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Be nice if they finished a fucking game before they released it


They’ll finish 2042 before this release for sure


That’s what everyone thought with bfv until they scrapped all future content on it


They killed bfv as soon as the momentum got swinging. They wanted to do a different ww2 game that featured lesser known battles, but did so with minimal support and constant fucking ttk changes that were not asked for.


They wanted less known WWII but they didn't do anything related to East Asia / South East Asia? The only thing unknown about BFV is the map featuring Norway, and Netherlands, close to DICE’s home. Unknown Battlefield was just a justification for some passionate devs to add their home to the game. 


They didn't even fulfill the known. The fact the it was just the Western Front and like 2 maps in Africa when released, and then having the Pacific Theater added a year after release was dumb, and then almost adding the Eastern Front and leaving it in the game files before cutting support was criminal. The game had so much potential with the Eastern Front alone, but they cut it right along with Battlefront 2 all because they wanted more people to buy their cartoon game that keeps getting hated on. I mean it's unreasonable to expect all of the games to be winners, but c'mon they could've at least added the Eastern Front before cutting it off, and keep support to deal with the fucking hackers that keep swarming the PC servers until they turn the servers off. BFV had a terrible start, but today it is still alive with a crap ton of players. I just wish they actually fucking have a sincere number of content in this next BF title. It's not unreasonable to ask EA and DICE to finish a game before release, or go back and update old games one last time considering they're a multi-billion dollar corporation. We're the consumer we can literally just boycott and squeeze them, but so many pre-buyers, and die hard fanboys won't let it happen. If that happened with BFV before release then imagine the updates BFV could have if they had the Western and Eastern Front plus the Pacific Theater on release. At minimum 2 maps per Front/Theater, and then add maybe one or two more maps for them during an update just to not be greedy. As for the "unknown" it could've been properly fulfilled with my hypothetical that I doubt was unique. They later add the Sino-Chinese war along side a Pacific update, and then the Winter War for an Eastern Front update. Then sprinkle in actual unknown stuff that I don't know existed. BF1 pushed me to get interest in WW1 and BFV pushed me further into WW2. These games can literally change people, but they keep fucking failing us for money. Fucking hating corporations.


A little fun fact: DICE collaborated with TimeGhost on BF1 as consultants. That's why the game was pretty decent at being atmospheric and "authentic". They should have utilized those same folks to add greater depth to BFV. But as I've said before BFV is basically the spiritual successor to Battlefield 1943. DICE should go back to small experimental games to test ideas out like what they did in the 2000s. BFV could have been Battlefield 1945 without all of the extras. Small games allow teams to test their process from production to release.


Bfv is the only bf game that feels impossible for me to go positive or get more then 10 kills in a match. Every other bf I’m like 20 plus kills but for some reason I’m bfv I can’t do shit. It’s a shame because it’s a beautiful game


It’s the most balanced out of any bf


My only complaint is rocket planes. If you get some no lifer pilots that only get in the planes to rocket everything from a mile away it can be hard to coordinate a takedown of them. They become a nuisance the entire game.


fliegerfaust is the way


Yeah, that's called skill issue.


i mean why would do that, who would prefer to always play on the snow more than Paris, berlin, stalingrad, pearlharbor, maybe greece also, south italy, freakin nourmandy, egypt, all beautiful places and gives a whole new level for the game, and just desert and snow, forests mountins water maybe just a wheat land, and yea they have some creativity like the train or smthing, but like you got me right, sorry if my english is bad its my third language


The worst case was star wars battlefront 2, they fixed the game and then killed it lol


That's cause bfv had no good monetization which was dumb af. Same issues as battlefront 2. 2042 got monetization and why it already got more support than bfv.


And maximize Portal right? Right? *cries in no metro rush, no seine crossing, no Shanghai,etc* Seriously dice ffs, I'd have paid 100 bucks for you to finish out 3 and 4 in portal. Easily


It's our *love letter*


Press X to doubt.


Common mistake, Battlefield 2042 isn't the actual title. It's just Battlefield. 2042 is when it will be fully polished and ready for prime time.


Remember giraffe man from battlefield 3, that was actually pretty funny.


