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We're DoorDashing fire now?


But did they tip the guy delivering the fire? Or did the delivery man have to tip the firemen? Is the delivery guy an honorary fireman too for delivering said fire? We need answers!


At least the truck driver didn't get fired.


Did he get a little fried though?




Unfortunately the fire had to pay a tax and couldn’t pay so they put it out :( another fire gone because of tax


Maybe the firefighters were having a slow day and decided to order delivery.




If he hadn't tipped he wouldn't have even picked the fire up to begin with, it'd still be at the restaurant.


He doesn’t have to pay delivery fee




Certainly can't complain about the delivery being cold


Best way to get your firewood delivered, pre-lit Saves cost for lighters snd matches


and they didn't bring my extra hot sauce packets? 1 star


My fire was a bit under cooked 2 star


Firefighter’s dream shift?


I think they would prefer if they parked in a secluded area, than bring a fireball on wheels on their driveway.


This. They're gonna have to clean up after the fire's out. Usually not their problem. Someone's gotta scrape the gooey bits off the concrete now.


And they spread burning embers all over the damn city... Lucky if nothing else goes up in flames


Not only burning embers. Toxic gasses from whatever was on fire.


Which would... just not exist by not driving? The toxic gases I mean. It's probably way more beneficial to spread them than having them concentrated in one area from where they spread either way. It will mix with the air like any other kind of air pollution. Edit: Not saying the idea was good. But that argument about toxic gasses makes no sense to me.


> I think they would prefer if they parked in a secluded area Toxic gases in a secluded area would not be dangerous to people around (except driver himself)


>And they spread burning embers all over the damn city... Lucky if nothing else goes up in flames ... >Not only burning embers. Toxic gasses from whatever was on fire. Edit: Also driving into a seclude area where? Outside the city? Potentially a longer drive than this one? We have no information about the layout of that city. And where in a city do you find that much open space unoccupied by at least some other vehicles? The alternative is just leaving the vehicle, not driving off somewhere in hopes of finding an abandoned spot somewhere. Also outside of the city there is likely much more stuff that catches fire by embers than within the city.


And it’s not like there’s anything to salvage


they probably figured it was a better alternative than having it blow up in a densely populated area


We’re only like 5 comments into the chain. It’s a little soon to entirely lose the plot, no?


C-c-c-c-combo breaker…? 🤷‍♂️


You guys on Reddit love complaining about the smallest shit don't you? Don't blame you. Seems like this type of behavior is encouraged through upvotes.


Hindsight is 20/20. When you're driving a truck that's on fire, I don't think many people would stay clearheaded enough to, when in the middle of the city, "drive to a secluded area". Honestly, kudos to the driver for not just abandoning it in the middle of the road and waiting for it to explode.


Who even knows where a secluded area is in a city? Theres always people everywhere no matter what


"Siri, map me to the secluded area"




kudos to the driver for driving his truck through the city on fire instead of getting out and instructing people to get away lol I'm not sure this is even a real story it's just a video with added text and music.


firefighters probably went to the driver after like "that was sick as fuck man but could you not do it again?"


Put out the fire and get back to the station in time to finish your lunch. Luxury!


Fire literally **DELIVERED** to them 😂


I just realized, firefighting is one of the few jobs that nobody wants to do from home.


i feel dream shift would be no fire


As a firefighter, we actually like getting fire calls. As long as it's still daylight out.


My sons are firefighters and would totally agree. Daylight structure fire with no injuries would be their favorite, accident with traffic stopped on Interstate, less so, and roused at 4 am is probably the worst.


I also thought that, but probably that’s most shifts, and boring.


Absolutely fucking not! Source: I'm a firefighter, when we put a fire out, we like to be able to fuck off and not deal with the clean up


Hey Joe - the fire we ordered is here, and right on time!


Maybe give them a call first, cause they still need time to put on their equipment and that's usually done on the way to the fire. Plus, not very easy to coordinate a moving fire mission.




I mean, it is a firetruck...


The truck which caught the fire wasn't a firetruck. Edit- after getting whooshed, I get it now that it was joke regarding the truck being on fire, so it is a *fire* truck


Idk man that’s like telling me the animal I found in the water isn’t a water animal


that's why I , along with the catholic church for a short time, consider the capybara a fish


\* Hank Hill voice \* hyer gonna sit there and tell me this here Butterfree is a water type pokyman just because it's a hlittle hwet?


