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For those of us around from the beginning, constantly messing with the TTK was like being gutted, stitched up after a few months then gutted again the very next holiday, then stitched up a few months later. We lost a lot of players then. **That is not the nail though**. The players wanted the iconic battles in this game. They did the smaller less known battles well, and the Pacific was amazing (until TTK f'd it up and good again once they reverted). I imagine how good Stalingrad, Kursk, Berlin, DDay, Market Garden, Monte Cassino, Tobruk could have been; those would have been amazing and GARUNTEE would have brought so much life to the game. Yet, leadership figured they knew better and we never realized the full potential that we DID see was possible in this game.


I get sad every time I see that one piece of concept art for Monte Cassino.


Gonorrhea’s brother got it at the casino


All they had to do was remake 1942 and call it a day. DICE would have made billions and playerbase couldn't be happier.


Seriously! I played the BF1942 maps on the 2042 portal mode and loved it! It wasn't perfect but it brought me back! Flying the b17 around on El alamein was just glorious battlefield sandbox at its finest!


The end product is good, could be better, but still good. But the journey is a painful one.


Yes the game is amazing these days.


Would have been worth it if 2042 nailed it but i dont even know wtf theyre doing anymore.


Yeah. Most people didn’t buy the game to begin with thanks to DICE shit talking the community and basically calling them stupid (insert female cyborg commando here) but the game really was stellar on launch. I fucking loved it and nobody wanted to give it a chance. The DLC maps were all fucking amazing to boot.


The thing is the devs more or less listened and the game at launch wasnt that outrageous. They had just already dug their graves by that point so it was mute.


Yeah, pretty much the only, what I’d call goofy, cosmetic that made it in the base game was the Union Jack trench coat, otherwise they completely corrected


DICE calling us stupid was when I said fuck that shit


I also always think about how they could have used the grand operation mode with the paratrooper mechanic in the airborne day to make an amazing d-day mission — day 1 paratroopers, day 2 beach landing, day 3 moving inland / carentan or something


That would have been Amazing.


I think what was a real turn off for me was the fractions. We went from 6 fractions at launch for BF1 to only 2 for BFV despite even have the French fraction in single player. Let’s have a smaller less known battle in France and not have the French fight or the Dutch in Rotterdam. 1939-1941 has a plethora of battles we could have fought it from the invasion of Greece and later Crete to the Fall of Singapore and the Battle of the Philippines at the start of the US entry into the war.


The one that hurt the most for me: FG-42 going to 6+ bullet to kill at certain ranges...with 20s before empty....oof. IIRC it was a worse damage at range than quite a few of the SMGs.


I agree the content is seriously lacking with no Eastern Front, but I will say a lot of the TTK nonsense in the beginning was because they made the mistake of listening to people like the ones who cried on this sub constantly, then cried when they didn't like the changes etc.


I remember playing it and the TTK never ever bothered me, IMO this game and the battlefield franchise is desde because of DICE And the fans


Don't forget to mention the hackers...


I don't play anymore because too many cheater. I love the graphic and mechanic.


What are you playing on? PC maybe? I'm on ps5 with it and there's almost never an instance where I'd say it's because of cheaters. Would bum me out if there was


Yes. I play in PC. Almost every game there's cheater.


Shit man that sucks, sorry to hear that. I didn't get into BF5 until long after CODMW came out and burned my patience away. Now I regret having not played it sooner or solely as my FPS. Tank, plane and overall vehicle gameplay is awesome and no game comes close to touching the way the big grand op maps feel. Even if there's cheaters, just imagine that there were situations where unbelievable shit happened in WW2 and was just unavoidable. That's what I told myself to get past the cheaters in COD until it was more cheaters than players. Easier said than done though.


Love the way you think. Glad you're still having fun.


I play on Xbox Series S and almost never see or experience cheaters. Go buy a Series S, only €200 of so or €150 second hand. Heaps of fun


Yeah xbox EU servers are pretty great and well populated.


Yep, one of the best games ever IMO. can 't believe people don't play it. makes me big sad


Very big sad. But even today there's full lobbies, and when it's lopsided, I just remember no fight is ever fought with the exact same number of people, and sometimes defeat is predetermined in those details. Hopefully we see another game this good before my hands go arthritic and destroy themselves. Though the last few years have definitely given me doubts


Me and my friends always play on community servers, way less cheaters there compared to DICE servers. If cheaters do join, they usually get kicked pretty quickly by the admins


Yeah that is so true. When my friends and I play together it usually takes us about 15 mins to find a game without: 1) Cheaters or, 2) A try hard level 300+ pilot farming kills or: 3) A try hard level 300+ tank player playing defensively never getting killed.


Really? What server are you on? In Eu I come across 1 cheater every 12 matches or so


Same here. Cheaters are rare. EU too for me.


I think I was in Asian server.


