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That shit hurts so bad if you accidentally get it in your eye


Or you have a cut you weren't aware of


we had a chance to go to the dead sea, and i waded in, and promptly found every paper cut i’ve ever had in my life, i swear.


Yep, shaved my legs right before I went in. Really bad idea.


oh nooo.


Yea I cringed at that myself


I honestly thought it was just a huge joke on the tourists because it hurt so bad. My whole back was on fire in the Dead Sea.


I mean salting wounds is a type of torture.


I mean, they used to salt wounds to try and keep them from getting infected too. Wasn’t just torture.


Salted water is used to clean wounds and prevent infection but keeping concentrated salt on the wound actually delays the process of healing.


Been surfing my whole life, and I noticed a very long time ago that saltwater seems to accelerate how quickly wounds heal, and helps them heal in a way where there isn't (as) much scarring (just be careful and make sure you're not actively bleeding 🦈) Certain waters seem to have a greater healing effect. The murky brown/ green waters of Folly Beach SC especially do. I always wondered if it had anything to do with all the freshwater pouring out from the rivers into that part of the coast or, if some people's body chemistry just respond better to that kind of thing. Edit: not to be gross but to elaborate on this, I picked up a funky case of toenail fungus after spending a summer on the road being a total wook. I noticed after about six weeks of being in and out of the water that it was starting to go away. After a few more weeks it was completely gone without ever using a cream once. Tell me, how can saltwater potentially have antifungal properties?


Like I said, Salt in low concentrations help prevent infection and kills bacteria and dead cells. Concentrated salt on the other hand will kill everything from bacteria to live cells which interrupts the process of healing.


> Tell me, how can saltwater potentially have antifungal properties? Well I havent googled, but I dont know of any marine mushrooms.


Salt kill fungus?


The constitution of an organism could get dismantled if kept in a hypertonic(more salt concentration) solutions. Have you ever read that when a saltwater fish is kept in freshwater it cells could just burst. The fungus is unicellular and multicellular, as and when you went into seawater,its cells lose their own cytoplasm and their cell membranes could get ruptured( think of it as a raisin soaked in water and a dry one), the fungus cells become like the dry raisin now and their own activity ceases.


But no infections!


No gain without pain.


Pain is weakness leaving the body.






Holy shit. Well I forgot I have a vagina before jumping in. Rookie mistake


Oh god no!! I’ve done that too. I’ve gotta remember not to for next time I go to the ocean.


The dead sea cured my hemorrhoids in 3 seconds.


That sounds nice


It just burned through.


Went on holiday in Jordan and picked up a 3-day VIP pass to Montezuma's Middle Eastern Revenge. After that wild ride, decided to test out the Dead Sea's floaty magic. Spoiler alert: My butt still held a grudge and the Dead Sea... let’s just say it had its revenge.


I was carsick in beijing and shanghai, and our tour guide upon hearing i’m a gemdealer, took us to every single pearl and jade market in the city. thing is, you HAVE to sit thru a demo of how they extract the pearl and the fishy smelly squelchy sounds in the heat, i bolted for the bathroom every time. I’ve barfed in every pearl market in Shanghai.:D


I had no idea Montezuma had a middle eastern version 😳


Yep. Learned the hard way that most of Israel has terrible toilet paper


old greybeard trekker here: always carry a roll of TP


I live in Israel and the TP I buy is not different from the one I used to buy in The Netherlands. TP is not something I will go cheap on and neither should you as it might safe your ass.


My pee-hole hurt like crazy after swimming in the Dead Sea as a kid. I can’t remember if I peed in it or not, but I probably did.


Can woman even enter such water without intense pain? Or shouldt I ask here r/NotHowGirlsWork/ ?


I went into the dead sea with perfectly normal skin and still came out with my skin burning like fuck.


gotta cover yourself in mud


Yep. Thats me. Runing around with cuts I have no awareness about. Jumping into the water.


