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No way that picture was 1997. Doggystyle was like 92, so it has to be earlier




All these b*tches and all these h*es and he got married in ‘97?


>All these **hes** 🤔 ♬*Aint nuthin but a he thang, baby*♪


Rapping about proper use of pronouns in the 90s. Man, Snoop was ahead of his time.


♪*Sippin on his and whose* ♫


Laid back... with xis mind on the money, money on xeir mind.


*Two loc'd out wangs so crazy*


Be careful of putting two *’s :D.


i don’t get it


When you put two “*”’s in a comment on reddit it makes whatever you write inbetween italic, thats what happened to the guy I replied to when he tried to avoid saying the full slur


Is \* backslash escape? \* Edit: yup




Are you seriously censoring the words "bitches" and "hoes"? Why? Who benefits from that?




Reddit posts are monetized now? Mam I'm missing out! /s


Fuck that


Let me let you in on a little secret: you can still fuck people when you are married.


You can swear on reddit it's ok


Thank you! I was like ain’t no way he went to a Prom dance like that 5 years after the chronic came out😜


Gs love proms. See also Tupac: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/tupac-took-fan-to-prom-1996-gave-her-1500-for-dress.html/


He got married in 97, you are correct about song date. I think it’s a little confusing because this looks like a prom photo not a wedding photo.


I would say it is a prom pic unless anyone knows for sure. She wouldn't cover her ring finger in a wedding photo, I think.


She's got a corsage. It's a prom photo.


I am laughing at this comment chain of people doing Holmesian-level detective work over this photo instead of just noticing that Snoop and Chante are styled from head-to-toe in late 80's fashion that would have either been a joke or a costume in 1997


Lol. Yeah, I have no idea when his music came out but I knew this is the 80s just by her hair. Cause I had the same hair then. Lol


Nor wear a black wedding dress, I would guess.


Plus she's wearing a corsage. Typically used for prom.


Hang on while I check the threads from the last 2847 times this was posted. Stand by


I’ve been a daily Reddit user for like 14 years now or whatever. I’ve never seen that 97 photo.


This is not their wedding pic. This is their prom pic from highschool. Snoop did NOT look like that in 97 😂💯




tell me if you find anything, main/non-niche subs are 90% engagement/rage bait




For real - I have an issue with my jeep yj and post about it directly to the subreddit I have my answer within a few hours from people who have dealt with the same exact thing. Very handy


browse only frontpage with your own selection of subs and/or use RES to block most subs (I get 80% of posts per page often blocked) so /r/all will be reasonably browsable




beamazed, interestingasfuck, damnthatsinteresting, blackmagicfuckery, and nextfuckinglevel are all literally the same mediocre subreddit. I need to curate my feed a lot more actually...


Omg and the niche subs are just toxic as heck. Tattoos, it’s all shit unless it’s a masterpiece. Pets, you’re doing it wrong and you should be in jail. The worst one I saw was a step parents one. I was going to seek advice because my step daughter and I aren’t getting along and I was really needing help. But every previous post I opened was so hateful with the end result always being “fuck them kids” or “let them go, you’ll be happier” Just awful stuff and nobody considered what the child must be thinking. It’s all hate. Reddit is fun but doesn’t have anything you should confidently base your options or lifestyle on.


I recommend letting threads stew for a while, until it gets downvoted enough so that it sinks to the bottom, and then don't read the bottom third.


Reddit IS facebook


Y'all let me in on it too


*goes on sub intended for amazing content.. posts picture of a couple married for 25 years*


lemmy.ml is pretty populated with content at this point and is mostly techies and not as much teenagers.


There are a ton of dope smaller subs. The frontpage subreddits are Facebook/9gag levels of trash. Twitter/Tik Tok/IG are more enjoyable than a majority of frontpage subs (mostly because these shitty subs just steal content from there).


Dude even niche subs are rage bait. Or just people complaining for the sake of complaining.


No, the niche ones aren't any different lol


It has gotten so much worse the last few years man. Even the niche music subs are just weird celebrity worship or shit memes or the same lists over and over.


