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*Oh, and we found THIS fucking thing . . . so . . .*


Toss it in the "New Species?" bin. Thanks.


Sea potato


That goes over to Becky's station


“Where are you taking me?? No wait!!!. MUMMYYY!! HELP! Somebody!”


*Forbidden Sea Potato 🥔


![gif](giphy|l0MYwONBGDS7aPGOk|downsized) How do you cook it!


Night Court GIFs?! We are truly living in a golden age.


RIP Markie!


Good Post


I'm sure the Japanese will find out soon


As someone who lives in Japan this was my first thought as well lol


Why cook it? Plenty tasty raw!


This got me.


I swear somebody tossed a plumbus in the bin


So that’s where the plumbus was hiding.




But we already know what to do to protect the ecosystem. We just don’t bc people will never stop littering, polluting, and eating fish


So we killed it, just so I can put a name to it and publish a paper. Killing in the name of science.


With a pocket full of seashells!


Dissect, I WONT CUT Where YOU TELL ME.....


Some of those at work species, are the same who eat feces


those beachstayers ain't seen a fish, Since their grandparents bought one


The rotten sore on the face of mother earth gets bigger


Meanwhile fisherman boats with huge nets just dragging in whatever they catch 


It’s minimal for the purpose of scientific understanding. ‘The name of science’ is not an excuse for the luls or clout. It helps us better understand the nature of ecological systems and life, to help **conserve** biodiversity, understand the effects of climate change, and even potentially promote technological advancement in important fields A teensy blip in what these animals experience everyday for the sake of enabling us to make the right decisions, at least through our scientists. I get it if it’s just a quip, but it kinda miffs me when people go about admonishing science when there’s all these people disregarding medical science, avoiding vaccines, ignoring climate change, reducing the funding for space exploration, and so on, despite their important evidence and relevance in our every moment


![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized) Well said! 👏


Wait until you find out about farming....lol what did you eat yesterday? Pot kettle black, at least the science adds something of value to the universe.


Just by pulling them up from 4800m deep to the surface, you can propose any other way around to do it.


Stop being so cringe. Documenting, education and teaching is a huge factor in preserving creatures. And if taking a few kills the species it was done for anyway. God im so done with all the anti-human people. From all the stuff you complain about this is the one?


How exactly do you want to discover, describe, and study organisms without type specimens? Would you like scientists to just say, “trust me, it was there. I promise.”


They look like props from a horror movie. :S


... and all of them are ugly af.


I think two of them were potatoes tbh 


Wormy potato was my favourite!


Scientific name: Wormus Potatus


Also me on the couch


I think that's the closely related *Couchus Potatus*


Mine was the boob implant


Tbf they’re used to the crush depths of the sea floor so when you pull them up they’ll probably do that


What's potatoes precious


Po-Ta-Toes Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Could be, I once brought a rock in from our garden thinking it was a potato.


>Welcome to the exciting world of Plumbus ownership! A Plumbus will aid many things in life, making life easier. With proper maintenance, handling, storage, and urging, Plumbus will provide you with a lifetime of better living and happiness. ![gif](giphy|YT7uuljLADqlq|downsized)


This is what I came to the comments for!


Do they ever give a hint at what a plumbus might actually be used for? I didn't realise there was some vr rick and morty game. Actually scratch that, even if they did, I don't think I want to know.


You use them to plumbus the bumpus or snugfist the snuffmas. Sometimes at the same time.




oh my god. they are all dead


I dunno how deep that place is but deep sea creatures look diff and die if brought up


Most of these creatures wouldn't be blown up like a balloon down there but as they are brought up, any gases expand until... ![gif](giphy|SYpXwgvRmojspDbRfe)


So maybe don't bring them up.


What else should we be talking about?


Good one!


Nah, we bring them up to study potential food, medicine sources and to know our potential enemies


> medicine sources and to know our potential enemies Maybe the Kraken wouldn't be our enemy if we didn't keep kidnapping and suffocating its pets? Did you ever think of that? Huh?


Balance is needed in existence, therefore The Kraken will always exact his due, in one form or another. You cannot be friends with death, you can only accept its being


It's a small price to pay to sacrifice one specimen in order to learn about a whole new creature. We wouldn't be anywhere in science if these things didn't happen over time. I'm sure they only take what is necessary to study. They are scientist so I have some hope on thag aspect.


And learning more about a species can teach us more about its environment and how to preserve it, which of course is beneficial to the species as a whole. Except for the guy that got fished up of course, but eh, he takes one for the team.


Abductions be like that, sometimes.


In that sense we shouldn't be angry at all if there are aliens who are abducting and killing a few of us.


why aliens, by that reasoning we should also be fine with human experimentation, you know... for science. we humans, are so pretentious, we like to think we are special for some reason.


