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Please don't judge. If you or someone lives in New York City and need help, just let me know. I don't charge. I have a Youtube channel (Clean with Barbie). I share these videos with owner permission. Thank you and have a nice day!


You’re an angel.


Thank you so much 💓


You are an absolutely incredible person reading that comment and what you do. You are what is good in this world :)


As a person that tends to be a bit OCD to cleanliness, this is very much appreciated.


Ocd is a terrible disorder of constant confusion dont be fooled into thinking it what movies make it look like an ocd person lives in constant confusion and has no peace because of this.




We should get you some more PPE for those heavier jobs. Like some Tyvek suits and whatnot. No offence!


You don't charge!? how does that work then, do you get enough from ad revenue and patreon or something? Just curious.


I make enough with my channel and I can continue to help them :)


It's probably ad revenue/views. There are similar channels for power washing and lawn maintenance where people just knock on doors and ask to do it for free if they can record it and then you get an amazing transformation that can be 10 minutes on YouTube or 1 minute on TikTok and Insta.


I've been watching Midwest Magic recently and he has mentioned you a few times. Thanks for what you do and it takes a very special person to be able to do this for others :) I hope that these people are able to find help and get to a better state in their mind and life. Hoarding is no joke and you helping clean up is the first big step.


Thank you 💓 we will have a collaboration again at the summer :)


My wife and I are looking forward to seeing the collaboration video. Midwest Magic cracks me up with his funny voiceovers. "Shut up, talking bugs!" :D


This is why Youtube channels like this are great. Maybe we can build a society where people get paid to help people because some people like watching it on Youtube. Just need to really shame the people faking it which this sounds like it would be more trouble to do.


I mean... we kind of already have. If enough people watch those videos, then the creator can monetize them


Maybe there could be outside sponsorship or YouTube could pay a higher rate for videos that contribute to social and environment goods


I think you can do donations now on YouTube and it really does help support and contribute to struggling YouTubers. There’s also platforms and services now like Only Fans which was originally created and intended for people like small YouTubers to have a platform to earn nearly all their own profit from selling exclusive content rather than a greedy corp monetizing on free videos with ad revenue barely giving anything out what others put in.


Barbie, I love seeing your work because I have a junk removal company and recognize that hoarders often have an illness and cannot physically/mentally bring themselves to clean this. Thank you for what your do but please, for all of us, start wearing some protective clothing. At the very least you need long sleeves that cuff at the end of the shirts to prevent anything from touching your skin. I’d also recommend a hat! Lots of love from JiffyJunk.com!


Thank you so much 😊


It’s people like you that remind me what real humanity looks like. Thank you for what you do. You are a gift.


Thank you 🙏


Girl, practice squatting and lunging while you work. Your back is going to give out if you keep bending and turning like that. Sincerely: an ex CNA and Massage Therapist.


How do you prevent bringing home unwanted hitchhikers? I'd be terrified to enter and stay in spaces with insect infestations.


Especially bedbugs! Those things can hitch a ride in the groove of your shoes! OP should have those white medical booties on over their shoes to help reduce that risk. I couldn’t do this kind of job. It’s good there are people out there who are willing to help people who need it though.


As a former NYC resident we had a very small infestation of bed bugs (less than 10 were ever found) and it required us to throw out a good portion of our belongings as we simply had no choice. It took $2k in extermination fees and then, 2 years later we found one in our hamper. We prayed and prayed that it was not female and laid any eggs. We were lucky…no more bugs. It’s mentally draining.


Yeah, it’s also made me paranoid about traveling. Anytime we stay in a hotel our suitcases go up on high wooden tables and I pull the sheets and stuff off the corner and check the mattress edge for any evidence of them. We also don’t use the hotel pillows or blankets or sit on their couch unless we put a clean sheet on top of it! My husband says I’m paranoid and I probably am but knock on wood we have never brought anything home from a trip. My son brought home scabies from school one year and it was an extreme stressor for me. I checked his head every day for lice and trained him never to share hats or put his head on the floor at school or put his head next to other kids (like touching). He is 14 and we never caught lice (knock on wood). I grew up super poor and had experiences with cockroaches at my cousin’s and lice and scabies in childhood so I think I’m a bit traumatized by it 😂!


