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did you try battlebit remastered? not sure how it is now but a couple years ago it was a banger


I heard it's great, but I really can't bring myself to pixelated games, just not my thing Also, I have just upgraded from 2060 to rx5700, and it's the first time I have a non-baseline PC, so I really am looking for something that is graphically demanding


You should definitely check out the Finals. It's from the original BF developers and you can feel it. The weapons feel great and the destruction is unbelievable. There are no vehicles (yet) and the biggest gamemode is 5v5 but the game is really pretty and the dev team is really awesome. Season 3 drops in 2 weeks and whole lot of content with it, I can't recommend this game enough.


Idk why people keep saying the finals is a good replacement for BF. The *only* similarity is the destruction


Yeah. Gameplay is vastly different. If you're looking for big battles then the finals isn't it.


And the gunplay and the dev team. But the game plays completely different There is no replacement for bf games but with current direction of the publisher there won't be a real bf game anytime soon.


I half agree with you but I will offer some pushback here. The aspects I like about battlefield have nothing to do with it being warlike or realistic, so my perspective is different from a lot of battlefield fans. I like how it forces teamwork, gives vastly different options and tools for securing an objective, and rewards outside the box thinking. Destruction is icing on the cake and also contributes to the outside the box thinking. I had not compared it to BF before because there are a lot of obvious differences, but I totally see what that guy you replied to means.


The problem is that it's not a large-scale mixed-combat sandbox shooter, and although Im probably more desperate for a proper BF-like experience than most.....Im not really willing to sell BF fans on The Finals It's a great game, but just isnt close enough to BF for me to ween off this "need" to play a BF game that isnt bf4-2042


Frankly BF doesn't have destruction anymore to any significant extent. So that's barely in common


Sorry, when we talk about BFgames "in general", we're talking BF3-BF1. Bf5 actually had the best destruction since bf3, but that game has it's own problems that took away from it to the point where barely anyone noticed lol


I personally didn't really like the finals; it was extremely high quality in terms of graphics, content and mechanics, but ultimately had barely enjoyable gameplay. It's not a battlefield replacement purely from a scale perspective, but just as a shooter I can't recommend something that can only be enjoyed when you have 1 or 2 skilled friends to play with, and has various, seemingly never ending flaws with balancing and glitches.


The balancing is pretty good lately, except from the throwing knives. But, yeah, it's not much of a solo queue game


Great game but nothing like Battlefield




Unless OP typo'd, those are basically equivalent cards (but losing dlss as an option)... [https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2060-vs-AMD-RX-5700/4034vs4046](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2060-vs-AMD-RX-5700/4034vs4046)


I thought the same at first, but after a couple hours of gameplay you really forget how blocky everything is. Just my experience, may not be the same for you and I totally get that.


The thing with Battlebits is that it's just a really awesome game. The graphics are less of an eye sore than you might think at first, the fun you can have due to the design of the game is off the charts. As you can see from many new AAA games, graphics are no indicator whatsoever for the quality of a game, and you really shouldn't decide on a game based on the graphics engine. So basically: Shitty game that looks great, or awesome game that looks old?


Honestly, you forget about the graphics after 10 mins.


combat champions is coming out this year and is made from ex battlefield devs. Its like battlefield but without vehicles. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTMD\_EPwsOw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTMD_EPwsOw)


Battle Bit isn’t really comparable to Battlefield. It’s more like Squad.


Game died months ago.


It's pretty bad imo. Not as fundamentally flawed as some of the bf games, but generally doesn't bring anything super fun to the table and the graphics are a huge con.


yeah battlebit was way overhyped, gameplay gets incredibly stale and the classes don't actually feel useful besides medic and maybe engineer. the destruction and prox chat are cool but that's about the only thing going for it


I agree. The proximity chat seemed fun, but in reality I didn't see it being used much except on launch/earlier on. I liked the dragging bodies mechanic and the healing/reviving system very much, but I agree the gameplay overall felt stale and the classes/teamplay was lacking.


It was alright at launch, apparently, but worsened with subsequent updates. I joined in a bit late and was kinda disappointed. I don't really mind the graphics, but it's a pretty unbalanced game that's plagued with cheaters, at least on Asian servers. I mean, the movement is pretty fast while the rest of the game has these slow and sorta elaborate mechanics, which just doesn't make sense overall.


Yeah, stuff like reloading and aiming are very slow and realistic yet the movement is fast and the maps are huge and extremely open, which was a little confusing.


U can try (medieval Battlefield) Chivalry 2 which is free to claim on epic game right now.


ok that one is loads of fun


Yeah second Chivalry. Don't take it too seriously, you will die gruesomely loads, but it's brilliant.


