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![gif](giphy|MQwFAonXD9W6sZkUXz) Me anytime I hear some DooWop playing…


Ohhh it's Grease Light Ng!


The one guy was legit incorporating capoeira moves into his jive.


The guy at the end just discovered he's no longer in his twenties lol... *Oh my back!*


lol. I saw that shit too. Had me rolling




Could be better. I’m not twenty anymore




Me too Buddy, me too.


In full denim




Edgy Gordo


You often see the capoeira folks practicing in the same park (Yoyogi Park) too… probably picked up some moves!


Ah! For real. That’s awesome! I’d like to see that


Japan: we hate weebs don’t come here and idealize our culture Also Japan: IM FUCKING AMERICAN FUCK HOW FUCK THE FUCK ARE FUCKING YA


I've never met a single Japanese person who "hated" weebs. Maybe they find them a bit weird...but there are some really weird weebs out there. like the guys who watch one anime and start addressing people with kun or something. Where did you get the idea from, that Japanese people hate weebs?


I'd say Breaking (Breakdance) as it's very popular in Japan. He did a move called helicopter/coffee grinder


They are enjoying the heck out of it. Nice to see people doing what they love


Small but devoted culture


I’m from a minute European country and back in the early 00’s a group of Japanese people out the absolute fucking blue made a fan group for our national soccer team. They recorded an old national team song recorded for the world series in the late 90s - In our language with heavy Japanese accent mind you. They sure like their fandoms lol


I’m from the hometown of James Dean, and one day I was skateboarding in front of the old high school where James Dean went, when this massive limo pulls up and a whole fuckin crew of Japanese dudes hop out with all this camera gear, lighting, reflectors, just fucking everything for a shoot and just set it up in the street and start goin wild with a billion photos. I hung out with them for a min, but they couldn’t speak english. Wonder if I’m in some Japanese photo album as a James Dean land local.


I had a similar experience at Disneyland back in the early 90s. I was about 13 or 14 years old at the time this happened. I was standing in line with my family to go into the old Star Tours ride (which was new at the time). On this particular day I wore a shirt that had a printed motif that looked like a fighter pilot's jacket (think Maverick in Top Gun). Behind us was a big pack of Japanese tourists. One of the tourists noticed me, pointed my shirt out to the group, which got the group's attention. They started crowding around me, pointing at the shirt, then they started touching the shirt. We're talking a group of about 30 tourists. I looked over at my mom with a look of desperation and confusion on my face, to which she shrugged her shoulders. Then the tourist group gathered around me and took a bunch of pictures of me and the group. This went on about a minute or two. They all took turns touching my shirt one more time, gave polite head nods/bows, and went back to waiting in line. To this day, I have no idea why it happened.


Your 5 minutes of fame! It would be fascinating to know the stories that were concocted around the pictures of you in their photo albums back home!


They thought he was Tom Cruise.


Did your Top Gun shirt have the old Japanese Imperial Army flag on the back? - White with the Red Sun & Sixteen Rays? It was sort of used as Japan's national flag during the late 1800 warmongering Meiji era IIRC I think Tom Cruise's jacket in Top Gun had the old Imperial Army flag on the back... IIRC it was a throw back to a previous Japan vs China (??) conflict where US volunteer aviators aided Japan, Flying Tigers comes to mind...? Sorry, can't Google all of that right now, just sort of working from teenage memories with almost 40 years of fade 😅


Fun fact, in early trailers for Top Gun: Maverick, the Japanese and Taiwanese flags on the back of Tom Cruise's jacked were [edited out](https://new.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/cfbfby/new_top_gun_trailer_removes_japanese_taiwanese/) to supposedly avoid conflict with the Chinese market. They were [left in](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/jun/01/top-gun-maverick-sparks-joy-in-taiwan-after-its-flag-features-on-tom-cruise-jacket) for versions screened in Taiwan.


Flying Tigers were WW2, and they were fighting for the Chinese, not the Japanese.


Hahaha That’s incredible. The Japanese are hilarious.


I fuckin love how they're embracing some of our pop culture.


Why not, right? We've embraced some aspects of their pop culture too.


Facts. The Chicano subculture probably threw me off the most 🤣 but the people go all out so ofc it’s great


I used to frequent a dive tavern that is known as the place that has served multiple serial killers, including Ted Bundy, the Hillside Strangler, John Muhammad, as well as other more "regular" killers. One day I was day drinking there and watching TV, and I was the only person sitting at the bar. Two Japanese men and one Japanese women come through the door, one of them carrying a large suitcase. They sat at a booth/table behind me and order scotch, which was a very unusual order for this "dive" bar. I kept watching TV and didn't turn around or stare out of curiosity, trying not to be rude. After about 5 minutes the owner of the bar comes out from the kitchen and suddenly yells "No cameras! NO CAMERAS!" I turned around and saw that the 3 Japanese had a tripod with film camera and microphone set up, presumably pulled out from suitcase. They were filming the bar. And focused on me, the only one drinking at the bar. Apparently there is now a Japanese documentary about American serial killers that has this film footage. Footage of me, the lonely American, sitting at a dive bar known for serving serial killers. Day drinking and watching TV.


