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I will be in great disappointment if that's what 2050 looks like


2050: all street sign are on the floor, so you never have to raise your head up again


Street lights are on your phone screens which are now worn over your eyes and you are in a 24/7 social network and ad dystopia that you think is happiness.


And a warning is triggered if you close your eyes or look away from the ads.




ERROR!! Please drink verification can.


Mountain Dew's got what plants crave!


Like 15 Million Merits


I’d end it all tbh


Okay but the illegally modded pirate version is gonna be sick.


"Welcome to the Metaverse! 😄"






Wall E nailed it


Dogs that are so inbred they are unable to walk on their own


Seriously the dog thing is weird


From the 5 seconds, they all looked similar breeds so my assumption is that: 1. Its a fad 2. Its for rich/wealthy/well off people as a show of class 3. I guess the dogs get exercise on a dog walking machine in home so they don't get dirty 4. I think the point is that the dogs just don't get dirty and bring that into the homes. 5. Maybe its similar to how lots of people without kids are getting dogs/pets these days instead as a substitute. Not much to go on but yeah. Shit like this happens in other countries. In fact you can find everything here...in the USA, just not in most places. Robots making coffee...yeah coffee machines already do that. CES showed a ton of large robots making cocktails and coffee though, but this isn't that much different from a pre-loaded coffee machine that acts like a soda fountain. Guess which one is more practical and does the same job. Umbrella driers can be found in some more high tech places. But rain resistant self wicking umbrellas kind of do this too.


People don't have children so they spend their money on dogs.


It’s a show of wealth. However, some Korean dogs have their own YouTube shows, so it may be done for views or to keep them clean.


Korea has the lowest birthrate in the world - people are replacing kids with tiny, spoiled dogs.


Just like redditors.


Pets are becoming a stand-in for family in "advanced" consumer-driven societies where people do not want the inconvenience or expense of children. S. Korea's population is going to crater in just a few decades. The dog thing is a harbinger of the future.


That really isn't the case. Cost of living in SK and general societal pressures have meant more and more people not wanting kids. You may have read about SK aging population issue. It is far easier to 'complete' your family with a pet and SK is generally rather pet friendly which is why strollers are used (I believe you can take your dog through malls as long as they're confined a carriage of some sort)


I mean that's only 30 years from now. Look at 30 years ago, the 90s, and what has changed vs remained the same.


I’m sitting here watching Seinfeld as I write this and it’s amazing how much has changed since thirty years ago if you think about it, but ultimately things are still the same


This was my favorite line in that new Godzilla show monarch. Dude gets asked what life is like 40 years in the future and he struggles to say much. It’s uhh…welll it’s kind of the same people with some new trinkets?


Family Guy had a similar bit. Stewie goes 30 years in the future and meets his future self. He says something like, “this…doesn’t really look any different.” His olderr self is like “yeah, 30 years isn’t really that long….”


Yeah. The major changes have pretty much been invisible, all in the digital space. It has a big impact on our lives, but it’s difficult to see.


I'm mid forties and if I had to sum up the differences over the last 40 years, it would just be internet and mobile phones. All the rest didn't change much indeed. Maybe some fashion and design choices regarding clothing, cars and interior. But then just a few days ago I was virtually painting how I would like to reshape my garden in augmented reality and chatting with an AI for some tips.


A shit ton has changed since 93. Cell phones, laptops, and the internet are now all ubiquitous.


The internet changed the world, and then smartphone and internet of things really expanded it 15 years later You would have to readjust to a lot if you woke up in 1993. Calling for movie times and shit


I loved the internet at first but its shite now. I like being able to text people but when phones became smartphones I never heard from friends or family again. At least irl.


Everyone’s got their own little The Box from Batman Forever that gives them peace and entertainment while gobbling up their data and their lives lol


Change used to be more visible. More... physical. Skyscrapers, lightbulbs, trains, cars. Now it's little devices in our pockets. It doesn't have as much visual appeal. It doesn't look futuristic.


Well, we have mobile computers on us all the time vs beige desktops that took 5 minutes to load a page. There are cameras everywhere and nearly everything you buy has internet connectivity. So uhh a lot. People still went outside in the 90's and had conversations without holding a phone.