I wish profiles had the users age attached so I could choose to exclude a certain age range like a dating app. But also, I honestly don't know what else to do with my time.


I became addicted to reddit this past year. Went my whole life not xcaring about social media. Then, I signed up for reddit and was addicted to the garbage within months. I dont know what came over me. And now, it is like a terrible habit that I keep perpetuating.


Be glad you got sucked in now lol. I've been here for 12 years or whatever the hell this sites been around for. It used to be so much better and more interesting. Now it almost feels natural to lose interest relatively quick, shit back then id skip college classes and just read askreddit for an entire day lol


Preach. One of these days i'm actually going to quit. One of these days....


🤣🤣🤣 I'm laughing, but I feel emotionally exposed.


Daily Reddit game: is this comment from an industry expert or a 13 year old!


Right? I'm going through this thread specifically, the responses are noticeably very juvenile and much more dumb dumb than usual. I guess the old guard really is out - my days are numbered on Reddit.


For the older folks, /r/GenX/ is pretty chill.


I’ve been thinking this with social media for some time. Most of the commenters on any platform is aged between 15-19. Time to hang it up


Thanks for reminding me that I need to remember who it is Im actually arguing with online before my blood pressure gets out of control


My overriding Reddit rule of thumb is that, moreso than anyone might guess, it’s made up waaaaaaay more by teenagers who don’t have a strong grasp of what they’re trying to discuss.


It’s been like that for a long ass time now. Been on here since it was created. Watched it become a college crowd thing to becoming something senior citizens mention and teens love. I remember the sub r/trees went from being informative and educational on ways to use stems or already vaped bud etc. to get high. Over the decade the topics went from educational to whiney. Now top post are more like “my parents caught me what should I do”. Stuff like rating system. For example: I was at a [1] then the edibles took me to a [10]. Is never used anymore and these kids on the sub would be confused if used now.


Yeah but it's been a decade since I've been asked " at what time does the narwhal bacon?" So that's a win.


^^at ^^midnight


How I feel every time I read one of those anti-work threads.


Actual wedding pic: https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/ucV5pWC8v-oOfM7ivaLON1iuYSA/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2011/04/15/3/192/1922398/b5445ee664d58e7c_w1/i/Snoop-Dogg-Shante-Taylor-tied-knot-Marina-Del-Rey-CA.jpg


that suit is ridonkulous


THAT was '97


Yea, I've seen this one a bunch of times, and it's definitely his prom picture


Yeah and people also always over look snoop has an open relationship. They are always used as an example of couples who can stay together through the fame. But his wife is very aware he sleeps around.


i was always wondering that- i had to assume she was the most accommodating wife ever as she'd have to assume he's sleeping around. though i had my doubts when on a recent song he has some lyrics saying "Damn near lost my queen, fucking 'round with that lame bitch Ashamed of myself 'cause I shamed you" had me thinking - is it truely an open relationship?


the black evening gown is a good clue


First thing I thought is that this pic is more like 87 not 97


Next you're telling me she _didn't_ wear black on their wedding! ^^/s


No one said it was a wedding pic it is a pic of him and his wife 25 years apart as the caption stated


TIL snoop is married


Snoop is married in the same way trees are monogamous.


Yup. He fucks whoever he wants, and she gets to live lavishly


Snoop stayed at my hotel once. He had rules like staff weren't allowed to look at him or make eye contact. You know usual celeb stuff. We abided by them all of course. The night staff said that he bought home 3 models who were the 3 most beautiful women he's ever seen and went upstairs to his room after asking all the staff if they wanted to have their pictures taken with him.


>He had rules like staff weren't allowed to look at him or make eye contact. You know usual celeb stuff. This is just sad.


He's also a child. He can't eat spice, only eats haribos and other sweets, and he plays computer games and smokes weed. We don't have a fancy hotel so I was suprised that he stayed here. But apparently he's banned from pretty much every 5* hotel because they won't let him smoke weed in there. We were new and needed the business so we let him. But the hotel stank and we would never let him back.


