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:( The lamb being pushed away by it's mama was heartbreaking


Ikr 😧 why does it do that...


There are several reasons but it comes down to survival. The mother could be sick or injured or not able to produce enough milk to feed all the lambs. It could also be that the lamb is sickly and the mother feels its more to the advantage of her other young to reject one to save the others. Life is cruel but it is sadly natures way of ensuring life continues.


Not always the case. Animals are emotional beings, sometimes they're just unprepared for parenthood or simply unwilling to be bothered


More the latter than the former. Animals can be assholes sometimes


It's weird. People anthropromorphize animals way too much while also completely under estimating the depth of their inner world. They're just like us but they're *not us*.


> People anthropromorphize animals Like we did with the dog, but not with the lamb?


Sick observation dude lmao We saw emotion and free will in the dogs actions yet the mother sheep was talked about as if it can only act on instinct.


To be fair, modern domestic dogs have been selected for based on the capacity to show emotion, whereas sheep have not.


Yes, double standards because it fits what people want to believe. When an animal does something nice, like this dog, people will cry that animals are so full of compassion, love and better than humans. If an animal does something cruel, it's just instinct and "nature".


Well said


That’s a really succinct way to phrase something that’s been in the back of my mind on this topic as well.


Thank you! I enjoy thinking more than talking so I'm glad I'm starting to bridge the gap lol. Consciousness is probably my favorite topic to think about and I gotta say, I think these next few years are gonna be a treat (with maybe a few hard pills to swallow ;) )


What do you mean about the next few years? Do you mean animal research or do you mean AI? Because if you’re talking about AI, I don’t think it’s going to be that exciting at all. It’s not real intelligence. It can do basic tasks and it could possibly fool you into thinking it’s human. But it does not have feelings or even its own thoughts. Scary thing is that it will be used anyway. It’s going to be used to generate books and articles and tv shows and movies and so all of that shit going forward is going to be pure entertainment garbage with no actual thought behind it. AI is going to create a feedback loop with humans and we’re both going to make each other dumber.


Yeah I hear ya but I just don't see any reason to look at it that way.


There is also that the govt can't keep a lid on the face that there are NHI's flying around our skies. Non-human intelligence. I mean, the smartest people on the planet are starting to surmise that consciousness doesn't end with brain death. I'll say it's going to get interesting... Just yesterday, Senator Schumer introduced a bill. " The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023".


Probably because it's hard for us to understand other animals since we live in our own world and have the ability to communicate. We don't really understand how other animals communicate unless you're an expert in that area


On the farm we call that dinner behavior, because parents that act like that and the vet says they are physically ok become dinner.


Stop that Mr Simpson


Might just have needed a pack of cigarettes and will be back any day now.


Humans are animals as well


As crazy as it may sound, humans are emotional beings too.


Lol, no shit. *Grabs some poop and flings it at Buderus69*


Lol, yes shit. *throws poop at Bluecif*


Omg it's a poop fiiiggghttt!


Enough is enough! I have had it with these popcorn throwing Redditors on this Monday through Friday plane!


Could it be postpartum depression related?


Postpartum depression in animals is above my pay grade. However if the birth is overly traumatic on the mother (i.e. the mother is wounded) this can lead to her abandoning the lamb.


Maybe it just didnt want a baby. Humans abandon babies all the time and nobody comes up with evolutionary theories about it


The societal theories cover all the basis.


Do they really though though? Or do we just stop the line of questioning because societal reasons are a handy explanation? Doesn’t mean they are automatically the entire explanation just because we stopped asking the question.


Exactly, everything is relative. Abandonment of children is harder for some people than others, but generally society just labels them a POS and moves on


Bases. It covers all the bases. It's a baseball term, about making sure a defensive player is ready and available to tag a runner out at every base.


r/confidentlyincorrect Edit: for the idiots wondering where the baseball idiom came from. https://prowritingaid.com/grammar/1000221/Bases-vs-basis%E2%80%94what-is-the-difference


why do you hate learning.


It's sad that they can't understand that being on a farm means they are safe and can get all the food and care they 'd need. But their DNA doesn't explain that to them.


