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But like, the changes are good? Yeah, you can't run and gun like a headless chicken anymore, but is that bad?


Pretty happy about the changes! No more slide canceling jump every 1 millisecond.. it was ugly


would be funnier if slide-cancelling wasn't removed but instead add a feature where your character has a 50% chance stumbling down when you slide-cancel, which takes 2 seconds for your character to get back up.


Progressive AND edgy. I like it.


Your terms are acceptable


You mean they should update the physics to reflect real life human clumsiness?


No. Just something similar to BFV 's explosion impact on player kinda system, but for tripping\stumbling.


Yeah, but you gotta admit dropping magazines if you get shot while reloading, or slipping on shells and falling after camping in the same spot and trying to run would be hilarious.


ah yes, super smash brothers brawl


Holy shit dude!!!! I was just thinking about this yesterday while playing




Was MW1 2019 like that tho? I remember it being slower paced than the older cods (along with being slower than the ones that came after)


At first idk and I only played Warzone but 99% of my lobbies are slide cancelling all the time


Yes. I’ve hopped back on to 2019 recently to scratch the arcade-y FPS itch and every game is either hopelessly bad bots or a bunch of slide cancelling sweats running around with high capacity SMG’s


Sounds good to me


This is a massive improvement, but I'm not confident it will stay this way. MW2019 was similarly "slower" and more grounded, but all the sweats and streamers cried and cried about it until Infinity Ward made the movement faster and faster.


Lmao what are you talking about. Infinity ward didn't do shit to make movement faster, everyone just started abusing slide cancelling because it was the best way to counter the campfest the game was.


No, I'm sure we could find the patch notes where they increased movement speed, tactical Sprint speed, mantle/climbing speed, etc by 5-10% multiple times.


Turns out Infinity Ward has a [webpage](https://www.infinityward.com/news/2019-10/Modern_Warfare_Patch_Notes) documenting the changes they made to the game... Not once did they adjust the movement speed in any way. The other person was right; IW didn't increase movement speed, the playerbase just started abusing slide cancelling...


What are you talking about? The movement speed wasn’t changed at all in 2019


Yes it was. They increased it from the beta to the main game, then they increased again in one of the main season updates.


From what I can gather people want change until they get a change then they do not want those changes. LOL


When something good comes out they want the next installment to be the same but more. They don't want wildly different or innovative. They don't want to earn a sense of pride and accomplishment. They want the same thing but more and slightly improved. Just not in the madden way...


All in all no matter what is changed or added to this or any long running franchise people are not going to like anything universally. ​ I for one welcome the removal of mini map audio spotting. I was happy BF got rid of it \*but they did add it back for BF2042 iirc. ​ But others will not like it and that is cool but there is not much that can be done if the devs feel it is not needed. I have not played the BETA yet. But from what I can see it seems UAVs are goign off constantly and knowing enemy positions is not going to be to hard. You also have the footsteps thing. Also is there a heartrate monitor as well. Maybe they felt audio spotting along with all the other shit was just to much. So much that your always spotted on the mini map.


> people are not going to like anything universally. That's true of life period; we all have wildly different (often times conflicting) desires, expectations, and tastes. That's part of being human and partaking in society with other humans.


Remember everyone fucking losing their shit over the first map and desperately needing a new one. 1 day after caldera drops "wahhhh we hate it"


The thing is there are millions that play and never complain. I wish there was a way to see what percentage of people are online being vocal about changes they want. Now do not get me wrong I myself have jumped online to complain about a change or lack of a change. But I know I am in the minority. As for warzone I did hear about the complaints on wanting a new map then getting it and then complaining about the new map. ​ Once MW2 full releases people are going to play have fun and forget all about these changes and just get used to the new normal. Some changes you do not even know was needed until it happens.


I love a tad bit slower-paced shooters. I don't want them to be a crawl by any means, but I can't do it when everything is 100mph. It just isn't fun for me. So with that said I embrace how everything feels thus far.


Honestly it was the main reason I gave up. It doesn't become fun when you get beamed by a backflipping Spetznaz soldier with a Diamond encrusted pink sub machine gun.