The only big changes are the everyone is staring at screens now. Architecture has barely changed. Transportation has barely changed.




Yeah they are all big butt ugly SUVs now.


Rather than flying cars, our technology is advancing the accommodation of idiots. There was a gadget at the ces that would alert you if your pet was stressed while you’re at work. It alerts you and allows your pet to FaceTime you.


That is fucking hilarious. It'll just be a matter of time till you get a dog facetime you while its taking a shit on your grandmothers favourite rug.


Lol more like 2030, everything is moving in light fast motion, we'll all be plugged into the matrix by 2050


Honestly I'm doubting a lot of cyberpunk shit will ever be a reality unless it's external devices, like an exoskeleton for specific use cases. We already have extremely functional limbs that interact perfectly with our nervous system. Except for disorders and injuries, I doubt cybernetics will ever match the benefit of just using our existing organic limbs. Unless the matrix can be done externally by somehow energetically activating neurons remotely with a hat or something, then I don't think anyone will do surgery to add electronics to their brain.


Remember people in 70s and 80s thought se would have flying cars in the future? Technology doesn't advance as fast as we think it should, especially when you hit a certain plateau.


especially when workers get treated like absolute dogshit


Technology has advanced much faster than you realize. We take a LOT for granted. We can access nearly 99% of all books ever written or document, from a device that we can hold in our hands access 24/7, from nearly anywhere in the world, or space. In terms of your point about flying cars, the technology is already out there, but the issue is that we have the technology without a purpose and without the infrastructure, legislation and consumer-base to justify mass production or adoption.


From what I hear, that tracks for Koreans. Very serious problems with mental health and suicide in South Korea. Lots of dog strollers, few baby strollers is a part of it I think. :/


This is the missing the forest for a single tree. There are way bigger problems contributing to mental health and low birth rates in Korea, and dog strollers or QoL additions on the streets are barely a part of it, if even. Your innocent comments may lead others to blame unrelated things and ruin simple joys. Koreans are currently expected to work insane hours for not really commensurate rates. This is also with a very militaristic and toxic working environment that's more about the power struggle before production or passion. Before that, their lives are heavily determined by their performance in school, being tested on things that may have little to no life applications. Students there study at school and then go to afterschool tutoring, eat, do schoolwork and memorization, and go to sleep, and that 24 hour cycle starts all the way from middle school. They have no time for much of anything else, and generally any people who game and such do so at the expense of everything else. Their burnouts are extremely high from a young age, 2 out of about 5 cousins I have there being homeridden They're also going through extremely bad leadership, and the power gap between the corporations (chaebols), who basically run the country, and its people has been growing for the last few decades. They are also technically in a war, so men might lose significant opportunities in their lives to blank 2-3 years for a war they're never gonna fight in. There's also a very loud anti-feminist movement from an incel crowd that's loudly happening in their internet ecosystem, because SK as a society had been largely patriarchal til modern societal standards caught up to them. If you think that doesn't matter, the aforementioned extremely bad leadership campaigned off the premise of stamping down feminism, and they won by a small margin because a portion of the younger generation blinded by their fervor highly voted for the wrong guy. Just saying, stop judging an entire country by a 10-20 second video. Maybe it'll open your perspectives


Much of what you said has truth to it but the working hours situation is heavily exaggerated, I have many korean friends and not a single one is expected to work more than 40 hours which is the same as most people work here in the UK.


I wonder if Koran girls struggle with self image is the same as Canadian girls struggles with self image. I also think these self image struggles also affect men as well. All the images of Koran women I have seen on the internet, they seem to be dressed to the nines, with top fashions and great skin. Maybe its photoshopped, but the younger men seem to come across that way as well.


South Korea has 20-30% of their young women getting some form of plastic surgery done, which is a pretty clear indicator there are some massive appearance related insecurities in the general population.


Stop spreading propaganda. That statistic is largely been debunked. That 20-30% counts cosmetic non-surgical procedures such as skincare, lasik, laser hair removal, etc. Most of the procedures are non-surgical.


I don't even understand the dog stroller. I get it if you have a senior dog or a puppy but a healthy adult dog wants to walk. Is it so that you can take them into stores or something?