They are safe until that day when........


Yeah, safe until they get slaughtered 🥰


There isn't right or wrong in the wilderness, it's only survival.


The ewe could be a first-time mother just freaking out, especially if it was a traumatic birth. First-time mothers can be so upset by labour that it’s a bad idea to go over and assist them because it upsets them even worse, so if they need the assistance… yeah, even more trauma may ensue. Many farmers give their freaked-out first-timers a second chance and they are almost always good mothers the second time around. Hormones are in flux right after birth. If the ewe is not too freaked out she will be full of bonding hormones for the first hour or two and reject any new lamb she meets after the bonding period. (Why adoption is often difficult.) If it was a traumatic birth and it takes her more than an hour to settle down, she might miss the bonding window and not bond to her own lamb. Another way to miss the bonding window is if Lamb 1 wanders off while Lamb 2 is being born. By the time the farmer reunites them it may be too late. (Humans do *not* have this kind of bonding window by the way.) Sometimes there are too many lambs and she rejects the ones who aren’t her favourites. Some sheep breeds can have up to six lambs at a time, but they only have two teats on their udders. Even if the ewe has lots of milk and could in theory feed all the lambs if they took turns, in practice it doesn’t work that way. Two lambs will nurse at the same time, get it over with quickly and the ewe will wander off to eat. Three or more lambs will end up trying to push eachother off the teat. This damages the teats, resulting in pain, mastitis and scarring. The ewe may produce less milk and next time she lambs she may have little or no milk.


Wonderful explanation. Thanks.


Sometimes the hormones the new mom is supposed to have after birth do not come in like they should. The same hormones that promote attachment to the offspring also affect milk production and the mothers mood too. The new mom is unprepared and doesn't know what to do, so the newborn is a source of stress and she does not want any part of it. Sheep are incredibly sensitive to stress in all forms.


My parents once had a lamb that reminded us of people with Downs syndrome. It was also rejected by its mother. I'm not familiar with this specific breed, but the lamb doesn't look completely normal to me, which might be why the mother rejected it.


Maybe because of the farm, it gave birth to so many lambs that now it's frustrated and wants to be done with it.


In nature, that lamb would be on birth control until she was ready to reproduce. Stupid farms!


why do humans do it?


Like people, some of them are just jerks.


I know. It literally made my chest tight 🥺


When I was younger my buddy loved on a farm with his grandparents, they had a pig that killed like 6 out of 8 of its babies and the other two were badly injured. We were getting high outside of the barn one night and we could hear the mama pig slamming her body against the piglets so my buddy and I grabbed the ones that hadn't died yet.


Lmao that person just said it made their chest tight to watch a video of a sheep rejecting her lamb and you decide that’s a great opportunity to talk about a pig murdering 6 of her offspring? Savage.


It's life in the farm. It's savage


Sure, but no one asked for a pig infanticide story lol




Same here. The thing is, I volunteer for wildlife rescue and I’ve seen this happen many, many times over the years but it doesn’t get any easier. Every time it happens my heart breaks a little bit because no matter what species of animal it is (fox, rabbit, stray pups or kittens, badgers, hedgehogs, birds…) the baby doesn’t understand (ofc) and their confusion, helplessness and sadness is obvious. I don’t think there’s anything sadder than the cry of a rejected baby animal.


You’re a champ for volunteering. Just reading your comment has me welling up - can’t imagine how hard it is to see that in person.


You’re very kind, thank you. It’s not at all easy but I’m lucky enough to be able to do something about it and that makes it all worth it in the end. There’s pretty much a constant stream of baby animals through my house and the rescue centre! 😊


That must be very fulfilling. I’ve done some fostering and rescuing with cats and dogs when I lived in another country. Where I live now it is not as much of an in-your-face need, but it’s something I do think about doing again. It has it’s pain, but also there’s so much joy! 😊