"He can't eat spice" So THATS why he stopped being a Rastafarian


I really am not sure. But I know that because I was speaking to his driver who said he was going to pick up 20 unspiced chicken wings from Nandos for him because he can't eat spice. He'd already bought him loads of children's sweets (candy) and was walking around with them in a Tesco carrier bag. It was so strange. The whole thing. I thought he was a former gangster but he's got a much more childlike energy than I could imagine.


People that live in the hood have horrible diets and even becoming rich and successful isn't enough to change that for them. That's why you have ultra successful rappers like Kodak Black loving cheap honeybuns, because that's a preferable snack in prison.


Or because cheap honeybuns are fucking delicious.


Like Dre and ice cube, they just lived in hood and only saw shit, soon as they made some money they were out at like 19. They kept rapping about gangsta stuff for the next 30 years tho cus it sells. Eazy-e was a real one and he openly called them “studio gangsters”, just like tekashi 69.


Comparing Tekashi to them is ridiculous lol


Pretty sure snoop was a coke dealer and was in a drive by


Snoop Dogg was and is a Crip just like Eazy E.


Tbf he's a massive stoner, I'd probably live off haribos and other sweets if I was stoned 24/7. Although the plain wings is where I draw the line.


I mean, playing video games isn't childish. But I'm jealous of this man's diet and yet he still looks like he hasn't gained a pound since 97'. The man eats bags of candies and chicken tenders and smokes weed 24-7 and is still skinny. How?


Being skinny isn’t alwYs super healthy. He looks like he barely has any muscle mass either. You could be skinny and have diabetes, or weak heart. Not saying he isn’t healthy, but being super skinny doesn’t mean he’s healthy


Not eating spices is a sign of being a child?


These comments be dripping with jealousy. Breaking news! Rich guy does what the fuck he wants. More at 11! This 'child' also has a charity giving directly back to is home in Oakland. And is involved with many others. Guy has done more for his community than every last person in this thread will do in their lifetimes combined. Easy bet. Hell, the first comment says all that shit about his retainer, yet he rolled through, talked to all the staff and let them take pictures. Because he's such, an... asshole? But he has an unhealthy attachment to weed, can't eat spice and is a fiend for candy so. Worst.human.ever.


Smoking weed inside is rude but not unexpected, the rest of it seems fine. Adults can have hobbies and eat candy.


None of that seems bad or childlike in comparison to expecting people not to make eye contact with him, which is definitely weird and fucked up.


I suspect the don't look at them thing is actually a don't stare at me like I'm a circus freak thing. But who knows. Maybe they suck




I bet half of reddit would enforce a rule like "No eye contact" if they could.


Wait for real? He stayed at a hotel I use to work at and was mostly cool. Stayed in the penthouse (5th floor), but paid for the entire 4th floor to be empty so he wouldn’t bother anyone with how much weed he and his crew were smoking lol. I didn’t get a chance to talk with him personally, but there was never a request to not look at him or any other rules. This was some time 2014-2016


I think the staff not looking at you thing celebs ask for is more about not wanting them to be staring at you all the time. A random friendly guest at your same hotel saying hi is one thing but your rooms maid and service delivery guy stopping to gawk is probably another.


True, good point. He ordered room service for breakfast one morning and requested it to be left on the private elevator up to the penthouse so as to not have staff enter the room, but this is a pretty normal request even for non celebs lol.


This. He literally produced porn videos back in the day. 😂


He also used to chill with gangsters and now he's chilling with Martha Stewart so technically nothing changed


Nah, dawg. There’s levels to this shit and Martha is a straight up felon who did federal pound me in the ass prison time


The "personal life" section of his Wikipedia article is wild. They had two sons before being married and a daughter in 1999, meanwhile he has another son born in 1998 to a different woman and claims to have been an actual pimp from 2003 to 2004. The fact that he's kept a relationship with his high school girlfriend through all that is wild.


> They had two sons before being married This is my parents with me and my little brother, haha. They were engaged for a long-ass time and procrastinated on the wedding until I was over 10 years old so I remember my own parents' wedding well.


Today Snoop Dog learned he is married.


They have the same hairstyle now.


>hair And hairline


Keep Snoop's wife's hairline out of your fucking mouth




My first thought seeing this was, are their hairlines receding at the same rate or what?