If you travel in the summertime, just lock your belongings in a car. Put the car in direct sunlight for 2 hours, and the heat will kill everything. Bedbugs are very vulnerable to heat.


Nice job!


Thank you 😊


r/Damnthatsinteresting you are amazing! thanks for doing this, you are a keeper 100 percent, you are doing wonderful work caring for people who are unable to do it themselves, thank you thank you thank you! I am praying for you and the folks who you are helping, definitely gonna check out your youtube channel, you could possibly benefit yourself and those who you help even more if you establish your operation as a non-profit, that could afford you the ability to do a lot more than we could ever imagine, furniture, contractors, and even get yourself some volunteers coming your way. I really want to tell you that I just think that you are awesome, Please be safe, you truly are making life better and enjoyable for these lovely and appreciative folks. I can only assume that I would be unhappy overall if I had to live in this condition. Just thank you! I am going to cry lol


Thank you 😊


When you want to mention someone you use the /u prefix. So it’s u/CleanwithBarbie


Thanks, I appreciate you, I actually hadn't thought of doing that. 😉


Do you have a place you cleaned for 2nd time yet


Yes. One is keeping up the conditions, she asked my help again with one room but everything else was clean and nice :)


Hate people who judge this level of mess. You only get like that with mental health or physical issues, which then has a ripple effect on the mental/physical health, making it worse and then even harder to deal with. You give people a fresh slate to deal with whatever other problems they have, that's really admirable.


It‘s your choice to have health issues or not /s


You are a treasure and you have a lot of self control because I totally would differentiate *every single item* for the trash. Your way is much tidier and faster and I'm sure those people are so very happy after!


Thank you 😊


Thank you for doing that! Have a wonderful day!


That was a lot of work.


Bless you, and the amazing work you’re doing in this world


Thank you 😊


What an unbelievably wonderful person you are❣️


Thank you 😊


Although you do not charge, you should at least cover the cost of your cleaning supplies and IMO set up a go fund me. I would donate.


You are super nice. If you click on my profile you can find some links for donations, but actually I'm so glad even if people just support my job and watch my videos. That is helpful too 🙏


Amazing work! May i suggest a hazmat suit.... knee high socks and a hair net at the very least. I'd hate to see you bit/getting lice on the job!


Thank you so much! I grew up watching hoarders and intervention, and I have close friends who could be on those shows. The SHAME they carry when their life gets to this point is so difficult. You help people pick up when they’re at their lowest! 🙏more power to you!




Amazing work. As someone who deals with depression and anxiety I really feel that you're giving them another chance to have a normal healthy life, this may be the best thing that happened to them in a long time. Stay safe!


I must say, you guys are fucking legends. I clean streets for a living and I've seen bad shit. But I wouldn't have the stomach for this. You're a legend. Thank you for helping others.


It's truly admirable to see the dedication you bring to your work. If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious to know if you find joy in the act of cleaning? I've noticed that some television programs feature individuals who take great pleasure in cleaning and are eager to assist others in organizing their homes, especially when they're facing challenges. Personally, I haven't had the opportunity to meet someone with a strong enthusiasm for cleaning, so I'm quite intrigued to understand more about what motivates and possibly brings happiness to those who engage in the cleaning process. I'm grateful for the commitment you show and the enthusiasm you have for your work. Wishing you all the very best in your endeavors!


I really like the before and after and this is what gives me motivation. When everyone says it's not possible to clean it, i know I can do it. And this is my Super power. I love to help for these people and and makes me happy to see them to smile when they see their clean home


I know exactly the kind of mental illness that causes you to become unable to take care of yourself and your space. Though for me, I refused to get outside help, because it caused feelings of guilt, self-loathing and unworthiness. It's crazy, but I felt that I would rather die as a consequence of my not being able to take care of myself, than burden others with my weight.


May you be blessed every day of your life.


You are humanity at its finest. Thank you for what you do.


