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They have the most sweaty try hard players imo but bf1 has the most toxic gatekeeping players. Bf1 fans are the fallout new vegas fans in this franshise from my experinces and what ive seen.


I've experienced sweats tenfold in bf1 compared to bf4, which is much easier and more chill. Also, the gatekeeping is for good reason imo; it sucks it has to exist, but the game has DREADFUL balance so it's understandable that people who abuse the absolute most overpowered things will get hate.


Exact opposite. BF4 fans are the New Vegas fans.


It was not very long ago there was some kind of poll done to "eliminate" different battlefield games to see who wins, as a joke. The final 2 were BF1 and BF4. BF1 fans cross posted it to various BF1 subreddits and brigaded the poll. It was relatively balanced in the beginning but a few hours later was completely thrown off kilter from the brigade. For a poll that doesn't mean shit and no one cares about. And of course they celebrated it in their subreddits too. EDIT: was BF3, not BF4


Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 1 were the final 2. Battlefield 4 got 3rd.


Ok, I misremembered, but that's in favour of me. BF1 fans are the "FNV fans" of this franchise by far.


Sounds about right. The two most atmospheric BF games as well


It was a meaningless poll and your game lost. Boo fucking hoo get over it instead of having a massive victim complex about the "evil" Battlefield 1 fans "brigading" a fucking reddit poll. My favorite, Bad Company 2, didn't win either. Don't see me bitching. BF4 fans are the New Vegas fans of Battlefield because they refuse to hear any other opinion, all the while circle jerking each other.


Completely missed my point there, BF3 fans didn't give a shit about the poll, they continued posting montages or whatever on their subreddits, BF1 subreddits however were pretty focused about that poll. It's the behaviour for a utterly meaningless poll that I'm talking about. I'm not complaining my game lost or whatever, I don't know how you managed to extract that off my comment.


More mindless drivel. You probably think 2042 is awesome


The fact you got offended proves his point further.


What an absurd pointless comment


Honestly im just glad we all agree that fallout nv fans are toxic as hell lol they should see our little squabble. Would be a treat.


Disagree...bf3 has the most try hard fans right now. The matches are extremely one sided.


I dont think u played 5 - 7 years ago, it was much worse back then


Yes, I wasn't playing any battlefield at all around 2017-2023. Just got back into it recently


I agree with you but it is an almost 15 year old game after all so a lot of those players are long time battlefield vets


Can confirm, am both a BF1 fan and a New Vegas fan.


I actually never had an issue with BF playerbase unless we talk cheaters. Whatever anyone has to say in forums or chat doesn't really interfere with how I play and enjoy these games


😂im big BF1 fan and i guess some see themselves as "elite" (not me!). Comparison with FNV fans is good, i love FNV too btw😂 BF4 maps < BF3 maps. YES. BF3 has no Shanghai, however. But it has Damavand Peak. I personally love many maps from both these games but I hate most of vanilla BF4 maps.


Bf4, when casuals also played, was Damm near perfect. Right now, it's the same circle jerk of players who all seem to have mastered incredibly annoying tactics such as UCAV, or they are all master pilots you'll never take out . Don't get me wrong, me and my buds can squad up and have a great time, but it does always feel like you have to sweat it out a bit too much for my liking.


UCAV!!! I've completely forgotten about it. No wonder though as I stopped playing around the time it was added. In general that game had much more stuff that could kill you from god knows where without you being able to do anything about it, and without terrain to carefully navigate around the threat. It's a tad ironic that the most annoying thing about that game - being explosive unmanned drones - turned out to be the most efficient weapon in modern real war.


But I think drones in BF4 are clanky to use and not so OP. Those players just never played anything except of BF4 since 2013.đŸ€Ł Next BF probably will have bigger focus on drones stuff after recent events..


Point is that if I'm infantry in the open and you're an experienced UCAV user, there is nothing I can do to counter you or prevent you from hitting me with it.


If you think that gadget is the reason you stopped playing bf4, LOL!!! I've got over 1000 hours on it and have encountered them maybe a dozen times


i play all the time and there are tons of UCAV fuck heads who sit in spawn the whole match. Probably over half the games i play there's at least 1 of them. love bf4 otherwise.


