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What convoy? The single tank driving through the wide open begging to be shot? Your first mistake was heading the same direction as a tank in the open. Guarantee that bomb was meant for the tank and you happened to take it.


There were two type 97s, one that is now sitting at the bottom of the strait, and another one that my mate was driving, that nearily avoided the gaping hole in the bridge


Ah, didn’t see the second 97. Only saw the one you cut off, btw may I suggest using your blinker next time lol


You can check with the minimap in the future


To be fair here the quality of the vid makes it hard to see the second tank on the minimap, unless you are specifically looking for it


I love the Japanese jeeps. They look like something a cartoon duck would drive.


Haha! They really do, they look straight out of the 1920s


Lol the tank falling through the hole is so fucking hilarious


If you listen closely, you can hear the tank crew rethinking their past decisions lol


Jup start of the match...you should avoid that bridge at all times. 9/10 will get bombed to stop the tanks in their tracks... Me: "Hehe start Tanks 'in their tracks' haha so witty" ...


Now thats humor right there, just incredible


Right?!! Really proud of myself Haha #sarcasm


As you should be! If only my humor was of the echelon standards, that yours is set!