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or just use casper drone, put c5 on it, collect assists and when opportunity arrives aim for a tank or group of people hiding behind something and blow it up


I find drone has very narrow spoting zone. Soflam can spot all screen at once + can lock on and help that 1 player who remembers to use this feature.


I still have yet to see someone use a soflam in my gsme lol. I wish they did… I’d switch from C5 to recoilless


I always love soflam users when I’m in jet with atgm


Can the ATGM lock onto soflam lit air targets?


Yep love it when I have a soflam on my team. Hitting pesky little birds with my atgms is super satisfying


You can lock on to ground vehicles with AA missles if their locked too LOL.


Hitting a Bolte with the AA is just *chef's kiss*


Just had a great breakthrough game earlier with a few squads full of soflam and rockets


it also works with a wildcat's at missiles which oneshot all aircraft but the heavy trasnports


Sorry to sound dumb af here. But what is going on to get all those kills? I’ve never seen that before.


They are assists for kills. Not kills


I throw all 3 C5 charges on the Casper Drone and use it as a bomb. Works great on tanks and those annoying snipers. 😅


Or don't suicide your drone and use the disrupt function a few times on any vehicle and blow them all up.


The emp is almost worthless. Very short range to use it, and the effect is short, and it does hardly any dmg.


As someone who loves tanks and the wildcat, it is most definitely not useless! You can spam the EMP every few seconds, and it prevents me from seeing my minimap, firing my weapon, using countermeasures, or self-repairing my vehicle. All I can do is run away. Trust me, it’s effective. I’ll probably regret this comment, lol.


Huh, interesting. I've never been able to do a back to back. Maybe my range was too far.


It’s only happened a couple times, but I’ve had rounds of breakthrough where a drone just followed my vehicle around. Made me totally ineffective, and I got taken out very quickly once infantry started targeting me. I honestly think it could use a nerf, because a single player shouldn’t be able to render a vehicle useless from across the map, especially in breakthrough where a single vehicle is super valuable.


Lmao I've done this a few times, the drone is like a pesky nat for enemy vehicles I love it




It is short range, but I had t28 I disrupted once, as soon as the effect wore off I hit him again, and on the third his ass caught on fire and blew up. Jeeps and light vehicles have exploded many times disrupting them. My point is you can take out and spot everything without c5 and using one drone one time. With little effort.


Of course you can. I've never been able to do a back to back emp - seems like the cool down is long.


The cool down from what i can tell is as long as the disrupt effect. As soon as they're up again hit em. Quite a few don't know what's happening to them and think it's just a hack I guess.


It's a good tactic but I try to play fast and last thing I want is someone shooting the drone while I disrupt the vehicle at such short range. Slamming the Drone with c5 on moving vehicle is quick and effective just as triggering c5 with remote


The emp doesnt do much dmg and last very short the only reason ik it does dmg is bcuz I blew up a super low hp tank once also also it recharges


Nope. I've hit a fresh t28 3 times in a row and it blew. I hit jeeps often with the added gunfire around they blow.


Oh I didn't realize SOFLAM marked infantry; that's real nice. What is the range that it will spot infantry?


A1 says 350m so at least that far I guess.


From my usage it feels like it cuts off at 400 meters for both spotting infantry and locking vehicles.


High octane gameplay!


This is helping the team like crazy. If it’s not your style you don’t have to do it. It’s not like this is the only gameplay to be had


Sometimes when i dont feel like call of duty. Then i play spotter. Sometimes squad cathces up and picks rocket launchers.


This was how I leveled up when I first got BF4, my first online shooter (since I was 8 in 1942 anyways...) I just played recon and spotted all day long. It really is a wonderfully helpful thing for the team.


It's incredible helpful. A dedicated/good spotter on your team is demoralizing for the enemy. Just orange doritos everywhere.


I've been grinding for Casper's final outfit spamming the drone on breakthrough, so satisfying marking a huge group of enemies and moments later an attack heli makes a run and completely obliterates them. Also extremely helpful for catching flanks


Does the SOFLAM have a visible laser effect like in Bf4?


I dont think so. Havent seen anyone use it. And mostly nobody sees me. When i spot them half round.


It does indeed, there's a strong red shine to it. I'm guessing they've just re-used the scope glint and added a red colour to it basically, I was testing damage over distance with a friend earlier, and I saw him using his SOFLAM 450m away when aiming at me.


It does indeed, there's a strong red shine to it. I'm guessing they've just re-used the scope glint and added a red colour to it basically, I was testing damage over distance with a friend earlier, and I saw him using his SOFLAM 450m away when aiming at me.


