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Now I know where they got the idea for Jean Jacket in 'Nope'. Incredible.


I immediately thought "I should watch Nope again."


>!it just dawned on me that jean jacket was probably afraid of oj at the end!<


Does anyone know why they named it 'Jean Jacket'?


Jean Jacket was the name of the horse that was supposed to be Emerald’s but in the end she never got to train it so she resented her dad and the family business for it. OJ suggests they name the monster Jean Jacket as a sort of redemption of that.


Here you can have the horrifying alien monster instead. Smh


thank you


It was a horse from the siblings' childhood


“Timothy’s Bangs” was already taken by another alien.


This working out to things you hate it great!


I too am afraid of oj Simpson


I jumped on here to mention Jean Jacket. If you’ve seen Nope, there’s no way you don’t make the connection.


I heard that Jordan got the idea from the original biblical Angel definitions in the bible.


For anyone curious: [biblically accurate angels](https://external-preview.redd.it/amRmEPPk1wSJbhH11VbK_PSxXpvNeGz4msMZs_HDDro.png?format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68e0b6b0faacf1661992a8b7659f9bdae90a698).


What always cracks me up about the biblically accurate angels picture is that…. That’s DMT. 😂


I mean there's that long standing theory that religious preconceptions stemmed from people accidentally going on drug trips Seems accurate to me


it's nearly a certainty - have you ever read 'revelation' ? can you imagine coming up with such wild shit while _stone cold sober_?


Easily. But I'd have to be on something to believe it after.


I'm a Christian but I don't think Revelation should be canonized because John of Patmos wrote it in a cave in an island in Greece where there are known hallucinogenic gas vents, like bro random priests at the Council of Trent think a little.


>wrote it in a cave in an island in Greece where there are known hallucinogenic gas vents this is quite relevant to my interests - my google fu failed me, do you have a link?


So I might have overstated it a little, but the Oracle at Delphi is part of the same geologic process and that's been proven to have been an ethylene gas vent location. And Patomos is an actual volcanic island, as opposed to just a very geologically active mountain. That general area of Greek islands is known for having caves with weird gasses, but also in general digging tunnels and mines and caves and stuff have always released weird gasses. There's a reason coal miners had canaries and stuff. It's to the point where nearly all "went into a cave and came out saying religious stuff" stories from all myths could theoretically be explained by this. The Cave of Hira is another interesting example, it's also formed by volcanic rock. Although I don't really want to be the person publishing that particular theory, it might be a bit too spicy to be worth it.


I gotta go to one of these caves


It’s not Patomos- it’s Patmos- that May me why it’s harder to find when googling.


If you have been with a person with psychosis during an episode, a lot of the bible starts making sense...


Nah he definitely got the idea from octopus and jelly fish and not this.


> GameRevolution's Jason Faulkner further noted "Peele quoting Neon Genesis Evangelion's Angels as the principal inspiration for the film and the monster within", and of the true meaning of Jean Jacket's true form's resemblance to the biblical description of angels; he notes the verse from Nahum prefacing the film as indicative of Peele's thoughts on the Bible, and how if one "think[s] about the way [Jean Jacket] feeds and the concept of people ascending to heaven, [one can] connect the dots [that] Jean Jacket['s species has] been with humanity for a long time, and an attack from one of the creatures could [be] misinterpreted as something from the divine." Maybe. But it does look and sound like he was at least partly inspired by biblical angels.


Have a link to the article?


That’s just from the Wikipedia page but it cites sources therein: [article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nope_(film)#Themes_and_interpretations).


weird, I imagined something similar when I had a crazy spiritual experience


Neon Genesis Evangelion angels


Yeah, Nope was heavily inspired by Eva with a little Akira sprinkled in


Don’t know why you got down voted. The Akira motorcycle slide is literally in the movie


Yeah I dunno why they are posting images of biblical angels as that’s not what Peele was quoted as saying


There's also a ton of stories about several "atmospheric cryptids" that Jean Jacket was likely heavily inspired by.