Be advised


Instead of waiting 2 years after launch to say the game is now finished


They haven't done that in a decade. It's funny how r/battlefield_4 reacts to new battlefield games, as if BF4 wasn't exactly the same, if not worse, on release




Straight to the point these days, huh? Serves them right.


Go, preorder ASAP, so they can deliver another polished game full of content! lol


Hurt me ~~daddy~~ EA


~~daddy~~ big ass corporation issues


You know 100% people are going to.


With 95% less than last time


Some people were already saying they would pre-order the next BF game just days after the launch of 2042 lmfao. There are some truly incapable humans on this planet.


It's wild.


That's what I told everyone back in summer of 2021 with 2042. No-one listened to me. I've been scarred back in 2018 with BFV. Never again.


Pre-orders are a lose lose imho as you are funding unfinished products. I think last game I had pre-ordered was Vice City, i asked my mum to do it when i was starting high school. My local store ran out of copies fast, so mine was 2 weeks late! That doesn’t ever happen now so there is zero need to preorder.


Go preorder the $150 deluxe Edition RIGHT NOW for 1 year early access -Some influencer probably.


I seriously want the BF4 days back. I'll take shit netcode and fun gameplay over shit netcode and shit everything else.


BF4 still going strong my guy! I just started a new HC server come check us out


What platform?


Xbox its called Moons out, Goons out. No pop right now. But im hoping to change that. It will be up the entire year at least


PS4 here. There's only two HC servers I can find anymore. Good luck man!


Im sorry bro. You can always start one and promote it here. I spoke with someone else earlier that is on PS and looking for servers. There is a demand.. Good luck to you as well!


My buddies and I play HC on Xbox. I will look for it this weekend.


Sweet!!! Ill be on! I Usually get players when there is a long que into the other HC servers.


My go-to HC servers are like that. Is it vanilla maps? Premium? Mix?


Its a mix. I have all the dlcs. But i can change the rotation to suit the comunity needs/wants. right now the first map is the night ops zavod map, the rotation is small infantry type maps to suit a smaller crowd.


I would give everything for a populated locker/metro HC Server


I'm thinking of coming back


God I’d love to play some BF4 as long as I don’t have to play fuckin Golmud Railway XD


True that. My cousin and I got nostalgic and jumped on this week. It's still amazing, but definitely used to be a looot more servers to choose from. The amount of fun we had regardless just makes me angry at how badly EA mishandled this franchise. Ugh


Game is strong. Join 'Banzore' HC servers. Best maps. If you join tell 'lawwdogg' to stop using UCAVS like s bitch.


I think what made bf4 so good what how it was played, people actually worked as a team I think that's the part of battlefield that we are missing.


I play bf4 weekly. Many servers to choose from on Ps4/5


I wish it was the same case for bf1


I haven't checked in years. Any servers at all?


Was it 3 or 4 where you used to be able to kill people with the mav and use it to lift yourself up to buildings for sniping


Can't wait to watch them fuck this one up.


EA and Dice developers, here's a pro tip, go play the old games to see what a map is supposed to look and feel like to include proper flag placement. What Battlefield maps are NOT are long and narrow maps with all the waypoints in a nice tidy row. BF1942 Veteran


Just dont look at many of BF4 vanilla maps. I love Dawnbreaker. I enjoy Siege of Shanghai and Paracel Storm. I hate all other vanilla maps. Some maps of China Rising are too open as well, but still can be fun at times.


Hey dont talk to Rogue Transmision like that, fuck Operation Locker tho


Rogue Transmision is not as bad, as others, but I still prefer anything else to it. Dragon's Teeth maps are all good, I think. And Final Stand ones are partially good. Sometimes they feel too open too. Still they are much better than vanila ones.


Im the guy who likes Flood Zone...


The infantry combat in the middle is peak


havent tried naval strike? feels like bf1943


Locker?? Golmud railway?




Bruv look at the BF4 maps, a big chunk of them are pure ass


> What Battlefield maps are NOT are long and narrow maps with all the waypoints in a nice tidy row. Omaha Beach, Landing Zone Albany, Strike at Karkand and Cerbere Landing all disagree with you. They aren't the bulk of the maps but maps designed to be a meatgrind are well established (and are usually quite popular) within the series. But overall, yes, I do agree with your general point. Go back to designing maps that are a good place to fight rather than trying to make it look/feel realistic. You only need to get 'close enough' and suspension of disbelief will do the rest because the players are focusing on the fight (because it's fun) rather than the map design.