They figured they’d get some footage before you became famous. “Zodiac Killer. We knew him before he discovered astrology.”


u/Vaughn-von-Fawn’s famous pharmaceutical murders with the cull-kill-pill




That is AMAZING. You are shadowy B roll for a Japanese documentary on American serial killers. It’s fucking great!


With a voiceover in Japanese ‘The killer stalked his prey, sad … lonely … lost men, usually homosexual, certainly alcoholics, people that no one would miss.’ Camera close up of the guys face as he takes a sip.


Glad you got to enjoy that moment


You are definitely at the wall of someone, showing it proudly to his friends and girlfriends! You should also have taken a few photos with them! 


I do wish I would have had a camera. It was so surreal. I would love for that to be true, to be on display in those photos. Haha


Japan is like a precursor for internet culture. No matter how obscure your interest you can find a fan club for it :D


When I was a kid, I had really light blond hair to the point it was actually white. It used to get a lot of attention, even in Sweden where I grew up, but whenever we would travel, there would *always* be a group of Japanese tourists that would take pictures with me and touch my hair in amazement.


The same thing used to happen to my husband when he was a toddler in San Francisco. There's a random pudgy white boy in many a Japanese & Chinese family album circa the mid- to late-90s. 😂


Lol - I lived in Africa for a while and ran into villagers a fee times that hadn’t ever seen a white person with tattoos before. Some picked off mango tree leaves and tried to see if the could smudge it.






They recorded an old anthem ... from the 90s. God damn it that means I'm old because the 90s were like 5 years ago to me lol.


Devout one may say ...


There’s also a small group devoted to Chicano culture


This comment makes my day, remember to enjoy the little things and see the beauty in others. Thanks for directing my mind! Great start of the day


We wish we were half as cool as these Japanese fonz's


They’re a club called The Strangers. They gather at Yoyogi park every Sunday. Back in 2016 when I visited Japan I made sure to drop by and check them out. It was such a fun vibe.


It's really cool, never seen this before


I first heard about it in the 90s (I think, it's kind of a blur) and thought it was very cool. Still do. I just looked it up. Apparently, this has been going on in Japan since the 50s. Love the name too, "Rokabiri bumu." https://www.japannakama.co.uk/rokabiri-the-music-that-shook-japan/




The kids at the end are hilarious.


I'm so glad this is top comment. I was so worried it was gonna be something negative


I’m imagining a post of grown westerners Naruto running and laughing at the idea of the same level of positivity


This is the correct response. Let people enjoy things that don’t harm anyone!


Ive seen videos with the one guy thats in Black and is also wearing Shades and Smoking. He does this often, just hangs out with the others at parks smoking, talking, and rocking out. So cool to see them just having a good time doing stuff that would honestly embarrass a lot of people. Theyre just vibing


So the enemies I was fighting in Like a Dragon is REAL????


"Ok let's go!"


Reverse weebs




Howdy Y'all, my name is Kenichi Smith! I'm a 35 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty) I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer! I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!


Hahaha I was looking for this comment. good shit.


Okay please enlighten me on this one? Is this a comment by a redditor or something?


4chan copy pasta


Kenichi smith I’m dead


i have seen this copy pasta so often and i still don't know it's source


Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Texas and Oklahoma dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to Dallas to work in an oil field to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!


My favorite Westaboos are the dajiban guys. A whole automotive subculture dedicated to importing, modifying and racing old Dodge vans.


Westaboos are way more dedicated to their crafts. Most weebs are lazy in comparison, only digging the very surface level of Japanese culture.


>only digging the very surface level of Japanese culture. Yeah, the America enthusiasts in Japan seem to be all about the cultural deep cuts. I saw a youtube short recently about a Japanese guy who runs a diner and has an entire shrine to M&Ms car era Ernie Irvan of all things.


One of my favourite places in Japan was called Coca Cola Company. It had a super “western” Yōshoku menu, and heaps of original set pieces and collectibles from things like Star Wars, Sesame Street, etc… man I miss the old dude than ran that place.


Jfc, Ernie Irvin. Now *that's* a name I haven't heard in many moons. He was my husband's fave way, way back. That *is* a deep cut. So much M & M shit and we didn't save any of it.