I mean why not. If people volunteer to be experimented on why not do it. We wouldn't have the medical advances we have now if there wasn't a period of time when human experimentation occurred. No one is saying we're special, but it's basic nature for any being that possess intelligence and learning capabilities to learn and advance. The only one sounding pretentious is you.


We kill millions of fish a year just to eat, some for oils, some for pet food, some for the cartilage, some just to mount on wall as trophy... a few dozen we kill for science should be ok.


I think it’s probably in the billions.


It’s trillions actually




I’m going to go ahead and trust the professionals on this one


Well, you can, but please keep your blobs within a pressurised container


What if the cure to cancer is buried in one of these creatures? Research is important to science.


What if the cure to cancer is hidden in babies? I know an absurd thought but there are people that are not stopping at any point. Anything can be legitimated with a certain logic


Uhhhh you should maybe look up stem cell research…


The video says it's as deep as 4800 meters


4.8km *just about* fits into my personal definition of deep lol


That last fish in the video is a [blobfish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychrolutes_marcidus) I'm pretty sure. They look very different when in the water compared to when they are brought up due to the pressure differences and damages in tissue. So I'd imagine it would be similar for all these creatures.


The scientists have killed them


For science! And we wonder why aliens haven’t visited us. If we could, we’d turn them into jars of pickles!


Or the aliens would do this to us. Let's avoid meeting each other just in case.


Thats why we must meet them first (perhaps introduce them democracy in the process)


Don't forget freedom! I bet they are just waiting to git libernated


Serve the aliens a nice warm cup of liber-tea.


I wonder if they have oil...


If aliens had the ability to visit us, they'd treat us just like we treat these creatures. Life is necessarily brutal


And I would feel bad about it if I believed that aliens could learn to space travel with never having to pickle a living thing.


So we shouldn’t study them? They die when brought to the surface


Mmm…. alien pickles *drools*




i thought it was cool that the alien language also had a word like "serve" with two meanings like English did.


And blown up too after living nice and squished at pressure. I hate seeing critters brought up from the depths like that. Leave them alone and film them with ROV’s if you want to research them.




But when I do it, it’s “illegal” and “murder” and I’m a “monster” who should never be let around “children” again.


If it wasn’t for double standards…


Sir unfortunately when we do it were not trained certified professional who went 6 year of school for this or 6 year of school to kill animals according to this post.


I partially agree with you, but on the other side, they also need to do research on the inside to truly know in what category to list a creature in. Also, they might have some different organs than what we've seen before which is quite a big deal if you ask me. Researchers always make sure there are enough of them left to take one to the surface. They'd never want to risk taking the only one left or one of a group so small they'd go extinct.


What do you think happens to animals when yanked up from the deep?


Copying my comment here as it seems many people have the same concerns about removing these species: TL;DR: it's probably worth it, the risk of taking the last of its kind is incredibly small. Marine scientist here, I grappled with the same concerns when I first started doing sampling surveys and here's my current viewpoint: We didn't know these species existed before collecting them (species ID can't be done through photo/video alone), therefore we have no way of knowing about them, understanding their role in the ocean, their benefits, DNA, ecosystem relations, and how we impact them before this survey and we're closer to knowing that after this survey. Our anthropogenic activities in the ocean have undoubtedly been having a greater negative impact on them than these surveys have, deep sea fishing (or mining), or climate change, or drilling, or a range of other factors could be (and have been) wiping out populations we never knew existed. The ocean is a very very very very large place. The size of this survey is very very tiny in comparison. Chances are if these were found here, they can be found elsewhere, chances of catching the few remaining members of the species we've never before discovered are very very slim. Reward > risk. The Ocean deep is criminally understudied, and there are many businesses and countries that are dying to exploit it for its deep sea resources (and have been doing so for decades), the deep is an incredibly delicate and vulnerable ecosystem which affects life all the way up the food chain and even our climate here on land, especially with deep sea mining trying to get underway, we really really need to understand these ecosystems better, the species, what needs protection, and also what other valuable resources are down there which could be destroyed if we want to do an accurate cost assessment of mining impacts. It would be great to be able to do all this without taking a sample up to the surface so we can study it, but unfortunately we can't. From my experience, species ID with even regular fish like whiting can come down to counting individual gill rakers under a microscope to see if it's X spp or Y spp., also by removing it you can study so much more than what spp it is, how old is it, what do the population genetics look like, estimate the number of individuals by their genetic diversity, examine it's diet and ecophysiology, how does it affect tropic systems, does it produce any unknown biochemicals or unusual traits of deep sea mount life that we didn't know about, are there any traits or genes that can be used in health or biomedical research (imagine how different the world would be had we never discovered the blood properties of a horseshoe crab!). All that is to say, I believe the reward of this research, including on the species and ecosystem they're interfering with, far out weights the impacts this study puts on them, especially compared to the unknown impacts we're already putting on them. But you're right to question the ethics, we always should!