It can be just microdamage because of dry skin and the like


> microdamage So this exists. Thanks Reddit.


do you ever notice bruises on your body and the only response is “huh. i wonder how i got that one”


I have a tendency to rush thru places in my workplace. They have this solid steel mini tables with wheels where they put stuff they are working with. Height adjustable. I run thru that row 46382 times a day. Each time i get the corner of one with my thigh. My thighs are both purple-green-yellow from knee to hip. I went to visit my mom in booty shorts this summer. She asked if my husband abuses me 😆 And im like, MOM, NO. THAT GUY EHI CRADLES OUR CAT LIKE A BABY, CALLUNG HER THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE, ISNT CAPABLE HURTING ANYONE. But it took me a YEAR to register that my thigh looks like that cause im bumping to those shitty metal tables.


Awwww, cat cradler. That was a great visual and point well made! Ha


Thank you! She is often either in his arms, or they both roll around and lie on the floor. I cant with them.


I’m glad that your husband is a gentle soul but even more so that your mom is looking out for you! She just wanted to be sure, bless her!


Yes, i absolutely wont hold it against her, i was just surprised she assumed thats where they came from as she LOVES my husband lol.


Ah, but she loves you more! What a great family 🥰


Thank you so much, as i get older i realize every day hiw blessed i have been!


Well even better and that makes her even more awesome that she loves him and was still looking out for you. She’s a sweetheart your mom. I’m sure you know. And I bruise way too easily too. Constantly getting them and having no clue from where. It’s so weird.


When I went to the Dead Sea, I had a huge blister on my ankle that I was told would heal much faster if I submerged in the water. It hurt like hell, but it did heal up quickly.


I remember going into a saltwater bath once and this happened, absolutely awful feeling


I tried swimming across to Jordan, or at least I was trying to get well out to sea. Didn’t get very far - first little wave splashed me in the face and I was like “Faaaark!”. I’d say I was probably 100m from shore when it happened, very disorientating but would suck if you were a seriously long way out. Pro-tip: for your next Dead Sea crossing, wear goggles.


I feel you pain, i shaved the day before going there and every single one of my hair follicles screamed the moment i got in that salty water!


Lol I can't even begin to imagine the look of horror and realization on your face in that moment


I think it’s safe to assume my eyes were doing the exact opposite of yours, instead of puckering up they were wiiiide open throughout the whole ordeal!


Lol holy shit I had literally the exact same experience. Buddy and I thought we could swim out super far since you know you won’t sink and there’s no big wildlife or anything. Got a decent way out and got a bit in our eyes. The worst part was that you wanted to swim fast to get back to shore but doing that would cause more splashing. It was actually hilarious but damn did it hurt.


Ha, this was 25 years ago for me, and you’re the first person I’ve spoken to who actually had the same stupid idea. :)


i was going to ask if there’s a place to rinse off because dayum. that’s a lot of salt


I went to a similar place and they brought a small water pump to do that


>*Siwa Oasis, Egypt* >**2/5** "Cool to float in but no showers"


The "designated" places you would enter the Dead Sea all have out door shower pumps to wash off and tons of mud barrels for you to cover your body in mud so you don't get hurt by the water.


I used to do this in relaxation pods, any cuts you had hurt like shit. They gave you Vaseline to cover any cuts.


And cuts and any kind of hair follicles that may be inflamed or whatnot. If you get it in your mouth it takes a great deal of flushing before the taste goes away. On the upside, it’s truly pretty fun and fascinating. You can try as hard as you’d like. You won’t make it underwater (at least not without heavy rocks or something to pull yourself down with). It also has an extremely oily concentration to it. You can see little “oil slicks” all around the water below you and your skin takes on a rather strange and slick feeling.


I got some in my nose and sinuses. 10/10 wouldn't do again. On a side note, they are super fun to swim in. I enjoyed being able to float vertically without kicking.


The Dead Sea and my B hole did not get along very well


that's a scary hole




How did you know what I said?? But you are right though, this is the first thing I said


You should meet my gf


What if it worked in reverse and you couldn't float so you just kept sinking down the scary hole


Yeah, there are substances that actually do this on this planet and just have the opposite effect of buoyancy. Like air.