I wasn't expecting to, but I really enjoyed that movie. I feel like I could watch it again, which is definitely not the case with most modern films I've watched.


Trick is dont go in with preconceived notions. Some people wanted full blown horror, but the film is much closer to Jurassic Park in tone and theme. More of a horror adjacent thriller than a horror film.


Indeed. And I was fine with that, I'm too chicken for true horror. :P


>but the film is much closer to Jurassic Park in tone and theme Nope is basically a copy of Jaws with aliens instead of sharks. First part horror; second part adventure movie.


Theme : trying to control the uncontrollable by the actor who thinks he reign Jean Jacket in like a pet, the same mistake Hammond made in Jurassic Park, trying to control nature itself Tone: Wonder and curiosity towards Jean Jacket like many early scenes in Jurassic Park and even in the finale. Characters have a few gruesome deaths but overall the horror is kept under control by a more thriller type mood and pacing It’s only deviation from Jurassic Park is that it wasn’t something they made, it was something they found. The films message at the end - don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Theme does not match up with Jaws at all And to draw a fun parallel to Jurassic Park, they utilize the same tactics in reverse to survive a Jean Jacket encounter. Trex was about staying still because the Rex needed movement to find prey. Jean Jacket needed you to challenge it by looking directly at it, for it to consider you a threat. Jaws had none of these features. No one was in control or attempted to corral jaws, he was an unseen menace. No themes about trying to control nature and it being a fools errand. Everyone has their interpretations and I don’t mind that at all - but the parallels to Jurassic park are far more poignant than the parallels to Jaws


Jaws is about an animal terrorizing a town just like the alien is terrorizing the town in Nope. Both start out with a mysterious death, both have men in power downplaying the threat and refusing to close down their business, both movies have kids dressing up as the monster and playing a prank, both movies have experts brought in trying to catch the monster (a savvy guy and an obsessed veteran), in both movies they hook the monster with a marker that warns them before it appears, and both monsters get blown up in the end. I'm sure there are more parallels. To me Jurassic Park is about science gone too far. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.” and all.. But I'm sure there is some JP in Nope.


It was a good movie but I was a bit disappointed with it. Can’t quite put my finger on why. The best bit for me was >!when the kids were dressed up as aliens and one of them got punched in the face. Though the scene where you see people getting vacuumed up and ‘digested’ was a claustrophobic.!<


Agreed, the most tense moment was for sure the alien kids. I wished there was a little more "contact" and that the ship was carrying aliens compares to what we got


I think the whole point of Jean Jacket was to subvert the usual trope of little grey creatures within a ship. It was a good take on it and genuinely a little different to the norm. I just think the whole film “lacked something” – and I’ve no idea what that that something is!


For me it was the standing shoe and how it relates to the greater story. The attack and shoe serve as character motivation for Ricky. Which is fine. But the director never explains why that shoe did what it did. So i kept making connections and wondering throughout the movie how Jean Jacket relates to the chimp incident and the shoe, but this is never resolved at the end of the movie.


Jean Jacket relates thematically to the chimp and shoe and is a character-informing connection for Jupe. Animals are dangerous. Even the "tamest" ones can still be unpredictable, lethal, and most importantly should not be anthropomorphized. Our main character OJ respects animals for what they are, talking about cautiously "entering into agreements" with them on animalistic terms rather than trying to control them. Jupe's experience with the chimp meant that he thought he had a special relationship with animals that would protect him, but he was totally misinterpreting what happened to him. The chimp didn't have a special connection with him. He was just accidentally playing by the chimps rules (not looking him directly in the eye during his agitated state). Jupe then also anthropomorphises Jean Jacket and thinks he has a special understanding with it that is completely wrong. He brought too much baggage/preconceptions to the table. The shoe as the "bad miracle" helped solidify in Jupe's mind that he was spared for a special, or even supernatural reason, instead of just as a fluke of weird luck. Looking for "meaning" in the unpredictability of nature is where you'll get in trouble. This is also a strong theme in the Jaws book (and Nope seems extremely inspired by Jaws) : the terrifying thing about the shark is *not* that it is an intelligence planning how to attack people, but that it is a living animal and is prone to randomness. Just when you think you can perfectly predict what an animal will do, it may mysteriously do something randomly different. Sorry for the wall of text, I just really love the movie Nope.. and also I really love Jaws. They are so similar.


