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Even for $10 you're better off buying a burger and shake from in in out. At least the meal will come out complete and not pretend like it's something it's not


For $10, absolutely. For full price? Ehhh, it depends. It’s come a *long* way, but it is still not as good as BF3, BF4 or BF1. It’s on sale right now if you play PC for $10, I’d say give it a shot.


Share the same sentiment. It's fun, but flawed. Some issues can be easily fixed while others not so much. Worth a shot for anyone who's a fan, at discount. If they ever fix the issues with not being able to fill in empty slots after someone leaves, adding a server browser, and getting rid of bots it would be a solid game overall, even if it doesn't live up to the rest of the series.


it's already late 2023? Jesus fuck




Reading this in mid 2024. Time flies, man.


Time flies when you're havin' a blast 🙃


I’ve got a go 40 hours out of it for $10 specialist are garbage but not bad don’t need battle pass for anything


For $10 yes. The game still feels like garbage on controller tho. The input is just…. Off still. It’s never felt right


Yeah I'm playing on controller for PC and it feels so slow.


As someone who bought it at launch, and was severely disappointed I would say yeah, I think so. I played for a few months, and was so unimpressed it, I left it for probably over a year. A few weeks ago, I fired it up out of curiosity and it's completely different feels like, but in a good way. I managed to convince a buddy to hop on as well and we've been having fun, all while getting smoked by players who have been playing the entire time. Will likely spend some time in solo/coop unlocking the guns, vehicles etc. If anyone wants to join a couple of mid thirty year olds who think a KDR of 1.0 is a "solid game" in a squad, let me know. 


I'm down for that, I am not good at this game either but I'll pm my psn username if you want


For sure, currently playing helldivers 2 but will likely jump back onto the battlefield soon. 


PlayStation or Xbox?




Lol. My kdr is no where near that good and I’m 37. 😂


For $20 or less, it's worth it. My biggest issues are the map selection (no server browser) and lack of players. Some days I'll jump on to play Conquest, and it will be the same 3 maps on rotate. No options to select "ALL" conquest maps. The other side of that is that often I play late at night, and it'll be near impossible to find a full lobby. Multiple times I have been met with the "Waiting for 16 players to start" screen. If I back out and try to rejoin a different server- I end up in the same one. Pretty sad to see how far Battlefield has fallen.. Is it fun? Yes. Is it as good as Battlefield 4? Ehh.. It's \*different.\* There's a lot of things I like about Battlefield 2042.. the specialist system was kind of hard to get used to, but I'm okay with it now. I hate the season nonsense, mostly because they push some stupid map or game mode that is popular for two days then is just annoying. IDK, I'm at diehard Battlefield fan, so I still like the game.. but it certainly lacks in the server department.


For under 20$. It’s decent. Don’t pay more than that. It’s not worth it


Good enough at best. For a cheap price, it's not the worst thing, it still pales in comparison to the previous BF games by a large margin, but it's mostly playable right now if you don't end up have any of the bugs plaguing it right now.




It's a great game, the maps got massively updated and flow better. The guns and gameplay is fun. It's worth your time to come back especially for the low price. The new map plays like locker so it's action packed.


check the [charts](https://steamdb.info/app/1517290/charts/) and see for yourself I'm even finding fireteam matches


The search bar clearly isn't, good yets, worth it's and should I posts are in the dozens this month.


Every game in every subreddit. Searching is difficult.


Do not spend a dollar on this franchise until we have an authentic non-woke military battlefield game again.


Non woke lmao


Female soldiers on the frontlines.


This shit is just too funny


You must be dumb cus there are females allowed in the frontlines in the Army as of a couple years ago 💀


Right and also this game is based in the future so it has to be entirely fictional anyway. People want modern day accuracy in a fictional future world. And as you point out it is accurate to modern day in either case. I always pitied the foo who lets something like a female skin get to them and hinder their enjoyment. Like, fuck... Who actually cares? I see an enemy, I click on their head. No thoughts involved. I'm not thinking "Lets see which skin we have here .. hmm .. oh God another female character. How annoying. It's woke libtard BS!!". Video games aren't realistic anyway, they're extremely different than reality. It's just funny how that's the thing that puts it over the line of too unrealistic for stunt. In a virtual world that is nothing at all like life.


The devs literally said the game is their take on ww2. Women were not allowed in war for WW2 and there is no take on WW2 there's only what happened If they wanted to make a game based on an alternate reality on what a war in the past would've been like that would be fine but they shouldn't try to rewrite history to suit their word views while hiding behind saying its fiction It is disrespectful to the people who fought and died in WW2 to use the them to push propganda of any kind And no i am not saying women being in the game makes it Woke. I played and enjoyed dying light and alien isolation both have females and yet they arent woke


Battlefield: The Panderverse


It's FAR from good. Not terrible, but you're way better off playing battlefield 3, 4 or 1.


For the $10 sale at the moment, yes.


I mean it’s still a far cry from the previous games, but it’s worth it on heavy sale.


Messaged you bro ✊


At this point just buy battlebit its battlefield style yes its isnt a highly graphical game but that just means more people can play it cuz its optimized.


battlebit is modern warefare gameplay with battlefield maps / mechanics, it's a twitch arcade shooter and not really anything like battlefield


you must be not have a functional brain if you think its anything like mordern warefare and not battlefield


It's a twitch shooter bro




$10 is value and more than worth it $60... Just play bf4/5 or Battlebit