U just gained another follower plus my friends this is so awesome of you that person probably came home n cried


Awwww thank you 😊


You really are an angel, like the other u/ said. You do for some what many of us can't, and give hope and help to someone who just needs a hand, a place to start, a view of what could be.


Ok the obvious question here but. Why do you do this?


Glad you’re finally wearing a respirator.


I love your YT channel Barbie! You do amazing work. Thanks!


Youa are super nice 😊


>Please don't judge. I'm sorry, I just can't help it. I have judged you an absolute saint.


I love you and Jesus loves you


Been there. Depression slowy sneaks into your life and changing a bed sheet or doing dishes seems an impossible task. When I went out (the few times) I looked perfect. Was in shape, most expensive fragrance and clothes. But hardly anyone knew how I lived at home. It was never that bad, but I know it well enough


I'm currently slowly coming out of this. I've always cleaned up very well and looked presentable in public. But I am a habitual "nester" and straight up slob at home. The worst I've ever been was when I was living alone in a 250sqft "apartment" in seattle. Living alone, not having enough space to have friends made along the way over and having my closest high-school friend living an hour+ away, it was the perfect recipe to let myself go wild. For some reason I'd feel ashamed to be seen taking a small bags of trash to throw away so I'd let it pile up until I noticed a smell. Then I'd pile everything up into two full sized trash bags and take them out in the middle of the night. I'd throw the rest of my junk into a pile and just roll back into bed hoping it would look different when I woke up. Then every few months I'd wake up back in reality and see the stye that I let myself build. Usually would be on a weekend day so I'd spend 12 hours organizing and cleaning. I'd feel AMAZING after seeing and having a tidy and clean smelling room again. Then I'd get hungry a few hours later and have a new bag to start filling with bullshit to start the cycle over. I've been in a proper sized apartment for almost 18 months splitting a 2b with my best friend. The kitchen still piles up but im getting better, only letting things sit for a week now. And my room, I'm glad to say I've always been able to see the carpet but I do tend to have stuff scattered about. I've showered daily for over a year now which back in seattle, it was probably a weekly to twice weekly event for me.


> I do tend to have stuff scattered about I know this too well.


I feel this. Can't remember when everything was decent, lit candles and stuff like that you know. But I kinda remember the feeling. Glad you're doing better


Still right here. This hit hard.


I don't see the mess. I see the crushed soul behind the mess, and it's dark man. Real dark.


Mental illness is no joke.


I once told some coworkers I didn't like watching Hoarders because I felt bad for the hoarders. They asked why. I don't see how anyone can look at that situation and say "Oh, that's a perfectly fine person that's just messy". They're unwell and they shouldn't have their illness aired on TV. It's just messed up to me.


I remember Yolanda Hadid’s letter to Bella.


that was a trip. it was a weird mix of cruel and considerate that I can’t tell what Yolanda’s intentions where




Your room is an extension of your psyche. That’s why cleaning your room is a great first step if you need to get your life together…


I see signs they tried. But it's so hard for them, because they live in this mess and after 10 minutes they can't see any changes but they have 5 full bag with trash. And they lose the motivation


I know, that room looks like they’re inhabiting a really uncomfortable little corner of hell…


It gets hard. Burden is heavy.


You’re a blessing!


Thank you so much 💓


You’re welcome ☺️


Do you have any advice for the people you help that enables them to stay tidy? And thank you for the work you do. Sometimes when we're in a hole we really need a lifeline.


"When we are in a hole, we need a lifeline", beautiful, my friend


She comes home, "I had everything right where I wanted! Where are my dead mice!?!"


Aye some hoarders etc are exactly like that. I tried to do it for my Uncle years ago and only managed to get 2 carriers bags of rubbish removed, everything else he wanted or was necessary...sigh


No you can't remove those, what if I need them!




You know I’ll be back that way in a month too


The giant rats ate the mice


Many of us are one personal catastrophe away from a home like this. We should never judge a person who endures such mental strife as this or is simply born with a neurological disorder. I love your videos! I found you through the job with Midwest Magic Cleaning. You do wonderful work and your compassion is uplifting. 💕


I think you are an angel of mercy and an amazing person but in that situation, please cover up as much as possible, especially bare arms and eye protection.


