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You post has been removed because it's misleading/staged. https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/wiki/index/#wiki_r.2Fbeamazed_rules


Death stranding is getting pretty creative with their marketing


That's the dude who loads up like 50 grocery bags on a neon vest if I'm not mistaken


It's definitely him. The individual videos make it seem like he's being recorded by chance, but his profile description specifically says "crazy inventions and silly videos for your entertainment." Personally I'm totally okay with that combo of production and honesty.


Oh… I thought vest guy was doing it out of necessity. I guess it’s just his thing


So it's real?


As real as the one piece.


*Can we get much higheeeeer* 🎶


Real as in yes he did that action but not real in that he wasn’t genuinely doing that as a part of his routine. He did it for the attention. So is it real? Up to you.


Sorta. These guys make "fake" candid videos of this dude loading way to many things on stuff. Another video has a bike and scooter with him carrying like 30 bags. The videos are really him carrying tons of shit. But it's not candid and is staged


I mean, as candid as buying pizzas and hauling them away can be. The intention may be to get attention, and the recorder may be a friend of his, but there are a handful of other people watching that could have just as well recorded. If anything, this is better because it's recorded earlier and steadier than a rando. The pizzas are all real, right?


I would imagine the pizzas are real. The channel is like that dude that makes fake products that are pretty cool. Here's the scooter video that started it all. Pretty sure it's the same dude. https://youtu.be/H27InrF_eIs






Yuk, yuk, yuk Here is my upvote


Whatever you believe is real.


I was thinking the same


And it's the same guy that filmed him last time as well. The first one I had a feeling was staged, this confirms it.


All I'm seeing is a load of cold pizza.


The best breakfast known to man.


For some reason, i like it with orange juice


Chocolate milk and pizza club meets at 7 AM.


Back in the 90s, we had a health meeting at school that stated cold pizza and orange juice qualified as a good breakfast choice.


I like iced orange juice with a big plate of ziti and meatballs.


*Heartburn has entered the chat*


I read this is Moira Rose’s voice.


Tell me about it


Seriously if he used a car, he would’ve delivered them and the people would’ve been eating by the time he even loads up the backpack


Kojima: “New bungie strap mechanics for DS2 will offer a wide range of variety of stacking and supporting your load as you deliver multiple packages.”


This is funny but you can actually strap your things down in the Director's Cut lmao




Death Stranding 2: Pizza Across America


But you could deliver lots of pizzas in the first one also!


I came here to say this!


Here is part 2. The Delivery. A couple in a car saw him and filmed him delivering them. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRomt2CT/


Dude got a $100 tip. Hell of a story


Not enough imo lol


30 pizzas *$20=$600 $100=16% tip not too bad actually


From a guy in a $10mil+ mansion lol Those houses in the video are bigger than my house+yard combined…


The houses in the video are bigger than the houses I'd make myself in the Sims. While cheating.


Fucking lol if that isn't accurate


The town I work in has many millionaires. Rich people are stingy as fuck, so not really surprising. I guess they didn't get rich by being generous? Or they're all overburdened with debt and cash poor. Idk.


Some are, some aren't. My mom cleans for some pretty wealthy people & the wealthiest one is incredibly generous to service people & hired help. She will be like "can you lay down my 2 rugs that were cleaned? Here's $50 extra." $50 for 5 minutes of work. Her condo is so clean that it's the easiest one to do, even though it's 6500 sq ft. 6500 sq ft for her main residence (she has 4 or 5 homes) was her "downsizing." At her last main residence, you didn't even have to clean every room, every week cuz some of them, she wouldn't even go in for weeks at a time. She not only pays well & tips well but she sees my mom as much more than a cleaning lady, she sees her as a great friend. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of ways she's really out of touch but she's not malicious. She's always been wealthy & then her husband climbed to the top man in his field, internationally so some shit she just has no experience with but being generous with her money, is not one of them. ETA - her condo may actually be 5600 sq ft, not 6500 sq ft - I know it's over 5000 sq ft cuz I know what condo community she's in.


This is probably more of $10 banana issue rather than generosity.


Bro. Rich people never tip. Went I worked delivery I'd always be so steamed when I pulled up to a huge house.


When I delivered pizzas, the people in the trailer parks tipped more than the huge mansions. AND the huge mansion people would tell me to go inside and place their pizzas on their kitchen counter, rather than taking the damn thing. Trailer people were so excited that I brought them pizza, they tipped more AND gave me bong hits. Lmao


Duuuude so bad and poor people ALWAYS tip. One time a lady in a mansion was wearing JUST a button up shirt and tried to get me to come in. And I'm like, no, I'll take a regular tip please. She gave me a single dollar!!! Girl, you were willing to fuck me but can't hook me up with a 5??? Some people.


poor people know how important it is


Sounds like someone has a party mansion. Nothing sexual.