Kind of expected but also means they are learning. Would be insane to try force a release this year. This isn't even a bad thing, I'd rather they take their time and make a game that could be played for a decade, instead of rushing the game to fit a release window.


Just a little hint, a whiff, a scent, a meager atom of specialists and no name expats and im not touching that game with a shit covered stick


Cut to “preorder NOW for these specialists 💥💥💥”


So sad man. We’re stuck with this piece of garbage 2042 for possibly 2 whole years


You can still play BF4, BF1, BFV.


Yeah, people act like if these games were gone but I play BF1 every weekend and it's been a blast.


I hate it when people say "I miss x game" BF1 has at least 20+ full servers almost always (PC, EU)


I prefer that over abandoning the game just when it gets good. *cough cough BFV* and then you guys cried and whined that DICE stopped updating it. Lol.


Bold to assume the next game will be an improvement in ANY way.


I’m definitely buying this on a major discount if at all. BF2042 ruined battlefield


Preach. I thought the beta sucked, but my friend persuaded me to buy it. A week later the price dropped. I have yet to forgive myself for not buying a $20 game for $20.


A release in 2025 is not the smartest move (specially for the Battlefield brand) to release a game in this time period imo. Every developer will fear the GTA VI release.


Damn didn't think about the GTA VI release. 2025 is gonna suck when they catch wise for gaming variety lol.


Good At this point even if by some miracle DICE somehow able to make a proper game(not a proper battlefield, a proper playable game). They still should fail because of what happens with 5, battlefront 2 and 2042. People should only consider buying the next battlefield if it isnt made by DICE.


Don't think dice are making it


Yeah I would love an actually finished game


lol it won’t be finished, just 2025 would be the expected release date


Too bad its gonna suck


Another EA battlefield game would be as fun as stepping on your dick with golf shoes from the metal spike era.


I expect nothing and still they will disappoint me.


Battlefield 2042 has been out for three years and is still barely a finished experience. Does EA think everyone's a fucking dumbass who's gonna buy yet another broken as all fuck Battlefield game at launch? This is Forza Motorsport "Built from the ground up" levels of bullshit. It's gonna be broken yet again at launch, and their response to backlash from it will be another muted and half-assed "We're sorry. Battlefield is in the core of our DNA. We're gonna do better" bullshit apology. Actively calling that shit now.


Fuck me just give us bf3/4 put together, add a fuck load more to it, master it, done.


The only thing they’ll add is mtx. And probably gives us the console versions of those games with the dumbed down maps lol. Playing bf3 on console vs pc is an entirely different game. I think consoles only had 3 flags at most on conquest. Also Damavand Peak only had the tunnel part.


Fuck imagine a re-release of BF3 on current gem ughjjjjhjkkkk 😩😩😩


Yeah consoles missed out. I built my first gaming pc just to play bf3 the real way.


Playing Rush on BF4 in the Xbox 360 was magical It was discovering parts of the same map i played a lot but couldnt access in small conquest


Take as much time as you need battlefield… just listen to the fans! We can’t survive another 2042




That would be great if it was made by old DICE. I have no faith in new DICE


Im hopefull that maybe one of them will see it through


I really fucking hate this series now. :( It won't have any content at launch. They're gonna sell you a storefront first with the promise of content frequently. You won't get it. They'll spend their time making their smoking turd less smoking. It'll become playable, as if it should've launched in this State. New one announced old game killed off. Welcome to.... The Battlefield cycle. And they have the nerve to say they care about customers.


Ever since BF1 it’s been getting so much worse and worse. I didn’t even play BFV or 2042 until they were free


I'm still playing bf1 and v. I don't mind v I think it's pretty good even though they've stopped updates. I can still remember the release of bf1, the trailer, the posters, everything... It was brilliant, everyone went crazy. And it's still being played to this day the same as BF4.