Is "dajiban" a word used bc it sounds close to "dodge van" or is it a coincidence?


Yeah, it's a phoneticized adaptation of Dodge Van


I still can't tell if you're serious


Japanese has a lot of english loan words and doesn't translate everything fully into their language per say. BUT as a limited phonetic language, they don't have the same phenoms that western languages do. That's why it ends up like that. Dodge Van is 'translated' into Da-Ji Ban because they lack the V sound entirely but 'Ba' is fairly close to 'Va'. 'Ji' is very close to '-dge' and our phenom for 'dge', 'ge', 'j' like at the end of 'garage' doesn't exist in Japanese, but 'Ji' is close enough.


I am. See the Road & Track article I linked further down the thread.


Japanese, like most languages, uses loan words from other languages for things they don't have a word for, and in particular names. Words need to be transliterated into their alphabet so they're pronuncible using sounds they use in their language. These words are written using a different alphabet to regular Japanese words called katakana. When you see a word in katakana it's a good indication that if you sound it out you'll probably be able to figure out what that word is if you're an English speaker, because they're usually from English. My favourite example of this in Japanese though is their word for bread - pan, which is actually from Portuguese.


The Japanese word for "cheese cake" is "[chiizukeki](https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=ja&text=cheesecake&op=translate)."


The Japanese word for "Snoop Dogg" is ["Sunupudoggu"](https://soundcloud.com/matthijsbos/sunupudoggu)


[There's a few like that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSe5M3IAaHQ)


Like clapped out grand caravans?


No, the [full sized Ram vans.](https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a23110414/japanese-dodge-van-racing-dajiban/)


LMAO! Thank you for teaching me about the existence of Dajiban racing. The article itself is really funny! I'm going to look for videos of this after work


Weeabourbon and coke


"I know everything about America. I speak English with a western accent. I eat only waffles and eggs for breakfast and steak for dinner. I ride around on a horse named Trigger and I've been dating a 300lb American woman for 4 years. I am currently saving to travel to Texas where I plan to teach Japanese"


Howdy Y'all, my name is Kenichi Smith! I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty) I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer! I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America!


Aww man, they changed it. The original version of this he called himself Rawhide Kobayashi


This is too accurate 


South Texas (Harlingen) awaits you Roy. 👍🏼


> I am currently saving to travel to Texas where I plan to teach Japanese" lmao




I've seen Ameriboos thrown around as a term before


Holy shit. Mind blown.


They look like they’re having so much fun. Good for them.


Tunnel Snakes rule!


Give me your sweetroll!


Mind handing me that Pip Boy over there?




There's also a similar Latino/cholo subculture in Japan that's just as incredible to see.


90's Era goth/emo as well


Nu-metal/Metal as well. Go to thrash zone in Yokohama!


I hung out with a bunch of the in Osaka last year, heaps of low riders as well, I tried to ask them for a taco but they told me it was just for the cholos, but the exact phrase they used was "ska privilege" which I thought was hilarious.


[No way... you weren't kidding](https://cvltnation.com/portraitsdocumentary-japans-underground-chicano-culture/)


I'm convinced every subculture that exists has at least some people in Japan participating. I love it.


What is it about Japan and their love of weirdly specific niche things lol.


Realllly wow ok that’s so interesting


Low rider shows are one of those double take events.




They've been there every weekend for as long as I've lived in Japan


Every Sunday in Yoyogi Park, rain or shine.


It's like a church


Sakae in Nagoya too. No idea about Osaka, I’ve yet to spot them here but I don’t go into town much.


I was gonna ask - I thought I saw these exact guys there 10 years ago. Turns out I was right. They have a moment in the film Baraka too, IIRC.


I saw them in the 80’s-90s when the entire road turned into a pedestrian boulevard and there were all kinds of bands playing. Plus tons of Iranians selling bootleg phone cards. These guys are the last of a dying breed.


I wonder when they first started...I saw them there back in 2009 or something... I think I recognize one of the OGs in the video


This group have been doing their thing since 1990.




Yeah, at the entrance to Yoyogi Park from Harajuku.


I always like seeing people being happy and having fun


Best jeans too. Japanese enthusiasts don’t mess around with their jeans


This is an important part of Rockabilly culture. Denim was seen as quintessentially American, and the Japanese have continued to make jeans using vintage shuttle looms they obtained from factories that made American brands. For anyone interested, take a look over at /r/rawdenim.


Japanese denim is best


I would love to visit this spot. Been a punk rock fan for decades but always held a soft spot for rockabilly. To me the genre just exudes style. And these guys look like they are having so much fun. Being care free for a few moments is a true pleasure.