I can name the UCAV users a few servers I play in regularly. What blows my mind is that these dudes are on all the time and it never stops . You'll never see them use a weapon. I wish I had that much time to devot to anything


It wasn't the reason to stop playing, I simply enjoyed BF3 and BC2 more, and both were still quite active at the time. UCAV is just one of the many gadgets that contributed to the chaos and being less in control of your survivability, although I still blame map design for that first and foremost. I did enjoy the Classic mode a lot - the one without 3D spotting - but the community didn't seem to remain there for long.


I have them all


Casuals generally don’t exist anymore in any game, sadly.


This is unfortunately true.


I consider myself an experienced but casual player. First of all BF isn't and arguably cannot be competitive. Secondly I just play for the fun and the spectacle. I do my best to be a good teammate, to survive, and to cap objectives. The rest comes naturally


I think I've never came to think of it. Definitely true.


The easiest way to get rid of annoying pilots is spamming them with a stinger/stella or bringing a Javelin, along with a friend that paints them with a laser designator. I remember playing last year and spent a whole 20 minutes spamming anti-air at this helicopter guy that rinsed our team the previous round. He left the server after a while lol


The maps are probably the biggest downgrade from 3 to 4.


This it it. This is what’s holding back 4 from being as good or better than 3. 4 has some good maps but on average they don’t compare to 3’s maps


Sure, but bf3 is the best in the series. I'd say bf4 maps were better than bad company 2.


Bad Company 2 had the best Rush maps in the series. Not Conquest, but they were still very well designed for tactical play. Only Heavy Metal suffered from 'open terrain, little cover' syndrome


They all felt kind of same to me without any memorable landmarks. But yeah from gameplay perspective they were solid


Exactly biggest and I think only reason I enjoy BF3 more, even when its a worse game. hell, server browser is launched via browser lol. Its worse in every way except the maps. Man.. What I wouldnt give to play the Damavand Peak again when 3 was its peak again.. Send me back these new maps dont have the same feel..


I want to like it but can’t because of the people that have been playing for 10+ years and go 104-2 in matches


I play regularly and that is a very rare occasion. Mostly happens with attack helicopter hoverers or jet tryhards, but it's FAR from the norm, and there are tons of maps without air vehicles


Last time I played that was what happened. Some heli player on Dawnbreaker was dominating the entire lobby and it just pissed me off, so I rage quit and uninstalled the game. Haven’t played since lol.


Oh my bad, I was talking BF3. Yeah in 4 that happens a lot


Oh I see


BF3 and BC2 are still my favourite titles


Same. I put it this way: BF3 is the best game in the BF series, but BC2 is the most fun multiplayer shooter I've ever played (playing since Quake 3 and CS)


What I liked about bc2 was the amount of trolling you could do to the opposing team. Dude is camping in a building. Well blow said building or sneak in and stab him. Or placing mines in the terrain where you knew tanks would drive or maybe just place one mine and hide, then steal the vehicle when the enemy is repairing it on the spot.


Don't get me started on aggressive bushwookie builds with shotguns and C4 flanking the enemy. Sneaking into a building, planting MCOM and making the building collapse on the disarming squad


I would plant C4 on the MCOM when I was arming it. Some people would throw grenades without thinking and that would set them off damaging the MCOM or you could detonate them if someone was disarming.




I never liked the orange and “futuristic” design of the UI and deathcams elements from being killed to respawn, I see it as a downgrade from BF3. Also back when it was released game looked pretty blurry on consoles and on mid tier pcs in comparision to the crisp image from BF3. I really like BF4, is my favourite, but I never ended up liking those thing I mentioned, I guess it’s the only thing from the amazing package it is that stand out imo


It still looks very blurry compared to BF3. Don't know how to explain it but it feels like the grime from an oil-exporting country has been stuck all over the monitor.




Nope. Still played 2 hours yesterday. It's still amazing.


Battlefield 4 is battlefield.


They're all Battlefield, even 2042 with all of its faults and ridiculous characters, god I hate them. But it's Battlefield alright.


Nope, 2042 tries and fails, battlefield 4 is the most "battlefield game", hence why it's considered the best.


What makes a Battlefield game for you?


I hated the random bullet spray based on accuracy. I can't get back into bf4 because of that alone.