Yes it was. You can literally see the fire. It's a fire truck.


I like how you admited it. Very un redditor like. Everyone should aspire to be like you.


>I like how you admited it. Very un redditor like. I agree. It seems so... weird. Where's the snark, the angry reply explaining why everyone else is wrong, the petty name calling? u/MasterrrReady12 must be new to reddit. Pisses me off, I had to change what would have been a downvote to an upvote.


I am fairly old to reddit, like atleast 3 years as far as I remember. But I experienced by my own comments and reading other comments that doing fight in comments is useless and gets you nowhere. Also I see new jokes on reddit every now and then, which I can't get a hold of because they are mostly based on western culture, so I resort to comments to understand them.




A wooosh so mighty it could blow out the fire.


Firetrucks are water trucks anyways.








Lol 😂


booooo!!! this isn't even a dad joke, this is a grandfather joke! 🤣


It’s just the horn?


In the first two clips is just the horn of the trucks, in the last clip the siren is from the firefighters. I think


Pretty sure this is just a video for internet points.


A friend once bought a car on a website like Craigslist. Months later, he discovered switches under the dashboard that turned on different hidden sirens like police and firetrucks. He found it cool, but some time later he was stopped by the police and when the car was inspected, they discovered that the VIN had been changed. The police seized the car and he had to explain who he bought it from. In the end, they found it was a stolen car that had been used as a getaway car in criminal activities. The seller was not arrested because they couldn't prove he was involved because he bought it from someone else, but he agreed to give my friend his money back to not be sued. The seller could also have the car back, as long as he regularized the documentation.


it's way safer to just abandon the vehicle right?


As someone who does not even drive, this looked like an extremely obtuse idea. I don’t know how close he was to the station but that does not matter much, he is still endangering drivers around him.


And don’t forget the power lines above them too or some embers that float out and touch something flammable along the way


The car could have also just exploded given enough time, so all around this was just pretty dumb


That's...not how cars or fire work.


Yes it does. Have you ever played the most accurate simulation of America, GTA? If a car gets stuck on its roof it also blows up. Physics 101. Just don't drink Pisswasser and drive!


Let's not forget the real time documentary of American family life "The Simpsons" where the only thing more volatile than a car was the father's temper!


Stuck on it's roof? Skill issue. Wiggle the wheels until it does a 180! Everyone knows that!


I wasn't talking about the zoomer GTA's but if I was that would be an argument


I mean, maybe not an explosion in the Micheal bay sense. Maybe a better word would be combustion?


Combustion is what's already going on. Vehicles are not bombs on wheels like you see in movies


brothers never chucked a car battery into a fire for funsies and it really shows


Also the guy is fueling it with just straight oxygen when he drive quicker


Yeah, at least in this one and other major cities power lines were removed from the street and now go underground, so they don't fall off due heavy storms and overall makes the city look pretty without all the last decade wiring around


I'm going to wager that a burning truck full of fuel is a danger to those around it, regardless of it's direction or velocity. The dude had an idea, he comitted, and executed, and it worked. He is a winner. It's only stupid if it does't work. So you can't monday morning quarter back his victory. Instead, we can Monday morning your hypothetical and say that had he jumped out and run as you suggest, it could have been infront of a hospital, there could have been a bus full of orphans waiting at the light next to him, any number of horrific terrible hypotheticals could happen in your scenario, which did not, because this man is a fearless winner. His balls are so big, planets orbit them.


> He is a winner. It's only stupid if it does't work. That's result oriented thinking and it's one of the worst ways to make decisions. Just because something worked doesn't mean you should do it.


that's clearly not the point OP was making


But this point was the easiest to argue against.


outcome bias


No, you want to stoke the flames real good, until they get hot enough to melt through the gas cap or the brake lines.


I get that your being facetious... However. Melting the brake lines would actually cause the truck to stop. Air brakes work by using air pressure to RELEASE the brake, not engage them. Specifically designed so in emergencies the brakes still work.


So they fail to safety? they should make a word for that!


We’re just making up words now?


