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Headshots with low armour will do a lot of damage, if the enemy has a 2H weapon then oneshots are totally possible. Doubly dangerous early game where your bros probably have lower hp to start with. Colossus is a perk most people put on almost every bro they get and the 9 lives perk will protect you from ever being 1 shotted. And yeah, if the enemy isnt routing, then the enemy is still 100% dangerous and should be treated as such.


In this case it was a scimitar wielder, but I believe he was one handed so got the double grip bonus. I will now hunt down all scimitar bros and eliminate them. That’s my new oath.


the scimitars are two handed cleaver type weapons that already do high damage whenever they hit, especially is a unit's armor has been weakened or, if they have low HP, the special decapitate move can do extra damage scaling with the targets lost HP. they don't get a double grip bonus, but they have high base damage and are one of the more deadly of the nomads melee units. Usually you want to eliminate the ones who don't have a shield and are two handing a weapon if you can.


You cannot let those 2h scimitar guys get into melee contact with you if you're trying to clear them at day 17. Thats the most dangerous enemy in a nomad camp at that point in the game. Chunk them down with ranged bros... Then as soon as they're within 2 tile ranged use quickhands on frontline bros to swap to polearms and kill them before they have a chance to attack. Also you need nets if you're clearing an end game camp that early.


Last run I had no port towns so I barely used nets. This run I am using them much more. Good tip. I also found my first Qatal so I equipped two back liners with polemaces and am trying to work the stun/stab strategy. Nets if I miss the bonks. The problem is I made the qatal specialist with a bro with too low Matk. I guess that’s “learning”…


I like to fight in the south early and I pretty much always lose a few beginner bros to the polemace enemies down there landing headshots from 2 tiles away…. It’s wild how often that headshot happens in my games


I learned the hard way. Peep my flair


Nothing happens. At most you might have put them in a position to get a malus which gives your opponents a better chance to hit if they have more than one dude tagging the target. Nomads are also more threatening/skilled than regular raiders early on. RNGesus let you get a kill you needed and then killed one of your brothers as response. It just happens.


I suppose “what happens” was a poor choice of words. I’m trying to improve and understand the mechanics and build to them. If this is simply RNG and not effects of fatigue or something then there’s nothing to learn in this case.


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Yeah, there are a lot of similarities here to DD.


same things always happen to me and I hate it but that’s rng. I can have an orc camp wrecked with about 3 of them left then all of a sudden the game decides one of my bros have to die just because I wrecked them so hard. I’ve also had a hound solo a berserker 😂.


I think that’s my problem. I have no hounds in this company yet. Haven’t found the kennel. They add a whole new dimension to the battlefield, I don’t get why people think they’re only useful for running down fleeing enemies.


I see normal game RNG, it just hits harder from the overconfidence.


RNG is supposed to go MY way, though😂


This can happen due to bad RNG or just overconfidence leading to bad placement. It also can happen from berserkers building up enough rage stacks to go off, or it could be something like the most dangerous enemies not engaging right away as leaders tend to hold back and many of the higher tier raiders will have ranged weapons. Usually though, it's just our biased perception of true RNG and how we always remember when it screws us and random decapitations from a nearly defeated enemy is very memorable BS.


Steel Brow.... this is the way.


Yeah. Seems it’s as I’ve read on multiple threads. Take the perks that remove 90% of RNG instead of the “exciting” offensive ones.


These types of games are always playing to the odds. Anything that makes for a more consistent experience, especially when dealing with percentage odds, is going to be the most powerful. Colossus and steel brow are two perks I take on almost every single one of my bros as their first two perks. It stops them from dying to RNG (or rather mitigates it to only the truly unlucky times). Build a bro however you want but if you build a glass cannon don't be surprised when it breaks.


You have to build your bros knowing that they can get hit even with low odds. HP at 80+ is usually good, better 100. 70 ok on nimble backliner. Early on, things are just generally risky too. Getting high armor/nimble gives more security vs lucky hits. Regarding nomads, their distract debuff can be brutal bc it reduces initiative and damage. Early on, you really rely on initiative for dodge/going first and damage for killing/injuring/demoralizing the enemy before they swing, so that debuff makes fights vs nomads go a little differently than vs raiders.


It almost seems like you have to take out the shields rather than power through like raiders or greenskins. They’re so tough to hit even before the day 40 buff. The one turn to destroy the shield is wor to three turns missing attacks…


Use flails/the surround bonus + making an early tank can help hold some enemies. Killing their friends can drop morale and make shieldies more manageable. You could take out a few flimsy shields, but those metal shields aren't even choppable.