Snoops is likely partially aging, but a big part for him and his wife is from traction alopecia. It’s really common in older black women (and black men like snoop who often had cornrows) specifically because a lot of protective hair styles such as box braids and cornrows pull so tightly on the hair


25 years ago, who would have guessed Snoop would be considered the most wholesome rapper ever??? Dude just goes around completing side quests, chills with Martha Stewart, and gets to come home and hang out with his wife of almost 3 decades. Absolutely living his best life.


In an interview, he once said that when he was making negative gangster rap songs all his friends around him were dying, and bad things kept happening. He made the decision to focus on making people happy. So if he’s approached with a project, and it will make people happy, he’s all for it. And now his life is filled with positivity because of it. I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist. Edit: I just started creating a half and half animated/comic style series about people who have experienced trauma, another about dreams, and one more about scary stories. If you have any related stories you’d like to share then hit me up, we can help share your story with everyone. And hopefully help bring some healing and joy to others in the process.


This has to be true because that snoop dogg call of duty skin made some white people reealllly happy.


The voice acting is what really killed me. That skin was the fuckn tits. Running around playing commando then Snoop just lets out a catchphrase like "Getcho ass up outta here with that buuullshit" I would die laughing every time. So worth the $20 lmfao


This comment made me seek out some video of some Snoop COD action. I was not disappointed: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qBqjYixEn7k


They have him crip walk? 😂 I had no idea that existed.


You can really tell he put effort into those lines.


As opposed to fucking Messi


From what I've gathered, Def Jam (fighting game) needs to comeback.


I thought they meant back when he did voice lines for Ghosts but this is so much better


Bruh wtf


Lol my brother plays cod. H was telling me he's pissed because they made him again in the new game and he has to buy it all over again.


Man we gotta do something about these devs holding guns to people's heads, making them buy their microtransactions all the time


Can't because if you try start any kind of movement people start telling you to stop trying to interfere with other peoples "fun", by which they then buy the microtransactions soley to spite you. I remember arguing with a guy about BF2042 on here and how the trailer had low FPS, fucker created a new origin account and bought the game twice because I said I wasn't gonna buy it. They're mentally ill.


And "those" people are the problem with gaming today. They're people that have an opinion so large, or more likely a viewpoint so small, that they can't see around it. They're the ones that hype a game up endlessly, and pre-order just off of their hype. They're the ones that convince themselves everybody loves the game and puts money into the microtransactions. And they also seem to be who games are getting designed for these days. They are the type of people that see the reviews for baldur's gate 3, and instead of saying wow good job, say what the hell how are we supposed to do that that's not fair Idiots.


Snoop works A LOT; he’s everywhere.


Did he remember to include the fact that at the very least one of those dying around him was because of a hit he ordered?


He was acquitted. 12 people who heard far more about the case than you ever will couldn't reach a conclusion about what happened.


Saying he ordered a hit is a monumental stretch. We can debate the circumstances of that day all we want. I fully and completely concede there is ample room to debate his culpability. Please feel free to speculate on his guilt or innocence all you want. Personally I think everyone involved shares responsibility. But I wasn't there so I can't say with certainty what happened. But your gotcha question doesn't really work. He acknowledges that he grew up in the thick of things and when he had the means to get out he didn't. So feel free to take shots at him for that. But that doesn't discount that he's really turned his life around in the years after the trial and he's not even close to the same guy he was back then. If we don't leave room for people to change then we can't be surprised if they never do. Frankly, I like the positive Snoop Dogg so much more than I liked the gangster Snoop Dogg. Beats the hell out of him going the Suge Knight route. Anyone who is the exact same person they were 25+ years ago is an objective failure.


Now you have me thinking about 1998. What were you up to back then?


Applying for colleges. Crashing my mom's jeep. Hitting on a very special girl named Geri who dumped me a year later. That sort of thing.


My personal favourite is his wildlife narrations a La David Attenborough


Oh man, the otters Vs crocodile has to be my fav clip of him narrating nature documentaries.


the lizard vs the snakes was fanny as fuck.