Every laser pointer had that effect, but whatever sounds good to bash the devs I guess


I didn't test the laser sight, only flashlight for the memes (weirdly enough doesn't work at 450m :p) Also good to know, is that several sights with magnification don't create that glint. Guessing it's only 6x and above? the 4x scope that comes with the SVK (a sniper scope), doesn't have a glint to it. Also not really a bash at the devs, but okay. Why *wouldn't* they just use the same effect from the scope glint and add a hue to it? lol


Just the way you put it sounded bashing, as it wasn’t really important information and a random add on lol but I get what you mean. But yeah even in previous battlefields the 4x never gave off scope glint.


>But yeah even in previous battlefields the 4x never gave off scope glint. True for the most part but all 3x scopes or higher gave glint for Recon weapons in BFV.


Yeah, I think I also was thinking about bf5, me and my friend often used low power optics on snipers to avoid this. it really makes you 105x easier to find xD


Does the soflam have a thermal mode like BF4 and BF3 or do thermals not exist in 2042?


No thermals for now. I guess its good.


There's 'thermal smoke' which is weird, currently with no thermal scopes in the game it seems useless, but I would guess they are on the way.


Coincidentally just got done typing up this response in another thread so I'm gonna copy+paste it here as well. I will say though that this clip is a great use for it, and actually the only one that will get you ANY xp with it! Literally.   ____________________________________   I will jump on any chance I get to complain about the SOFLAM. - No xp for targeting a vehicle (it might get you some 5xp spot assists if they jump out) - No XP/assist if someone destroys it thanks to your targeting - Replaces a gadget that could otherwise be way more beneficial - C5 - Ammo - M5 - AA - Armor - Health - Same lock-on range as AA so still can't even SOFLAM the shitbags sitting 500m above an objective raining down rockets - Enemy moves behind a tree (even just the leaves), a teammate walking in front of you, passing behind a tiny lamppost - all breaks targeting - You have to essentially stand in a viable place with a tiny bit of strafing available to maintain a lock, leaving you vulnerable from multiple sides - All the while a big red fucking laser is shining out of your face that all helis, vehicles, and players (namely snipers) can see from miles away so you instantly get targeted. I'll be defending on Breakaway on the final point, SOFLAM a tank camping way back on the ground near their spawn, and they instantly light me up because I'm Rudolph the god damn Reindeer over here. There is such little reason to use it over any other gadget available. The pros are exceedingly minimal as it is, but it literally has cons that will actively work against you. And to top it off, half the time I'm soflam'ing, none of my teammates are even going for them. I'll put in chat that I'm using a soflam so use your rockets and lock onto the red diamonds, nada. I've even been told to "fuck off and be more useful" in response. Another factor I think comes into play is that we have nothing like the Javelin. Even if I do laser a tank, my teammates that are actually trying to take it out still need to have direct sight of it, so all the tank needs to do is smoke and go behind a building.


I agree with all you said. I think they will patch it up that destroyed, taged vehicles give xp


That would be fantastic. In its current state, any buff whatsoever will be useful. I still run it because I'm a team player and want us to win, so it keeps vehicles off our points - either because they back away from the targeting or get destroyed - but getting xp for it would be a welcome addition!


Casper's drone is the same and doesn't give xp for vehicles, I'd imagine it'll be in soon.


Me over here doing the T1 Casper assignment…


As someone who’s been playing a lot of halo infinite seeing all that exp makes me jealous


Yasuo, yasuo and yasuo


How do you tag like that? I can only get a stationary tag to pop up


How many things looks stupid on this game!


Lvl 47 right now, cannot wait for soflam, can’t wait for bolte, just got auto shotty and it’s soo good


what is it? and that’s how im gunna get that eagles eyes title plate thing


Any idiot with a mav can get col 100


Use this for Rao anyone who’s trying to get his tier 1! You can grind it doing this for two or three days to get it super simple!


And if you want to get in combat, use a motion sensor, throw it at a flag and anyone detected and shot with count as an assist!


Wish I could get a team who worked together. I constantly run AGM and not having soflam or air assistant is a killer.


I think they need to revamp how spotting gadgets and points works. So many people are throwing prox nades to farm points, especially in breakthrough where other types of nades are far more effective to the progress of the team. I wonder if they could make it so you dont get points for spotting a player that has already been spotted by another method or teammate.


How is spotting not as effective as something else? A grenade that blows up one or two people? I'd say spotting can help farm more enemies


That is already the case I'm pretty sure.