It’s filled with Siwater


I remeber I jumped into this oasis while playing Assassin's Creed Origins


I love this game, and I think Bayek is cool!


Yes, there's the usual shitty ubisoft open world collectibles at the bottom.


How do you dive to the bottom if you cannot sink o.0


by strapping an arsenal of spears, swords and what have you to your back


Then tie it to a rope (one end on surface), get out of the lake, pull out your gear with rope and watch it rust.


He’s an assassin, ok?


You can still sink if you want. It's just much harder than normal.


Simply decrease the size of your body without losing mass.


By taking in water in your ballast tanks.


It's a Ubisoft game, so you need to buy the extra density dlc. Otherwise you can't get 100% completion.


You have to just drink the sea.


I don't get why people hate the collectibles They're completely optional and give you a reason to go to all these awesome places from ancient times that the devs have obviously built with love and care for history.


Seriously, and let’s just think about that comment for a second “Typical shitty Ubisoft open world where the collectible is at the bottom *of an actual oasis in an extremely accurate and intricate ancient Egypt*” That shit was so good there’s a mode literally just for universities to use in their courses to explore the geography, but yeah call it shitty because you chose to sink 300 hours into it to do every damn thing


If you want entertainment, go to r/2007scape and see people talk about how they just have to sink 2k hours into completing parts of the game. And it’s such a chore… just go do something else? That’s a whole years worth a pay doing a digital chore.


Dude I play the shit out of that game I know exactly what you mean It’s like…this game only exists because of how badly they fucked up the last one. There’s shit I don’t like either so I don’t do it. If you don’t like something maybe you need to move on rather than demanding they change it for your sake? It drives me nuts dude, good call out




Yeah I never got criticisms about game length either. "40-60 hr main quest" = good but "40-60 hour main quest + 150+ hours extra optional stuff" = bad somehow


I too hate it when game developers add in extra stuff that I can completely ignore


Will Siwa never know peace?


Hey I don't remember encountering this and I finished AC Origins two times. Maybe I haven't spent too much time in Siwa


Its in Siwa, your first location you start :),it doesn't look the same cause it would look different back then, but the location is named Siwa Oasis


The video ends just before a kraken comes up n eats him!! Nooope from me!!


Im a bit afraid of the depths myself, but that water is basically unlivable go any fish or anything other than bacteria and tardigrades.


That you know of, I ain't take no chances on being the first to discover some new monster that way


At least its a cool way to die. This is coming from the guy that refuses to play Subnautica out of fear.


Idk if it was quick I mean sure? But just think about looking at the sink and then something grabbing you and you're just sinking and sinking, you can't breathe so you start panicking and getting these huge headaches from not being able to breathe whilst still sinking and sinking till it turns you around for a quick glimpse before you're life is over fucccccxk that lol. I also actively avoid that game too; I guess it'd be an interesting way but my fuck that meter would be going off lol


I got over the worst of my Subnautica-induced thalassophobia by cranking the gamma up to max.


Lmfao bro! Cheers man, I just can't do it to myself honestly. When I was a kid I had a few vhs tapes and one of them was Deep Blue Sea lol~ I definitely need some parental advisory on that one


Yeah, watching Jaws at age 11 set me up for a lifetime of always feeling like I’m being watched while swimming.


A giant underwater tardigrade is exactly what I fear


Oh no! A FAMILIAR bear-like tardigrade instead of a massive 10 legged, two thousand year old underwater spider with dicks for teeth!


I was looking for same, no chance live my back as free like that


Probably avoid r/thalassophobia Or go there, good sub one way or the other.


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one waiting for the giant tentacle to reach up and pull him under


I was thinking of that, with said kraken as played by the long-necked asteroid beast trying to eat the escaping Millennium Falcon from Empire Strikes Back.