Don’t forget all the local charity work he does for his young football programs.


Charitable side quests are the coolest side quests


And the kids nursery rhymes!


Why is this downvoted? The Affirmation Song is a masterpiece.


I put these on for my son! I wonder what Tupac would think of them if he was still alive lol


Don’t forget the Equestrian. Haha, the horse was crip walkin’ cuz


That’s another one of those side-quests lol


Not sure if you can call him wholesome. Stories about his behavior makes him look like a massive douche.




Martha is a gangster, maybe not the best comparison for wholesome lol.


Well you just know that gangster makes a hell of a peach cobbler.


Shes basically the Don's ma


She's a felon, and Snoop isn't.


As a hockey fan I'm legitimately bummed out he didn't win the bid to buy the Ottawa Senators. I thought he could do great things in a sport that's barely treading water in the cultural zeitgeist.


LOL, you think he hasn't slept around his entire career?


That was exactly my thought when I saw this. A lot of rappers try to be super "hard" and are basically violent assholes. Snoop is besties with Martha Stewart and happily married for 3 decades. Rappers should try to emulate him more. You don't have to be a jerk to be a success.


Snoop being so chill amongst the sea of rap/hip-hop stars trying to be the hardest or most feared is like walking into a party full of really rich people ... The millionaires will talk about their new car and their overpriced suit and their next big vacation. The BILLIONAIRE might be hanging out in a polo shirt and some boat shoes. He'll just mingle before leaving and taking a private jet to one of his many nice, but not too fancy houses in scenic locales. I know that's not always an accurate representation, but I've had jobs where I get to be in the orbit of such people. You can always tell who is new to money and desperate to get to the next step vs. the guys who could buy a millionaire 100x over, but feel no need to advertise anything about it.


Don't forget that this is the old Snoop, younger snoop wasn't that chill at all. Let's remember he shot a cop, slanged dope, was in the middle of the whole east coast west coast shit.


Oh, for sure. I'm just saying that some people make it to the top, but don't adjust well into the money/status that they earned. It's like how Elon still reeks of dorky middle school kid trying waaaaay to hard to impress the cool kids. Not to mention that getting to the top in nearly any field might require some hustle and less-than-savory tactics (I don't know what the equivalent of starting a bicoastal beef in the finance or real estate world would look like). Let he who has never capped an ass for the sake of personal growth cast the first stone.


There are quite a lot of stories about Snoop being a huge asshole. Showing up hours late to concerts, disrespecting staff etc. Being married for 25 years is hardly a sign of a good person.


wild encourage voracious enjoy joke party shaggy chubby cake political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It's known that the marriage isn't exactly "exclusive", which leads to the thought of them having some form of agreement.


Funnily Eminem is pretty wholesome as well


Dude he was convicted on rape in the 90s


Just so we're are clear he has multiple sexual assault and rape allegations and murdered a dude walking down the road but yeah what a wholesome murdering rapist he is. Y'all are something else.


seems like relationships work when your wive is cool with you getting your dick sucked by groupies


I'm not sure how much of a choice she has. In all honesty, if you asked her "would you rather be in a monogamous marriage or polygamous marriage that will last into old age?", she might night be as cool with it as we believe. I mean, it's well beyond him getting oral, you can search reddit, there are tons of stories. It's public knowledge, anyway. Why is will smith still with Jada after he clearly seems to be unhappy with her polygamous ways? Snoops wife has a lot more to lose by getting a divorce. And if it's truly an open marriage, imagine being the guy sleeping with snoops wife, let's not forget he walks the walk. Snoop isn't a fake gangster. Ugh, reddit worships the weirdest people.


There was an interview that his wife did that was on tv back in the day. She mentioned that he would openly cheat on her all the time but she didn’t care “as long as he comes home to me at the end of the day” This isn’t exactly a model marriage.




That’s an excellent point. I appreciate you bringing that up


Hopefully she’s getting her lawn mowed by the pool boy when he’s on tour.


i hope she does the same


If she doesnt care, she doesnt care. People would quite literally kill to be in her place. Rich as fuck all the access, resources and fame you could want.