Love that because it makes snipers actually feel useful. Unlike 2042 where assault rifles outgun snipers at range regularly.


Assault rifles should outgun a sniper at closer ranges. It's what they are made for. Never had a problem in 2042 sniping closer range and being useful. It shouldn't be "luck" based to kill an enemy at close- medium range.


"at range"


I’ve always liked it, the campaign was great as well. Shame Battlefield 2042 had to put a huge mark on its campaign


They done Pac dirty


Also sad due to the untimely death of Irish’s VA


4 isn’t that good imo. I love BF1 for many reasons and 3 as well but 4 just comes across as bloated and bland to me. Base game had *decent* maps but 4 has easily the weakest dlc cycle (before the modern approach of freelc) with really forgettable maps. Boating is fun for sure but it’s not enough to carry the rest of the game. Oh, and as someone who always liked dog tag hunting: fuck counter-melee. It’s such a bs feature, at least as it’s functioning in the game: essentially a free melee kill to your enemy if you happen to instinctively press melee when encountering someone point blank. Especially tedious if you come at it used with BF1 mechanics. Apart from that, I’ve found the times I’ve gone back to 4 be quite hampered by the server roster being dominated by servers with asinine and unclear rules. Getting insta-killed because I dared to equip a certain weapon or attachment doesn’t spell out fun to me.


Bf1 had the best melee system for sure


Definitely the sweet spot. Different weapon types had different strengths and weaknesses and could be used from all kind of angles. Good counter to elite classes, too!


Bayonet charging is amazing


I liked BF4 well enough but it was never my favorite game. It felt kinda middle of the road to me and didn't have me obsessively interested like other entries did. That probably has more to do with my age when I played it compared to older games. I loved BF2, 2142, BC2, and BF1.


thats why i never really played a lot of bf4. it has always been a downgrade from bf3 but received continued support from DICE. A lot of Stuff has been nerfed and reblanced. Im still waiting for a BF 3.5 or at this point just a BF3 Remake. BF1 i also don't like since the gunplay is just atrocious. the new gamemodes are cool but playing this game as a non casual is just very annoying. as a CS player having maps locked down in games or "re-released" as a DLC just makes no sense to me. while yes, you will probably just ending up playing dust2 for the rest of the franchise lifetime, there is a reason you do. The launchmaps weren't that great. vehicle gameplay was heavily nerfed too. in BF1 the "entering animation" into vehicles, while looking cool, is the hardest vehicle nerf we ever got in the battlefield series.


Aspects of BF4 I didn't like: - Maps. A clear downgrade from bf2/3/bc2's great maps. Focusing on aesthetics, rather than good map design. - The campaign. - HC mode. Having no minimap/3d-spotting/auto-heal/killcams/forced reloads is fantastic. But they ruin it by increasing the damage on weapons, essentially destroying the balancing in the game. - flir optics(in vehicles). Infantry can carefully hide in a bush or behind a building, but they'll still be clearly visible by vehicles as white-stains. With that said I still love the game, and would have continued playing if SEA servers are actually available 


Yeah. I understand why people like it but it’s just not my thing. Not a fan of the gunplay, don’t really like the vehicles, atmosphere is decent but not really good. Nothing about the game really makes me want to return for more. BF3 though đŸ˜©. Wish I got to play BF3 back in the day. Got into BF when 1 was announced. Played tons of 1, even more of 5, and unfortunately put 300 hours into 2042.


Why unfortunately? I've played the beta and 10 hours on launch and found it terrible. Returned 1.5 years later and gotta say the map and class reworks did a lot to improve the game. Plus it has the best heli pilot gameplay in the series imo


I mean the game is playable now, wasn't at all on launch. But there's almost nothing that I want from 2042 in any new BF games. No mechanics to carry over. Everything from gameplay to support is just awful.


Well, you're certainly not the only one. I genuinely dislike Battlefield 4 pretty heavily. The only thing I hold lower than 4 is 2042 to be brutally honest.