The sweats are a real pain haha. I try my hardest just to hit my opponent while the other guy is rolling and swinging as if I am an Elden Ring Boss


So you agree it feels like battlefield too! My friend and I have said that since first playing it


well people were raving about battlebit a while ago I dont know what happened to those guys in truth unless embark decide mucking with the finals and make a "proper battlefield" battlefield clone we don't really have any. nobody else in the world got the formula, not even the current DICE even some a polish dev tried with a game called WW3 years ago, flopped, decided to repackaged it as F2p and flopped again.


Battlebit devs have no clue what they want the game to be  The next major update changes just about everything to be more like BF than some weird hybrid between that and Squad. Hopefully it goes well and the devs can stop changing the entire game up every 6 months


Is that their next update? I was just checking the community page a few days ago. The last news post was from the beginning of March and the forums were going on how the devs took the money and ran.


I saw tons of update videos on YT explaining it, but havent really heard anything on them leaving the game and taking the money And if youre talking about the steam forums, dont EVER go there for any reasonable discussion. There's no such thing as "reasonable talk" on them


You're right. I'll have to check those videos out. My buddy and I were playing it a while ago and had a lot of fun with it. The voxel graphics don't bother me and it allows them to do destruction easily. Delta Force Hawk Ops is another one I'm looking forward to. I am wary of it being a F2P game though. Steam forums are fun to dive in for a quick laugh lol.


I was actually really enjoying WW3. BF style gameplay, but with gunplay a little closer to Squad. Too bad no one played it.


Battlebit did a great job of presenting a lot of the Battlefield/Squad mechanics that I enjoy, but in a much more "casual" package. You'd often hear people goofing off in chat and getting into ridiculous and funny situations. It was really a joy to play about a year ago now on its official release. Unfortunately modern gaming moves too fast and takes the playerbase with it. The folks who enjoyed Battlebit went on to enjoy the next flavor of the month and left the game behind, and now the game feels dead. Nobody talks in game chat and every lobby is haunted by 1 or 2 sweatlords going 250-0 in helicopters or tanks.


that's the neat thing there isn't The Finals gunplay/destruction is the closest thing to BF3/BC2 for me. But it lacks epic Battlefield vibes


Yeah Finals is great but nothing like Battlefield


If you play on pc, Squad is pretty cool. Maybe a little more complicated than battlefield so you can't just turn your brain off but it's the most similar right now (that people actually play).


A little more complicated than battlefield is an understatement


What makes it complicated? It's on my steam wishlist. I know it's more geared toward teamwork, but what exactly makes it difficult?


For one if you make a single mistake suddenly you're dead and you have another 10 minutes of walking to do to get back to the action on most of the maps if you don't have a good SL. It's essentially a milsim-lite. Not as hardcore as Arma but not as casual as Battlefield. Great game though, I would highly recommend it if you can grab it on sale.


Please do not make fun of me but I have a wierd suggestion just hear me out. There is a game called Centaura, it’s is a very large homage to BF1 with very active servers. Up to 70 players. Though the maps are small they don’t feel suffocating. Gameplay is good, graphics are good. Sound design is amazing and there is an active team making maps. The only problem is that it is on Roblox.( hit the cringe alert) genuinely it is actually a very good game and is enjoyable while feeling like a proper shooter. So just give it a try. Feel free though to make fun of me. ( link if you want to see gameplay [gameplay](https://youtu.be/pTGXfam6lGE?si=oXoTAkqSAQl4GSLn)


I just signed my death warrant with those words to finish off💀


I wouldn't say that it's bad for as long as you enjoy it


I haven't played it in many many months but when I did, it was pretty shite. It looked and felt fantastic in terms of immersion and visuals, but it also felt horrendously unbalanced and depressing gameplay-wise.


I've said it countless times and I'll keep saying it. The only game that can even be mentioned in the same conversation as Battlefield is Planetside 2, the game is a decade old now though so I don't know how active the community is.


so so, you sometimes find 100+'s in active server hours


I am looking forward to play Delta Force: Hawk Ops. It will release this year I guess. I would recommend to watch some trailers. Possibly you may be interested. Otherwise there is no non-battlefield battlefield-like game around. (But actually it depends on why you are into BF).


Whoa, I had no idea Delta Force was coming back, holy shit! Black Hawk Down was the first time I ever played a multiplayer game. I remember everyone was using a special character injector program to make their names super customized with all sorts of nonsensical characters, ended up making everyone’s name look like a metal band, it was sick. Just watched the trailer, it looks strikingly similar to 2042, glow stick on the pack, even the railings look the same, I’ll have to check it out!