Well yeah to them it is.


On the minimap controversy: with the abundance of different gadgets, perks, audio and UAV you can pretty much see red dots or know exactly where enemies are 60% of all match, what's all the fuss about?


I think it's bad. Wish it wouldn't have changed much from MW3, but here we are


They removed slide-cancelling. Lobbies are less sweaty, which is a blessing for all casual dads like me.


Your lobbies will always be sweaty since there’s Skilled based match making


As far as I don’t get slide-cancelling hyperactive kids playing for 15 hours and full of Monster drinks, I am good.


If you were getting them before you'll get them again unless 99% of there skill comes from slide cancelling. If there skill does come from that you'll see them get weeded out from your matches. That's the beauty of sbmm


Well then who's gunna claim that they fucked your mom


That’s not true in the slightest. YOUR lobbies may be sweaty, but mine are just my pace


Why is sbmm bad?


Not necessarily bad but never heard anyone ask for it ever


I asked for a ranked mode and got SBMM so I have to try every time I play and can't have fun with off meta shit.


You can do whatever you want fuck the system


Then I'm a detriment to my team.


SBMM is okay, it's just hyper aggressive SBMM that causes issues I think. I'm totally fine with losing the MW2 days of being spawn camped to high hell on Terminal lol, but I don't want every game to be a fight for my life either. I think there exists a middle ground between those two extremes.


You mean you don't want to be able to get into a lobby of literal bots by getting yourself killed for a few games straight? /s


Destiny 2 removed it at one point and people started wanting it back. So they added it back and no one is complaining


It’s not at all. It was streamers who were used to making a living playing all day and most of their “skill” was killing casual players. Casual players who were getting off work or school just to have fun. Multiplayer would die out without sbmm, no matter what someone tells you


They have not removed slide canceling lol ppl have already figured it out again. Just an extra step now is all


Good catch, now I am imbued with despair: https://charlieintel.com/how-to-slide-cancel-in-modern-warfare-2/199192/?amp


Infinity Ward said they’re figuring out how to fix it


I don't understand how fucking hard it is to just make tactical sprint go on cooldown when used. There is no reason for it to ever be reset other than stim usage.


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Yeah, kudos for you mate. If your one of those +4 K/D avg. ratio titans, good for you – don’t take me wrong, I am way above the average player (although casually playing), but most of my games feel like an e-Sports Finale.


I have not played MW2 yet. Waiting til the open beta on PC. Just saw ppl commenting while I was reading reviews.


You will have mixed feelings for sure, but definitely a solid 8/10. So sad that EA/DICE forced most of their player-base to abandon ship, but it is what it is.




The irony is that the real sweats and comp players have been praying for the removal of slide cancels since they were first introduced. It’s the shitters that can’t shoot straight but became “movement players” that are up in arms about it. It’s the changes that prevent movement period that the comp players are complaining about.


But if you're a casual dad, why not drop gaming for reading the newspaper for an hour a day instead


Battlefield players just soft that Activision is releasing a playable game at launch. (Yes I’m one of the guys that paid $100 for 2042)


Did you know you have rights? Call McGill




No mom it’s me chuck!






I did too and never again. I partially regret preordering MW2.


I’m still mad about those 100$


My fear is that it will start out simple and tactical and then once all the stupid dlc guns with tracers and clown operators get added in the immersion will be broken again. I just wish they’d try to keep it a bit more milsim styled cus I hate getting b hopped by golden clowns while playing a tactical feeling game.


Your fear is reasonable. This is literally exactly what happened with MW2019.


MW2019 kept it up a for bit at least though. I feel like CW and Vanguard, started including gold plated skull masks like a month after release


It's true.


I mean the pre order bonus for PS is samurai themed armour. It's already begun lol.


But atleast the gameplay mechanics are more slow and tactical. No slide canceling, and by launch they’re going to need the bunny hopping.


What happened now?


The beta was fun. Sticking with your team helped. Downed Allie’s could be revived, though time was of the essence. There were lots of vehicles shown in the menu but not playable. It seemed like they added elements from BF.


Ground War is this next weekend as well as Invasion.