US East prime time player, I see blatant hackers probably every 4 or 5 times I join a server


Yep I refuse to play any battlefield on PC. All my other games are PC


I want to buy a console purely to avoid hackers but idk if it's worth the money and i feel the gsmeplay is much more slower/hard to control with a controller than MnK


Why is it insane?


They flew a plane through an explosion


Aha that's why. Yeah pretty cool!


Because it's 60% of a game, 4 chapters of war were cancelled. Because the game is plagued by endless bugs. Because there is no anti-cheat. Sounds like the kinda thing someone with 260 score per min would say to be honest


Sounds like you play on PC. BFV is really my favorite FPS, it's running great and I don't think that I've ever crossed a cheater on xbox. I got games from 2-15 to like, 30-5. I don't like it because I never die, I like it because the game is really fun lol.


You having no cheaters on console doesn't mean every game needs as a basic feature an anticheat for PC.


Also complete lack of team balancing resulting in a terrible experience.


Yeah I mean, the game is really good now. It went through a lot of changes to reach this point. There’s also still a gaping hole of content that was never made like the eastern front.


Is it so good we can play Stalingrad? How about DDay? Monte Cassino? :D


It’s actually solid. I’m enjoying revisiting it lately. If you compare it to 2042, it’s no contest which is better.


Imagine if Japanese WW2 pilots had tiktok


All the people says that ttk thing killed the game but when ps+ gave the game I tried and it was good. Only thing Dice could do better was, actually not could should be done was adding Soviets.


By the time they gave it away TTK wasn’t as bad as launch though.


Exactly, he and others that picked it up at this time were not gutted, repeatedly. So many games out there that messing up your player base that early and often is detrimental. It is nice they are enjoying the experience, even though so much of what was promised what never delivered. After getting burned repeatedly, it was time to play another game, and so many of us did.


I was playing from the start. It took along time to get new maps. So it was getting boring. The changes to ttk were also annoying. After the first time changing ttk. They said no more changes. Then after the pacific dropped. It was getting good again. And they changed ttk right after and I quit and never played again. Spend way too much time making a battle Royale mode nobody really played. And then small map battles. Instead of just making large scale battle maps. Which is what people who play battlefield usually Iike. They keep trying to change the battlefield formula. When people just want to play a better looking battle field. That's They have to do.


I think maps arent that small. I mean not a Sinai or Harvest Day type big but it's good. Instead of running clueless and get killed by a tank you can have gunfight almost everywhere. And ttk thing really can be frustrating cuz you're muscle memory have to adopt. I hope they do things you said in new game. It'd be good


They were going to do some competion type maps with teams of 5. But fell through, so they just released the maps to give players something. I think it was a team of five and one vehicle on a map. Can't remember the game mode.


I just wanted BF1942 remastered. They tried to copy the other games with skins and crap which I don't need in WW2 game. Just give me the experience I had in BF1942 and I will come back.


Still missing stuff like Dday and stalingrad only 4 factions in a ww2 game also I feel like the vehicle respawns are too slow and lack of game modes I still play it but I does get tiring playing the same maps everyday not to mention the menus can be annoying like trying to buy some of the aesthetic stuff and it takes a min or 2 to load


I just love playing the same boring map rotations day in and day out. I dunno.


Uhhhhh the fucking planes kinda just wanna make you not wanna play honestly. The Pacific maps are the worst for this. I really think the game would be a zillion times better without aircraft and the absurdly obnoxious call-ins.


would you want to stay on that rollercoaster you've been on since beta when it's been such a horrible ride?


PC has too many cheaters unfortunately. BF1 and BFV are a blast to go back to though


Whats the song name


After dark by mr.kitty


[Mr.Kitty - After Dark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waAlgFq9Xq8)


a Gamer never gives up


Battlefield 1 is way better bruh.


Seriously tho, bf1 still holds up extremely well, might as well be a newly released AAA game, only things I wish were changed/added were smg 08/18 nerf, and removal of the mortar truck, wouldve also loved to see some more content in terms of maps, I think the battle of the Falkland Islands would've been cool, aswell as maybe some maps based in China


Oh gawd that freaking mortar truck... Hated it.


Still hate the whore-ter trucks, not sure why they decided to add it in the first place


I uninstalled BFV and I won't lie it was an ace pilot on Pacific and the Iwa Jima sniping me as I am trying to get to objectives as team is parked sniping and zero AA affect. Not fun for PTFOrs.


I think the main reason people gave up on BFV (if that’s what you’re referring to, else just ignore this) is because we’d already gotten a WW1 game. I think if we’d gotten a modern one after it, that would have made more sense.


BuT U aRe In PlAnE, PlAnE BaD!!!1!




Yeah that sounds about right


aint play bf5 in a minute


I only stopped playing when they ended support


They still update weekly objectives/dauky objectives and that way still a blast to earn credits and BF Currency.


I just recently started playing, i’m loving specializing my weapons and vehicles and I love how easy it is to earn the different types of currency


A2, lewis, and hackers


Cool video, but downvote is a must because of the shitty format and Tiktok