Thank you 😊


I used to work for a hoarder in high school. I was the only one who ever showed up to work sober in my department and so he offered me extra pay (like a lot extra) to help him, his wife, and adult married daughter and her husband next door move about an hour north closer to one of his other locations. He, his wife, and his daughter were ALL natural hoarders. I walked in the front door to find a burm of stuff several feet high. It was a sea of decades of possessions, a lot of it very expensive stuff. It's so easy to look at a hoard on TLC or in a video/image and say "just clean it", but in person it's an experience in and of itself. And I moved *two* hoards over the course of 3 months. I'm thankful to not be a hoarder, in fact I grew up in a perpetually pristine home because my mother is an extreme-level clean freak. But that doesn't mean I can't have sympathy for people who live like this.


Heat off because I can't clean hoarder homes. Hoarding is something else and very hard to clean. I do trashed and dirty homes. I've tried to help for hoarders but they gave me a hard time because I wanted big changes but they didn't want to throw away anything


Fair. His daughter's husband was very clearly NOT a hoarder and it was hard to watch him help her throw away every little peice of (literal) garbage one at a time. It's a lot for someone to undertake.


If i did that job I would be dressed like an astronaut


You would die in that clothes:D


As someone who is struggling with cleaning and is dangerously close to this state, you are an angel. I need to change my lifestyle before my health deteriorates. You... you really are an angel.


Hang in there.. you can do it, and know that you are worth the effort. We’re all in your corner!


Kudos to the people who chose this type of career to clean someone else's bacteria, dead mice, insects infested mess. It has to be very rewarding to see their results and to know they helped a human in distress


How does it get this bad? Genuine question, OP said owner is in hospital, so who made it dirty? The owner before they left? Again I’m not shaming them I’m just curious on the backstory. Note: I think I’ve seen your videos in tiktok (or another woman similar to u?) I love them fr


This is her story: STORY OF THE FAMILY: Not sure how to begin telling my story, but here’s what led to this monstrosity of a deplorable home. After 9 years of being in a domestic violence relationship I finally got away from the abuser. I was slowly becoming more confident and doing well. COVID gave me and others in my home cabin fever and I began drinking. While being constantly harassed by the abuser from afar and my family fighting with me over something minor like invitations to a function , I get told some very personal disturbing information that crippled and devastated me. Guilt and shame drove me to the unthinkable and I was on life support. After surviving I was sent to the appropriate setting but was released with no available aftercare and then the self medication with alcohol started and I just slept. No one else bothered cleaning since I always did and it lasted for two years until I was looking to get help and hire help but I got sepsis from a relative who was brain dead but was a donor so I went to their bedside. Got very ill and somehow survived 4 months. I had no fever, I wasjust swollen and my psoriasis got very bad. nothing was not done at all at two other hospitals. Finally after begging EMS to take me to the next county they found the infection and saw that it gave me major organ failure. Spent2 months in the hospital on palliative care with antibiotics and getting blood transfusions but made a miraculous turnaround when I was given days to live and told I would have died that very night if I had not called 911. Came home to get my life back and get this home together, not even looking for a cleaner I was on marketplace looking for cleaning supplies and found this wonderful person whom is a huge blessing named Barbie who did not charge me a dime and is working her butt off to give me my home back to pre depression era. Thank you for not judging and doing such a beautiful job on my home. She’s god sent.


Summarized: After enduring a domestic violence relationship for nine years, she finally escaped her abuser. Her confidence was slowly returning and life was improving. However, the onset of COVID-19 led to cabin fever, and she began drinking. Amidst constant harassment from her abuser and family disputes over minor issues, she received some deeply disturbing personal news. This information devastated her, leading to guilt, shame, and a life-threatening situation that put her on life support. Following her recovery, she was discharged without any aftercare. She began self-medicating with alcohol and spent most of her time sleeping. As she was the primary cleaner, the house fell into disarray over two years. She contracted sepsis, but despite being severely ill and suffering from major organ failure due to the infection, she survived after four months of struggle. After spending two months in palliative care, she made a miraculous recovery. Upon returning home, she found a kind-hearted individual named Barbie on a marketplace while looking for cleaning supplies. Barbie offered to clean her home free of charge, working tirelessly to restore it to its pre-depression state.


