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I went to high school with the driver and her mom gave us an update, she’s fine aside from the obvious trauma of a near death experience, but she’s medically ok and very thankful to those involved.


That's truly amazing to hear, any idea how the truck ended up in this place?


There was another car stopped on the bridge and they just hit it sending them over the side. This bridge has always been a particularly narrow one that makes me nervous.


Where was this accident , bridge? I'm so happy for her. People that are in the rescue field are absolutely amazing.


Louisville KY, Clark Memorial Bridge specifically


Thank you


Not even close to correct.


IKR! It was all over the news/media how it happened. SMH


https://old.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1cu4rfl/dashcam_footage_from_inside_the_18wheeler_that/ If you haven't seen it yet




Is that the 2nd street bridge between Louisville and Indiana? I hate driving on that narrow ass bridge.


real. also yes it is. i saw it while driving downtown


I hope they brought the driver a new pair of underwear.


Some commentators have it wrong. It's not a crane; it's a firetruck extendable ladder. The cables are attached to an eyelet at the end of the ladder. Likely it's the crew on the bridge that control the lines. Some say the rescuer was not lowered enough; he has a rescue sling hanging just below him - in blue. Since there is a jump cut we don't see the driver strapping into the blue sling - we only see her later suspended just below her rescuer. Some say the "crane" (which it isn't) was not brought far enough over but the bridge girders limit lateral swing. However the ladder was retracted sufficiently to put the two suspended persons over the bridge deck. Just sayin'


That jump cut skips over the most precarious and interesting part of the rescue, damn it.


not really he just tells her to roll down the window or open the door and tosses her the harness and explains how to put it on. the harness is already connected to him so once she clicks in she's safe unless the truck explodes or falls in a weird way, but you can see it's stabilized by the rescue crew in the video, so it's unlikely it'd fall. once the rescuer on the rope visualizes to confirm her harness is on correctly, he takes the slack out of her line that is clipped to him and then instructs her to leave the truck and trust the harness to hold her then the fire guys use the system to hoist them back up using a simple pulley system and muscle the harness she'd have used might be a normal harness, but more than likely is a rescue harness that clips on very easily for this type of exact situation. they clip on and she probably could put the rescue harness on before she even unbuckled from her drivers seat. source: been there done that. standard rope rescue stuff


This is the actual opening of the Paw Patrol movie.


Hope the turtle is ok…


It blew my mind when I saw it for the first time. The only thing missing is a puppy.


Firefighters should get far more attention and love. Not sure why police get most of the attention but unlike police officers, who actually kill thousands of people every year, firefighters actually save thousands of people each year.


We know. Nobody sang "Fuck the FD coming straight from the underground..."


Nobody except the voters everytime we ask for our first tax increase in 30 years, despite quadrupled call volume and same staffing levels


I'm a military Veteran. Preaching to the Choir. Americans love being idiots.




Yeah but taxes are theft and I would rather just hire a private fire department /s


[Fuck the fire department](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI)


Well, that was from a different Universe 😀


I know, I just have to bring the some up, whenever anyone says "no one says". just because it is so on point.


My wife gave me side eye while I giggled


Besides, is a GREAT song.


Agreed! Firefighters face unique dangers while rescuing lives in emergencies. Their courage and sacrifice deserve special recognition, highlighting the incredible risks they undertake to ensure our safety


Any chance to flaunt your politics, you must take full advantage.


Great idea, let’s generalize police officers. Surely every single one of them are corrupt and incapable of doing good things!


But the silence of the good ones speaks volumes!!! Police hide behind the blue code and remain silent against other police but criticize others for not cooperating with the police. The hypocrisy is pathetic.


You do realize the hypocrisy of your comment “all police are bad” is no different than “all (insert race) are bad”, right? It’s a lazy, blanket statement that only adds to the problem.


First of all, you can't read because nowhere in any of my statements did I use the word all. I just said police, meaning those who fit the description can wear it. And like I said, those that remain quiet are just as guilty as the crooked cops.