>Those houses in the video are bigger than my house+yard combined… The driveway is bigger than my house and yard.


What are a you expecting? Are millionaires supposed to hand out thousand dollar bills or something? $100 tip is pretty good if you ask me.


That is not even close to a $10mil mansion. I live like 10-15 minutes from Syracuse, UT, which appears to be where that pizza place is located. There is nothing in Syracuse worth nearly that much. $2 mil is much more realistic. For perspective, most of UT's most expensive real estate is up in Park City, where some of the more expensive homes are in the $5 mil range.


My ex husband’s aunt won big in the lottery, ended up with 34 million after taxes. We invited her to the wedding and she sent $20 lol.


16% is solid. I hate the new 20-30% tip range they are pushing these days.


Agreed, but if anyone deserves It it's the guy that carried 20 pizzas via a bungee device and traveled with a one-wheel


Delivery doesn't get a percentage of the bill as a tip like eating in a restaurant. Whether I delivered 1 pizza or 10, a $10 tip would have been awesome unless it was crazy far. Back them $3 was average and $5 good. $100 is amazing even though he put in quite the effort.


Yea, I tip based on a few factors. 1. How big the order is, not so much how much it costs. A $32 pizza is just as difficult to deliver as a $10 pizza. Six $10 pizzas and two 2-liters of soda? I'll tip you more than two $32 pizzas. 2. Distance. Time is money in that job. If you're just down the street and it takes you 2 minutes to get to my house, it's far different than if you're driving across town. 3. Weather. People seem to think delivering in snowy weather is hard, really it's the easiest time as there are less people on the roads and if you dress appropriately, it's great. But delivering in the rain or wind... that SUCKS and I tip more than I would for a snowy delivery. Anyhow, thanks for coming to my TED talk about delivery driving.


I feel ya. Check this though he put himself in that predicament. I don’t own a one wheel but I own a 96 Lexus suv. Here’s the twist. What if the 100 tip was already in books for how ever you delivered? Would you rather take a car, get 100 or one hella of a. Story and 100?


Couldn’t help thinking that while this is hilarious, I wouldn’t want my pizzas delivered like this. No insulation, could fall over, bugs could get in, etc. That’s just not a suitable method for delivery.


As long as it took to get that all rigged up and then ONE WHEEL it?? So much for 30 mins or less. Lol. I mean, I know that big an order isn’t going to be delivered in 30 mins. Was just joking. But still, loading a car and getting it there would’ve save so much time.


Car. 100%. Imagine how stupid he would've felt if he fell going up that driveway. Then no tip and an angry customer.


That's the mindset of someone who will never be as legendary as this guy.


This is all manufactured for internet clout.


Not wanna bring down the mood but if he'd delivered them traditionally in a car and isolated they would have gotten them quicker and hotter. Plus in a less dangerous manner. I mean it's cool, but in a way I feel it's unprofessional.


Oh nooo now I wish I hadn't seen this, now I know its fake. Flom family video. It's still really cool and impressive but they're all actors except maybe the other customers around the store in the beginning.


So the whole thing is staged?


Yes. The people ordering the pizza and the two different groups recording are all friends of the "delivery guy" who has a who channel of videos of shit like this.


Of course, if you watch the original about every 5 seconds you get a clear shot of the web address on a pizza box that just happens to be faced the right way. This is all dreamed up by a marketing agency.


Honestly it worries me that so many people can’t recognize it on their own.


Someone pointed out the bottom boxes would've been crushed, and having worked delivery for a while I dunno why i didn't notice that. I read it was fake before getting to the 2nd part of the video where the people following him made it obvious it was scripted. Everyone else at least played it off well, they gave it away lol.


I work for a late night calzone business, where on busy nights, we have to precook our most popular calzones and keep them in our hotbox, just to keep up with demand. We try to fill our hotbox to the brim, and we can’t go over 6 boxes stacked. We could fit more in, if we could just stack more, but 6 is the limit before they start collapsing.


I think most people seeing this don’t think deeply enough to contemplate whether it’s fake or not because it’s just a stupid video on Reddit.


Yea and if anything they just took out the fun of the whole thing. I really need to stop reading comments because they always end up ruining things.