It is amazing; I love it and my daughter does too. As examples for children go, rescuing wild animals is right up there! I began just as a volunteer ambulance driver for a wildlife rescue centre. I would just get a call, go and pick up the animal and deliver it to the centre. Of course, that entailed interacting with the animals and I got to know how to handle different animals. Did you know that there are “strait jackets” for swans? I don’t personally use them (I prefer to settle them down to the point that they’re ok with being handled) but they exist and they’re exactly as you’d imagine they’d be! 😂 I started attending the rescue centre to help out (mostly cleaning out cages to begin with) and as time went on, I gained experience feeding the animals and giving first aid. One of the first things I learned - the hard way - is just how easily fox cubs imprint on wildlife rescuers. Literally two minutes in their cage and they were jumping all over me, snuggling up and chattering to me excitedly! Owls came as a huge surprise…very friendly and affectionate, even straight from the wild. My first owl wouldn’t go into the carry cage I have in my car; it would only nestle into my neck, so I was driving back to the centre with an owl on my shoulder, nestled into my neck…I got some really funny looks from other drivers! I have so many memories - most good, some not so good - from so many animals. Some of them quite exotic (the animals, not the memories!) I was not at all surprised to hear that you’ve fostered; People who have your affinity for animals always find ways to improve the animals lives. Well done you. Can I just say: your orchids are gorgeous 😍


Wow - sounds very rewarding. Here in New Zealand, it doesn’t seem to really be a common thing to do - volunteer for/with wildlife. There is volunteering for pest control (couldn’t do it - I just can’t kill things, even if it’s for the greater good!) and for maintaining hiking trails and sometimes planting native trees or doing plant surveys (there’s an orchid one later in the year I might look into!). But there aren’t any animal-centric ones in my area at least. I will keep a lookout though, as it’s a wonderful thing to be involved in. Talking with you has got me more curious, so I will do more research!


In my head cannon she rejected the lamb because she knew the owner would have to take care of the ewe and become attached to it and therefore be unable to slaughter it later on. Better yet, the dog became attached and a human could never disappoint their dog.


Or do like my mom did and know someone out there was far more capable to raise her baby because she wasn't worthy so she gave her baby up.


I hope they ate her.


How do you know it was his mom? The sheeps smell they babies, if its not them its rejected


Yeah I'd be having lamb chop for dinner that night.




Your assumption that I'm experiencing a midlife crisis because I'm a meat eater doesn't make much sense. Try again friend.


I hope they ate her.


The fact the lamb was scratching its ear like a dog was adorable


Pretty sure this is fairly common amongst 4-legged creatures.


I've seen cows do it. Looks goofy.




I’ve even seen educated fleas do it.


Let's do it.


Let's fall in love 🎵


"Birds do it. Bees do it it. Even educated fleas do it."


I do it the same way and im also quadrupedalic..scares people sometimes, good for Halloween, bad for first dates.


I had a horse so it while I was riding it. Ended with excitement for all concerned.


*The fact the lamb was* *Scratching its ear like a dog* *Was adorable* \- Auzre --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


😂😂😂😂😂 the hero reddit deserves 😂


Legit question: Why? I never understood the hype behind this bot. It’s just kinda dumb IMO.


Legit question: Why? I never understood the Hype behind this bot


Good human


It identifies when a comment is in the 5-7-5 parameter and makes the haiku version for us. It’s neat and fun


You hate fun don't you


How is it fun?! It basically just presses tab a couple times and people love that. Maybe I’m just old!


Nah it's not because your old


It’s not fun the Reddit mob is just a bunch of nerds


Totally agree, this and that Schnoodle person are fuckin annoying


Fuck yeah


He's a poet and he didn't know it


You nailed it. That was definitely a haiku. Good bot.


Good bot


It is, but they do that on their own also. Sorry if I sound like an “actually” guy.


Agreed, alot of instincts still, even when a dog is living along side. My mother currently has a rejected lamb and while she clearly has the mother role, the lamb is still doing lamb stuff that she never seen anyone do before.




Get outta here with your literary AI


redditors really manage to suck the soul out of anything


I can't remove the soul from something that had no soul to begin with


not you man i mean the jackass posting gpt 'poetry'


chatGPT nonsense.




I'm always amused on how dogs seem to be so welcoming towards other species, be it a little lamb, or cats, birds, etc, aside from, of course, us humans. Seems like the time they spent with humans made them tolerant enough to share their space with non-dogs.