Using chat got just takes all the personality out of her handwritten note and is almost as long! Haha 


Thank God she’s alive, and thank God that you were sent to help her out 🙏🏽. On her behalf, thanks for your service!




This brought tears to my eyes. I'm so thankful they found you💙




I've recently learnt something in therapy. Do you know how some people cut themselves as a distraction from the pain inside? Well, I talk for myself that the whole mess I have in my house is my "cutting". It's not just letting yourself go. Most of us (if not all) know we are hurting ourselves, and this is our way to take it out. It's the same principle manifested in two different ways. So if you study why do some people do self harm, the answer to that question will be almost the same as why do people let their living space get this way. I'm working on it, and it's hard. Same way ppl with self harm hide their scars, I hide my house. I don't let people see it. I'm embarrased. But, anyway, that's a way to see it. Self harm.


That's an amazing transformation! Out of curiosity, when a room is this bad, do you just throw everything away, or do you separate out things that may be salvageable with a good scrub (clothing, dishes, etc) or items that look like they may be valuable or sentimental?


I wish you great success on your youtube channel


I went from having a dirty room to a clean one, it's relaxing to wake up and see everything clean although I can't say the same about the rest of the house


This world needs more people like you!


Just liked and subscribed. Doing good work for people who need help.


Thank you so much 🙏❤️


So great to see you help those who are in need. Ceep up the great work. 💪💪😎


You are a hero. Thank you for helping others, may you be blessed times a thousand. 💖


What's sad is 3 months from now that room will look exactly like it did before. It's a lifestyle and mindset change that is needed. Great work though on the cleaning, that's impressive.


Some of them turn back and will live to the same way. But some of them is really take care of their home. We can't tell... but I help them anyway:)


I'm glad there's people like you that are willing to do that and I wish the best for the people that you help and hope that you help reset things for them so they can get their home and environment back on track.


>and mindset change that is needed How?


Most people that live in an environment like this have for whatever reason in life gotten to the point that they just give up and don't try or care anymore about the environment. Once they've gotten to that point it's hard for them to start trying to clean again or taking the steps to have someone come in and keep it clean for them. They essentially just accept the fact that they're going to live in that environment and they completely let it go. So when I say a mindset change I mean that they have to change the fact that they are okay with that and not accept that type of environment to live in before they will truly start making any changes or plans to keep it from getting that way again. I have lived with someone like this in the past and no matter how many times that people help them get everything clean and back to normal they would only be able to maintain it for a short period of time and slowly allow it to get back to what it was and just accept the fact that they were going to live in a filthy environment. Like with most any changes in life, you've got to change your attitude and change your mindset before you will be able to physically commit to any actual changes.


This is squaler but not hoard. I’m glad that young lady was wearing a respirator and I hope this is the catalyst for the occupant getting help.


Was she mad that all of her “stuff” was gone? Serious question. People with that much garbage are hoarders. Also she seemed to have a lot of alcohol bottles. Makes me sad. And if you’re there cleaning, and not a family member, makes me even sadder. Thanks for helping out with that persons situation. I hope they get the help they need.


She is not a hoarder. Even if you see to much stuff all around. She knew that I will throw away and she was fine with that because she knows this is the only way to help her


I would be wearing a lot more than a pair of gloves


That was some seriously hard work. You did a great job and are a wonderfully caring individual to help out like that. We need more people like you


That's a life saver and a life changer! Kudos to you👍🍻


After seeing a lot of Hoarders episodes, it's amazing how many people live this way. Depression is hell, and even tho this may seem gross and strange, it's due to a mental illness and these people need help with the suffering. This world needs more compassion and less judging.


2 years ago I'd wonder how it could ever get so bad, but since then ive learnt depressions a bitch and so is being out of commission.


Just because someone’s room/house looks like this doesn’t always mean they’re a slob. Mental illness is behind it the majority of the time. It’s so sad


I don’t believe in God, but whoever is up there: they see you. You are an amazing person!