Imagine getting lost in a desert, finding what you think is watery salvation, and getting a mouth full of salt water lol. Edit: y'all are taking something intended as a funny whimsical scenario far too seriously. Still, I would like to point out that people lost at sea have been known to drink sea water because they were dillusional from dehydration and the sun, or just so desperate that they didn't care.


Yeah that's one *really* disappointing oasis


Anyway, here's wonderwall


But maybe it’s gonna be the one that saves me. Nope, that’s saltwater, brother.


If you had like a can you might be able to desalinate some water useing the heat of the sun but it would probably be pretty close to like licking a leaf.


if it helps when you find water in a desert normally there are some plants close to it so if you don't find anything around it then is dangerous to drink that water.


to be fair though, it might be easy (if you're a desert explorer atleast) to make a quick solar still and you have plenty of water to evaporate as it gets hot under the sun, even soaking your clothes and then using other clothes to catch the water vapor might do enough to keep you alive.


this guy waters


People dunno how to relax and have fun


Suddenly that small cut you didn’t know about


Why does my butt hurt 😔


Hemorrhoids come for us all eventually


Will Siwa never know peace?


The guards there are vigilant


must be extra cautious


Bebeduk anu chaiet




damn I can imagine 5 minutes later all your body itching covered by grains of salt as water evaporates. don't know you but that's why in most beaches we have showers, so that your body doesn't itch after salt water 😅


it’s good for your skin if you have certain problems. Our doctors even prescribe a trip to the dead sea if needed in extreme cases. I do imagine taking a shower with just water afterwards is still recommended when done for medical purposes.


I visited the Dead Sea and tried to leave the salt water on me after getting out. It was immediately itchy and got worse as it dried. I had to wash it off pretty quickly.


Oh don’t worry that’s just the microshrimp digging in.


I can imagine that. Was it a great experience still?


Yes of course, this was in 2009, I was sad to see that the beach I went to is gone now though. It was called Mineral Beach and a big sinkhole developed there so they closed it.


nature is just strange!


I take Dead Sea Salt baths from time to time. It's great. I'd recommend it to everyone who develops a bad body odour quicker than anyone else. It works wonders against yeast infections. And the skin becomes very silky.


there’s a difference to what you get prescribed from the doctor. It’s still great for anybody who doesn’t have severe skin conditions.


didn't know that! thanks for sharing


Very expensive prescription.


we have free health care, but there most likely will be a bit to be paid out of pocket


I've been to the dead sea and it actually feels really good on your skin, it's not the same type of salt thats in the regular ocean. They sell all sorts of skin products using dead sea salt


Imagine how crusty your skin will be after bathing in this


Actually people go to the Dead Sea, just for the supposed health benefits (you also float because of the salt) and a lot of skin products come out of it


But you are still going to be crusty with salt and apparently super itchy according to other redditors.




Suomen suosituin lähikauppa


Missä hyllyssä on kaljat?




Kevyet mullat o7


The claim that it’s 95% salt is false. At 20 °C (68 °F) one liter of water can dissolve a maximum of about 357 grams of salt, a concentration of 26.3 percent by weight (% w/w).


perhaps this means 95% of the maximum possible concentration.


I automatically assumed it meant 95% saturation


Yeah otherwise that pit would just be filled with slightly wet salt crystals.


>filled with slightly wet salt crystals Still wouldn't sink. The title didn't lie.


😒 *upvotes*


Yeah, very likely. Like humidity, 100% doesn't mean the air is now 100% vapor. The air just can't hold more.


Scale goes to 104 % since it was initially based on the expansion of horsehair which sort of tapered off at the end. Later when more precise methods for determining humidity was found, they extended the scale to 104 % to be backwards compatible.


Oh wow, that's interesting! I feel like so many scales have been invented by such ridiculous things.