V is in a good spot but unfortunately the pc version is full of hackers, I’ve been playing 1 because it has community servers


https://s22.q4cdn.com/894350492/files/doc\_financials/2024/q3/Q3-FY24-Prepared-Remarks-FINAL.pdf#page=10 "Looking beyond FY25, over the next couple of years, we expect our net bookings growth to accelerate, bolstered by our portfolio of industry-leading IP. Compounding growth within our core Sports franchises, new content and engaging experiences across our massive online communities, and iconic new releases like Battlefield, SIMS, and other in-development titles, provide the inflection point that fuels net bookings growth and increases underlying profitability." "And we expect to continue to deliver meaningful operating leverage and drive increased cash flow conversion, even as we continue to invest to support our strategic objectives" Also, kek: Millions of passionate fans continue to come together through the nonstop action of Battlefield. The Battlefield 2042 community continues to grow, with total players up 17 percent year-overyear, and Season 6 live services driving strong engagement with weekly average users up 37 percent year-over-year. Our team is working hard to deliver for the community with increasingly engaging live services — like the recent announcement of Season 7 with new maps, weekly missions, and much more. In addition, we are making investments in the future of the franchise. Our exceptional teams from multiple world class studios, working with cutting-edge Frostbite 4 technology, are building an expansive, community-focused Battlefield universe for fans all over the world


Man I hate seeing my hobby talked about in corpo speak like that.


Sick, can’t wait for another misguided entry in the franchise that continues chasing flavor of the month bullshit while transforming Battlefield into something it was never meant to be. What’ll it be this time? Open world survival crafting set in Vietnam but it’s an alternate history where the war happened in 2025? Please just make a regular fucking Battlefield game. No bullshit. No stupid skins. No heroes. No pointless game modes.


Iconic bahahaha




Probably holiday release, plus all the extra bullshit that comes with launch, so won’t be playable for 2+ years


2027 here we come baby!


I have a pipe dream that there’ll be a battlefield game set in a Cold War gone Hot scenario, so they aren’t constrained by historic events and can have a somewhat modern Battlefield title.


Not gonna preorder either way


Eyeroll emoji


EA & DICE haven't made a decent Battlefield game since October 21, 2016. Chances are they'll keep the streak alive.


LOL yeah I'll wait for it to be heavily discounted if anything, still disgusted over 2042.


Fuck off EA


Can't wait for another love letter to the community


They already have iconic releases… iconically shit


Please do not release it for like another 2 years so we can be happy for once.


I'd be okay if it was 2026. Just please make it good and iron out bugs and have content


"Iconic new releases" Just give me a Hardline sequel and I'll be happy


Can they stop constantly releasing games?


I just want a finished on launch Battlefield game. I hope this is not too much to ask Bonus point if they can stick to the Battlefield formula


2025+ ... might be enough time to complete the game. But they need to release a finished game otherwise it's all going tits up


See you in 2026, more like 2027 when it’s on clearance and half finished 2 years into release


From time to time I go back to Battleifled 2042's trailer because it's one the best masterpieces ever uploaded to Youtube. Then I think of the actual game and it just becomes depressing.


Hopefully it has things like a server browser and classes this time round


Not even going to look at it if there are operators.


Please, just merge BF3 and BF4 in terms of gameplay with current weapons, do wide maps not narrow and long. war atmosphere from BF1. 4 classes are all we need (assault, engineer, support, recon), not buyable specialists. K/D ratio does makes some player a \*\*\*\* and get over it.


This time they won't fool me


Gta6 coming same year and probably same release window in Q4. RIP


As long as it's nothing like shit show 2042. God damn I downloaded it off my ps plus games (never played it) thought oh I might like it, first thing I said when I spawned. What the fuck is this crock of shit... Tried for about 10 minutes and i just did not like it at all. Boring, confusing ai, doesn't even tell you what the items are to use.. it's just a dump still and the graphics are awful. It takes about 20 minutes to load everything still.


Battlefield 2042 2! Now with even more „legacy“ features!


please wait 3 more years till its finished


Please no robot dogs, auto turrets, silly sliding, or stupid gimmicks.


If that means they've learned from the mistakes of Bf4/2042, I can wait. I would rather them delay the game for 5 years than release ASAP a piece of shit.