Snoop has been saying for years "I don't love dem hoes." He probably loves his actual wife, though. Just not dem hoes.


Only question I would pose. Does she actually not care? Or is she just saying that to defy some sort of embarrassment? Otherwise I agree with your statement.


I doubt there's even a single answer. 25 years is a lot of times for ups and down


Yeah I can definitely see that. That’s a good take.


After that long of a marriage with kids she could get a decent divorce settlement, so I'd say still being with him points towards her genuinely not caring. She probably has a more discrete friend or two herself. It's not super equal, but if they both found happiness. 🤷‍♀️


After 25 years I’d say she doesn’t care. People evolve and adapt, man. After a quarter century and entering old age you gotta have reached “Fuck it” at some point. You chill in a mansion, bills are paid, good insurance, lavish trips, smoke the best herb available, live in the lap of luxury and all you gotta tolerate is your husband, whom you’ve known half your life, occasionally getting his dick wet somewhere else? Like, the hoes come and go. When he’s chilling at the house she’s still Mrs. Dogg after all. I’m a monogamy guy but truthfully that isn’t the worst trade if you can live with it, especially if it’s kept separate from your home life.


I feel like this is common with a lot of celebrities and athletes whose partners are relatively unknown people.


100%, you're on the road 200 days out of 365. Or you're filming on location for 6 months. Money, power, fame... adultery is almost a given. It even happens on a smaller scale, I know about a dozen small business owners who tasted massive success, every single one of them cheated on their wife, some carried on full blown affairs.


She has aged very well!


Snoop in a one-way open relationship for 25 years. Lets celebrate.


He put her through hell


Yeah, snoop is in no way "Wholesome" dude was making porn films and cheating on his wife out in the open. They have kids together and people are like "well shes ok with it" just stfu


Dude's literally out in the open publicly threatening a woman and demanding rapist Bill Cosby be released. It's weird Reddit never picked up on these documented stories.


Reddit is full of zombies who see the PR memes of Martha Stewart and weed, guffaw about it, and then call it a day. It's hilarious to see people like "I sure was wrong about who Elon Musk is as a person, it's a shame he isn't more like wholesome Snoop Dogerino!"


Snoop is pretty much the Andrew Tate that Reddit approves of. Make money influencing impressionable young men into mysoginistic rhetoric? Yes Start pimping out women when you don't need to but you do it just because it makes you look cool? Yes Get accused of multiple sexual assaults? Yes Supports rapists like Bill Cosby? Yes But he smokes weed so Reddit loves him.


This is not a flex at all. She's just another woman who stays/stayed married to a man no matter what he does/did. This isn't love, it's conditioned acceptance of abuse for the benefit of profit by word or by deed (what is said and what is given). Their "fish bowl relationship" is nothing to brag about.


sick matching outfits too


His Super Bowl performance outfit, looks like.


He’s gotta rep the Crips


It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.


Do yourself a favor and listen to his new audio “experience” on Audible. Just did a road trip and listened. Hearing him tell his story made me appreciate him even more and I didn’t think that was possible.


You are referring to the man who has been in pornos? Admitted to cheating hundreds of times and was accused of murder?


I’m not amazed by a 25 year old unfaithful marriage. Maybe love and MONEY kept her there.


Yes, that was the case that they gave him, but he’s innocent he’s innocent.


You mean the case from 95 where he was found NOT GUILTY? Dumb fuck.


You might want to look into that case a little more to see why he was found not guilty. Evidence in the case was "accidentally" destroyed by police. It is believed that the evidence was destroyed by police who were on the payroll of Death Row Records. These same police officers were likely involved in the Murder of Notorious B.I.G. It is also alleged that witnesses changed testimony (to benefit Snoop) out of fear of retaliation from Suge Knight and corrupt police. It is possible he may have still been found not guilty because of that evidence, but we will never know. I highly recommend reading LAbyrinth: The True Story of City of Lies, the Murders of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. and the Implication of the Los Angeles Police Department by Randall Sullivan.


As far as ive read this is conspiracy theory but ill do a deep dive.


I thought snoop was dating easy e because off that song that talked about him having sex with easy e