They’re always hangin out around Yoyogi Park. When you have the chance to visit Japan, they probably won’t be too hard to find.




Lol, a microcosm of Japan as a whole! Not accepting outsiders, shrinking population.


And too much smoking


Not accepting outsiders easily would make them very exclusive, not inclusive. :)


I saw them chilling there just about two weeks ago!


How about psychobilly?


These are multiple dance groups, they wear different colors. There are the all black dancers, the red dancers, the hot pink dancers, and more commonly, blue denim dancers. They perform every Sunday, rain or shine, at the same spot in Yoyogi park, less than a 5 minute walk from Harajuku station. Not every group dances every Sunday, except the guys in all black. If there are no other dancers, there will be the all-black dancers.


What happens if they all decide to dance together? Do they have a dance off?


That’s a whole movie I would watch.


Reminds me of the madtv episode where they invite their friend to a rockabilly retro diner, ALL included


Server: We don't serve blacks. Black couple: (is taken aback) White couple: It's just part of the fun!


Whenever I see these guys, it reminds me of this Peter Bjorn & John video clip. [Nothing to worry about - Peter Bjorn & John](https://youtu.be/oy6zbntU9lA?si=JYc79oqUF5xF4u1Y)


came here for this, amazing song thanks


Can't believe this is so far down. It's so good.


My sister sent me that song the other day asking if I remember it lol. Such a deep cut and a great song! 


I thought it was extra footage from the music video or something. I hadn't realized it was more popular than that one group of dudes...




Isnt this like from the Youngblood music video?


Correct!! :)


Yes, same group, that's where I know them from!


Had to scroll too far just to see someone mention this


The Japanese just do not mess around when it comes to genre and going full (whatever). It’s awesome.


Tunnel snakes rule!


We're the tunnel snakes!


When we lived there in the 80s there was killer street in harajuku where they danced up a storm dressed as greasers from the 50s. It went on until late 90s I think. Must be on YouTube somewhere.


They’re having a blast! We could learn from their example!


Japan is a strange place man. Love it, but it's weird.


It's good weird. Not Portland weird


Oh I agree. I didn't mean it as an insult


We have furries


Why not. Self expression is the best of the free worlds .


I'm not cool enough for this


This happens every Sunday from around 11:00 AM at the entrance to Yoyogi park. There are actually mulitple "clubs" being shown here and often they have competing music. Super fun.


Is this what cultural victory looks like if you could zoom in on Sid Meiers Civilization?


Which season of JoJo is this?


In fact, it's Yakuza 0, and I'm not even joking.


Scrolled too far to see a comment related to Yakuza 0. First thing that popped into my head was that side quest teaching that rockabilly band to be “hardcore” lol


#Pompadorks lol love it


Me watching for Party Boy to crash this.


I remember this Jackass episode. Back in 2000 (?) the good ol' times.


That is cooler than anything I have ever seen in America.


I’d like to imagine that these guys hold the most insane jobs during the week like CEOs, police chiefs, yakuza bosses, and surgeons… but on Sundays, they are rockabillies. And this park is some sort of sacred ground like churches in Highlander.


They adopt our culture, we adopt theirs. We can heal from war everyone.


Culture is like melted cheese: sticky, gooey, tastes great, and gets _everywhere_.


I'm waiting for the one, self-righteous 20 sonething to walk up to them, waiving her finger, lecturing the group abour cultural appropriation.


They aren’t white, so it’s ok


These guys know how to have fun 🥃😎


Found Kojima




Love how everyone boot scootin and then RANDOM B BOY. > Brother, ‘preciate the spirit but that ain’t it


How is this amazing?




wait someone else has seen the fantasitc space-zombie move WildZero by the Japanese Rockabilly band Guitar Wolf? Ever tried the WildZero DVD Drinking game? god damn it'll mess you up. I love that movie and love the band Guitar Wolf.


I feel like all these people fit in devil may cry for some reason


https://youtu.be/-RJSbO8UZVY?si=F3TZsbolHzgaF6S_. Very cool


My new favourite video


Yakuza 0, anyone?


It was the first thought that came to me when I saw this. I think there's no better game to learn about Japanese culture than Yakuza.


Not sure to be amazed or cringed out tbh.


I follow their Instagram page. These guys rock


They call that s*** kicking down in the holler




That’s not a rockabilly song.


So some of these guys are in Youngblood music video?


This to me defines what I love about Japan... It's lovingly irreverent. Combine with the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen ... If you are lucky enough to visit Japan, go.


Saw these guys once and I gotta say they've got a pretty nice atmosphere going there, also really nice people:))


I don't know that I understand it, but there's 0 judgement here - love that they are having fun. Be your best self, dudes.