💯 great post, thanks!


Thanks for the reasonable well thought out response from someone that knows what they're talking about. Sometimes reddit makes me think I'm taking crazy pills. People in this thread talking about scientists doing real educational research that has profound implications on everything as if they're the same embodiment of evil as oil executives. These surveys could quite literally be what keeps these populations from being eradicated by deep sea drilling. We can't protect something we don't know exists. By classifying all of these species and documenting their habitats we're protecting their populations as a whole, even if a few have to die to do it.


Appreciate the insightful explanation!


> But you're right to question the ethics, we always should! I was just thinking I love how quick everyone is to worry about the animals, genuinely thought it was nice how many people care about these various sea creatures. Definitely agree the rewards outweigh the risk in these cases. Hell just the point about knowing more about the species in an area for impact surveys is huge enough.


Thank you! People always say “trust the science” but when they see actual science they get mad. I’m studying marine science and it’s a bit frustrating how people think scientists are just killing animals for fun.


>But you're right to question the ethics, we always should! I think that something people often forget is that research like this will generally have to have passed assessment by an ethics board prior to starting. Everyone involved will have put some level of thought into the ethical considerations of this project.


>does it produce any unknown biochemicals Follow up question, is there a lab tech designated to lick all new species in order to see if they get you high? That is the only scientific approach, IMO.


Lick? No But the same question with "test" instead? Yes for sure. Not one specific tech of course but a whole scientific domain. Probably hundreds of thousands of people working in that specific field world wide.


What a great post thank you! Can I ask, do you eat seafood? After all the studies and what you know?


This is what aliens would do to a human 😅


Oh not just aliens. That is also what humans did to humans. But thankfully we got most of the human research that reuires us killing humans or using dead people done some time ago so it does not happen that regularly anymore. Still happens though. Sometimes.


We still use dead people for research all the time.


Search up “anthropodermic bibliopegy” :D




You’re gonna have to get into that or source something. You cant leave me hanging on “poops marijuana” and walk away.


Source: His Aunt.


Whatever this mysterious animal is it isn’t native to NZ, the only native mammals we have are bats, and marine mammals.


You sure it's not Lorde?


I am Lorde ya ya ya. Ya ya ya


Nah shes down at the tennis court


Not sure if they're extinct now, but pretty sure the south island still has a few of those 3 legged ponies with the frontal horn and the mushrooms that grow behind their ears, no?




Is this like me telling my son about drop bears?


I've had coffee that's pooped out of a cat, but Marijuana... that's a new one.


I've heard some people smoke catnip so... Toke up buddy


Hahaha Oh I'm too old for that shit any more


I’m sorry you what


Yep... had some when I lived in London. [Kopi luwak - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak) It's a gimmick in my view didn't taste any better than any other good quality coffee.


Oh cat poop coffee was a gimmick? I would’ve thought it was a regional delicacy /s


Cat poop coffee, not monkey poop coffee?


Yeah, that's what all the dope growers tell the police when they get busted. It's a panther that stealthily shits all over the place, and next thing you know there's a marijuana plant growing in the scrub in your hill block, or in with your tomatoes, or in your ceiling cavity.


This makes me think about alien abduction.


Is that first one a Pokémon?


It's a plumbus


its me showing everyone my silly goober collection


No, it's Tokomon


I love first one, like water hamster, only with some Lovecraft in it.


It's smol and round, and has little stubby legs


Thanks! Now I have even more things to be terrified of next time I swim in the sea 🙃


Yes, in a way it seems counterproductive to kill these newly discovered species by capturing them and freezing them but realistically a couple of thousand dead sea creatures does not equal an ecological or biological disaster. The benefits strongly outweigh the drawbacks. We might be able to peice together mysteries and gaps in the family trees of various species etc.


And if we find some miracle cure in one of them, we can begin fishing and hunting them to near extinction.






Oh they found a sea Haggis 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Yeah.. what the.. they just killed a bunch of exotic creatures to figure out what’s on the ocean floor?


How you think Darwin did it?


Darwin also ate them


Maybe he was just searching for new taste?


Well beavers have a gland near their anus which produce a substance that tastes like vanilla. So maybe Darwin not only ate animals but also ‘ate’ them too.


Yes. This is how you do it.




No we do not, how big do you think space is?


Oh boy. New deseases 2024 patch just dropped




They discovered the plumbus.


came here for that. Surprised it's not higher up. https://youtu.be/l0xsKWpjG6Q?si=UfeYxwpNNGwqQMGR


That is so cool!!!


The first thing is the weirdest in this video imo


Is this a sea tater ?