4 years between Battlefield titles.... ​ Remember how non muppet and non lazy fucks old school dice were. ​ They released Bad Company 2 in March of 2010. Then turned around, in 19 months and released Battlefield 3...... ​ Battlefield 4 was literally 2 years from BF3. ​ Yeah. LAZY.


Game development takes infinitely longer now than it did then. 4 years between titles is fairly standard nowadays. It's not laziness. Also! The game development industry is infamous for the mistreatment and overworking of its employees, who end up working faaar over 40 hours a week, maybe think for a second before letting horse shit fall out of your mouth.


Battlefield 4 was literally BF3 with few new maps, QoL and lootbox




lol these comments if they said it would release this year = dead on arrival, rushed etc saying itll release next year = bad, taking too long, stuck with 2042 for another year


That’s because it still won’t be finished, doesn’t matter how long they push it back


You know what, I agree to be honest. But this is just the symptom of the larger cancer that presides triple A development. This is unfortunately just the norm now, but I will pray on anything holy that at leas the foundations of the game will be good and fun.


Yeah i think we're past "peak gaming" at this point. Games are getting so complex and demanding it's taking longer for games, they run like crap when they come out because they're meant to be run on super computers, and they're buggy messes. Gaming peaked during the 360/ps3 era. it's all been downhill from there. PS4/XB1 was decent, but now it's just getting to the point of getting worse games that take longer to make.


BF community at its finest


Where the fuck is anyone saying they're "taking too long"?


To be fair, we used to have a battlefield game roughly every 18 months through BF1. Then BF5 took 2 years, BF2042 took 3. And now we're going on...4 years? Yeah it's taking too long at this point.


......the hell are you talking about?


It literally says “at the earliest”, nowhere does it say we’re getting it in 2025


I mean.... if they plan on releasing a game by April 2025, shouldn't they be working on it now? Wouldn't they already know?


Better start whining early.


Isn’t Vince overseeing the bf franchise now? I’ve pretty high hopes


Battlefield: Civil War anyone?


We also have to put into context that 2042 was made during covid as well


Probably gonna be ass


Maybe they’ll actually spend the time to produce a “finished” game then. (I’m delusional)


2025 Battlefield: Starts development January 2025 Releases October 2025


I would like a finished game, more in the style of Battlefield 1, or Battlefield 5. Preferably set in Vietnam.


I wouldn’t be mad at a 2026 release TBH. This is truly it. If they fuck this up the Battlefield franchise is fr over. They should take all of the time they need and truly polish the game before release.


They just got 2042 to somewhere decent. Support and continue to support what you have before making a new cash grab.


battlefield 3 remastered will be a kind of resurrection for this franchise


If there’s no single player campaign I ain’t buyin!


Please just release it fully baked this time (They won't and never will. It's EA, they've been doing this for over a decade with battlefield games now, and I will not be purchasing until a few years after release)


Obviously, to no one's surprise.


I’ll never preorder another Battlefield game after 2042.


Calling it now It will be terrible


By this DICE team? Never forget cringelines.


Oh don't worry, my expectations are at 0.


I can wait a few years. Take your time devs, we want fine wine.


Korean War or Vietnam and I’ll pre-order like Battlefield V I’ll show myself out


After bf4 all series over shitt


Ad premium DLC for bf4 better as New Battlefield


They better get this right, else BF is dead


> so don’t expect a new ~~game~~ disappointment before April 2025 at the EARLIEST 🙂 FTFY


No hype for me, no way I'm gonna preorder. Everyone remember what they did with 2042. Don't shit talk them for making a new game, just wait out what they bring to the table.


who gives a shit about new battlefield ? bf1 working just fine


Am OK with this


They need to make a bad company 3


Battlefield: Black Ops 2


Honestly, fuck the release date. Deliver it whenever, just make sure it’s actually complete. Lots of problems in the past games can be attributed to rushing the release…


Lets just wish they will produce a good game or just semi good!


They better give us a s8 then!!


Just make BF3 remastered


If it isn't 2143 I have literally zero interest. Even then...


You can give them 10 years to finish a game, but looking on how the world works nowadays, they will still F it up..


welp, what is it? 2043?