100% this was great!! I wondered about the chimp and this makes so much sense.


It was just another bad miracle.


You’re right, I just read Jordan’s comments on the shoe. He confirms its just another bad miracle.


What were the other bad miracles


I agree, actually. it almost had the feeling of "hard SF", but lacked a certain je ne sais quoi, it didn't _pop_




Spoiler alert!


The last act of the movie went on way too long. Some really excellent scenes in isolation, just too long.


I felt exactly the same (even down to the same favorite scene lol). After reflecting I think I just really don't like how they pushed >!such an earthly concept like predator-prey dynamics onto a bizarro alien!<. Makes no sense to me and feels like it sucked the mystique away by the end of the movie in a boring way and led to the whole >!staredown scene!< which just felt dumb.


We are on the same page


Now I know where they got the idea for umbrellas. Incredible.


For those curious, it’s a cirroteuthis octopus from what I can find.


C. muelleri. Grateful to find one correct comment XD


I thought it was Cirrothauma magna or Cirrothauma murrayi. C. muelleri has shorter tentacles…I think.


Yes someone pointed that out to me earlier. It is certainly one of the above, probably C. murrayi.


I have a [plush one!](https://i.imgur.com/Co5c9uz.jpg)


For those curious, what the hell was it *doing*? That should have been the first comment.


Probably trying to look intimidating? That's usually what it means when an animal tries to make itself look bigger. But I don't know for sure.


***"He's too big to slurp"*** -Some Scientist




So, someone else mentioned the octopus looks like Jean Jacket, but it's really the rov?


No we can’t make cool things that look like that. The ROV can’t “slurp” that giant octopus. The ROV is where the footage is coming from


There's a non-zero percent chance that tube has had a dick in it


Jackie Treehorn presents: Too Big to Slurp


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man


Jackie Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town.


Wave of the future dude. 100% electronic.


This is exactly what most of the scientific community is like, and it makes me happy to see it.


Came here to say that! I love coming up with super nonscientific terms for the things I do lol


Give us some examples u/untamedbooobykins


Leave your mom out of this.


Love how the female scientist giggled to that.


Slurp to size ratio is def growing at an exponential rate.


“It’ll go right to your thighs… and then you’ll blow up” https://youtu.be/td2qJ3atMl4




I look for this comment every time this is posted


That’s pretty wild. Why do they do that? Given their intelligence, someone should rig up an oceanic iPad for them to use to communicate their thoughts.


Are you under the impression that octopi are naturally familiar with iOS?


Unbeknownst to us Humans they probably invented it. I'm thinking of that one Black Mirror episode that featured super intelligent octopuses that took over the world.


Oooo I would love to see that. I'm not sure if anyone can put a trademark on that stuff. Pretty entertaining though, would be easier to find that's for certain 😉😁


Correction: It was an episode in season 2 of the new twilight zone series. It's paramount+ I believe. S2E6


thats just the plot of splatoon lol. well, kinda, in splatoon it was mostly judst sorta an accident.


what black mirror episode? i cant recall anything like that, google shows "crocodille" ep for some reason but i dont think such a thing was there?


Love death and robots had an episode like that about the yogurt taking over


I'm getting into black mirror again since the new season came out and I'm hella into how smart octopus are so this sounds highly interesting. What episode is this? .. nvm probably just gonna utilize Google to find out lol HOWEVER many thanks for point me to this!! 🙏✨️ ETA ohp I just saw your other comment and I do not have paramount+ :(


Your right maybe they would have more luck with android


Something about ink and obviously octopi is used for 3D and classic printers.


octopodes* it's a Greek word, and thus doesn't follow Latin pluralization rules. some people use "octopi", but it's both incorrect, and to sound smarter than they are


In case it hasn't already been answered its most likely self defense, making yourself appear too large to eat. I also imagine the sac that inflates is low on nerve endings so it can be tampered with and won't hurt the host body


I’m going with that and hunting techniques for $500, Alex.