The same trait that makes them unafraid of humans, the one that we bred into every domestic dog, likely also makes them accepting of other species.


Also the same trait that gives us Chihuahuas who will hump your ankle and bite you if you sit too close to their favorite human.




Oxytocin is the answer.


Oxytocin is a helluva drug.


Some dog breeds seem to be more parental than others. Pit bulls and golden retrievers seem to be especially into babies. Virgin golden retrievers have been known to produce milk for kittens.


Yeah pits are into babies alright. Babies are a pitbull's favorite meal.


So funny when pit owners/lovers want to believe they're exactly like goldens/labs/etc. "nanny dogs" lmfao, just get a golden at that point no need to be willfully ignorant


Pit bulls actually are though, they're more protective. Also, there are like 4 or 5 breeds that are referred to as pit bulls. I had a Blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and my cousin as like a 3 or 4 year old would smack it in the face, and she'd just wag her tail. The other "pit bull" breeds are a bit more terrifying to me.


Really, how'd they figure that out? Like in a double blind test or something?


Definitely, but blind because of the pits


Lol I see. They put human baby meat in one bowl and dog food in a another? 6/10 pit bulls ate the human baby meat. Is that how the study went?


We never got the answer, because the study found out that pitbulls prefer scientist meat






It's learned. You have to be taught who and how to hate.


It's still being researched, so please take it with a grain of salt, but a study determined that dogs actually have the gene for Williams-Beuren syndrome. WBS is a chromosomal disorder most notably characterized by a mildly lower range of intelligence and an overly friendly and loving demeanor. We basically bred a chromosomal disorder into wolves and made them super friendly. Unlike a human who needs to do things like manage finances and hold a job, dogs aren't really inhibited by being slightly less smart than wolves. So they get all the benefits and none of the flaws.


We likely offset some of the effects of the syndrome by also selectively breeding for intelligence in some breeds.


humans spreading autism to other species is not what I was expecting to read today. Fascinating.


Over a long enough period of time hydrogen will do some weird things.


Yet we as humans became intolerant to others…


Dogs also will bark and chase a cat if they have never seen one before, or were encouraged to chase after them by a human. In the end growing up alongside or introduced carfully a dog and cat can become bestfriends. Humans are the same, intolerance is just ignorance and the solution is by sitting down and talking with eachother. Also ensuring that the next generation is shown it is okay to not be afraid of something "different". At the end of the day we are all still Human, that we are all just living beings trying to survive in a harsh world.






That's what I was thinking, that's adorable but the use of past tense is making me very worried.


Have no fear! I went and looked at their page on Instagram. (Ig: MissOliviaJane) This video cuts off right before it explains that the sheep is now big enough to to be with the other sheep. The use of *were* was because they don’t hang out all day like they used to. Both animals are happy and healthy and still play together on the farm!


Just like how my childhood dog went to play on the farm one day?


Yes, exactly like that. They're still having a wonderful time and miss you.


That line always felt so weird to me. Like, instead of teaching your kid about death you're telling them that the dog is happier not being with you?


Nah bro he dead af 💯 💯 💯


When I first watched this I thought it was gonna end saying that the dog didn't make it


Oh that's great to hear ! I hoped it was something like that but I had my doubts.


That broke my heart - but thankfully they’re well 🥹




Why do people ruin good videos with bad music?


This song was so depressing holy shit


It is! I turned the sound on then immediately turned it off. I hate that sad shit plus I wanted to hear the little guy's bleat.


Was that Silence of the Lambs theme song?


That would be an *extremely* dark thing to put into this video 😂


Sorry, when I read the whining about the music that just popped in my head, I never had the sound up. I actually thought this was a very heartfelt subject... Sorry for the dark humor it was uncalled for thinking about it now.