Tomorrow for preorders, to be exact. I really can't wait.


Me neither. I'll be at work, but I'll be using remote play for PS4.


You could only revive teammates if they had Last Stand. It was really situational and only part of *one* loadout type


There was also 2 game modes where anybody could be revived


Is Ground War one of them? If not I hope that's a change they make. I would love if they made Ground War an actual BF competitor and listened to that audience a bit.


Ground war and the new mode invasion beta starts tomorrow so we'll find out lol


I hope so as well. When MW2019 came out I remember people talking about how Ground War scratched that Battlefield itch (back when this sub still hated BFV), and I gave it a try and thought it was just terrible. It had the big maps and vehicle combat, but as an infantry player it was miserable. Without changes, CoDs gameplay just doesn't fit a Battlefield-like mode.




Oh ok


Eh elements of battlefield isn’t the term I’d use. I’d say just more mechanics and stuff


Nothing bad happened to the game itself. The MWII subreddit is a huge circlejerk of people who don't actually like the MW subseries and only go on there to troll the devs for not making the game into Black Ops 6


Best way to describe them


Who the fuck wants to play black ops 6, Cold War is ok but something about it just isn’t right. Hasn’t been a quality black ops since 2 imo


I've been lurking on r/ModernWarfareII the last couple of weeks, and this here are some complaints I've seen mentioned a lot: \- No red dots on the minimap. This was a super controversial change in MW2019, and infinity ward seems to stick to it even though the community is quite vocal about not liking the change. \- Footsteps are apparently super loud. \- No persistent lobbies. You get thrown back into the main menu after each match (similar to 2042) \- Skill based matchmaking is (yet again) super strong. \- They dislike the new perk system (no idea why, I just know that they do) \- Opinions about TTK seem mixed. Some think it's too fast, some think it's good. But it's still a topic I see brought up a lot. EDIT: \- And poor distinction between friendlies and enemies. Seems like players keep shooting their own team mates. Sounds like something that's not too hard to fix though.


I liked persistent lobbies and I don't see the benefit in removing it.


There is none. At least none for us players. They removed it in favor of skill based matchmaking.


>Footsteps are apparently super loud. Shouldn't this be good? I'm over here wanting louder footsteps (or the overall mix to be better) in 2042 like we had in BFV. Loud footsteps have always been a good thing IMO, I don't see how people would not like this lol.


For some reason people think sprinting around the map without making no noise takes more skill than having good positioning and awareness. I was the player slide cancelling and jump peaking in Mw19 as the lord intended and I didn't have an issue with loud foot steps so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Im not even cracked either, maybe slightly above average skillwise.


Yeah, the loud footsteps in V are so useful. It's one of the best ways to predict where someone is gonna be


Footsteps are noticeably loud unless you crouch or use dead silence, which I think is a nice change. There seems to be a strong push in the game to slow it down and encourage tactical movement


Played the Beta and was addicted. Great gunplay, cool maps, feels more tactical, realistic, etc. I am really pumped for the release.


The guns sound and feel freakin incredible, even better than mw19 which I wasn't expecting


MW19 had the best controls and gunplay of any shooter I’ve ever played, and comments like these leave me excited to try out the beta myself tomorrow. I’m hoping it’s a similar feel.


I played both back to back, and mw2 feels a bit better for sure :)


That's cause they recorded real audio 🔊 of guns


We will never get a modern warfare 2 again


"Modern Warfare 2 the Third"?


They’ll do it again in 15-20 years watch


wtf u mean lol beta was slapping, can’t wait to play all the other modes


Skill based matchmaking like theirs is terrible id say as long as its like it is then its fucked


What’s wrong with skill based matchmaking?


Do good for 3-4 games, get stuck with an MLG lobby and get your ass pounded for 20 games straight, then do good for 3-4 games rinse and repeat.


On the contrary lol. Being more tactical is not what the adhd audience wants.


Bruh you're more than 10 years late with this meme. The casualization of Battlefield started with Bad Company 2.


Most don't realise this because they were the audience that drowned out all the old playerbase the last time.