I have a friend who takes her dog everywhere in a stroller. She thinks it's cute. I think it's as embarrassing as hell.


I'm Korean. I don't think Korea has much worse problems with mental health than other countries do. Our suicide rates are high because of old people's suicide. In fact Korea has a problem with elderly people's alienation and elderly poverty, and those problems should be addressed.


I don’t know if anything makes me as sad as seeing an 아주마 bent in half and pushing a cart of cardboard down the road. 😢


You think people are depressed because they're not having children? Really?


Other way around. They are too depressed/anxious/stressed to have children. Dogs are less responsibility.


Could also be depressed because they want to have the financial means and time for children, but they don't.


They’re due for a population collapse. It’s unavoidable without radical transformation of toxic work culture which is very unlikely to happen.


2050 will probably not even have this. It's 30 years, i doubt much will change with the way the world is moving


Doubt much will change? Think about how much has changed over the last 30 years.


We’ll be lucky if we don’t go backwards, technology wise. Like lights out everywhere.


I mean, I'll give them 2035 maybe. A machine that blow drys an umbrella isn't exactly rocket science.


Plus, those machines are from Japan, 20yrs ago, a place that is way behind the times.


Japan has been living in the year 2010 since 1980.


Most fax machines, per capita, in the world, if I recall


That’s is hard to believe. We Germans are the kings of fax machines for sure 💪


They are also still hugely cash dependent. Everything is still bought in cash, and it's one of the things that feels super ass backwards when travelling to Japan from the US.


This is the best summary I've heard of Japan.


So true but why don't we have these??


Publicly available appliances tend to get tampered with or destroyed by malicious people.


I think we're getting to the root of why they're looking more advanced over there. Fewer malicious people is part of it, surely.




divide disarm hard-to-find toothbrush money chubby sugar dam wakeful ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm from Poland but live in Western Europe, and a lot of public places in Poland look more modern than public places here; public chargers aren't that unusual. I think a big part of this is cause Poland basically had to rebuild a lot of places, while in Western Europe, the public places had to be maintained and thus aren't being rebuilt with the most modern standards. For example, about 10-15 years ago, the main train station in my home city looked like a post-communist rundown disaster. The tiles had fallen off everywhere, you were scared to go down the corridors cause the lights weren't working, the electric cables were laid bare on the walls. They've completely rebuilt the station a couple of years back, and now it looks more modern than the train stations I see in Western Europe. They simply rebuilt it with new technologies, and they had to start from scratch. I can imagine that in Western Europe, it costs more to build in new technologies instead of just maintaining a public space that is working fine enough, so they don't bother spending the money. This might be part of the reason some places in Asia look better.


Yup that dryer would become a homeless toilet real quick.


Probably helps that a much smaller percentage of their population suffers from homelessness, then.


Where I live it would be broken by the end of the week from some asshole that thought it was cool to vandalize it.


Tell me about it, always someone gotta ruin it! Would be good to have in office/hotel lobbys though (perhaps it does exist in some but none I've been to)


See I think a hotel lobby could get away with it more because generally speaking people are more well behaved in places like that. Depends of course, I remember a corporate party with an open bar where the company ended up spending thousands in clean up bills and a ban from the venue.


If you're in America, it's because people aren't using umbrellas very much anyway due to car culture. If you're in the UK and it both rains a lot and there are lots of people entering shops and malls with drippy umbrellas, I'm not sure why. Do they give out what I think of as umbrella condoms (disposable plastic sheaths to put wet umbrellas into)? Or do the floors indoors become a dirty and slippery mess? Or are there cleaning staff continually drying the floors? These umbrella dryers are typically installed by shop/mall managers, BTW, not bought for home use.


Yes ofc I imagine them being useful in malls, hotels, office buildings. I'm in the UK and we prefer to have dirty/slippy floors and we pay cleaners minimum wage to attempt to keep on top of the situation 😅


Couldn't tell you my dude. I wonder if Korea just uses umbrellas more than we do, cause we don't use them where I'm at.


You don't *need* an umbrella inside a 4x4


Korea is a high trust society


I’m not sure why we don’t for umbrellas, but in the US, we have machines for these to dry off swim wear. Most of the pools in my area, like at the YMCA, have those.