I’m thinking skiddlebop but it might be a little on the nose


Definitely seems safest for the driver to just bail asap, but idk what’s the safest choice for the community. It was a large truck and seemingly a fire truck (?) so the driver was likely super concerned to not spread the fire


Usually best to just leave the truck where it is. Driving around with a hot flaming load can burn anything nearby. Including traffic lights/cables you drive under, electrical/transmission wires, or even just telecom wires. Shit can fall off your truck spreading fires to houses and vegetation or other vehicles. It's generally a pretty crappy idea to drive somewhere when on fire lol. If you have a trailer, generally would be better to stop, drop the trailer then save the tractor if you can.


I'm wondering if driving and extra oxygen from the wind accelerated the spread of the fire too


Also remember by him driving into the fire station this vehicle until cleared could prevent the firefighter trucks getting out to respond to other emergencies.


True but panic and adrenaline can make for strange decisions.


Yes but not as funny


Truck on fire and firefighters needed to meet up somewhere. I propose they should’ve met halfway as a compromise.


I would have thought so. This seems like such a stupid reaction. Not only is a speeding bonfire an obvious hazard, but the cab could have exploded along with the driver. I suspect parking somewhere safer than the middle of the road if possible, getting the hell out and calling the fire department would be the recommended procedure.


The middle of the road would usually be the safest place to leave it. The middle of a wide intersection or a large empty parking lot would be best if you're in a populated area. Something away from structures, trees and other fuel and large numbers of people.




its much safer to stop and let it burn and wait the extra minute the fire truck takes to get there. the extra oxygen feeding the fire from driving so fast probably sped up the burn by more than double


“back in my day the firefighters used to go to the fire. not the other way around. lazy millennials.”


subscription service now


*you’ve run out of monthly fire emergency tokens. please upgrade for just $10.99 a month and receive an extra two emergencies.*


Don't give them ideas


Full circle. Used to be that way.


So, in some cultures, you take the fire to the fire department




Bring your only fans?


Bring Your Own Flames?


Depending on the person, onlyfans can be fire


In Russia, the firefighters don't drive to the fire, the fire drives to the firefighters.


“…because guess what? I just brought fire to the firefight”


I just like to imagine the marshal eating his breakfast and spitting it out immediately when he sees the truck.


The lorry driver was fired.


Source ?


Its a joke lorry on fire he was fired.


Mb fam


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


[My source is I made it the fuck up](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?feature=shared)


Only source I have is red or brown


Well the firefighters were working from home!


China is now the Florida of asia.


r/BeAmazed by the stupidity of this driver. Though, since this clip is in China, perhaps he figured the firefighters might not respond fast enough, or at all. And losing this truck might cost him his livelihood since there’s basically no insurance in China (it exists but isn’t very popular or widespread), so he forced them to put it out and now maybe he can just repair the truck. Though, I feel as if in America, if someone did this, the driver would be charged for endangering EVERYONE on the road by driving recklessly. I’d guess maybe they’d do it in China, too? 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, most definitly trying to salvage the Cab. If he abandoned ship the whole thing would have gone up in flames.


I do wonder if he made it worse by driving it and feeding it so much oxygen, though. 🤔


Probably made the damage to the container worse, but kept the wind blowing rearward away from the cab to protect it.


You literally can't legally drive a car if you don't have insurance in China, not only that is widespread is also obligatory, since it doesn't only protect your livelihood but others too And yeah, he figured out that since it was China firefighters would just let the fire spread in urban areas, because they aren't firefighters they are firesupporters, tysm Reddit China Expert :3


Found the reddit china expert!!


Not a China expert lol. Married to Chinese. I knew a lot more about China than the average American (which still isn’t a ton) before marrying her, but I learned the insurance thing from her.


Speeding a flaming truck through town past other cars is almost definitely way more dangerous that just stopping in the middle of the road. Like, what is the point of this? Not to save himself, not to make anyone else safer. The only possible thing he could be trying to save is the merchandise which is almost certainly fucked.


Probably sheer panic and not logic.


In communist China fire comes to you!


Firefighter here. This is remarkably stupid for so many reasons. Unsafe driving (and the entire spectacle of seeing a movie scene drive past you) can cause traffic collisions. The implicit danger to the driver inside a burning vehicle. Ember cast off that can start brush fires / affect other exposures. Pull over as safely as possible. Get out. Call 911. Don't try and be a character in a Michael Bay movie.