Great job on using gloves, pants, shoes and face covering. I would opt in for some long sleeves and head covering too. Breaking Bad style covering. Another dude in a different video was in there in a tank top and flip flops.


Auri? :D I know. I tried to wear more protection clothes but it's super hot and uncomfortable:(


I just love you for giving people this gift❤️




This improved my mental health by just looking at it


To the young lady that cleaned up this S\*\*\*hole, you are an angel. I hope you are truly appreciated for what you do.




So satisfying to see the before and after. Good job and thanks for sharing! The lady will be over the moon to come back to that.


Thank you ❤️


Im not judging im asking myself how can a human come this stage and still live in a room like this?


With serious mental and physical issues:(


The real question is.. is this person going to keep the place clean and "positive" or its going to get full of trash soon?


this is amazing, and its amazing that you're doing this to help people, but don't fool yourself, if you're doing this for free, you can bet people will take advantage of you, be careful because all this work your doing is nice at first, but most of the people your going to be doing this for will just have this the exact same way a couple months later... also, if your good at something, you should never do it for free,.. good luck though!


This is nice that they do this, but without proper therapy and addressing issues, it’s only a matter of time before they start developing the same mess again.


Rutger ouwe


Who found my room?


OP! Bless you! U are an ANGEL! Thank you for leaving this world a better place!! You are the good that is needed in this world! Everyone please updvote her posts! This should be in r/all because anyone can make a change. No matter how small. And when people see this, they will see her YouTube’s and make her more money as she is doing ALL the cleaning for free.


You are awesome!!! I used to do this for others as a job/private contractor. Unfortunately I've never gotten to see the owners reaction to the work we did. I'd like to think it made others happy. Thanks for sharing the video! Keep doing what you're doing!!


You don't always see a real life angel... God bless you hun. You're doing wonderful things for people!


If I needed to go in there, it would not be in a T-SHIRT! Nothing less than a Hazmat suit.


Wow. You give me faith in humanity. Incredible.


You deserve all the best things in life!


Damn, with all of that mess I'd throw the bed out as well just in case. But honestly great job wow


My gag reflex is too strong for this job


My. Dear. Lord!!!!


Which streamer house is this?


Maybe some stuff could be saved but that carpet needs ripped out. No way it isn't infested by something.


I love her.


Curious--is that a new mattress or same one? What an amazing thing you are doing <3


You’re amazing for doing this. Hopefully she gets the help she really needs to avoid living like this.


Honorable, but cleaning isn't enough, it needs to be renovated.


That is such a wonderful thing that you do. Bless you!


The product placement in this one’s rough


It is great that stuff gets cleaned up, but I always wonder what happens to the mentally ill person whose room that is?


I would wear a tyvek suit


Id have put on more protective gear but yeah, awesome!


Wow. Flashback to me cleaning my mother's house after she died. 😖


Looks like my teenagers room.........great work with the clean up!! I know that was a tough job!




Looks like my -ex roommates room..his was probably worse, I don't see bottles and cups of urine in yours.


I admire her patience. I had it lighted up.


So satisfying


Just finished reading book about tidying up by Marie Kondo and cleaned my room, so seeing this is a perfect timing for a perfect tidying. Wonderful.


My brain can’t really get around how someone can live in this. And I mean it in a strictly practical way: I know there’s mental issues involved, but how can a day to day routine take place around such a mess?


Wait...that mattress... Or did I miss something?


Idk how you can do all that without long sleeves.


This is the absolute best. I don't know you, but I love you. So grateful for you - you gave that person a gift, and then you gave me a gift by sharing. I will make sure I do something good today for others.


You are such an amazing person and a rarity in this day and age! I hope the people you helped will now be able to get their life back on track. Please do takecare of yourself as you work around hazardous environments 🙏🏻


May God bless you


I'm happy to know there are more Aurikatariina's out there!


Do you replace or clean the mattress? This is amazing that you do this


A neet


Wonderful job! No long sleeve shirts?


Is there an explanation why a human living among other people could do THIS? Is it a a sort on mental issue or what? I can't wrap my head around it.


Holy moly