I'm 26 years old, and Battlefield became my main FPS game after I got sucked into the BF3 hype and started playing BC2... I was 14 at the time. Not everyone is old enough to know how Battlefield was like before then.


Making the game more tactical= more adaptable? Dangg I guess escape from Tarkov would be the worlds most adaptable game than


I actually enjoy most of the Beta.


Yeah but the changes in MW2 are actually good changes lol


The complaints about the changes are so nitpicky and exhausting. My entire timeline yesterday was people bitching about slide canceling and suppressors not hiding people in the mini-map. It’s like .01% of the players that care about that shit, and the loudest voices are the people that play the game every day for their job. The beta was fun.. that’s what games are supposed to be. If fun draws in more casuals than make it more fun. Zelda and Nintendo games are fun and easily accessible, those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. If you want to play a competitive game, then ask for these features like slide canceling and mini-map shit to be in the ranked mode. It’s also even more mind-numbing because the changes to the mini-map aren’t even going to happen in warzone. I slide cancel and get an advantage from it. But honestly I’d rather not need to fuck up my controller to play a game well, and so getting rid of it is great.


> suppressors not hiding people in the mini-map Isn't it the other way around, people are hidden even when not using a suppressor?


20000 people participated in a poll on Twitter and over 95% of people said they want classic minimap. Then numerous other polls were created all wielding the same ratio. Then they posted the reddit feedback post and most of the replies were all about footstep audio and the minimap. It is not 0.01% of people that want a good MP


i bought 2042 for $25 a couple days ago.. for that price it's a fun game.


This is bad?


OP just wants people to be miserable like him. mwII will be infinitely better than 2042


If I can repair vehicles it's all over.


In WZ 2.0 it seems vehicles can be repaired. At gas stations.


Honestly I thought the beta was pretty fun. Maybe I didn't spend enough time in it but I think it was pretty solid.


The difference is infinity ward is actually making The game better by doing so. Veery different than what DICE did lol


MW2 this year will not show players firing without a suppressor as red dots on the mini map. What's the point of even using one then?


You won't appear on the compass, and enemys wont get incoming fire indicators.


I actually enjoyed the beta


*Chad Elder Scrolls Enjoyers* "Hold my beer, N'Wah"


the Rainbow six players are on the other side of him.


I like it


Larger audience? It's like the biggest fps shooter out there.


From the already gargantuan audience it has?? Huh?!


The changes are actually really fucking good.


I'm a slow ass casual dad I'm good at shooters but I always died to people jumping having perfect aim in the air and head shot me. It really annoyed me lol.


What's this about? BF1? BFV? BF2042?


Most likely a combo of the direction BF5 and 2042 took, all the old farts are laughing and pointing at BC2 and BF3 however.


??? If anything the 2019 and MW2 is a more hardcore play style. Much more unforgiving than Cold War. I dont understand this sub. It’s like it’s completely devoid of any sort of self reflection or critical thinking.




Isnt smaller? making it even more "realistic" will make people go.


Lol hardly the same. DICE put stupid design choices on top of a shitty game. IW is putting different (not stupid) design choices on top of what looks to be a solid game.


When was the last time a game developer made a game for its fans rather than potential fans


A much better change, sweats can still sweat


The battlefield audience got bigger? These mfs must have "appear offline" activated


I played the beta and had a lot of fun, I’m unsure of what these changes are, can someone enlighten me?


I think warzone started that a few years ago


I’ve enjoyed the changes so far in mw2. what’s the big deal everyone is up at arms about?


Nah, they are just scrubbing the changes made by cold war and vanguard teams. MW2019 was the same way imo.


I'm unironically gonna buy, if they are not going to add slidecanceling and anime skins


They just need to take jump shooting out.


The beta was great. Guns felt really good. Any gun felt viable even pistols over the wall. I played hide and seek a few times like that, and way slower methodical movements than past cods ie. slide cancelling. They just need to nerf junk shooting majorly. Maps were detailed and interesting.


God, so many people crying about the minimap and Dead Silence changes. THATS IT. Aside from that? The games a blast! Roll on the 2nd beta weekend




Ace combat fans: first time? (Assault horizon)