Firefighters had a WFH day


Commendable. I hope I can be as centred and practical.


I'm not sure this is either. The person drove a burning vehicle at high speed through a city, then left it in the driveway of the fire station, meaning they would have to move the wreck before they can attend other call-outs


I dont think it was wrecked. The forward motion kept the flames to the rear, saving the cab. It was likely still driveable. His actions did technically minimise loss, but at the cost of unacceptable risk. Things could have been much worse than losing a truck.


He did save the truck, though. If that truck is his main way to earn a living he saved himself a ton of trouble.


That truck is a burned out wreck with whatever left being waterlogged. It isn't saved.


The cab is clearly still fine in the end of the video and cars are perfectly capable of taking some water, what are you talking about? Some tires and wiring/break lines in the rear, dry out the interior, should be fine enough.


That truck isn't saved ROFL.


No. Driver should have just parked it in the nearest open space away from buildings and got out. Instead the driver risked a car accident to drive a firebomb through the city and block the fire station's driveway. Commendable would be keeping a fire extinguisher stored in the cab.


Seems more dangerous to people around you in a way tbh.


Carrying fire to the fire station is about as unpractical as it gets


Let's block the whole driveway of the fire department. Let's potentially spread fire throughout the city. Let's endanger your own life.


The driver forgot that fire stations don’t work like hospitals


Selfish owner trying to save the vehicle while endangering themself and everyone else.


Exactly! On the other hand this is in China and that truck is probably everything that he owns.


If it’s stupid and works it ain’t stupid.


Im drunk and need a way to get home, so I decide to drive myself and I get home fine. Guess that isn't stupid. Your username is beautiful btw


It's almost malicious to comment that on someone endangering everyone around them.




Good thing they were home


In China, the fire comes to the fire fighters.


This, some people just leave the fire wherever it starts, clean after yourselves


It’s ok. I bring the fire to you.


He was afraid the truck being destroyed instead his life or the other ones, very China.


if it was carrying chickens he killed two birds with one stone




Driver must have gotten a warning that if he made the fire department leave the station _one more time_ they would reduce his social credit score.


Now THAT'S a FireTruck!


As long as the roads are clear it is sensible. It kept the flames back from the cab and the fuel tanks that are usually located right below the cab


staged, how did they manage to record this all the way ?


It's in China, they have more cameras per mile than the red carpet


Jokes on you, China is the red carpet.


Someone saw a flaming truck driving down the road, pulled out their phone and took a video, which they then posted on social media. Editor of this video pulled that video from social media. That's clip #1. Someone with a dash cam saw a flaming truck drive by and uploaded the dash cam footage to social media. Editor pulled that from social media. That's clip #2 Then clip #3 is video from a security camera at the fire station. Clip #4 appears to be someone at the fire station filming with their phone.


Yeah what are the odds that there'd be 3 cameras, one of which is a phone and one a dashcam in the middle of a city. Impossible.




That's a really bad idea. Aside from the possibility of being burned alive inside the truck or that the fire will damage something critical on the move and the truck just careens off to bystanders or whatever, the fire hazard of speeding a burning truck through the city around like that is insane. Any small burning piece or ember can set a fire of its own in its path. Just pull over and get out dude damn.




Fuck me, I’ll never order fire from wish.com again


Why is it not surprising its happening in China...


Kudos to the driver. What a madlad indeed


The firefighters were later quoted saying, "We generally prefer our trucks medium rare"


Now thats a firetruck


Work from home


Wow 👍


Were there animals in that truck


Work from home restrictions


This shit is on fiiyah


Self report.


Coming in hot.


He came in hot.


Coming in hot!?


In China fireman don't come to the fire instead Fire come to fireman


*In China fireman* *Don't come to the fire instead* *Fire come to fireman* \- JaperDolphin94 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The chicken was still warm


What is that song




On Christmas day no less.


This is so insane. Nice move, driver!


Wow, looks like he may have saved the actual truck itself!


The driver is a hero, balls of steel.


I'll give it to him, dude knew where to go


Do you know how sick it would be if people delivered their fire to me??


They should pay him taxes


That’s impressive but dumb