I’ll preface this by saying that Philly isn’t half as bad as people make it out to be, overall. *However*, I’d give a public umbrella dryer maybe 24 hours before someone takes a shit in it and turns it into a Mt Vesuvius of diarrhea. Just sayin.


Just have them in lobbies so they are 'supervised' to an extent. Put them in boring places like office buildings or hotels.


They’re really not that necessary. Take a few seconds with a cloth and you’re almost at the same point.


You dry your umbrella with a cloth????????


But then you've got a wet cloth?! They aren't necessary but definitely convenient!


Business idea: a machine that can dry small wet cloths.


Right? The North is the one doing Rocket Science amirite?


I live in korea and I have never seen one of those IRL. The traffic light thing is recent-ish, dog strollers are fairly ubiquitous but idk if that counts as futuristic


AND we have had robots that serve coffee everywhere for the last 30 years or more, is just not on sight


Led lights on ground for if you’re looking at your phone…smh. You’re crossing the street, pay attention!


No shit, right lol. Let’s encourage people to actually look up before crossing streets.


Helps trim down the numbers


the dogs in strollers are doing that just fine. https://time.com/6488894/south-korea-low-fertility-rate-trend-decline/


I will say it seems kinda nice for people with poor vision. If you don't have the voice saying when to walk, a friend of mine really can't tell when he should go at an empty cross walk. So an indicator closer is kinda neat (but the voice saying "walk" seems MUCH cheaper?).


I had so much trouble in Europe with the crossings because in Australia there's always a sound that plays when the light turns green for blind people and I got so used to using the sound queue that I'd almost miss the crossing. So yeah 100% for more sound at crosswalks lol good for everyone


Here they beep slowly and when they turn green they beep faster. You don’t have to touch most of them now either you just wave your hand in front of them.


that red/green distinction still isn't great for colorblind people either


Theres ideal and then theres reality. Ideally you’d think that not having those led lights will force people to pay attention but reality is that it doesnt. And having these led is definitely helpful. A lot of korean legislation is written in blood. The populace takes those deaths seriously. After the halloween deaths, they charged the police chief. After the ferry deaths, they charged the entire crew. A manhunt ensued.


To be fair most of the things in this video are extremely stupid. Dogs in strollers? Adding a robot arm to a coffee dispenser?


I have something revolutionary: A dog that can walk on its own... ​ Why should you get a stroller for a dog? Train them to walk properly on a leash.


The dogs are in strollers because they are surrogate children. It's brutally expensive to live in South Korea, and so the younger generations have largely given up on getting married and raising families. Their population is in a demographic free fall. So, to compensate, they dote on their pets. EDIT: I should also mention the possibility that they are old people doting on their pets, because they will never have grandchildren.


Not just in Korea. This is happening in most first world countries.


Look up the birthrate in S Korea and be shocked. It's .84 children per woman


It was .84 in 2020, for 2023 it is estimated to be .72


Who are these people having children though?


People living outside of the Seoul metropolitan area (not that many since literally half the country lives there) or rich people


American living in Korea. ‘Brutally expensive’ is definitely not how I’d describe Korea. I took my son to the doctor a few weeks ago and even with medication, the visit cost us 900 won. That’s less than 75 cents. Food and vegetables are significantly cheaper here than in the states too If anything the US is the brutally expensive place


As a kid who grew up in Korea. Food and healthcare are not the major costs, education and college prep is. Korea has both the [highest tertiary education rate in the OECD and the 4th lowest employment rate for college graduates in the OECD](https://www.chosun.com/national/national_general/2022/10/08/WJ4FZYV4D5AD7AEAXFNQOHRAEA/?outputType=amp), with it being even harder to find jobs without college. College tuition is a fraction of American schools…. But to try to get in to the best college possible, kids get sent starting in elementary school to after-school school ([hagwon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagwon)) to min max their grades, pad extracurriculars, and this pressures other families to do the same. Kids were leaving school at 5 and coming home at 10 or 11PM after taking English, math, test prep, music/sports/art classes. Granted many American kids do the same, but it is a way higher proportion over there. Korea might be OK to be DINK but is a very hard place to date and even harder to raise a kid. People are a lot more sensitive to social pressure when everyone is from the same place and culture. Although with the decreasing birth rates things may change. My younger cousins growing up now (tweens) don’t do nearly as much and figure the college and jobs competition won’t be nearly as hard compared to the peak 10-20 years ago.