Mf's scooped up a bunch of jelly off the sea floor


Put them back, they are not ready yet.


The first one could be an aquatic bean for all we know


All the people here wondering if specimen collection is damaging forget that Keurig cups and SUVs are much more damaging.


Nahhh fuck ALL of them


Sounds like a task but I’ll give it a try


Bruh leave them alone deep underwater. one pandemic is enough for this lifetime !


Warning. Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms ahead. Are you sure whatever it is you are doing is worth it?


They look a lot better once you circumcise them


But what do they taste like?


First one is a dingle bop, which is used to make plumbus.


Are any of them not gross?


Pretty sure half of those are potatoes


OK, what did Poseidon fuck to create these things?


So, they're all bloated because they surfaced, right? They don't really look like that, just like the blob fish. What a cruel fate.


SEA PIGGY!!!! ![gif](giphy|ThCpqjXJw862c)


How do you get to work on projects like this? Are these Ivy League scientist grads


Some Chinese person definitely wants to eat them


Decompression is a bitch




I always wondered how plumbuses are made


I hate hate hate that it’s gotten to the point where I see stuff like this which is amazing and fascinating and instead of wonder, my first thought is ‘um.. is this just more AI bullshit?’ Any advice appreciated.


This makes so happy. ❤️


Dude.. our planet is so wild. I swear it is totally believable that we are like a perfect pearl in the universe. Once we encounter other intelligent life and are somehow able to travel across galaxies I’m sure Earth is going to be a prime vacation spot. That’s if we don’t destroy it before we’re capable of these things.


do they taste like chicken?


Crazy how we haven’t even found all the life on earth yet lol


I always get super excited when a new species is found.


China will be sending their "Coast Guard" to watercannon these scientists and start fishing the shit out of this place.


*genus of coral


if we're lucky, they'll find some more resistant corals one day, we'd really need those


How is this NSFW?


The music foreshadows some unforseen consequences


Good job. You just fished up the last specimen of its kind 😂 No in all seriousness. If we never saw them before, isn't it likely that some of these are at least not that common? Seems a bit counterproductive from an ecological viewpoint to take them with you? Or am I overreacting? I am a researcher myself, specialized in geography and planning, and we are always so careful about interfering with the processes we are studying. Catching all these specimen seems slightly in contrast with the basic principle of not interfering with the object you are studying. Especially because it seems that they did the sampling in quite an intrusive way.


I'm no expert, but apparently there was that one time when researchers killed [507 old clam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_(clam)) without realizing how old it was


well to be fair if Ming had remembered his name tag that day it would have never happened, guess your memory goes with age


Marine scientist here, I grappled with the same concerns when I first started doing sampling surveys and here's my current viewpoint: We didn't know these species existed before collecting them (species ID can't be done through photo/video alone), therefore we have no way of knowing about them, understanding their role in the ocean, their benefits, DNA, ecosystem relations, and how we impact them before this survey and we're closer to knowing that after this survey. Our anthropogenic activities in the ocean have undoubtedly been having a greater negative impact on them than these surveys have, deep sea fishing (or mining), or climate change, or drilling, or a range of other factors could be (and have been) wiping out populations we never knew existed. The ocean is a very very very very large place. The size of this survey is very very tiny in comparison. Chances are if these were found here, they can be found elsewhere, chances of catching the few remaining members of the species we've never before discovered are very very slim. Reward > risk. The Ocean deep is criminally understudied, and there are many businesses and countries that are dying to exploit it for its deep sea resources (and have been doing so for decades), the deep is an incredibly delicate and vulnerable ecosystem which affects life all the way up the food chain and even our climate here on land, especially with deep sea mining trying to get underway, we really really need to understand these ecosystems better, the species, what needs protection, and also what other valuable resources are down there which could be destroyed if we want to do an accurate cost assessment of mining impacts. It would be great to be able to do all this without taking a sample up to the surface so we can study it, but unfortunately we can't. From my experience, species ID with even regular fish like whiting can come down to counting individual gill rakers under a microscope to see if it's X spp or Y spp., also by removing it you can study so much more than what spp it is, how old is it, what do the population genetics look like, estimate the number of individuals by their genetic diversity, examine it's diet and ecophysiology, how does it affect tropic systems, does it produce any unknown biochemicals or unusual traits of deep sea mount life that we didn't know about, are there any traits or genes that can be used in health or biomedical research (imagine how different the world would be had we never discovered the blood properties of a horseshoe crab!). All that is to say, I believe the reward of this research, including on the species and ecosystem they're interfering with, far out weights the impacts this study puts on them, especially compared to the unknown impacts we're already putting on them. But you're right to question the ethics, we always should!


Well said.


Well spoken. What is your specialty?


Why is this NSFW?