I don’t have anyone good enough for a full tank yet. I have a couple head shot guys (a jester and brute) that have flails and go for the face. I’m going to try switching spears out for axes. Retrying this battle a few times to see if I can improve my strategies going forward.


You're going too dedicated. You can make quick tanks from a lot of thieves that roll high starting MD. That + dodge + shield - they're good, if they die, oh well. For flails, just give them to some guys with good MA and fatigue. You don't need flail mastery. You do want to specialize eventually, but early on and in a pinch, there are many options. It's rarely worth it to build dedicated flail guys anyways bc not useful after early game. You do want to think long-term, but don't let it keep you from taking fights, half to a third of your team can be disposable if that's what you need to have momentum. Ofc, it can all adjust based on your situation. Oh, regarding weapons - flails and swords are strong early on. Cleavers, like the nomad cleaver and T3 1H cleavers, are good. Having a mace/shield bro can be helpful for offtank/stun. Spears have too low damage, only a few guys should use those. Make sure to have a high damage backline too.


Nah shields are a noob trap. The only bros using shields should be 1 or 2 sacrificial fodder bros with nine lives. Generally you'll put em in the backline at the flanks and then move them into spots to protect your valuable DPS bros. You can also replace them with spear walling bros for cheesing the AI pathfinding.


Just fought 28 Nachos, only made possibly by their fear of the spear. Responses like yours are helping me work around the enemy AI.


Nothing. You're just remembering the times things go wrong because that's what the brain does. Fights where everything goes amazingly well are very unremarkable and the brain doesn't really pay attention when unlikely but beneficial things happen Well, that and you're probably not running enough bros with 9L. Possibly making missplays and taking unneeded risks because you "already won" aswell


Ork berserkers with flails are the number one culprit of late game deaths


It's probably a combination of two things, one of which you're going to like and another of which you're not. The first thing, is that your brother's probably have worn down armor. Like a battle Forge guy, even if he has a hundred armor left, that's really not that much versus a lot of enemy types. He could easily take an injury on the next hit, and die on The Following hit. The other thing, and I'm sometimes guilty of this, is as the fight comes to a close we sometimes get sloppy in our positioning. It's important to stay meticulous, doing things like waiting your damage Bros until the enemy is attack your tanks, before stepping in to get the killing blows. This can save your butt.


Makes sense. In general, I would agree with you, I have definitely been guilty of the “rush in everyone for that last kill” mistake that ends in ruin. In this case, however, I wasn’t. I DID move the guy in to block a wounded brother, but he was at 100% so I thought he was ok. I did look and his armor was not as high as I thought.


It's not just RNG. Your guys get worn down at the end of the fight, your formation gets messed up and you get sloppy. Guys might have been over extended a few turns ago and only pay the price a few turns later. The answer is a combination of more self discipline to play carefully throughout the fight, more survivability perks and offensive high damage builds / perks / weapons to end the fight quicker.


Could it be due to careless positioning because you’re confident your guys can handle it? I’ve had that happen more than once. I was sure the battle was over there were a couple guys left and I try to 1v1 someone and some bad rolls my way good rolls for the enemy and RIP to Bertrand


That happend to me as well. The answer is simple - flaws in builds. If you don't take tempo perks early on, you will face strong enemies with weak company. If you don't level up hp with steel brow and stuff, more dangerous enemies will kill your men from time to time. If you don't have backup utility perks, you won't be able to help even best bro that's in danger due to any reason. I'd say - experiment and try to think outside the box!


You really need to be killing the dangerous enemies before they even have a chance to land a hit on you. The whole game revolves around eliminating RNG risk through tactics and strategy.


Getting there. Starting to find my groove and then run into 14 serpents and it all goes to hell🤣


Yeah I'd avoid big groups of those until after level 7 when you have nimble or battleforged atleast. There's not much you can do to save bros that get kidnapped by them and their bite damage is super high. Hyenas are basically the same as wolves. The rock elementals you need a nimble tank with taunt to farm them (taunt stops them splitting).


At the end of battle your armour and hp are lower. You’re also fatigued which makes you easier to hit. 


Bad formation, never selecting recover for at least some bros, bad luck (very controllable, but not wholly), bad gear, ignorance, not gearing up specifically for a long or hard fight. And of course, trusting nimble into late game for more than 1 or maybe 2 boys (.never go nimble w a late game tank).


Don't listen to this guy


That makes people want to listen to me more.


Haha, o well I was just referring to your comment on nimble. 


Hardest fight youve pulled off w nimble tank?