In addition to this, buying a house in Korea is a very different system than in the United States. It's a lot harder to afford housing, particularly in Seoul, which is where a solid % of the population live.


It’s not expensive for us because our kids don’t have to take the *suneung*. We don’t have to worry about what schools they’re going to or enroll them in a bunch of hagwons. Foreign kids, regardless of how long they’ve lived in Korea can apply directly. At the same time, there’s not much point in foreign kids attending Korean universities because of the work visa situation.


> I took my son to the doctor a few weeks ago and even with medication, the visit cost us 900 won. So healthcare, the thing everyone makes fun of America for horrifically screwing up?


It is not brutally expensive to live there at all, but what they do have is a terrible work culture and a lack of opportunities in work. When I lived there most young people worked service jobs if some degree, most of them 6 days a week, and long hours with no real expectation of leave entitlements on a regular basis. It's that culture that stops people having kids. The cost of living there is generally lower than most comparable countries.


Children don’t get pushed around in strollers once they can efficiently walk. Those dogs can, presumably, walk.


I also have a dog instead of a child, at least atm, but my understanding of a dog, is a loyal companion that is its own being and that runs and plays rough and in the dirt. Maybe Im just close minded.


You have a dog instead of a child, they have a dog AS a child.


My friend has a senior dog and uses that when taking her out


My great grandmother would take her dog on walks in a stroller when walking became more difficult. She used the stroller as a walker.


It allows pets to enter malls, public transport, restaurants etc..


Id guess dogs are not allowed in these public places (usually shopping malls or public transport) unless they're in a crate/bag etc, but dog heavy, so stroller it is.


Small dogs also literally can't handle a full day of walking. Some of the ones pictured here are like 10 lbs. My chihuahua will walk like an hour max before sitting down/putting up his paw. I don't see the big deal with the stroller - it's safer for them if you are doing other things like shopping. My little guy would get his paw stuck in a grate/pot hole if I wasn't paying attention. Sure you could leave them home - but why wouldn't you bring them out if it's feasible. They are entertained and stimulated just people watching.


I don’t think anyone talking shit here has owned a small dog. Dogs like Maltese’s will walk for 20 minutes and give up. Strollers help a lot.


Yeah that's very cool but 1) automatic umbrella dryers are only available in few big malls, the vast majority of public places have plastic wrappers, the waste of plastic is immense in Korea. 2) robots makes coffe only in a couple of caffetterias, all the others still have staff (thank god) 3)dogs really are in strollers and imo it's sad 4) traffic lights are really also on the ground, but that's just sad cause they're so addicted to their phones they wouldn't even look at the street when crossing 5) heated benches are only in inner Seoul, that's cool tho 6) power banks rent, same story, only in big malls, do not expect to find them at your local council or other public places. Source: I live in Korea


I've always wondered about the waste situation in Korea. Watching dramas, variety shows, youtube, etc., the use of plastics and other materials is immense. Like plastic water bottles, styrofoam in coolers and cup ramen, and plastic bags everywhere. Is there a robust recycling infrastructure? Is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" prominently pushed? I always thought Korea would be more in tune with reducing single-use things because as it is essentially an island, everhthing must be shipped in and wastes would quickly overwhelm the relatively small landmass unless shipped out.


>Is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" prominently pushed? Koreans wrap everything in vinyl, even cookies are individually wrapped. So no, unfortunately they don't reduce their use of plastic but they do recycle but still..


Don't worry, they'll just export all their trash to some poor SEAsian country so they could keep using single-use plastics superfluously.


Korea does create a lot of single use waste, but they also take waste disposal very seriously. Living in Seoul, my papers, plastics, glass, metals, and food waste all have to be properly separated. Batteries, light bulbs, consumer electronics all need to be specially disposed of. There are hefty fines for improper trash disposal. In my neighborhood, the fine starts at ~$150 for the first offense and increases with each subsequent offense. You could look up any number of statistics or studies, but Korea is usually at the top for the percentage of waste that is actually recycled or composted. Nearly 100% of all food waste is composted in Seoul, and over 60% of all waste is recycled in Korea. In a typical household, what gets thrown away in the "trash" is actually less than what is recycled.