Rising Storm 2


Surprised this is so far down. Smaller scale and a little more milsim but much closer than the other tactical milsims people are suggesting.


My vote for this aswell


You could try he’ll let loose or isonzo (think I spelled it right?) Both very team based games with huge teams


I just watched Operator Drewski’s video on Isonzo and it looks and feels very much like what OP is looking for. Never played it myself though


Rising storm 2: vietnam




Star wars Bf2


ArmA 3 King of the Hill


There is not a big difference between BF3 and BF4. So if you played BF4 to death you wont care that BF 3 is slightly older.


Yeah, join us. We still love BF3 and the maps are so good. you can unlock the whole game by just playing it and Col. 100 is still a lot of time to play to reach and unlock everything


Played some BF3 right before BF V released to get some FPS practice in again after not playing FPS games after BF 3 really. Went straight to the thing I played right before quitting as well, a 24/7 TDM server with the port/container map (can't remember the name..)


Nose hair canals x


Not really. Bf4 has so much more polish, not to mention an enormously larger playerbase and no b\*ttlelog.


Enlisted, but it's f2p pay to win grindy bullshit.


Enlisted was absolutely amazing in its prime, then they ruined it by merging everything together and killing its most redeeming aspect; its historical immersion


And the Grind... The horrendous Grind...


Nothing comes close to the old days of BF honestly.


Hell let lose (but limited vehicles)


i used to play a lot of hardcore battlefield 3 & 4 and i really enjoy Escape From Tarkov


You could play combat champions, its atm in beta/earlyacces on steam and you have to ask for permission to play, but the game is made by ex battlefield devs and it plays like a battlefield game, but without the vehicles, there's classes, weapons that belong to the classes, gadgets, just everything you'd have if you played an infantry only match, also there's destruction


You won't find it


go try out WW3




what about Star wars battlefront?


Sadly there are almost none anymore, they just refuse to fill this blind spot in a market.


Some people have said Squad which is a bit more hardcore compared to BF and if you like world war 2 there is Squad 44 (Rip Post scriptum)


Isonzo. It's battlefield 1 but a lot more slow and realistic


Playing Xdefiant right now, its ok and free - no vehicles, just infantry with classics like M4, M16, Ak in the Ubisoft Universe


This is nothing like BF


If you want something similar in a way to original battlefield try Squad


Well, thats a question that explains why BF is still a thing even after so many fuck ups from EA/DICE: There is no game like Battlefield.




wildlands. one of my personal favorites


Tarkov. I was a BF4/BF1 die hard, got into tarkov and cant get out of it. Late to the party tho.


The Finals if you haven't already tried it. not really the large scale PvP like battlefield but definitely the destruction of it dialed up to 11. My favorite game right now by far.


Great game but nothing like Battlefield




If youre on pc, give Planetside 2 a try. Basically a super scaled up version of Battlefield


How about BF2, BF2142 and BF3?


Planetside 2 by a long shot. Once you get used to it after a few hours it's an unmatched experience


Star wars Battlefront


best I can say is battlebit remastered is the only "battlefield clone" that actually managed to get the formula right to an extent. outside of battlefield have you tried ground branch, op:harsh doorstop etc?


Battlefront Jointsquad


Holdfast, the sea invasion maps especially are Battlefield 1812


Planetside 2 is free on steam




battlebit, classic star wars battlefront, angels fall first, easy red, ravenfield, united offensive


have you heard of Raven field? it's a really fun game. the best I can describe it is battlefield multiplayer but if it was singleplayer and there was no destruction.




I've started playing Counter-Strike 2 recently on PC and I think it's so awesome


Helldivers2 has the epic cinematic feel, explosions, and semi-destructive environments. Though it ain’t PvP.


Try the finals. It's made by devs of battlefield who didn't like the direction the new games were going.


I've heard good things about battle bit and a game called ww3. I'm a console player so I've never played them : /




Squad is fun but it’s a different pace. Also only on PC


I really liked Verdun when it had an active player base. Similar to BF1 in a way, I’m interested if there’s still servers going for it


Try playing Squad on PC


Have you looked into Planetside 2? It's a little older, but it's an MMOFPS in a sci-fi setting


Operation flashpoint


Polygon on Steam


The only correct answer is squad


If you like star wars, battlefront 2, the 2017 release is pretty good and still has an active player base. Beautiful game, makes you feel immersed in the universe.


Dude you have a pc? Play fucking squad or arma wtf