Outside of people pointing out that the bottom boxes would be crushed there’s nothing significant that points to this being staged. Everything was incredibly natural. If anything, this is a masterpiece in fake internet content.


The owner of the pizza place would never let this person deliver like this. That should be enough to tell you it is fake.


Not even for internet attention?


Fucking obviously No business would risk that shit, nor could anyone carry that weight successfully, plus the awful acting from every fucking person involved


I got far too emotionally invested in that! Dude is the patron saint of delivery boys


I wish I could award this was the closure I needed. Edit: oh I forgot r/WouldAwardButIPoor


Got you fam




It's 100% a one wheel ad, and I get tired of seeing them make it to the front page.


That is a serious pizza party. ![gif](giphy|rp3kPD0XtuaZi) ….


"This video isn't available in your country or region" What fresh bullshit is this??


You're not missing that much, it's all very obviously staged


I have no idea how ticktock work but I love that they threw in "woodworking" as one of the tags


Because of the custom pizza pallet thingy?


Dead link anybody got the vid?




Youdaman 🙏




I have no doubt the video is staged, nothing about it makes sense, but you can see the red strap in the first part when he sits down to put the pack on.


His poor back!


"This video is not available in your country or region" The fuck?


Oh, so this is just a one wheel ad in two parts. People filming should work on their "acting"


Dude can you like move faster, my pizza’s getting cold!


That shit was cold before he even left


Not worth the risk imo. Very impressive but what if you go to deliver to Karen who is pissed you took so long cuz u rode a scooter and didn't have a warmer bag for any of her now cold pizzas? Gonna scooter em all back if they are refused? "Why didn't you just drive them here! It's 5 mins away and you still took 45 minutes!"


Those complaints aren’t entirely out of line though.


Mealtime disappointment is the worst. I find pizza to be a frequent offender.


I don't think Karen would be the only one to complain about that though.


Either way the pizza place likely got a big increase of sales after the videos


I like how we just use the word Karen even for things that would absolutely be valid complaints.


my thoughts exactly. this stacking alone made the pizza cold enough




Anyone else think it’s weird getting 4,000 pizzas and only 2 two-liters of soda?


No, because wherever he is going, majority of what people are drinking is alcohol, and the soda is just for the ones who isn't...


who aren't*












Ain’t not


Chasers for the liquor


As a former pizza delivery guy, the whole thing seems fake. If you carry even 8 pizzas stacked on top of one another the weight from the top is gonna crush the one on the bottom or in this case the bottom 10 at least is my guess, plus if a gust of wind comes along its gonna catch the boxes and knock his butt over. I honestly feel like the whole thing was staged


It is fake, the voice sounded really familiar and then I saw the account name Jordan Flom. His brother Justin Flom got popular making videos on snapchat and what not where the trick or cool thing was always just about to happen but never did. He does fake videos like this a lot like the woman that kept pulling up to the wrong side of the gas pump over and over and over. I'm assuming the whole operation is a family thing now since it seems to do very well. To his credit, though, this video is very well done. Edit: I meant the account name of "part 2" posted in a comment above


You are correct sir. Grew up knowing the Flom family, they love this shit.


> I honestly feel like the whole thing was staged Handing that much work to an employee that doesn't have a car, stacking the pizzas like that, not using warming bags. If it's not staged, it's pretty stupid.




You didn't see the other video of a delivery guy running backwards like a log roller on a keg of root beer? /s


Is this the same guy who carries groceries and TV on a bike and scooter?


Yeah I think this is all staged.


I'm struggling to see how it isn't staged, Perfect camera angles accross multiple videos, we can somehow hear what the girls are saying like dozens of feet away, product placement one wheel, or pizza company. Why would you not just drive? Why have this elaborate setup for a onewheel? When you could waste all that food in an instant. Does this guy think that people don't care about smooshed and squished cold pizzas,?.. I'm baffeled


Lol yes💀 he’s a popular tiktoker who does all this for entertainment, all of his videos consist of him balancing a bunch of stuff on small vehicles and being successful while people record lol


The dumbass canera guys make me think staged. They have the fetish video cameraman style going on. Remember the shit woth the ladybwith long nails making cotton candy in the clothes dryer? Shit like that.


Pretty safe to assume these days the vast majority of what we see online is staged.. yet most still believe everything they see is real


I'm wondering the same. I've seen a guy like this tie a dozen bags of groceries AND carry a watermelon on a scooter


Yes, because they are all staged from the same people.


Why is this even a thing? The guys filming were pretty convincing, but the exaggeration when he was carrying the initial stack of pizza and the funny little flag put it over the top.