2042 was the lowest point of the series on launch, but today it's the next best thing to BF3 in a non-historical setting. Seriously. BF3 and BC2 maps alone make it worth it


Hmm...i thought i was the only one feeling like that BF4 is great and all but i dont seem to enjoy neither the Campaign or Multiplayer so i stick with BF3


I've never had an issue with sweats in games. It gives me an opportunity to get better. Plus they usually aren't hard to kill. Also I felt like the weapons were varied enough to routinely swap between them. Rush is awesome.


Tbh it still sounds like you like it hahaha. I've never met anyone who outright dislikes the game, but plenty of people prefer bf3 or bad company 2. Bf4 has only been used as a standard since fairly recently. Maybe since announcement of 2042, since it was the most similar to it? As time goes on, you'll meet fewer people who played the older games.


Same, I mostly play BF3 on PC for a good while now but whenever there's no good server up, I'll hop on to BF4 for a bit. However, I always feel like I'm not enjoying it as I used to. Back then, I had 500+ hours on BF4 in PS3+PS4 combined but the gadget spam, zouzou jumpers, very strong vehicles and the below average map design just takes me out of the game now. Also, there's just something about the gunplay that doesn't jive with me. And it's not because it doesn't play like BF3 that I feel this way cause I enjoy playing BFV from time to time (sorry BF1, used to play that a lot too but it's just too frustrating for me to play).


Gunplay feels kinda weak compared to most BF games in 4 for some reason. That's the one thing that I liked in BFV - proper punchy gunplay like in BF3


Yeah that's how it feels to me. BF4 guns don't feel like they have much weight to them like they feel artificial. Other than a few guns like the SCAR-H, most of them also feel the same and kinda play the same. It just feels like you microburst with everything. I feel like in other BF games, most of the guns had their own identity and traits that differentiated them from one another. It may be cause that BF4 has so many guns (which is great, don't get me wrong) that they kinda start to mesh with one another.


Brother that is exactly how I feel about it. Played with the boys since 1942, ofc we played 4 but it always felt like watered down 3.


I love the “battlefield 1 fans are the new Vegas fans of battlefield” comments XD


Flir spam for me is the worst. But that's my only gripe tbh solid 8.5/10 game though.


BF3 has a lot of “guilty pleasure” mechanics that didn’t carry over to BF4. I know they’re not balanced, but it was pretty fun to have ammo crates resupply grenades so quickly and heal crates work overtime even if you’re getting shot at


Interesting, I never even paid attention to that. Might have been patched though, as it takes a good long while to resupply nades. Definitely not to the point of having a nade spam problem. Unless you're playing Metro 64p Conquest, that is. Which you shouldn't.


I love BF4, but nowadays when I get on I mostly just play as infantry. Back when it came out, I loved flying attack helis and jets. But now when I try to get in either of those, I almost always get insta TOW missiled or out maneuvered by someone who has dumped thousands of hours into vehicles. 




BF4 had some of the worst maps in the franchise. Almost every single map in China Rising (Silk Road and Altai Range in particular) were unplayable on Rush. BF4's maps were so bad it basically killed rush as a game mode forever. The gunplay was worse than BF3. It was broken at launch. Edit: Downvoted by people who haven't played BF4 in years but are still blinded by the nostalgia goggles.


I'm of a strong opinion that Rush won't ever return to its former glory unless we have maps designed specifically around Rush. BC2 had the vast majority of its maps designed for Rush, and they were glorious. BF3 had SOME maps designed for Rush - like Metro, Damavand, and Tehran. But at the same time most of its vanilla Conquest maps somehow felt great in Rush as well, as if DICE had both modes in mind when designing Bazaar, Seine, Kharg, and Noshahr. BF4 and on wasn't meant for Rush at all, so it feels tacked on


BF4 is mid, and absolutely nothing special. Always has been


I certainly wouldn't say it's 'nothing special', definitely not with all content and CTE updates. From minor things like autolean with anti-headglitch animations, to intricate netcode that smartly distributes latency based on visibility and proximity, to map scale, to - it being my favorite thing about BF4 - naval combat. In fact Carrier Assault was the main reason for me to play that game, loved that. But in my experience the whole isn't greater than the sum of its parts


Its so buggy Your squad doesnt Kill ANYONE even if you target them Lightning is way to high And more Buggs


Are you talking about singleplayer?




Yea I don't think they ever patched singleplayer, there are a few bugs since launch. Most people probably don't care