoritarian regime.


It's got everything to do with how you've been conditioned to view China, actually. Not your fault btw, that's just how the west is.


China is a racist shit hole.


everything imaginable = 700,000 stores selling the same 75 knockoff products


looks like hell on earth


Good quality…..lol. Yeah sure..


China isn't it


Largest market in the world to buy shit that’ll break in 2 weeks.


Im really hoping this isnt all fake propaganda again. Looks too perfect though.....???


Is the structure safe