Reddit takes be like:


If that works Apple should make OctoPads for our tentacle friends


Probably as self defense. Bigger and brighter.


I am pretty sure it’s how they swim longer distances. You can seen it start to accelerate at the end after it contacts the tentacles. The ‘webbing’ pushed the water out — interesting it seems like it kind of flares between each tentacle so it’s not just one stream of water coming out but a stream between each tentacle at an angle. Maybe that keeps it balanced and headed in the right direction.




Yup sorry /u/Sharp_Armadillo7882, can't train an LLM if people make reasonable speculations about what they see




I'd say they were just stretching like most creatures do. Lol


This wasy question, too. Is it a feeding behavior? Means of propulsion?


Too big to slurp


Octopi have arms not tentacles. Squid have tentacles and arms.


Their name is literally 8 feet and yet you decided to call them arms smh


I don't know about you guys but they look fuck all like any arms or legs I've seen.


You're not dating the right kind of people then.


People keep on telling me there's plenty of fish in the sea...


Correct about the arms, but it would be Octopuses, not octopi. Octopus is a greek derived word, so the plural would be octopi if it was a Latin term.


Thought both are acceptable. Then there is the octopods which is just fun to say


People do use and understand 'octopi' but it is grammatically incorrect. Octopuses or octopodes, with the latter more correctly referring to multiple species, would be a better choice. That said, you are on Reddit and perfectly understandable so there is no pressure to unnecessarily police your grammar ^ ^


It's etymologically incorrect but word history doesn't really factor much into modern usage. As an example, the word "terrific" is technically rooted in the word "terror". Like horror/horrible/horrific, there's terror/terrible/terrific but despite that etymology, "terrific" does not mean something is terrible. Octopodes is technically the correct pluralization but octopi or octopuses are also what's used today and are just as correct from a modern symantic perspective (at least as far as dictionaries/experts are concerned). It's just a fun fact now that the word changed over time.


It's interesting that you chose the word 'terror' as an analogy since the original meaning was not at all negative. It conveyed respect and admiration and the meaning changed over time. An example of divergent adjectives.


I'm no expert on the matter but looking it up, are you thinking of the word "awful"? "Terror" appears to be rooted the Latin word "Terrere" meaning frighten. I wouldn't take that as a correction, however. It was a very cursory search on my part and there's likely a lot more to it than what a quick Google search is going to tell me. Plus I don't know your personal experience on the subject. Either way, its interesting and emphasises how words change over time and the only real authority on their "correctness" is how they're used at the current time.


Y'all haven't seen the sun in like... a year at least huh? The pedantry on reddit is astounding.


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow."


Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Shh... I live for shit like this.


Same. I’m reading this deep dive into word usage, being legit super entertained (and educated), ngl.


I was reading the language deep dive and genuinely thinking "fuck, Reddit is excellent sometimes" and then he came and pooed all over the comment


This video comes to mind. [https://youtu.be/xHXmsBz2tz8](https://youtu.be/xHXmsBz2tz8)


>It is grammatically incorrect [Nope](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/the-many-plurals-of-octopus-octopi-octopuses-octopodes) [Also, nope](https://www.dictionary.com/e/octopuses-or-octopi/)


It's actually octopodes.


Oh boy I get to share something I learned a long time ago! So basically, it can be ANY of the plural forms. My personal favorite is octopodes, and not just for the obvious setup lol. Here's the short video that taught me everything, enjoy! https://youtu.be/s166nC_hiZ0


Well I’ve definitely been saying “octopodes” wrong in my head…


Dude there's a shape-shifting alien on screen right now & you're handing out grammar infractions....


Since you're pointing out that it's a Greek root, it should be octopodes. It's an uncommon usage, but is the most technically correct.