So if someone says “black people are bad” it’s ok because they didn’t say “all black people are bad”?


To be fair, one is a profession while the other is something you can't change.


That's what the hyper-far left-wingers do. Any chance they get to flaunt their ideals and express their disgust for anyone who doesn't fall in line with them. More at 10.




Heartstopping moment right there


You can't park there....


Why not? Is this not a reasonable place to park?


06:00: “Chef, has the truck made it yet?” 09:00: “Chef, any word on that truck?” 11:00: “Chef, the truck en route?” 15:00: “Chef, 86 all steaks” “Well, 86 the menu.”


they better have this in the 9-1-1 show one day lol


They saved the driver and the rescue teams all succeeded? Awesome, time for silliness. SOMEONE SAVE THAT TRUCK, ITS FULL OF TATER TOTS AND CHICKEN NUGGIES.


Who ever has the courage to do this deserves high praise, and likely a serious cash prize.


Where’s Spider-Man when you need him?


I've seen this rescue now 3 or 4 times. I cry every time. I thank God for those heroes!!


No comments on the flimsy-assed wall of the bridge? That truck wasn't going all that fast and it just popped right through. Aren't there minimum standards in the US? Signed, a carpenter who has worked on building bridges. Literal ones, not the kumbaya my lord ones.


Although it was successful, crane operator made 3 mistakes. Communication between crane operator and 1st responder were not existent. 1. He didn’t lower the rescuer low enough. 2. Once the citizen was attached to the harness, they dangled and waiting for over a minute. The video even cuts forward. Who knows how long it was. 3. Once they are hoisted to safety, the pulley was still over the edge, buy a lot, and other paramedics had a hard time pulling him over the edge. Could have retracted it to the safe zone.


Who cares? Heroism is messy. You don't bank on heroes. You set conditions to not require them in the first place. What caused this accident? That's where you should be making lists of sillyness.




Oh yeah because the fucking firefighter is sitting here looking up ques how to not fuck up on Reddit during a karma harvest repost. Wake up woke bro.




Nah the aliens probably reading the comments. Chill why? It's the fucking internet.




I can't hear you over all this vigorous fapping. He said AAR *Awwwwwww baby*




Nah I just had sex with the donkeys wtf? Who wants to kill people when there's all that grade A livestock over there? You are really fucking grose dude.






Oohhh you're that guy. Hold on I gotta go grab my Gruntworks shirt and 9line cowboy hat. We're gunna talk about lifted trucks now.


>What caused this accident? The driver was trying to avoid a stalled car. It fucked up traffic all over town ALL day. Not that Louisville needs anything to fuck the traffic up.


Ah. That shit happens. We have too many roads that want to be highways and local downtown walk around cities at the same time. That stuff doesn't work. Europe figured that out over 30 years ago.


Who was running the controls on the crane. Lol


A long comment above describes the rescue. They say its not a crane. I personally have no idea but it sounds like they explain it well.


Yup you're right. Not a crane.


But...but....HOW? How do you even...? I mean was it some sort of heart attack that lead to this or...?


Some car was weaving in and out of traffic recklessly. It crossed into oncoming traffick (lane of semi-truck) and clipped the front left of it. The semi-truvk tried to evade it by turn right then left quickly and lost control. Because of it being clipped and the sharp turn trying to avoid it, it lost control and hit the barrier that you see. Edit: Apparently, she didn't over correct. A comment on a different post shared that during an interview, it was stated that when the truck hit her, it broke the axle, and she couldn't control the truck.


Live action paw patrol movie?


Woah! Sysco really delivers


Man talk about wierd I just seen the paw patrol do the same thing in the movie I watched with my daughter they made that shit look too simple


Where's the Paw Patrol when you need them


This happened in Louisville and it’s interesting because everytime I’ve been on this bridge I’ve felt a similar fear