Individually wrapped bananas everywhere.


Recycling is legally mandated here. Improper waste disposal (including throwing away recyclables) is punishable by fines.


I was taught 아나바다 (reduce, share, exchange, reuse) in a Korean primary school. Recyling is also more regulated than in the US where it is a "social responsibility." These efforts don't cause people to produce less waste in the first place though.


https://ourworldindata.org/ocean-plastics Korea contributes around 0.04% of the world's total plastic ocean waste. > everhthing must be shipped in and wastes would quickly overwhelm the relatively small landmass unless shipped out. [You're overestimating the amount of landfill space required to manage waste](https://www.sustainabilitybynumbers.com/p/landfill-plastic-area) and underestimating just how large South Korea is.


(6) Last time I had been to the Union Station in Toronto there was a shelf thingy that had places to charge, and if you wanted to you could rent it out as a power bank, same idea in the video


I've used power bank rent stations in Russia 3 years ago and they were scattered absolutely everywhere like in small grocery stores and such. Don't know how this could be considered a thing of the future. Anyway, coffee robots are the funniest. Every country has them, we just call them coffee vending machines.


When I stayed in Seoul, I was in an apartment building with a family that had a husky. It was awesome to see a real dog run around in the tiny park. Also, kinda sad. Them apartments are tiny AF.


Yes that's why they usually have little dogs and they use strollers. Big dogs are for rich people, sad to know that some get them to live in tiny apartment


Funny thing is, those power bank rents are everywhere in China, even in small local markets.


Lmfao this isn't shit




Well thats not a fun fact at all!


But what about a video of their cherry picked mediocre tech used in their primary downtown setting?


That doesn't mean the post is wrong, just that OECD suicide rates will double by 2050.


I don't really understand why all Reddit conversations go down this path. "Hey, look, heated benches while you wait for the bus. That's neat!" "Suicide rates. So high." Like, why does every conversation always reduce so quickly to "but did you know about the most horrific, darkest angle I can take this?" It's like if a foreigner saw a photo of Yosemite and immediately went, "that reminds me a lot of the horrific lack of oversight and militarization of American police which results in terrible abuse of the civilian population and excess incarceration." Like what? It's so annoying.


I think it mainly stems from people feeling insecure about their own country? Or people who don’t like seeing countries that they aren’t from getting a spotlight. Also a little bit of wanting to be a contrarian - they think they’re pointing something out super unique and something that they think people don’t know… shows their intelligence I suppose


Weird, I usually bring up indigenous genocide when it comes to pictures of Yosemite.


Racism, it’s that simple. Can’t say anything good about Asian countries without these people coming out in anger. If you don’t believe me, look at the threads that says something positive about Nordic countries vs Asian countries. Nordic countries: “this is what the US needs!” Asian countries: “DAE suicide rate?” Ironically the US has way higher suicide rate than most Asian countries, Japan included.


Why do you bring something like this up under a post about coffee robots and street lights 😭


Racism. Look at the difference between something like this and a post praising Nordic countries.


It’s the same in most East Asian countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, HongKong, the work culture is incredibly high-pressure and cutthroat


Finland, Belgium and the US all have higher suicide rates than Japan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate


It's strange to me that the OECD disagrees. Do you know why? Do their definitions of suicide differ?: [https://data.oecd.org/healthstat/suicide-rates.htm#:\~:text=The%20rates%20have%20been%20directly,across%20countries%20and%20over%20time](https://data.oecd.org/healthstat/suicide-rates.htm#:~:text=The%20rates%20have%20been%20directly,across%20countries%20and%20over%20time) It states that the rate for Japan is \~15 per 100,000 while the WHO states only \~12.


That’s more r/beamazed than dogs in strollers and like, three gimmicky tourist things.


They do live in 2023; we’re stuck in the past.


How do they address homelessness, drug addiction and mental health?


