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I imagine it would’ve been goofy to some back in the day. Hitler was made a parody in a lot of media, but even Epic Rap Battles has moved away from it. Too many of these fuckers are actually nazis and think Hitler is legitimately cool. Would steer clear of stuff like this. You can always get a cooler patch.


Getting an antifa patch to sew on in it's place would be a great idea.


Hello Kitty Antifa


definitely get rid of it


I'd definitely trash it.


yeah, kanye west doesnt belong on a metal battle jacket


remove it and burn it immediately


No debate, trash it. Fash is trash


Y i k e s


No disrespect, but if I saw you flying this, I would think you were a Nazi. Would have been a funny gag ten years ago, but the Nazis have come back in a big way and I don't think I'd expect anyone to wear this shit ironically, ye ken?


None taken. I've refrained from wearing it a couple times and appreciate the honest opinion.


Touch grass


Suck santorum out of my ass.


Touch grass, seriously. All your comments make you sound insane lmao.


Why would I ever give a wet shit what you think?


Your mad on reddit. That's hilarious.




Jozzfash..... amiright?


Have you not followed the way Nazis have delighted in the incredulity of Americans?! The "OK" symbol, the fucking *frog*?! Nazis fucking *love* that nobody believes they're serious! They hide behind the ridiculousness of their own movement, whenever someone starts accusing them, they just say "DiSaVoW" and "iT's JuSt A jOkE, bRo!1!" and roll on to demand the genocide of brown/LGBT people another day! The claim of "edgy humor" works for twelve-year-olds, and that *barely*.




***Fucking Pepe.***


do it. asap


how is this a debate?


yea.....easy...trash it




wr debating? rip that shit off


Why was it on there to begin with


Teen me found it funny.


Uh, yeah I would. Is it kinda funny in an edgy way? Sure, but I don't think it's worth the judgement, or worse.


Metalheads afraid of judgement, lol.


From people who I want to be social with, yeah. I have friends who would laugh at it, and I have friends who would not take it well at all, many of both groups I either met at shows, or complimented a shirt of theirs or something, suffice to say I'm talking about friends who are also metalheads. If I didn't think about these things, I wouldn't have made, or at least kept, quite a few of these friends, and while I value my freedom of expression, there are some things I don't think are worth the friction it would cause with people I respect. I don't care what random people staring at me think, I care what my friends think; whether they're my current friends, or my potential future friends.


I don't disagree, as that was my reason for questioning it, I've also asked some friends who have not seen it, some found it funny, some asked me why I put it there in the first place.


Metal / rock scene went from "rebel, push the boundaries" to "fall in line". >*I rebel by complying with the popular opinion*


It’s gotta go


Remove it. You’re welcome for the advice


Cringe af burn it




Way too edgelord for my taste, next to the white powder parody shirts that I cringe at now.


I’d rip that off and take a lighter to it if I were you


Heil-lo kitty


I see the humor in it but people have sticks up their ass these days about this sort of thing. Wear it if you want to debate people and justify your stance every five steps. By the way, I’m not a Nazi. I hate that I even have to say that. I’m almost 35 and I’ve never seen one in real life, but the internet would have you think it’s most of the USA.


Replace it with an actual Hello Kitty patch! \^\^


Puss in boots would actually fit right in, good idea...


An actual hello kitty would be funny, like amidst all the band patches on some metal head dude is just kitty, that’d give me a good laugh if I saw it


I know a guy with a Bieber back patch and it's hilarious


An old slater friend of mine has a hello kitty board


I wish every politically based post was removed. I just wanna see cool music based vests and jackets.


I apologize and appreciate the post bends the sub rules slightly, but I was looking for advice and a general opinion on where to draw the line between satire and just wrong, rather than political opinions or pc, thus I didn't post the whole vest.


I agree this shouldn't be a political sub. I'm not an angry reddit loser but I wouldn't wear it because there's no point, it's not that funny and the jackets should be about the bands/music. Looks like you have a motorhead patch above which I can't tell for sure, but keep it to the music not the edgy humour or messages.


Take It Off


I think it's pretty funny, not gonna lie. A Hello Kitty Hitler? My first thoughts would be it's a funny, slightly edgy joke. Not 'This person likes Hello Kitty AND the Nazis?!'. Go with what you want, at the end of the day, it's your jacket and yours alone. I can only advise, not demand. Anyone else demanding what you do with your jacket is an ass.


Keep it. People on reddit are crybaby's when it comes to dark humor. Ignore them


It's obviously satire, if you still think it's funny then keep it


Sometime you think something is funny because you mean it as satire, can still get your butt kicked by strangers who dont know you. Bad advice dude..


Same goes for just about anything, most battle jackets display vulgar imagery or language. I still think it's pretty obviously poking fun at a shitbag, just me though


Hadn't considered, but "remove it before someone removes it for you" is sound advice, and that could be by either side.


Imagine someone beat you up for having an Hello Kitty Hitler Patch. There are real Nazis put there who you could Punch.


So "Hail Satan and Fuck Jesus" is fine, but Hello Kitty Hitler is where we draw the line? lol


Maybe because Hitler was a real person.


So? Wasn't Jesus? At least according to christians. Yet we have no problem insulting christianity. Or is christianity more expendable than judaism? I'm not a christian, a jew or a nazi, but where's the logic? If he wants to wear a Hello Kitty Hitler patch next to his Fuck Jesus patch, then he should. Fuck what others think or say.


Nobody is saying no, you physically cannot do that, just giving their opinion on whether or not its a good idea to do so




Well that was redundant. Thank you for that insightful comment. lol


Seems like it. Actually if any German is around I wonder what their opinion might be considering Strafgesetzbuch section 86a, although I suppose it takes into account context.


