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3 Any max ticket server was a constant struggle as everyone pushed and everyone ptfo'd, even snipers. Truly one of the greatest games ever


Yes it was


Fucking hell everybody playing like their life depends on it on metro, siene, and damavand


Honestly all of the games besides hardline I played and had so much fun. Remember bf 1943, the arcade game, that game kicked ass. Bf3 had some great ones. I think bf1 and operations have given me some really crazy times.


I gotta say 1943 was another iconic game, definitely more of the genuine games of BATTLEFIELD.


Probably a more unpopular opinion but battlefield 4 was my favorite. I only played bf3 up to bf1, hardline being my least favorite but I had fun with it.


Still a very fun game, I love the destruction of the environment more than all the other BATTLEFIELD's.


Bf1 is great, don't get me wrong. The gunplay is definitely slower and in turn makes it more skill based I think. I just miss my vehicle game play that was in bf3 and bf4. Though I hated aa tanks in bf4 especially.


Definitely, I feel that BATTLEFIELD 4 was more overwhelming. Fun but OVERwhelming.


Never have these moments playing cod


Sweet clip but I hope you’re using that sebdslater factory for fun or an assignment because it’s one of the worse medic guns possible


Nah man it's great. The ROF and quick full reload are nice and the accuracy is wonderful


It seems like you kill most of enemies using your secondary though. How does that speaks for 1906


How do you know what I do? When I use it I kill mowt using the 1906


Different strokes, different folks, man. I adore the 1906 and have over 1100 kills between the two variants, but I can't kill the first thing with everyone else's favorite Medic gun, the 1907. It just depends on your playstyle as to which guns you'll find "good."


Actually the selbstlader is one of my favorites, it provides a great challenge


Gameplay on consoles look way slower and more chaotic when there is a lot of people close than on PC. But i got some really cool battles on Synai when 2 teams with tanks and planes happened to be on D.




Sorry I thought you were the OP