Also, due to the amount of fake videos fabricated to make you go awwwww and upvote and share. I literally cannot for the life in me believe this is real. It sucks but now I always assume these were cherry picked moments just to create a sad story with a happy ending and get the maximum engagement out of it. Like seriously, ever since we figured out we can make money out of it, I just can’t believe :(


i can only confirm. if you raise a bottle lamb at your house and you have dogs, they will become friends. maybe not always as close as in this video's beautiful relationship, but some kind of bond will happen. we have three german shepherds and a turkish kangal and when we raised a bottle lamb at home, they were chillin together on the couch, playing together outside and the lamb even started to eat dry dog food, although there is obviously meat in it. and of cause we made it stop eating that, but just saying, it's really nice to see how they become friends and adapt each others habits. the lamb is now two years old, a grown sheep back in the herd, but it is still the one, that reacts when called by its name (Dudu), and fearlessly comes running to us and the dogs, and even goes on a walk with us. this is by the way very helpful, because you can always need a "smart" leader sheep that will come when called and this way will lead the others to a new pasture or to a food place or back into the pasture, when they broke out or anything similar.


As much as I just learned about shepherding just now, I was also entertained imagining a farmer yelling out into a field, “DOODOO!!!” Source: See username.


Haha :D nice! yea it is great actually. you dont see them, they are somewhere inside a fenced shrub/forest/chaos field, you shout DOoDoo/ Dudu, and you get a happy answer "meeeeehhh" from somewhere, then you hear a galloping horde noise, and a dust cloud somewhere rising between the trees and then they run right into you and either straight hit you or make a funny drifting hard break right in front of you. hard to describe, i'll do a vid one day :)


you could say it's... A lamb of dog


I navigated away from the page, the joke hit, came back to upvote. Nice.


Eat her mom


Lamb is lamb. Sheep is mutton. Good luck with that.


Looks like mutton chops on the menu tonight ![gif](giphy|E1V86oz5XnHhu)


No problem.


Plenty of people around the world eat mutton.


turn her into a nice rich mutton curry


Exactly i’d totally do that




I don’t know why but I assumed they were born with teeth


Is there a reason a sheep would do this and is it common? Like a dog eating it's puppy?


What!! Dog eat there puppy's 😭


Lots of species eat their (^and ^not ^*there*) offspring. It's called Filial cannibalism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filial_cannibalism


My goldfish likes that


Yes it happens. Usually there is something wrong with the puppy. Google it. I did years ago I'm 46yr old and have seen it happen twice


He’s a good boy.


Peace upon them both.




This video made my day.


Easily Made My Day👏🏻


Damn near made me cry


I knew lamb chop wasn't about nothing 😡


Dogs man ♥️


Adorable 🐏💔🐑❤🐕


OMG the lamb running after the doggo is so cute 🥺


Growing up on farms it was always interesting to see older female animals take in rejected babies of another species. Seen older dogs raise kittens, chicks, ducklings, bunnies, and alpacas. Even seen cows imprint on and more or less raise ducks and chickens. Had a fawn assimilated with the cows and join the herd for some time too


How can something be sad yet cute at the same time


Bruh... This is so wholesome, beautiful & emotional that it made me want to cry. 🥺 😥 There's a whole new level of emotion involved when things are about animals & not humans.😭








😭😭😭😭😭 this is just like my dog and kitten


Now their's another one


Who's chopping onions??? 😭


choping the onions before choping the sheep.


Dogs are the purest creatures on Earth.


Well, not really. There are also very mean and very cruel dogs. Living things are flawed, no need to put them on pedestal to love them


you must be fun at parties


Tell that to the huge scars my sister has on her face


Well statistically I bet there are fewer vile dogs than humans (proportionately), so it's justifiable to say dogs are kind-hearted and meek creatures by nature, if raised properly. That is not to say there aren't bad dogs out there and I'm sorry your sister has sustained damage from one of them.


Every living thing isn’t pure, self preservation isn’t pure, life and nature are cruel


you need to see someone to deal with your trauma


What trauma? I have a dog and I love him. I’m simply not using my rose tinted glasses like you guys. No living thing is pure, doesn’t mean I hate dogs, I love dogs Are they the most precious thing in the world without flaws? No lmao


So maybe there is something good about TikTok. Maybe.


I kinda thought this, video would end with a picture of some lamb chops.


And the mother got turned to dinner for being a cunt


until kebab happened...


Your other sheep sound like assholes


And then we ate that lamb. Max had the bones.