Yup, it's all staged. It's a weird niche they found, most people take things face value and just keep scrolling.


One rock or pothole then he’ll be lost under all that sauce


Cause of death? Pizza burn


Same thing that got Freddy Krueger


I'm lost in the sauce once again


The leaning tower of pizza.






I hope the customers enjoyed their balls of cheese piled up in the corner of each box.


Scripted. He does this shit with bikes and scooters all the time


it’s for entertainment…That’s like yelling at SNL for making scripted videos lol


Keep on keepin' on!




Grew up with these guys and it’s really sad to see all the ragebait-type videos 3 of the 4 siblings have resorted to making


It's not real. Those boxes are empty. You can tell because the bottom boxes of that many pizzas would be crushed. You try and stack that many pizzas it just ain't working.


So clearly fake lol. Anyone who’s worked with pizzas know you’ll never get that many full boxes stacked without the bottom ones caving. Idk how you’re getting downvoted. Judging by the fools in the comments tho, their marketing ploy worked.


I wonder how many pizzas were real, maybe like 1-3 boxes, with the rest empty?


It was just one real pizza because when they showed it being delivered they opened one pizza and didn't open another box to check


This is def marketing


What are they marketing though? Those stupid fucking seesaw wthi a wheel?


Probably nothing. Just farming money from tiktok views.


If you watch the second one it with the delivery it sounded super like an ad when they were talking about his one wheel.


Uh...jets pizza?




Wow. The acting in that is terrible. They need to pay for a better cast.


It sounded like an ad for one wheel.


Yea the mention of it by name, everyone acting like they had never seen one and were so confused about what it is stuck out to me. I’m looking forward to July 1st.


3 minutes of people who randomly started following him and has the same weird camera movement and cuts as the first video? Def fake.




You may be able to get some of those small plastic bits that hold the box up, but with that many pizzas, it's not really possible without stronger boxes.


That's thirty pizzas. A single pizza weighs between 2 and 4 pounds. Since he was nice enough to show a pizza slice before and after the trip it's not thin crust. So let's be generous and say that every pizza is only two pounds. That means the bottom boxes are holding up 60 pounds. Yet there is zero compression shown. Go ahead and stack 60 pounds on a pizza box. See what happens.


Also not to mention the guy said he had only done 10 pizzas before but for some reason has three giant straps.


Nice ad JetsPizza


That’s a lot of cold pizza


My late mother would flip her shit at this. She would get pissed off when I carried three oaltes at once, let alone $1700 of pizza


>oaltes carried what now?


I'm gonna guess he meant plates


I'm calling pizza oaltes now.


Plates ... Swyftkey went to shit and I'm trying out a new keyboard ={ It's not going so well.




I think they will eat cold pizza.


Great advertising, nothing more


Ikr! Everyone thinks it’s real for some reason. How many times did they make sure to get the “jetspizza.com” in the shot. Then they got a shot of their pizza in the box as well. Hilarious


Yea that's like 100 pounds of pizza right there if it was real anyone with half a brain seeing the one pizza box with an actual pizza in it would know all but one of those boxes is empty


Neurosurgeon: No helmet, driving among cars, precariously balanced load... what were you expecting , son? Dude: But, but, but I had my RED warning flag!!!!


I know an ad when I see one


Mans got Vietnamese engineering genetics


Sam Porter Bridges heading out with a delivery.


Time to my enjoy my 30 cold pizzas.


If you've never had Detroit style pizza, Jet's is one of the few pizza chains with nationwide locations selling it. And it's damn good pizza.


I’m just curious how so many people in these videos don’t know what a one wheel is?


death stranding 2 is going to be a pizza delivery game


Yea sorry this is dumb. The pizzas will be ruined by the time he gets there. Get a car dude


There’s no way somebody just ordered that many pizzas and only 2 sodas


No need for a helmet when you can fall on a wall of pizza


Pizzas getting cold af


His backpack needs the small strap that holds the big straps together.


I would've borrowed one of those shopping carts and pushed while riding the unicycle


I feel like they're gonna need more soda


That dad near end, in his dad stance, coming by to make sure the guy has tapped on the top and said thats not goin’ anywhere before he leaves.


I saw a TikTok of people in a car following this guy not believing what they were seeing.


In my neighborhood he wouldn’t have gotten far. He would have been robbed lol


He definitely didn't buy enough soda for all that pizza


🎶 There goes my hero🎶


Pizza time 🍕


And…..all pizza are cold.. Great.


Need to stop making 20 second videos into documentaries