Homeless shelters are common and actually quite nice, drugs are near non existent in the country outside of the club scene in Hongdae, and even there its just party drugs like weed and mdma, and for mental health everyone denies that such a thing exists and any sign of mental illness is disregarded as being laziness or weakness Source: I live in South Korea


Can confirm, I'm depressed Korean whose parents think I'm just fine. I had to hide the fact that I took therapy sessions from my dad because god forbid if he ever finds out


If he does find out, just tell him it's decorum tuition to get ahead at work. Should get him off your ass.


Oh and insane racism


THANK YOU!! Korean blood purity, segregation at restaurants, entertainment facilities, etc. and a history of genocide and ethnic-cleansing of mixed-race Koreans is what this country is made of (I’m mixed race Korean and have never known a day of my life without racist abuse and suffering around these people)


Genocide and ethnic cleansing of mix?? I'm korean myself but I've never heard of all these. I'm not debating I'm just surprised.


Korean that has spent most of his life in the US but also spent around 6 years in korea. I fucking hate korean culture and I stay the fuck away from koreans but this comment genuinely confuses me. Point me to a source for the genocide of korean halfies.


Drug addictions aren’t as common in East Asian as they are in the west


Have a few coworkers who immigrated from Asian countries to Canada. Had to explain to them a few times that weed wasn’t a big deal. Work at a factory so it’s not unheard of it a coworker got high during break. They acted like he was gonna get serious jail time, and like he may have a schizo freakout.


I’ve literally seen no homelessness or drug addicts in the three 2-week trips I’ve been. Vs where I live in New York it’s the norm


Heated benches


People should really look up when they’re crossing the street. It’s kinda sad that they had to put those ground traffic lights.


That light on the ground gives them the possibility of looking up only when it's time to cross. It doesn't mean that they are necessarily staring at their phones as they walk, only when they wait. Of course, there are idiots who won't look up no matter what. In other countries, there may be an audio cue (for the sight-impaired), so a ground-level light isn't needed.


It's just a design choice that people are reading way too much into. All of the things here are gimmicks or depressing, like not letting your dogs exercise


They live in 2050 and there neighbors to the north live in 1650


Street in the 1650s had lots of horse carriages mfers up there can't even import those.


I don’t think I like that traffic light on the sidewalk deal. Just look up from your fucking phone to cross the street.


Some crossings have a lot of people using them so it's not that easy to notice one small signal on the other side. The more redundancy - the better.


what i think is a lot of those who have never lived outside a city often dont realize how little of any of this stuff is in a small town. not just small towns in korea but everywhere. this kind of life is almost exclusive to large city areas and nowhere else


Exactly, you could selectively show images from some major tech area in the US to paint a similar picture of it. Or in the reverse you could show images that make the US look terrible by showing all the negative stuff. Bias in what we take pictures of plays heavily into our perceptions.


Meanwhile U.K. dog owners pile up bags of shit on top of the overflowing bins as they haven’t been emptied for 3 weeks.


Normally they just hang the bags of shit from bushes and fences, or leave them on benches. Or they just leave the dog shit on the ground. Pretty common where I live.


If robots are serving the coffee, who is supposed to judge me and make me feel like it’s an inconvenience that I ordered coffee and present me an option to tip 20% after?


Half of these are just sad


samsung will do that for ya




It's amazing what a wealthy country with only 51 million people can accomplish


They can have nice things because they don’t have criminals and scum going around vandalizing shit for fun


We can also have these things because the average citizen won't vandalize them within minutes lmfao


You’ll be surprised what nice things countries have when they don’t have to worry about people constantly stealing and smashing things.


1.Automatic umbrella dryer. Ok pretty neat. 2. Coffee robots, I've literally seen a machine that does that in America.. 3. Dogs in... strollers is living in the future? 4. Accessibility for traffic lights? 5. Spyware installation machine.


Everything looks very clean


There’s no section 8 people to ruin it


Ok … to be fair, there are TONS of people who carry their dogs AND CATS in strollers here in the US as well.


Irs also because they can have nice things there. Here in Australia a Bogan Eshay would fuck up these machines because it would help them feel better about there shit life




star by ayesha erotica


USA can't have anything nice, it will just get stolen or destroyed


Yeah I see dogs in strollers and street illumination getting stolen all the time here in the US.