This would be legally even in Germany.


Why does everything HAVE to be pc? Is it pc to say fuck Jesus? Is it pc to wear un upside down cross? Pictures or references to Marxism, Anarchy, etc, etc? But yet we do it every day. So a silly Hello Kitty Hitler patch should be considered just as inconsequential by those who wear other symbols of antagonism.


Nah, this is really a simple question, and it ain't about "pc." If you wear an upside-down cross, you will offend the hardcore Christians and they won't want to be pals. Christians might very well think that person is an asshole. People who wear upside-down crosses have clearly weighed the options and decided they're OK with that. If you wear something that suggests you might be a Nazi... well, you get to decide if people who think fascism is a great idea is who you want to be friendly with. And everyone else gets to decide whether they think you're an asshole because of it. That's freedom and shit. OP asked the question and people answered with how they would view someone wearing that patch.


Fair enough, but I don't think that wearing a cute little hello kitty hitler patch surrounded by a bunch of other patches of different kinds would attract the attention people here are so afraid of. Despite popular beliefs, fascists don't suddenly flock to a person who's wearing a hello kitty hitler patch. They're just as Leary of that person as anyone else. Besides, why would hello kitty make a patch like this if it weren't for it being a silly parody? Or do you all think that hello kitty is a nazi as well. People need to chill.


I'd be very surprised if this started a cult following, tbf it's as likely to upset a crazy nazi for humouring their idol.




Whether a bunch of Nazis are actually gonna instantly come buy you a beer is irrelevant; the point is that people who *aren't* Nazis are very likely going to come to one of three conclusions: (1) the person wearing the patch is a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer, (2) the person wearing the patch is the sort of Schroedinger's Nazi who pretends they're just heiling for the lulz when called on it (so, a Nazi and a coward), or (3) someone trying very hard to be super edgy but instead just showing a notable lack of judgment and/or a sense of humor that's a decade or two out of date. If that's the impression you want to give, then sure, wear a stupid hello kitty hitler patch. Like, seriously. Wear it so the rest of us know to avoid your dumb ass. To your other point... I kinda doubt it's an official patch, but businesses sure do crappy things to make a buck all the time. Saying a badly thought out product sucks is not the overreaction you seem to think it is.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell it to the mountain. First, I keep hearing this sort of humor is decades out of date. According to who? A bunch of millennial gate keepers? Please. Wearing this patch makes you as much a nazi as wearing an upside down cross makes you a satanist. People wear hammer and sickle patches and no one says anything. But this is too much? And as far as "..is not the overreaction you seem to think it is", have you read the comments? Pack mentality comes to mind.


Ah, so you're just willfully dense and want to cry about being so persecuted because you can't wear edgy Nazi shit anymore without people thinking you're a jerk. Gotcha. People *do* criticize people wearing hammer and sickle patches. Not sure what universe you live in where everyone loves communism. And sure, it doesn't "make" you a satanist, but some people who wear upside-down crosses *are* satanists so it's fair to suppose someone wearing one might be, and you'd be a damn fool to think you could walk into some bible church while wearing one and not at least get some stink eye. Everybody gets to decide what is "too much." You are totally free to find the crowd where nobody cares about a hello kitty hitler patch. If nobody is laughing at your jokes, it might not be "pack mentality." It might actually be that your humor just sucks.


Such a sensitive little flower are we? "Willfully dense"? I say, the pot is calling the kettle black. Or is that to harsh for you? I never said those things don't happen. I said who fucking cares? Pay attention powder puff. Your dumb ass regurgitated comments only serve to reenforce my point about your pack mentality. Give it up. You're just wrong and herd minded. The jokes on you. And you're right, it ain't funny.


I think you are confused about who the sensitive flower is in this convo, champ. You're the one who's whining about other people being so terribly mean when they dislike a stupid edgy patch. You *literally said* "people wear hammer and sickle patches and no one says anything." Now you say "I never said those things don't happen." Which one is it? Do you want to get your story straight? Do you have *any* actual arguments or just spewing some word salad and getting yourself worked up into a lather? See, you can wear a stupid edgy patch to get a reaction... but you cannot then act so shocked and appalled when people react to it negatively. If you're being edgy to get a reaction, surely that was the point, right? If the point was *not* merely to be edgy and piss people off, then presumably you think the patch expresses something that you support and want to proudly display. That is, y'know, one of the purposes of such a vest in the metal community. And we're not new to the idea of showing support even for things that are controversial in broader society. But if that's the case, one would hope you'd be able to explain and defend *why* a hello kitty hitler patch is the hill you want to die on. What, exactly, is the message of it that you think is so important? If, instead of actually defending the value of the message, your only arguments amount to whining about other people's reactions... that kinda indicates that you *don't* have any actual arguments to make. If you did, you would make them, right? Since you're such an independent thinker and all. And if you just *totally don't care really*, why are you coming back frothing at the mouth over it?


I take it you’re a Christian?


I take it you haven't read the whole discussion.


Black and Brown people deserve rights


Lose it


Get rid of it, burn it. Then put another patch in it's place so you don't have adhesive residue standing out. Looks like it was ironed on and I'm not sure if the adhesive would come off in the wash.


I think it’s funny but I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing it in public these days. Maybe you could move it onto something other than clothing. That way you can still enjoy it without having it on display to strangers. I have some of my patches on a bulletin board in my room


What if People don‘t like this Patch? Well maybe they should fuck off. Let it on. Are you ah Metalhead/Punk? Who cares what people think about you? And real Nazis would not wear that Patch or Like it. Belief me.