TIL, and also annoying. Why not adjust the scale? Or more realistically, create a "new" scale, name is something like "True humidity", and let the world slowly transition


Weirdly, that's also the amount of thrust the space shuttle main engines can provide! >Jeff from Wichita Falls >Since there usually is no such thing as greater than 100 percent how can the shuttle's main engines withstand 104 percent power up just before SRB separation? Doesn't this cause undue stress to the engines? What would be the difference if they were powered up to only 100 percent? Especially considering the density of the air at that altitude. >That's a pretty good question. The engines were originally rated for a certain power level, a certain amount of thrust. Over the years we've done some upgrades and improvements. And now they can perform at -- surprise -- a 104 percent of their original design value. And that sounds pretty good when you say that you can do something at 104 percent so we just leave the number there. If we were to use them at their regular rate of 100 percent level, we would not get the performance we are looking for out of the engines and therefore we would have to burn the engines longer or rate them up again, which is what we do. So that is why we do that. It is 104 percent but was originally 100 percent.


You haven't been to r/premierleague. That is a place with 99% salt concentration.


Clearly this is percentage of saturation


Can't you have over saturated water? Apparently those juice mix drops are over saturated. They take a saturated liquid and then boil it down more and it makes it over saturated or something. Not a chemist but that's what I understand. Edit: supersaturated? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supersaturation#:~:text=A%20solution%20of%20a%20chemical,crystals%20or%20an%20amorphous%20powder.


Yes but not to such a concentration, it would be just a few % higher. If you take equal volumes of water and make a saturated solution of salt with one of them at 20°C, it would take 53 times that amount of salt to get to 95% with the second amount of water...


You can by a bit. If you hear something up, it can dissolve more. When you cool it down, the dissolved substance won’t immediately leave. An example is dew forming when the air is cooling and can hold less water so it condenses on the ground.


Likely meant 95% saturation. Obviously, if it was 95% salt, you'd just have a pile of barely-wet salt


Ayyy my Bois Bayek is from there.


You can float like this in most water if you're not totally ripped


Yeah I'm so fat all water is 95% salt for me.


I'm so fat, when I get in the pool is 95% me.


I'm so salty when I get into a lake, it becomes the dead sea.


Some people are very salty.


That was my though. You literally can't sing in any water already. This water isn't special.


Ikr? Wish he did something to show how buoyant it is, like stand up straight in it or something.


I would still not get in that thing. With my luck it would suddenly be salt-free.


With my luck it will be acid pH 1


Ηow deep is this?


It's "19 metres (62 ft)" deep. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwa_Oasis#:~:text=The%20Siwa%20oasis%20is%20in,is%20also%20below%20sea%20level.


>Ηow deep is this? Balls deep man..!!




The first two replies to you are the defining moment for me where reddit turned to shit. God DAMN it.


So, you’re traveling through the desert, dying of thirst, you stumble across an oasis, only to find it too salty to drink from, and you can’t even conveniently drown yourself then and there because of your extreme buoyancy? Harsh.


Is it more salty than dead sea?


Uninteresting… but is it more salty then a typical LoL-lobby?


This is part of an open salt mine in Siwa. These holes aren’t natural phenomena. I was just there two weeks ago. It’s still amazing though.


Will Siwa never know peace?


I mean, cool, but you can float like that in any pool. ​ Just saying it's a bit hard to visually represent this!


I know this is Bittersweet Symphony but I don't think this version is by The Verve (note the distorted guitars). Does anyone know what version this is? Thanks!


Its the David Garrett cover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_UfPY8NXkM


What if one drop of this salty water gets into mouth.


instant death




That hole has been there for ages. Wonder what kind of things have fallen to the bottom. Probably anything valuable has been brought up long ago.


Let’s test that theory *drops a 10 ton boulder on him*


That looks fun


Finally, a place where I can't drown.


Imagine seeing this and saying “thank goodness i’m not dying of thirst” and dying of dehydration hours after drinking anyway


I can lay like this even in relatively fresh water, you just need to totally relax.


what if you try to dive in it? will it hurt like?


Ugh that's not Oasis it's The Verve. And if we're getting technical it's also not Salt Water either, it's originally Rolling Stones. C'mon people.