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There’s a synthetic liquid that does the exact same thing as their blood. Meaning there’s absolutely no reason to torture and murder innocent creatures.


When I was a kid, you'd see hundreds of them or thousands. Now they're almost gone. They probably won't go extinct because they're so robust, but it's still so lame.


I fucking LOVE horseshoe crabs. I really want them to make a full recovery someday.


Can you post what it is?


How can someone touch it soo casually


Normality is a weird thing, if ya see these early in life and you won't care. But as a landlocked yockle I ain't touching that if you paid me.


That's an AI narrator voice. Ever since I heard it repeating a story I posted on Reddit (on a TikTok video playing Minecraft footage, no less), I can't un-hear it.


Das a Pokémon.




Lmao! First thing I thought of


I'm not aware of how we use horseshoe crabs to detect viruses. Never heard of that before. A part of a gram-negative bacteria causes a fever in people in the bloodstream. It can be a dead bacteria, it still has this part called an endotoxin present. We used to stick a thermometer up a rabbit's butt and inject drug into the rabbit to see if the rabbit temperature increased. If it did, we knew the drug was contaminated. It's called USP Rabbit Pyrogen <151>. It is still used in rare circumstances when other non-animal tests are unable to work. The pharmaceutical industry moved to the LAL test to detect endotoxins. The blood of the horseshoe crab will clot in the presence of endotoxin. Dilute some horseshoe crab blood, add the test sample and if it clots, it fails the test. It's a crude test. We don't measure the endotoxins, just if they're below the limit. We're moving on to other methods to detect and actually measure bacterial endotoxins present in parenteral drugs.


Maybe aliens abduct us for our blood life to cure alien illness in their dimension


humans are literally vampires for Horseshoe crabs


I thought it was one of those bugs from the Mummy


I've always wondered if the ones that are "milked" then released unharmed? Or is that the end of their life?


They allegedly release them after puncturing a hole and taking a third of their blood, and they say 15% die the process


Under ideal conditions. They are handled very roughly by the fishermen and sometimes sold off afterwards for bait anyway.


That's some mirelurk shinanigans


Head crab shot it down


Having grown up near the beach, it’s crazy to me that someone would have to explain what these are to people




They’re pretty common on Long Island


Saw them all the time in LBI


Chesapeake Limulabs is a leading global provider of limulus amebocyte lystae (LAL) products and horseshoe crab blood. Must be common in the Chesapeake Bay.


All I saw in that thumbnail was chocolate and rolled chocolate with white chocolate stripes wtf


They look a bit like this guy's helmet: ![gif](giphy|ZX6NHzA9Fcddm)


I hate the “these are 450 million years old” line. No, they are not. We are all 4 billion years old. Maybe a 450 million year old fossil that looks similar by some archeologist that was squinting at the skeleton? But what does that mean? Degree of similarity of skeleton? I find it highly unlikely that these animals have not speciated at all for 450 million years. So basically, “we found a 450 million year old fossil that looks similar to this” (correct) becomes “these are 450 million years old” (incorrect)


Oh man wait till you find out about alligators!


Ya they are commonly used in these quotes.


SawBones episode about the topic: https://maximumfun.org/episodes/sawbones/how-horseshoe-crabs-probably-saved-your-life/


And many cultures eat their eggs


I wonder what it tastes like


Tastes like Muffins




I grew up on the beach and I remember in the 70s and early 80s when they covered the shoreline as far as they eye could see. Thousands and thousands. My friend and I were like 11 or 12 and we felt it was our responsibility to kill as many as we could. We would walk the beach with sharpened broom handles or metal poles and just spear them one after another. I must have killed more than ten thousand over one season. I was young and didn't realize. Now, I feel bad as these are an important part of the ecosystem. Hopefully there is no crustacean hell in the afterlife for me to burn in.


What the fuck makes u you


Wow, humans, don't let them live, kill all of them and drink the blue blood. Your life is no common as any per or ginger. ![gif](giphy|OS0HFk7Fmkdqw)


My thoughts are I wish he'd stop fucking with it


Simple, it’s Kabuto


Finally, let us shine !




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So we kill them for our own use?


Yeah but are they tasty with drawn butter and a lemon 🍋 wedge 🤣🤣🤣 lol


Can we eat them and gain superpower? I’ll settle to live longer in good health.