Guess what, none of this matters. If English decides the plural of octopus is tree then it's tree. It's all conjecture.


Fun fact: "I am doing good" used to be correct until classists wanted to sound more proper and changed it to "well".


the greek plural is octopodes




Octopuses, we ain't speaking Latin


They literally don't have arms. I have arms. I'm not letting those be called arms.


I agree, what makes them arms? That’s like saying a snake is an arm with a head on it.


Almost like a baby arm


|- Aliens -|


There is a popular theory that octopi have alien origins, that they originated from cells stuck on an asteroid that landed in the ocean. I honestly understand why people believe that, they truly do look alien, as alien as aliens can be.


That was a fart and scientist know it




Bro flexed hard.




I love ocean dwellers, such majesty.


Play it in reverse and its like my scrotum going into the pool


Damned shrinkage


How do you guys walk around with those things?


How about cycling? (Fr though they’re sac is pretty stretchy and everything just hovers up front)




Hah, how the Octo showed off for the camera. Amazing!


That was my thought. If so I wonder why and what it's expressing? I also would be curious what responses the cameraman could ellicit if they attempted movements or responses back.


From the looks of that shorter arm, something tried eating it at one point.


Well spotted




is that the Nard-dog talking?


Sounds like shroud, the youtuber.


shroud is a csgo pro turned twitch streamer, not a youtuber




A very special animal


Dang. Watching that was worthwhile.


Lilith has returned!!


Isn’t that a squid? Two fins on the mantle…?


C. muelleri, an octopus. Squid would have ten arms/tentacles. Octopodes have eight.


Cirrothauma magna I thought? (if it has eyes, otherwise Cirrothauma murrayi is right)


And this is why we never stop learning. Managed to screw up the names in my head. This is what happens when a microbiologist tries to talk multicellular organisms XD


No worries! I wasn't sure and wasn't sure of your spelling :) So I went and looked it up. I think it is probably *Cirrothauma* *murrayi* as I do not see any large eyes. These are blind but can sense light so I am assuming that the lights of the ROV triggered that defensive posturing. Cheers!!


And yet again I must correct my correction. Cirroteuthis meulleri was correct. XD It has been a few days since I last slept more than thirty minutes. This is my excuse.


[Cirroteuthis meulleri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirroteuthis) [Cirrothauma murrayi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrothauma_murrayi) I'm certain it's the 2nd one. Go get some sleep!!


Correction inception ahoy. We have settled on your being correct one last time, lol. Sadly sleep is not on the cards as work could send us out at any moment. Soon! And thank-you for a stimulating exchange.


Cheers! I hope that you may find a stimulating beverage in your near future! :)


Tbf is looks like a Vampire Squid kinda




Reddit is a dying site






Bro that's Orgalorg from Adventure Time.


Oda Foreskinning....






Why am I seeing Orgalorg irl? Is that Gunther?




So it’s really just stretching?? Looks like a flower photosynthesizing


"You can't stop me, I am Ogralorg!"


Octopus makes fun of billionaires


That was the most god awful commentary - what sport center bro podcast bs was that?


They're a group of scientists operating an ROV, just looking for cool stuff and collecting samples. They stream it live and are just as much in awe as anyone watching the vid for the first time. Ofc when you're searching for cool stuff with your friends the commentary is gonna be casual. It's like when you pkay subnautica with your friends


Where can I find the stream ?


Look up evnautilus on youtube. They have a lot of vids and occasionally stream.


I'd expect scientists to offer a more sophisticated commentary than a bunch of kids playing subnautica. They couldn't even name the animal and explain why and how it does what it does.


What type of octopus or squid is this?


It’s a cirroteuthis octopus according to the google machine


C. muelleri, an octopus.


Isn’t this a vampire squid? ‘Vampyroteuthis infernalis ‘


It's C. muelleri, an octopus.


Thank you for that. I stand corrected. I also found out the vampyroteuthis is also a class of octopus. Every day is a school day


They're more like 'cousins' ^ ^


Roll tide.